Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet has been prepared for learning English Grammar of Class 5 under CBSE, ICSE, and Other State boards as Lesson No 4. Class 5 students in their English Grammar learning process will get help from this Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet to achieve better speaking and writing skills in English.
This Lesson 4, Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet contains – What is Noun, Noun and its Types with Examples, and identify different kinds of Nouns with a practice worksheet at the end for better knowledge for class 5.
English Grammar eBook Class 5
A noun is the name of a person, a place, an animal, a thing, or an idea.
1. Shila is a good girl. (Person)
2. The cow is a useful animal. (animal)
3. The whole class remained silent. (Group)
4. Iron is a useful metal. (metal)
5. Cruelty is a sin. (idea/quality)
The nouns in the above sentences are highlighted.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 1
10 examples of nouns in the following sentences are highlighted. Identify their type.
1. My dog had a litter of puppies.
2. Mayank was working on some assignments.
3. The team played well and won the match.
4. When you are on the stage, speak with confidence.
5. The contest was won by the girls from our school.
6. I could hear laughter.
7. The crowd demonstrated at MG Road.
8. Monika got an award for her bravery.
9. I borrowed the book Anne of Green Gables from Priyanka.
10. We saw many tigers at the sanctuary.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar
There are five kinds of nouns in English –
There are five kinds of nouns in English –
1. Proper Noun,
2. Common Noun,
3. Collective Noun,
4. Material Noun,
5. Abstract Noun.
Five kinds of nouns have been given below with examples.
1. Proper Noun
A Proper Noun is the name of a person, an animal, a place, or a thing in particular. A proper Noun always begins with a capital letter.
1. Ruskin Bond is an author.
2. We will go to Jaipur in October.
3. We visited the Jagannath temple.
4. He reads the Geeta.
5. The Rajdhani Express will leave Delhi tomorrow.
2. Common Noun
A common noun is the name of a person, an animal, a thing, or a place in general.
1. A river is flowing.
2. A horse is running.
3. There is a pen on the table.
4. He lives in a city.
5. A bird is flying in the sky.
Difference between a common and proper noun

3. Collective Noun
A collective noun refers to the name of a collection of people, animals, things.
1. I saw a bunch of grapes.
2. A herd of elephants attacked them.
3. A crowd of people gathered there in the fair.
4. A fleet of ships has been seen in the west.
5. A colony of ants was carrying food for the future.
‘bunch’, ‘herd’, ‘crowed’, ‘fleet’, and ‘colony’ are collective nouns as they stand for all the collections of ‘grapes’, elephant’, people’, ships’ at once.
‘grapes’, elephant’, people’, ships’, and ‘ants’ are common nouns as they stand for any and every ‘grapes’, elephant’, people’, ships’, and ‘ants’.
List of Collective Nouns Examples

4. Material Noun
A material Noun is the name of the matter or substance of which the things are made.
1. Iron is a useful metal.
2. Diamond is a bright thing.
3. The chair is made of wood.
4. Water is life.
5. Oil is used as fuel.
‘Iron’, ‘diamond’, ‘wood’, ‘water’, and ‘oil’ are material nouns. ‘metal’, ‘thing’, ‘chair’, ‘life’, fuel’ are common nouns.
A material noun can not be counted. Used as an uncountable noun. It depends on quantity. Material Noun is considered singular Noun. No article is used before it.
But ‘The’ is used before Material Noun when it refers to definite.
- Coal is black
- The coal of Jharia is of good quality.
5. Abstract Noun
An Abstract Noun is a noun that we cannot touch, see, hear, smell, or taste. Abstract Nouns can be formed by adding suffixes to some adjectives, verbs, and common nouns.
1. Keep Patience.
2. Always speak the truth.
3. She gave me a surprise.
4. His sincerity feels good.
5. Charity begins at home.
Formation of Abstract Nouns with Examples

Types of Nouns in brief in a table.

