The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer have been prepared for class 10 of the CBSE Board Exam 2024. According to the NCERT, all questions are selected here in this article, with answers for class 10.
Summary of The Necklace Class 10
“The Necklace” is a short story by Guy de Maupassant. It follows Madame Mathilde Loisel, a dissatisfied woman married to a clerk. Yearning for a luxurious lifestyle, Mathilde is discontent with her middle-class life. When she receives an invitation to a high-society ball, she’s distraught over not having fine attire.
Her husband sacrifices his savings to buy her a dress, and she borrows a stunning necklace from a wealthy friend, Madame Forestier. At the ball, Mathilde is admired but feels the sting of her societal inadequacy. After the event, she realizes she has lost the borrowed necklace.
To replace it, Mathilde and her husband endure years of hardship, working to repay the debt. Eventually, she encounters Madame Forestier, confesses the truth, and discovers the necklace was an imitation, worth much less than assumed. The revelation devastates Mathilde, highlighting the cost of her pursuit of wealth and status. The story unveils the irony of appearances, the consequences of vanity, and the theme that deceptive appearances can mask the true value of things.
“द नेकलेस” गाइ डे मौपासेंट की एक लघु कहानी है। यह एक क्लर्क से शादी करने वाली असंतुष्ट महिला मैडम मैथिल्डे लोइसेल पर आधारित है। विलासितापूर्ण जीवनशैली की चाहत रखने वाली मैथिल्डे अपने मध्यवर्गीय जीवन से असंतुष्ट है। जब उसे एक हाई-सोसाइटी बॉल का निमंत्रण मिलता है, तो वह अच्छी पोशाक न होने के कारण परेशान हो जाती है।
उसके पति ने उसके लिए एक पोशाक खरीदने के लिए अपनी बचत का त्याग कर दिया, और उसने एक अमीर दोस्त, मैडम फ़ॉरेस्टियर से एक शानदार हार उधार लिया। गेंद पर, मैथिल्डे की प्रशंसा की जाती है लेकिन उसे अपनी सामाजिक अपर्याप्तता का दंश महसूस होता है। घटना के बाद, उसे एहसास हुआ कि उसने उधार लिया हुआ हार खो दिया है।
इसे बदलने के लिए, मैथिल्डे और उनके पति ने ऋण चुकाने के लिए वर्षों तक कठिनाई सहन की। आख़िरकार, उसकी मुलाकात मैडम फ़ॉरेस्टियर से होती है, वह सच्चाई कबूल करती है और उसे पता चलता है कि हार एक नकली था, जिसकी कीमत अनुमान से बहुत कम थी। रहस्योद्घाटन ने मैथिल्डे को तबाह कर दिया, जो उसके धन और स्थिति की खोज की लागत को उजागर करता है। कहानी दिखावे की विडंबना, घमंड के परिणामों और इस विषय का खुलासा करती है कि भ्रामक दिखावे चीजों के वास्तविक मूल्य को छिपा सकते हैं।
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Q3 The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer MCQ Extract Based 1.
Read the following extract carefully and choose the correct option.
(A) “She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and luxuries. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the worn chairs. All these things tortured and angered her. When she seated herself for dinner opposite her husband who uncovered the tureen with delighted air, saying, “Oh! the good potpie! I know nothing
better than that…,” she would think of elegant dinners of shining silver; she thought of the exquisite food served in marvellous dishes. She had neither frocks nor jewels, nothing. And she loved only those things. She had a rich friend, a schoolmate at the convent, who she did not like to visit- she suffered so much when she returned. She wept for whole days from despair and disappointment.”
i Choose the option that list the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.
1. Matilda was very pleased with her life.
2. Matilda envied her friend for being well-off.
3. M Loisel didn’t appreciate what Matilda cooked.
4. Matilda despised the fact that she lived a life of poverty.
5. Matilda never felt troubled, though she desired a luxurious life.
6. Matilda thought of grand dinners and silverware sitting at the dinner table.
7. Matilda felt depressed after visiting her friend.
a) 1,3,6
b) 3, 5, 7
c) 1,3,5
d) 2,4,7
Ans: c) 1,3,5
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ii Which word does ‘delicacies’ NOT correspond to?
a) etherealness
b) elegance
c) exquisiteness
d) robustness
Ans: d) robustness
iii Choose the answer that lists the correct option of what a ‘tureen’ is?
a) Option (i)
b) Option (ii)
c) Option (iii)
d) Option (iv)
Ans: c) Option (iii)
iv Choose the characteristic displayed by M Loisel in the extract.
a) conceited
b) contended
c) appeased
d) subdued
Ans: b) contended
v. The extract uses the phrase ‘elegant dinners’. Which of the following expressions is incorrect with respect to the word ‘elegant’?
i) furnishings
iv) interiors elegant
ii) wave
a) option i)
b) option ii)
c) option iii)
d) option iv)
Ans: c) option iii)
Q3 The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer MCQ Extract Based 2.
