Virtually True Questions Answers for CBSE Class 10 (2024-2025)

Virtually True Questions Answers for Class 10 CBSE provides important questions and answers with detailed explanations. Get comprehensive solutions to all textual questions for CBSE 2024-2025. Perfect study material for Class 10 students aiming for success in exams.


“Virtually True” by Paul Stewart is a science fiction story about a boy named Michael who discovers that he can interact with characters from a virtual reality game called Wildwest. The story begins when Michael reads a news article about a boy, Sebastian Shultz, who had been in a coma. Michael realizes that he unknowingly played several virtual reality games with Sebastian, trying to save him in these digital worlds. Eventually, they succeed, and Sebastian wakes from his coma, blending the lines between virtual reality and real life. The story explores themes of technology, virtual reality, and friendship.

Virtually True Questions Answers from Page 84 – 87 (Textual)

Virtually True Questions and Answers from pages 84-87 in the Literature Reader: A Textbook for English Course (Communicative) CBSE provide detailed explanations of key aspects of the story, helping Class 10 students grasp important concepts and enhance their understanding for CBSE exams

Virtually True Questions Answers On Page 84

A.  Answer the following questions.

1. According to the newspaper, what had happened to Sebastian Shultz? CBSE 2012

Ans: According to the newspaper, Sebastian Shultz, a 14-year-old schoolboy from South London, had awoken from a coma which doctors had feared would last forever. Six weeks ago, he was badly injured in a motorway accident and was brought to the hospital in critical condition.

2. ‘Dad’s nutty about computers’. What evidence is there to support this statement?
OR, How do we know that Michael’s father was fascinated by computers? CBSE 2018

Ans: Michael’s dad was crazy about computers. He had a Pentium 150 Mhz processor, with 256 MB of RAM, a 1.2 Gb hard disk drive and 16X speed CD-ROM, complete with speakers, printers, modem and scanner, which could probably do everything. He could not resist any of the new gadgets or gizmos that came to the market.

3. In what way did the second game seem very real?

Ans. In the second game called ‘Dragonquest’, the players assumed the role of a knight and tried to save the princess. It seemed real because the narrator received a message from Sebastian to help him. Moreover, it was in continuation of the first game ‘Wildwest’. All through the game the narrator could feel and hear, and even smell the evil dragon following in close pursuit.

4. The last game has tanks, jeeps, helicopters and guns. What heading would you put this and the other games under?

Ans. The last game and other games can be put under the heading of interactive, virtual reality games also called psycho-drive games. In these games, the player becomes a part of the action and usually plays the part of a hero or a good guy whose job is to eliminate the evil forces and rescue someone from such forces.

5. What was Michael’s theory about how Sebastian had entered the games?

Ans, Michael believed that at the time of the accident, Sebastian was using his laptop to play one of the same psycho-drive games that the narrator had. He was plugged into the computer when he banged his head in the accident, and the computer saved his memory into its own. Moreover, the computer games that narrator bought at the computer fair belonged to Shultz and were stolen from the hospital.

Virtually True Questions Answers On Page 84-85

B Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

I didn’t even bother to read the rules of Jailbreak before going in. I knew that my task would be to rescue the boy. And sure enough, my cell mate was prisoner 02478: Shultz.

‘I’ve got to get out of here,’ Sebastian sighed. ‘Are you going to help?’

‘Of course,’ I said. ‘Have you got a plan?’

Stupid question. With the help of a skeleton swipe-card, we were soon out of the cell and racing down the corridors. Sirens wailed, guard dogs howled, boots came tramping. Behind us, steel-barred doors slammed shut. We doged the guards, we fled the dogs, we made it to a staircase and pounded upwards.

1. What can be inferred about Michael from his words, ‘I knew my task?

A. confidence
B. negligence
C. resolution
D. superiority

Ans. A. Confidence

2. What is the given extract about?

(a) Planning an escape
(b) Concluding an escape plan
(c) Success of an escape
(d) The progression of an escape

Ans. (d) The progression of an escape

3. Pick the option that DOES NOT use the word ‘dodging’ as utilised in the extract.

(a) He is filling a worksheet of dodging tables.
(b) The senator was dodging questions about the crime.
(c) He ran across the road, dodging the traffic.
(d) The toddler laughed as his mother was dodging the pillows flung at her.