Worksheet: Types of Nouns
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet are even below for self-assessment of how one has gained knowledge from the above discussion on Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 2
A. Underline the proper nouns. Circle the common nouns.
1. I have read the Ramayana.
2. A mahout takes care of elephants.
3. We will go to Jaipur in September.
4. I watched a play at Prithvi Theatre.
5. Sheetal and Judy went to a party on Friday.
6. Telangana is the name of India’s newest state.
7. Amitabh Bachchan is a well-known actor from India.
8. My mother and aunt enjoyed their trip to Badrinath.
9. Aman, Priyansh, and Sandeep went to Ladakh by car.
10. Rebecca and her sons are going to Kerala on Tuesday.
11. Radha bought a rich chocolate cake from Best Bakery.
12. The Rajdhani Express will leave Kanpur at 06:45 hours.
13. JK Rowling is one of the most popular writers in the world.
14. Sam’s Pizza Cafe delivered seven large pizzas for the party.
15. Radha and her friends played cricket in the playground.
16. Mahima, Soniya, and Priyanka danced to songs and munched on the chips.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 3
B. Write a common noun for each proper noun.
1. Aamir Khan – _________
2. Africa – _________
3. Ruskin Bond – _________
4. The Taj Mahal – _________
5. Mary Kom – _________
6. Europe – _________
7. Guwahati – _________
8. the Bible – _________
9. Kerala – _________
10. CNN IBN- _________
11. the Yamuna -_________
12. The Sound of Music – _________
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 4
C. Underline the collective nouns.
1. The fox hid behind a clump of trees.
2. I saw a litter of kittens in our garden.
3. Madhurima owns a fleet of cars.
4. The Indian cricket team played very well.
5. The crew of the ship worked very hard.
6. The audience was delighted to see the play.
7. The shopkeeper has a wad of notes in his wallet.
8. The bunch of keys is in the chest of drawers.
9. One of my friends is a member of the school band
10. A troupe of acrobats is performing at the city stadium this evening.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 5
D. Fill in the blanks with the correct collective nouns from the box.
Colony troupe gang battery batch murder bouquet tribe herd crowd gaggle caravan panel congregation parliament |
1. We had to wait in the car while the _________of cows crossed the street
2. We found a _________of ants under the rotting tree.
3. The farmer kept a _________of geese in his farmyard.
4. My brother got lost in the _________of spectators at the stadium.
5. The police are looking for a _________of thieves.
6. We gave our teacher a _________of beautiful roses.
7. The doctor ordered a _________of tests for the patient.
8. I baked a _________of cookies yesterday.
9. A _________ of camels was caught in a sandstorm.
10. A _________ of crows lives on the neem tree.
11. A _________ of worshippers made their way to the local church this morning.
12. A _________of experts gave advice to the minister.
13. The _________of performers received a standing ovation.
14. A _________of monkeys descended on the mango orchard.
15. The tree is home to a _________ of owls.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 6
E. Underline the abstract nouns in these sentences.
1. Live in peace with others.
2. The refugees live in poverty.
3. The tourists were charmed by the beauty of the Taj Mahal.
4. Mrs. Das won our hearts with her kindness.
5. What is the reason for your happiness?
6. His fitness and strength help him to do well in the races.
7. You could be jailed for showing cruelty to animals.
8. If only our lives could be full of joy and without any sorrow!
9. The judge wants to find out the truth.
10. We could see fear in the thief’s eyes.
11. He looked at the pile of garbage with disgust.
12. He patted his stomach with satisfaction after he finished his dinner.
13. Her eyes were full of hope as she asked her mother to let her keep the puppy.
14. Truthfulness is a great quality.
Types of Nouns Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 7
F. Use the appropriate suffix to change each of these words into abstract nouns. You will have to slightly change the spelling for some.
1. appear –
a) -ence b) -ance
2. inform –
a) -ationb) -sion
3. weak –
a) -ness b) -ness
4. divide –
a) -tion b) -sion
5. merry –
a) -ment b) -sion
6.scrace –
a) -ity b) -ance
7. fearful –
a) -ness b) -ment
8. father –
a) -ship b) -hood
9. complex –
a) -tion b) -ity
10. arrive –
a) -ment b) -al
11. tidy –
a) -hood b) -ness
12. resist –
a) -ance b) -ence
Class 5 English Grammar: All Topics & Chapters????:
Chapter 1. Parts of speech
Chapter 2. The sentence and Types
Chapter 3. Subject and Predicate
Chapter 4. Nouns and their Types
Chapter 5. Noun and Number
Chapter 6. Noun and Gender
Chapter 7. Articles
Chapter 8. Pronouns and their Classifications
Chapter 9. Verbs and Types of Verbs
Chapter 10. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Chapter 11. Subject and Verb Agreement
Chapter 12. Simple Present Tense
Chapter 13. Present Continuous Tense
Chapter 14. Present Perfect Tense
Chapter 15. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Chapter 16. Simple Past Tense
Chapter 17. Past Continuous Tense
Chapter 18. Past Perfect Tense
Chapter 19. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Chapter 20. Simple Future Tense
Chapter 21. Future Continuous Tense
Chapter 22. Future Perfect Tense
Chapter 23. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Chapter 24. Tense Exercises
Chapter 25. Modal Verbs
Chapter 26. Adjectives and their Types
Chapter 27. Degree of Adjectives
Chapter 28. Adverbs and Comparison
Chapter 29. Prepositions and their Uses
Chapter 30. Conjunctions
Chapter 31. Direct and Indirect Speech
Chapter 32. Transformation of Sentences
Chapter 33. Punctuation