Read the following extract carefully and choose the correct option.
(B) “He was silent, stupefied, in dismay, at the sight of his wife weeping. He stammered, “What is the matter? What is the matter?” By a violent effort, she had controlled her vexation and responded in a calm voice, wiping her moist cheeks, “Nothing. Only I have no dress and consequently I cannot go to this affair. Give your card to some colleague whose wife is better fitted out than I.” He was grieved, but answered, “Let us see, Matilda. How much would a suitable costume cost, something that would serve for other occasions, something very simple?” She reflected for some seconds thinking of a sum that she could ask for without bringing with it an immediate refusal and a frightened exclamation from the economical clerk.”
i. What does ‘economical clerk’ indicate?
a) M Loisel was a spendthrift even though he earned a lot.
b) M Loisel was thrifty as he had a meagre income.
c) M Loisel calculated money all the time as he was a clerk.
d) M Loisel was stingy about money and didn’t spend it.
Ans: a) M Loisel was a spendthrift even though he earned a lot.
ii. Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (0) of the people below:
(1) L think that Matilda | (2) I feel that Matild | (3) It’s impo rtant | (4) I really don’t think, |
a) F-1, 2 and 0-3, 4
b) F-3, 0-1,2,4
c) F-2, 4,0-1,3
d) F-2, 3, 4, 0-1
Ans: b) F-3, 0-1,2,4
Matilda: By a violent effort, she had controlled…
M Loisel: He was grieved…..
i) Matilda felt aggressive; M Loisel was troubled
ii) Matilda was irritated; M Loisel was upset and cried
iii) Matilda tried extremely hard; M Loisel felt intense sorrow
iv) Matilda was quite calm; M Loisel’s heart ached for love
a) Option i)
b) Option ii)
c) Option iii)
d) Option iv)
Ans: c) Option iii)
iv. M Loisel was astonished seeing his wife’s reaction. He writes a diary entry that night. Complete the entry by with the missing words, by choosing the correct option.
11 January, Monday 9:00 pm
I thought Matilda would be (i) ………….. seeing the invitation in my hand. However, her reaction has left me (ii) …………… I don’t know how I would be able to (iii) ………… a new dress for her.
a) i) vexed ii) disturbed iii) bring
b) i) elated ii) disturbed iii) afford
c) i) keen ii) depressed iii) bring
d) i) elated ii) distressed iii) afford
Ans: d) i) elated ii) distressed iii) afford
v. Choose the option that gives the most appropriate response to the statement made by the speaker.
M Loisel over-pampered his wife and readily accepted her demands. |
a) I think Matilda was being unreasonable and unrealistic.
b) I feel that M Loisel loved Matilda and wanted her to be happy.
c) In my opinion M Loisel was being too harsh with Matilda.
d) I feel that M Loisel should not have brought the invite home.
Ans: b) I feel that M Loisel loved Matilda and wanted her to be happy
Q10 The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer in 20-30 words
i. Mme Loisel now knew the horrible life of necessity. Do you think Mme Loisel accepted this change willingly? Give two reasons in support of your answer.
Ans: No, Madame Loisel did not willingly accept the change in her life. Firstly, her initial dissatisfaction and yearning for wealth suggest her reluctance. Secondly, her experience of hardship after losing the borrowed necklace reveals her struggle to adapt to a life of necessity.
ii. Mention two things you would have done, other than what M Loisel did, to help. resolve the problem of the lost necklace.
Ans: If faced with the lost necklace situation other than what Monsieur Loisel did, two alternative approaches could be:
Engage the assistance of a professional investigator: Seeking the expertise of a private investigator or someone adept at locating lost items could have potentially expedited the search process, increasing the chances of finding the necklace.