Ans. (a) He is filling a worksheet of dodging tables.

4. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.

(1) The boys raced down the corridors.
(2) Michael got a clear plan for the escape.

(a) (2) is the reason for (1)
(b) (1) is the reason of (2)
(c) (1) and (2) are not connected
(d) (2) is possible only because of (1)

Ans. (a) (2) is the reason for (1)

5. Cite an example of personification from the extract.

Ans: Sirens wailed

Virtually True Questions Answers On Page 85

3 Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) Why did the news of the ‘miracle recovery’ shock Michael?

Ans. Michael was shocked after reading the ‘miracle recovery story because the name of the person who recovered was Sebastian Shultz, whom he thought he knew. Sebastian was

his companion in the psycho-drive games. As Michael succeeded in saving him, Sebastian also recovered. Michael thought that Shultz in the game and Shultz in the hospital were actually the same person.

(b) Michael’s meeting with Sebastian Shultz had been a chance meeting. Where had it taken place and how?

Ans. Michael and Sebastian met in a psycho-drive computer game, “Wildwest’. It had been a chance meeting because Sebastian’s memory was saved to that game. They would probably never have met if Sebastian had not met with the accident. Further, in the game Micheal played the role of a sheriff who has an altercation with black-eyed Jed when he was going to meet him out of saloon. Before he could go, he saw another sheriff but different from computer images. This situation also shows that it was a chance meeting.

(c) What kind of computers fascinated Michael and his dad? Why?

Ans. Michael and his dad were fascinated with computers which had the latest updates and could do almost everything like paint, play music, create displays and many more. They liked such software because they were crazy about it.

(d) Describe the first place where Michael was virtually transported.

Ans. The first place where Michael was virtually transported was a completely dusty track through the centre of a town. He had a sheriff’s badge pinned to his shirt. It was the virtual reality game ‘Wildwest’. There he went to the saloon and was challenged to a duel by ‘Black-Eyed Jed’.

(e) What help did Sebastian Shultz ask Michael for? How did he convey this message?

Ans. Sebastian Shultz sent a message through a computer printout to Michael. It read, ‘I’M STUCK. PLEASE HELP TO RETRIEVE ME. TRY ‘DRAGONQUEST’. Sebastian Shultz.’ He was stuck in the games and asked Michael to play further to help him out from there.

(f) Why did Michael fail in rescuing Sebastian Shultz the first time?

Ans. Michael was unable to save Sebastian the first time because, when both of them were trying to escape the chase on a horse, Sebastian was shot dead by the enemies while running.

(g) The second attempt to rescue Sebastian Shultz too was disastrous. Give reasons.

Ans. The second attempt made by Michael to save Sebastian went in vain. Shultz and Michael went down the staircase and secret passages with sword drawn and took refuge in sudden a dragon appears at the end of the comidor and a dungeon. This turns out to be a fatal mistake as all of a Swoops on Sebastian. Sebastian tries his best to kill it, bu fails and gets killed.

(h) Narrate the accident that injured Sebastian Shultz.

Ans. Six weeks before the ‘miracle recovery story was published, Sebastian Shultz was badly injured in a and spun off the road when the driver suddenly applied motorway accident. Apparently, the motorcar had skiddes brakes. His condition was declared to be critical though stable by the doctors. Despite the doctor’s efforts, he was unable to gain consciousness and had slipped into a state of coma.

(i) How had Sebastian Shultz entered the games?

Ans. Sebastian was playing psycho-drive games on his laptop when the motorway accident occurred. His head hit the laptop when he was being tumbled around in the car and the computer saved his memory into it’s own. After that, he appeared in the games which he himself had been playing on his laptop before the accident.

(j) How was Sebastian Shultz’s memory stored on Michael’s disk? How did Michael discover that?
Or How did Sebastian’s memory stored on a disk end up on Michael’s computer? How had Sebastian Shultz entered the games? CBSE 2012

Ans. Sebastian had been plugged into the computer when he banged his head during the accident on the motorway and the computer had saved his memory in its own memory. Michael discovered the fact when Mr. Shultz stated that they were off to stock up on some games and, while they were in the hospital, the lot was stolen, which landed in a computer fair from where Michael and his dad had purchased them. The games had Sebastian’s consciousness stored in them. Michael also discovered that the weird versions of the games he was drawn into had been attempts to retrieve Sebastian’s memory. He had to play four games to save Sebastian and was lucky only in the fourth one.

