In this article, we will delve into the types of class 3 conjunctions and their uses with worksheets and answers to sharpen your grammatical skills.
By understanding the Types of Class 3 Conjunctions and practicing with worksheets, you can sharpen your grammar skills and enhance your communication.
Understanding Class 3 Conjunctions
Types Class 3 conjunctions, often referred to as subordinating conjunctions, are essential elements that join an independent clause with a dependent one.
These conjunctions add depth and complexity to sentences, allowing you to express relationships, conditions, and more. Here are some common Class 3 conjunctions:
And: added to; plus
Or: otherwise; or else
But: unless; if not; except that
Because: Used to denote a cause-and-effect relationship.
Although: Introduces a contrast between ideas.
Since: Indicates a time-related connection.
If: Expresses a condition.
While: Highlights a concurrent action.
Other Lessons Class 3 English
We use conjunctions to join words, groups of words and sentences. Three common conjunctions are and, or and but. We use and to join similar words, groups of words or sentences.
We can join-
● two words → We buy fruits and vegetables on Sundays.
●two groups of words or phrases → We packed cheese sandwiches and fruit juice for the picnic.
● two sentences → I eat at home and my sister eats at school.
The word or is used to join words, groups of words or sentences when we have a choice between things.
We can join-
● two words → Do you like mangoes or pineapples?
●two groups of words or phrases → You can have orange juice or cold coffee.
● two sentences → We can play basketball or we can practise for the play.
Worksheets 1
A. Join these sentences with and/or.
1. Is that Meena? Is that Heena?
2. It is very hot. Everybody is sweating,
3. The bus stopped. All the passengers got down.
4. Does he live in a village? Does he live in a town?
5. You can have pineapple juice. You can have orange juice.
6. She is at home. She is practising for the dance competition.
7. Are we leaving today? Are we leaving tomorrow!
8. They can go to Delhi by čar. They can go to Delhi by bus.
We use the word but to join words, groups of words, or sentences that are opposite in meaning, or to show a contrast.
We can join-
● two words → Diya is smart but lazy.
●two groups of words or phrases → He was very sweet but not helpful.
● two sentences → I like rice for lunch but I like chapati for dinner.
Worksheets 2
B. Join these sentences using but.
1. John is sick. He is going to school.
2. Madhu has hurt her finger. She isn’t crying.
3. He looked at the sky. He could not see the stars.
4. The room is small. It is neat.
5. Bindu is busy. She is cheerful.
6. He is tired. He cannot sleep.
Worksheets 3
C. Choose the correct answers to complete these sentences.
1. It was very cloudy but _____________ .
a. it rained heavily. b. it did not rain.
2. Ravi was unwell but he _____________ .
a. came first in the race. b. stayed at home.
3. The concert started at 6 p.m. but ________________
a. he reached on time. b. he reached at 7 p.m.
4. He was very late but _____________________
a. he was allowed to enter the hall. b. he was not allowed to enter the hall.
5. She can speak Japanese but ___________________
a. cannot write it. b. can write it too.
6. Shweta wants to go to Indore by train but _________________
a. Robin wants to go by train. b. Robin wants to go by bus.
7. Kirti was early but __________________
a. Sumi was early. b. Sumi was late.
8. I like amusement parks but __________________
a. I am scared of the rides. b. I enjoy the rides.
Worksheets 4
D. Complete these sentences with the correct endings in the box.
sells many useful things., brushes his teeth., does well in class., interesting story., he is from Kochi., they can be very dangerous.
1. Alice in Wonderland is a long but __________________________.
2. A to Z Stores is a big shop and __________________________.
3. Tigers are beautiful but __________________________.
4. Ramesh studies hard and __________________________.
5. Kumar gets up at 4 a.m. and __________________________.
6. Ravi lives in Madurai but __________________________.
Worksheets 5
E. Choose the correct conjunctions from the words given in the brackets.
1. We can go for a film, ____________ we can go to the beach. (but/or)
2. Please put the milk ____________ the eggs on the table. (and/but)
3. I saw a lioness ____________ her cubs in the zoo. (or/and)
4. You can stand up ____________ sit down. (but/or)
5. The teacher gave both Maths ____________ Science homework. (and/but)
6. Raj and Vir like to swim ____________ trek during the summer vacation. (or/but)
7. I want to learn how to dance ____________ I am shy. (and/but)
8. We wanted to go for a picnic ____________ it started raining. (and/but)
Worksheets 6
F. Rewrite these sentences by putting and/but/or in the correct places.
1. Please take this book put it on the shelf.
2. Two two make four.
3. Munni loves cold coffee hates cold tea.
4. Yellow purple are bright colours.
5. I take the train bus to my uncle’s town.
6. She wanted to stay she had to catch a bus.
Worksheets 7
G. Complete this passage by putting and/but/or in the correct places.
Ramu lives in a pretty _________ small village. It is also neat² _________ tidy. The people living there are quite happy. They never fight _________ another. quarrel with The village has a big pond _________ a deep well. Every morning, Ramu _________ his sister go to get water from the well. The farmers draw water from it for their fields. But The village has electricity. It also has a small post office _________ no school. The children go to school in a nearby town. Many of them go by bus _________ Ramu likes to walk to school every day.
Worksheets 8
H. Match the “What am I”riddles in column A with the correct pictures in column B. Pay careful attention to the conjunctions in these riddles to get the correct answers.