5 Ways to Identify Subject Predicate of a Sentence Class 4

Enhance your child’s grammar proficiency with our specialized resource on “5 Ways to Identify Subject and Predicate of a Sentence Class 4. Learn the essential techniques to distinguish the subject and predicate in sentences effortlessly and understand fundamental grammar concepts.

Subject and Predicate

A sentence has two parts-a noun part and a verb part. The noun part is called the subject and the verb part is called the predicate.

5 points for identifying the subject of a sentence

Identifying the subject of a sentence involves recognizing the entity or person that performs the action or about whom something is stated. Here are five points to help you identify the subject, along with examples:

1. Performing the Action:

Example: The cat chased the mouse. (The cat is the subject because it is acting chasing.)

2. Being Described or Modified:

Example: Tall trees lined the path. (Tall trees are the subject as they are being described about the path.)

3. Receiving the Action:

Example: The book was read by Mary. (Mary is the subject as she is the one acting reading, even though it’s in a passive construction.)

4. Existence or Presence:

Example: There is a rainbow in the sky. (There is the subject indicating the existence of a rainbow.)

5. Connection or Linking:

Example: The flowers in the vase are red. (The flowers are the subject as it is connected to the state of being red.)


3 points for identifying the predicate of a sentence

Identifying the predicate of a sentence involves recognizing the part that contains the action or what the subject is doing. Here are three key points for identifying the predicate, along with examples:

Action or Verb:

Example: She played the piano. (The predicate is “played the piano,” where “played” is the action or verb.)

What is Stated about the Subject:

Example: The cake was delicious. (The predicate is “was delicious,” stating something about the subject, the cake.)

Time, Place, Manner, or Circumstances:

Example: They went to the park yesterday. (The predicate includes “went to the park yesterday,” providing additional information about when the action took place.)

Understanding Subject and Predicate in a Table

Identifying the subject and the predicate is crucial for understanding the focus or main element of a sentence.

Look at the following examples.

SentenceSubject (the part with the noun)Predicate (the part with the verb)
The dog barks.The dog (naming)barks.(doing)
This yellow flower is beautiful.This yellow floweris beautiful.
I am going home.Iam going home.
Ankit is singingAnkitis singing.

What is the subject of a sentence

The subject tells us whom or what the sentence is about. The subject can be

1. one word, (Ankit)

2. a group of words, (The dog; This yellow flower)

3. or a pronoun. (I)

What is the predicate of a sentence

The predicate tells us what the subject is or does. The predicate can be

1. one word, (barks)

2. or, a group of words. (is beautiful; am going home; is singing)


In most sentences, the subject comes first. The subject comes after the verb in interrogative sentences (or questions).

  1. Is Ankit singing?
  2. Are you going out?

All Lessons Class 4:

Lesson 1: NounLesson 10: The Present Continuous Tense 
Lesson 2: Countable and Uncountable NounsLesson 11: The Prast Tense 
Lesson 3: GenderLesson 12: The Future Tense 
Lesson 4: PronounsLesson 13: Adverbs
Lesson 5: ArticlesLesson 14: Prepositions
Lesson 6: Possessive AdjectivesLesson 15: Conjunctions
Lesson 7: Order of AdjectivesLesson 16: Subject Verb Agreement
Lesson 8: Degrees of AdjectivesLesson 17: Subject and Predicate
Lesson 9: The Present TenseLesson 18: Punctuation Marks

Subject Predicate of a Sentence Class 4 Worksheets

Worksheet 1

A. Underline the subject nouns and circle the verbs in the following sentences, Write them in the correct spaces.

1. Davidis drinking lemonade.

Noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

2. This phone is not working

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

3. Shruti plays the violin very well.

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

4. My school bus did not come to pick me up today.

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

5. Learning grammar is so much fun.

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

6. Cycling is one of my favourite pastimes.

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

7. Where are you going this weekend?

noun: …………………………….

verb: …………………………….

8. Will I play for the squash team this year?

noun: …………………………….

Worksheet 2

B Draw a line between the subjects and the predicates in the following sentences.

1. Sally/finished the whole chocolate box.

2. My best friend Akash sings very well.

3. The lake near my house is getting more polluted every day.

4. This book has very colourful pictures.

5. Sonal, Monali and Ahuja are travelling to Dharamsala next week.

6. Bihu is a form of traditional dance.

7. I have got sandwiches for lunch today.

8. Divyansh/is attending trials for the football team tomorrow.

Worksheet 3

C. Write the predicates of your own choice for the following subjects. 

1. Some people …………………………………………..

2. The colour red …………………………………………..

3. The banyan tree near my house …………………………………………..

4. The Amber Fort in Jaipur …………………………………………..

5. I …………………………………………..

6. The rain …………………………………………..

7. Love …………………………………………..

8. The Annual Day event …………………………………………..

Worksheet 4

D. Write the subjects of your own choice for the following predicates to complete the sentences.

1. ………………………………………….. ran away. 

2. ………………………………………….. are running.

3. ………………………………………….. broke her tooth.

4. ………………………………………….. has an exam today.

5. …………………………………………..  dances very well.

6. ………………………………………….. won the match and the championship

7. ………………………………………….. got broken yesterday.

8. ………………………………………….. can fly.

Worksheet 5

E. Look at the following sentences and their subject and predicate parts. Write sentences using the following subjects. Then write sentences using the following predicates.

1. The yellow cab1. is running on the street.
2. My cat2. drank the milk.
3. My best friend and I3. like to play football.
4. My parents4. love dancing.

Worksheet 6

F Identify the subjects and predicates in the following passage. Write them in the correct columns.

Ansh is making a mango milkshake for himself. A mango milkshake is Ansh’s favorite summer drink. It is also very easy to make. First, the mangoes are washed and peeled. Then, Ansh chops the mangoes into small pieces. All the mango pieces are then transferred to the blender. At this point, Ansh adds milk and sugar to the blender too. The mixture is blended for a few seconds. It is transferred to a glass with ice cubes. Ansh’s fresh glass of mango milkshake is ready!


FAQs on Identifying the Subject Predicate of a Sentence Class 4

Q1: What is the significance of learning to identify the subject and predicate in a sentence for Class 4 students?

A1: Understanding the subject and predicate is foundational to constructing meaningful sentences. It lays the groundwork for effective communication, enabling Class 4 students to express themselves clearly and comprehend more complex language structures.

Q2: How can I make the learning process engaging for my Class 4 child when teaching them about subjects and predicates?

A2: Incorporate interactive activities, such as sentence-building games, short stories, and visual aids. These methods can make the learning experience enjoyable and memorable, fostering a positive attitude towards language skills.

Q3: Are there any mnemonic devices or tricks to help Class 4 students remember the difference between subjects and predicates?

A3: Yes, consider introducing mnemonic devices or catchy phrases. For example, “The subject is who or what; the predicate’s what they do or what’s done to them.” Creating memorable associations can aid in retention.

Q4: Are there real-life examples that Class 4 students can relate to when practicing subject and predicate identification?

A4: Yes, use examples from daily life, like “The cat (subject) chased the ball (predicate),” to relate the concept to familiar scenarios. Real-life examples make the learning experience more relatable and practical.

Q5: How can parents or educators assess a Class 4 student’s proficiency in identifying subjects and predicates?

A5: Employ a variety of assessment methods, including quizzes, interactive exercises, and observation during verbal communication. Encourage students to construct their sentences, applying their knowledge in practical scenarios.