Virtually True Questions Answers On Page 86

4 Sebastian Shultz had a close brush with death. After he recovers, he returns to school and narrates his experience to his classmates. As Sebastian Shultz, narrate your experience.

Ans. Hello everybody! I am back and I am very happy to see all of you once again. It’s been six weeks, but for me it seems a matter of yesterday. I understand that all of you would like to know what actually happened and I was being driven in my car on a motorway. I was as usual busy on my computer, playing games. Therefore, I could not observe the road and the traffic, relying totally on my driver. He was driving smoothly when suddenly a lomy overtook us and was rushing at a great speed.

The accident actually occurred when another lorry, in a bid to overtake the lorry going ahead, hit my car There was a big bang and my driver lost control for a second The car skidded and spun off the road when the driver suddenly applied brakes. After that, I don’t remember anything It’s only after I recovered that I came to know how I was brought to the hospital I was told that I had slipped into a coma and only a miracle had brought me back. Another miraculous thing happened to me Accidently, my memory entered my games when I banged my head on my laptop. The games were stolen from the hospital and landed in the Computer Fair. Michael, who bought them, rescued me. be back after the harrowing time spent virtually. He is my saviour. I am planning to meet him soon. It’s great to

5 Continue the story.

Will Michael and Sebastian Shultz meet in real life? Will they be friends? Will they try to re-enter the virtual world together? You may use the following hints 

  • How the accident occurred
  • Transfer of memory
  • Meeting with Michael
  • Appeals for help
  • Rescue and recovery

Well, Michael and Sebastian can meet in real life. After reading the ‘miracle recovery’ story and realising Sebastian is the same person with whom he had been playing, Michael took Sebastian’s address from the authorities of the hospital where Sebastian was admitted. A meeting was fixed up where Michael and Sebastian became friends. Michael at that meeting let Sebastian know what he had gone through. After listening to Michael, Sebastian could connect his recovery through Michael’s win in the computer game and became obliged to him. Now, they will try to enter the virtual world together and experience other games and levels which will also help them to strengthen their relationship.

6 Put the following sentences in a sequential order to complete the story.

(a) Sebastian Shultz was badly injured in a motorway accident and went into a coma.
(b) Sebastian’s memory was saved in the computer when
he banged his head on it during the accident.
(c) When Michael played the game, he entered Sebastian’s memory.
(d) Michael bought the latest psycho-drive games from the Computer Fair.
(e) Sebastian Shultz was the second sheriff in the game “Wildwest’,
(f) Michael pulled Sebastian into the helicopter and the screen flashed a score of 40,000,000,
(g) Sebastian requested Michael to try ‘Jailbreak’.
(h) Michael failed to save the boy who fell through the air,
(i) Sebastian thought the helicopter was the right idea and they should go into ‘Warzone’.
(i) The games were stolen from Shultz’s house.
(k) Sebastian thanks Michael for saving his life and asks him to keep the games.

Ans. The correct sequential order for the complete story is: a, b. j. d. c. e. g. h. i. f. k

Virtually True Questions Answers On Page 87


7 Do you think it is a true story? Could it happen to you one day? Here are some opinions about computer games in general.
  • Encourage sedentary lifestyle 
  • Too much time is wasted]
  • Negative impact on health
  • Psychological imbalance
  • The games are addictive
  • Reduce social skills
  • Promote violence and aggression 
  • Detach one from reality

Ans. No, I do not believe it to be a true story, because in real life your memory can never be transferred to a computer after banging your head with it. All this is simple imagination, where a person wants to see and do what he wishes to do, overlooking the reality.

8 Do you think these opinions are biased? Write an article entitled “Virtual games are a reality’.


Virtual Game are a Reality

by Abinash Baivab

The virtual world or cyberspace is an environment using computer technology to create a simulated, three-dimensional world that a user can explore while feeling as if he were in that world. In a virtual reality environment, the user experiences the feeling of being inside and a part of that world. He/She is also able to interact with the environment in meaningful ways. However, some psychologists are concerned that virtual reality games could psychologically affect a player.

They suggest that these games place a player in violent situations, particularly as the perpetuator of violence, and could result in the user becoming desensitised. Some psychologists also believe that these games can lead to cyber addiction. Another rising concern is about criminal acts. Studies indicate that people can have real physical and emotional reactions to stimuli within a virtual game. Thus, it is quite possible that a victim of a virtual attack could feel real ernotional trauma. Can the attacker be punished for causing real-life distress? We don’t have answers to these questions yet.

Virtually True Questions Answers Extract-based

Virtually True extract-based Questions and Answers focus on key excerpts from the story, testing students’ understanding of important events, characters, and themes. These questions help Class 10 CBSE students practice critical analysis and improve their comprehension skills.

Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions

1.  At a press conference, Mrs Shultz said, “The doctors were doing all they could, but in our hearts we knew we needed a miracle.” CBSE 2012

(a) Which word in the extract is a means the same as ‘an extraordinary and welcome event’?

(b) Why did they need a miracle?

(c) Did the miracle happen? How?

(d) What had happened to make them require a miracle?

Ans. (a) The word is ‘miracle’.

(b) They needed a miracle to bring out Sebastian from a coma.

(c) The miracle happened after Michael was able to save Sebastian in a virtual game.

(d) Mrs. Shultz’s son, Sebastian, had met with an accident on the motorway and his head had been badly injured in the accident, due to which he had gone into a coma.

2. It all started a month ago. Dad and I had spent the entire Saturday afternoon at the Computer Fair.

(a) What is meant by ‘Fair’?

(b) What started a month ago?

(c) What does the speaker have a keen interest in?

(d) Why did they spend Fair? CBSE 2015

OR (a) Who is the speaker?

I so much time at the Computer

(b) Why had the speaker and his father gone to the Computer Fair?

(c) What does the word ‘entire’ mean?

(d) What keenly interests the speaker? CBSE 2017

Ans. (a) ‘Fair’ means exhibition here.

(b) A month ago, Michael became passionately involved in playing psycho-drive games on his father’s computer.

(c) The speaker has a keen interest in computers and in playing the latest games on them.

(d) They spent a lot of time at the Computer Fair because both Michael and his father were fascinated by the various computerised gadgets coming in the market.

OR (a) The speaker is Michael Shultz, the narrator.

(b) The speaker and his father had gone to the Computer Fair because the speaker’s father couldn’t resist any of the new gadgets that came in the market and wanted to find out what was new.

(c) The word ‘entire’ means ‘full’.

(d) Computers and playing games on them keenly interest the speaker.

3.  “I’ve got to get out of here,” Sebastian sighed. “Are you going to help?” “Of course,” said.

(a) Who is ‘I’ referred to in the last line?

(b) What do you understand about the mentality of the second person?

(c) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘moaned’?

(d) From where does the second person want to get out?

Ans. (a) ‘I’ in the last line refers to Michael.

(b) The second person is ready to help Sebastian.

(c) The word is ‘sighed’.

(d) The second person, Sebastian Shultz, wants to get out from the prison in the game ‘Jailbreak’.

4. “That was my Ideal’ Said Sebastian excitedly. “If only it would go a bit faster.

(a) The word ……… in the extract is the antonym of ‘dejectedly’.

(b) What ‘idea’ is Sebastian talking about?

(c) When were these words spoken?

(d) Which game is Micheal playing?

Ans. (a) excitedly

(b) The idea of calling the helicopter for escape from the prison is being referred to here.

(c) These words were spoken when Sebastian and Michael were on the roof of the jail.

(d) Micheal is playing the game ‘Jailbreak’.

5. At least, that was what I thought then. Now I knew that Sebastian Shultz, the boy from the game, really did exist. I’d seen the proof in the newspaper. CBSE 2013

(a) What had Michael thought earlier?

(b) What had Michael seen in the newspaper?

(c) Which word in the extract means the same as ‘validation’?

(d) After what event did Michael start thinking these thoughts?

Ans. (a) Michael had thought earlier that Sebastian Shultz was just a character in the game.

(b) Michael had seen the proof of the existence of the boy from the game in the newspaper. There was an article on his miraculous recovery.

6. Scrolling down the article I found a possible explanation.

(a) Who is ‘T’ in the given extract?

(b) Which article is mentioned here?

(c) What do you mean by ‘scrolling’?

(d) Where was ‘T’ when he found the ‘possible explanation’?

Ans. (a) T in the given extract refers to Michael Dawson.

(b) The article mentioned here is the newspaper article describing the recovery of Sebastian Shultz from coma.

(c) Scrolling is the action of moving the eyes up or down.

(d) Michael was browsing the internet on his computer in which the article on Sebastian Shultz’s miraculous recovery from coma had been reported.

7.  ‘It was while we were in the hospital, someone stole the lot. I don’t know what happened to them.’ CBSE 2012

(a) The word ‘… ‘ is a synonym of ‘robbed’.

(b) What had been stolen? 

(c) What did Michael guess from the statement?

(d) Who said these words?

Ans. (a) stole

(b) Sebastian’s psycho-drive games had been stolen.

(c) Michael guessed that how Sebastian’s games had landed in the Computer Fair where he bought them.

(d) Sebastian Shultz said these words, as reported by a newspaper.

8.  I said quietly. “They ended up at the Computer Fair. And we bought them.’

(a) What do you mean by ‘ended up’?

(b) What are ‘they’ referred to here?

(c) How did ‘they’ end up at the Computer Fair?

(d) Who is the speaker here?

Ans. (a) ‘Ended up’ means ‘finally reached’.

(b) ‘They’ are the psycho-drive games which Michael and his father had bought from the Computer Fair.

(c) Someone stole the CDs of the psycho-drive games from the hospital where Sebastian was lying in a coma and they were then sold at the fair.

(d) The speaker here is Michael Dawson, who rescued Sebastian Shultz in the computer game and brought him out from a coma.

Virtually True Questions Answers Extra Short Type

Virtually True Extra Short Type Questions and Answers offer concise responses to key points in the story, ideal for quick revision. These questions help Class 10 CBSE students reinforce their understanding of the plot, characters, and main themes efficiently.

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

1 What news about Sebastian Shultz did Michael see in the newspaper? CBSE 2012

Ans. The news was that Sebastian Shultz, a 14-year-old boy from South London, had been badly injured in a motorway accident and had gone into a coma six weeks ago. His mother hoped that one day her son would be well and only a miracle could save him. According to the newspaper, Sebastian Shultz had now awoken from coma.

2 What did Mrs Shultz say at a press conference? Did that miracle happen?

Ans. Despite doctor’s efforts, Sebastian Shultz could not regain consciousness. The doctors feared that he would forever remain in coma. At a press conference, Mrs. Shultz said that she hoped that a miracle would save their son Sebastian. Yes, that miracle took place. Sebastian Shultz came out from his coma.

3 Why was Sebastian Shultz’s recovery called a miracle?

Ans. Sebastian Shultz’s recovery was called a miracle because, due to his accident, doctors feared that he would remain in coma forever. They had failed to find any trace of memory in his brain. So, when he regained consciousness and his memory it was called a miracle.

4 What sort of person was Michael’s dad? CBSE 2016

Ans. Michael’s dad was a gadget freak and a tech-savvy person. He could not resist any of the new gadgets or gizmos that came to the market. He had got the latest computer system with all accessories.

5 Why had Michael and his father gone to the Computer Fair? CBSE 2013

Ans. Michael and his father had gone to the Computer Fair as technology was advancing everyday and Michael’s dad could not resist any of the new gadgets or gizmos that came in the market. Both of them were fascinated by the latest and fastest computers available.

6 What did Michael and his father buy at the Computer Fair?

Ans. Michael and his dad bought a few things from the fair like the virtual reality visor and glove and a few of the latest interactive psycho-drive games.

7 What was the aim of the game, ‘Dragonquest’? of CBSE 2017, 12

Ans. The aim of the game Dragonquest was to rescue the fair princess, Aurora, from the wicked dragon. She was imprisoned at the top of a tall tower. The players also had to collect treasures along the way.

8  How did Sebastian and Michael run away from the dragon? Why was their attempt not successful?

Ans. To run away from the dragon, Sebastian chopped off the princes’s two long plaits and tied them together, fixed one end round the bedpost and threw the other end out of the window. They jumped out of the window with the dragon behind them in close pursuit. They could not escape from the dragon as it suddenly appeared in front of them and sprang upon Sebastian.

9  Why was Michael disappointed at the close of ‘Jailbreak’ and how did he reconcile himself?

Ans. After the game ‘Jailbreak’ was over, Michael was very disappointed. He felt very bad as he could not save Sebastian Shultz. It was only later that he realised that the Sebastian, who could not be rescued was not real. He, thus reconciled himself as Sebastian Shultz was just a character in the game.

10  How did Michael hit the jackpot and finally crack the game?

Ans. Michael was finally successful in saving Sebastian Shultz in the game “Warzone’. He was able to pull him up to the helicopter which soon soared up into the sky. The game was over and the screen flashed a score of 40000000. He had, thus, hit the jackpot and finally cracked the game.

11 How did Michael save Sebastian in the last game? CBSE 2015

or How did the narrator happen to crack the video game? CBSE 2012

Ans. Michael’s success in the last game was a matter of sheer luck. The force caused by the crash between the tank and the jeep threw Sebastian out of the jeep just below the hatch of the helicopter, from where he was pulled up by Michael.

12  How was Shultz finally rescued by Michael? CBSE 2016

Ans. Shultz was finally rescued by Michael in the game ‘Warzone’. This time Michael managed to get into the helicopter while Sebastian was stuck in the jeep. As the tank hit the jeep, he

was thrown up in the air, and landed just below the hatch. Michael pulled him up and the helicopter soared into the sky carrying both of them.

13  How had Sebastian’s games landed in the Computer Fair?

Ans. When Sebastian met with a car accident, he hit his head on the computers on which he was playing his games. Later, when he was admitted in a hospital, all the game discs were

stolen from Sebastian’s family and ended up in the Computer Fair, from where Michael bought the games.

14  How did Sebastian Shultz communicate with Michael? What did he say in his last message? CBSE 2014

Or What did Sebastian write in the final e-mail he sent to Michael? CBSE 2015

Ans. Sebastian Shultz communicated with Michael through computer printouts. His last message was sent through an e-mail. In it, Sebastian had thanked Michael for saving his life.

He also expressed a wish to meet Michael soon in real life. Besides, he wanted Michael to keep the games as he had earned them.

15  ‘A real message from the real Sebastian Shultz’, says Michael. What does he mean by this? CBSE 2014

Ans. Michael had always met Sebastian as a character in his games. All his messages so far had also been in the form of computer printouts. However, his last message to Michael was

an e-mail sent by the real Sebastian, not a character in the virtual world of psycho-drive computer games.

Virtually True Questions Answers Long Type

Virtually True Long Type Questions and Answers provide detailed explanations of the story’s events, themes, and character motivations. These comprehensive answers help Class 10 CBSE students develop a deeper understanding of the text for exams and assignments.

Answer the following questions in 150 words.

1.  What was the real message to Michael by the real Sebastian Shultz? Briefly describe how the writer has tried to convey certain values through this message.

Ans. The real Sebastian Shultz communicated with Michael through an e-mail. Sebastian thanked Michael for saving his life. He expressed his wish to meet Michael soon in real life. Besides that, he wanted Michael to keep the games since he had earned them. The writer has tried to convey the value of being grateful towards others. Sebastian expressed his gratitude in form of the e-mail he wrote. Sebastian’s rescue from the games was only possible due to the teamwork and coordination that both Michael and Sebastian showed while playing the game.

It was their teamwork that had won. Moreover, it led to the beginning of a new friendship. There developed a bond between themselves and Sebastian was ready to share his games with Michael. Though the games belonged to Sebastian Shultz, he did not want them back and instead asked Michael to keep them as he had earned them. This shows his selfless nature. The writer, thus, brings out the values of gratitude, teamwork and selflessness through the characters in the story.

2.  In what sense can we call Michael a true gentleman? CBSE 2019

Ans. Michael was indeed a true gentleman. He was a very kind-hearted guy who loved adventure, fights, war, pursuits and other violent games. Michael was more mature than his age and unlike other children, he was a computer freak. He was moved by the psycho-driven games and that made him forget the reality. Once, he received an email from one of the characters named Sebastian for help. Even though, he does not know him, he decides to help and plays as many games as Sebastian suggests. He plays the game until the end and saves him even though he does not know him. He never looked for his personal benefits.

FAQs on Virtually True Questions Answers Class 10

Read the most asked questions from the story, “Virtually True” for class 10 and get the answers as well.

Question: What is the moral of the story virtually true?

Answer: The moral of Virtually True is that technology can blur the lines between reality and fantasy, but human connection, friendship, and helping others are important in both worlds. It also highlights the idea of perseverance, as Michael keeps trying to save Sebastian despite multiple failures.

Question:What does “virtually true” mean?

Answer: “Virtually true” refers to something that happens in a virtual world but feels real. In the story, Michael and Sebastian’s experiences in the virtual reality game seem real, even though they take place in a digital space.

Question:What is the theme of the book virtually true?

Answer: The theme of Virtually True revolves around the power of technology, friendship, and how virtual reality can impact real life. It also explores the idea of teamwork and determination to achieve a goal.

Question:What is the significance of the title “virtually true”?

Answer: The title Virtually True reflects the central idea of the story, where events happen in a virtual reality game but have real-life consequences. It highlights how the virtual and real worlds intersect in unexpected ways.

Question:What is the irony in virtually true?

Answer: The irony in Virtually True is that Michael saves Sebastian in a virtual world, which leads to Sebastian recovering from his coma in real life. Something that seems like a game has a significant real-life impact.

Question:Why did Michael fail in rescuing Sebastian?

Answer: Michael failed to rescue Sebastian several times in different virtual games because they faced tough challenges, and things went wrong. Either they couldn’t finish the mission, or they got caught or trapped in the game.

Question:Why did Michael lose his memory?

Answer: Michael did not lose his memory in the story. Instead, it was Sebastian who had memory loss due to his coma, and he was trying to escape the virtual reality where his mind was trapped.

Question:How did Michael enter Sebastian’s memory?

Answer: Michael entered Sebastian’s memory by playing virtual reality games. Sebastian, who was in a coma, was somehow trapped in the games, and Michael interacted with him through these digital adventures.

Question:Why couldn’t Michael help Sebastian the first time?

Answer: Michael couldn’t help Sebastian the first time because they were not able to complete the challenges in the game. They either failed the mission or got caught, which prevented them from rescuing Sebastian.

Question:What was Michael’s theory about how Sebastian had entered the game?

Answer: Michael’s theory was that when Sebastian had the accident that put him in a coma, his brainwaves were transferred into the virtual reality games through the computer at the hospital, trapping him in the digital world.

Question:Why was Michael surprised to see Sebastian Shultz’s photograph in the newspaper?

Answer: Michael was surprised because he recognized Sebastian as the boy he had been interacting with in the virtual reality games. He had thought Sebastian was just a character in the game, not a real person.

Question:What was the miracle recovery that Michael wanted to check on the net?

Answer: The miracle recovery Michael wanted to check was the news about Sebastian Shultz waking up from his coma. After playing the virtual reality games with him, Sebastian regained consciousness in real life.

Question:Why did Michael enjoy playing the Psycho Drive games?

Answer: Michael enjoyed playing the Psycho Drive games because they were thrilling and exciting. The games provided him with a sense of adventure, and he didn’t know that he was helping a real person trapped in the virtual world.

Question:How had Sebastian Shultz entered the game?

Answer: Sebastian Shultz entered the game when he had an accident and fell into a coma. His brainwaves were transferred into the virtual reality system, which trapped him inside the games until Michael helped him escape.

Question:What were the questions that troubled the narrator after he finally saved Sebastian?

Answer: After saving Sebastian, Michael was troubled by questions like how Sebastian got trapped in the games and how virtual reality could affect real life. He also wondered how the games could have such a strong connection with the real world.

Question:What is the message of the book virtually true?

Answer: The message of Virtually True is that technology can create powerful experiences, but it’s important to use it responsibly. The story also emphasizes teamwork and the value of helping others, even in unexpected ways.

Question:Who saves Sebastian from drowning?

Answer: Michael saves Sebastian from drowning during one of their virtual reality game adventures. They were trying to escape a digital world where Sebastian was trapped.

Question:What is the theme of virtually true class 10?

Answer: The theme of Virtually True for Class 10 is about the impact of technology and virtual reality on human life. It explores how digital experiences can blend with real-life events, as well as the importance of friendship and persistence.

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