Initiate a public appeal or reward: Issuing a public announcement offering a reward for anyone who finds and returns the necklace might have encouraged someone who found it to come forward, increasing the likelihood of its recovery.
iii. Mention one of the most pleasurable things, according to you, that money can’t buy and support your choice with an appropriate reason.
Ans: One of the most pleasurable things that money can’t buy is genuine love and emotional connections. True affection, trust, and meaningful relationships are built on shared experiences, empathy, and understanding, which transcend monetary value and cannot be purchased.
iv. Imagine Matilda got to know that M Loisel had given her four hundred francs, which he had saved y a gun. How do you think she would have reacted?
Ans: Matilda would likely feel a mixture of surprise, guilt, and appreciation. Initially shocked by the sacrifice and touched by his gesture, she might also experience remorse for her previous dissatisfaction and appreciation for his selfless act to help her.
Q11 The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answerin 40-50 words
i Mme Forestier writes a diary entry after having met Matilda, knowing the truth, and seeing the transformation in her friend. Write a short diary entry as Mme Forestier about your encounter and how you felt. You may begin like this.
20th July, Monday 9:00 pm
I couldn’t recognize Matilda at all. I wish she had told me the truth about the necklace.
Ans: 20th July, Monday 9:00 pm
Dear Diary,
I couldn’t recognize Matilda at all. Her transformation is astonishing. I wish she had confided in me about the necklace. Witnessing her hardship deeply pains me. Her silent struggle, born out of my borrowed jewels, weighs heavily on my conscience.
Mme Forestier
ii Imagine you’re one of the columnists in a magazine. People write to you about their issues, seeking your advice.
Matilda writes to you about the guilt she feels for having lost a necklace and how it changed the course of her life and her husband’s. What would be your advice to her?
Ans: Dear Matilda,
Guilt is a heavy burden to bear, but mistakes happen. Acknowledge the error, but don’t let it define you. Learn from it and focus on what you can control now. Communicate openly with your husband; support each other through this hardship. Remember, true happiness doesn’t hinge on material possessions. Embrace what you have.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Matilda: I don’t know how to tell you this but I met Mme Forestier today. and she told me that her necklace was.
M Loisel: What! I can’t believe my ears. That huge debt was for nothing!
Matilda: …………………………………….
M Loisel: …………………………………..
Matilda: “The necklace… it wasn’t real. It was a fake one. I’ve been carrying this guilt for years, and it’s consumed us.”
M Loisel: “All those years of struggle, our sacrifices… for a fake? It’s hard to fathom. But at least the truth sets us free from that weighty burden, Matilda.”
Q12 The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer in 100-120 words
i Your teacher conducted an Turn Tables in class, and asked you to put forth your views on ‘Frugality in Life is the Ideal Way to Live’.
Write the debate script with points to supplement your stand, both for and against the motion and conclude with your own views.
Ans: For the Motion – Frugality in Life is the Ideal Way to Live:
Speaker 1: “Frugality promotes mindful spending, teaching us to prioritize necessities over extravagance, fostering financial stability.”
Speaker 2: “Living frugally instills discipline, reducing waste, and encouraging sustainability, benefiting both the individual and the environment.”
Against the Motion – Frugality in Life is the Ideal Way to Live:
Speaker 3: “Frugality may limit experiences, hindering personal growth and opportunities for exploration and enjoyment.”
Speaker 4: “It’s crucial to find a balance; excessive frugality might lead to a lack of enjoyment in life, affecting mental well-being.”
“As speakers have highlighted, frugality offers financial security and ecological benefits but might limit experiences. I believe a balanced approach is key. Being mindful of spending while also allowing for necessary experiences enhances life quality without compromising financial stability.”
ii One of your friends has to attend a class party at his / her school and wants to purchase the most expensive clothes and shows. He/ She feels that this would make him/her stand out in the crowd.
You receive a call from your friend seeking advice on this matter. Write down that telephone conversation between your friend and yourself.
You may begin this way:
Friend: Hey, I want an honest opinion from you. Will you please help me?
Friend: So, there’s this class party I have to attend. It’s a big deal!
Ans: Friend: Hey, I want an honest opinion from you. Will you please help me?
You: Of course, what’s going on?
Friend: So, there’s this class party I have to attend. It’s a big deal!
You: Yeah, I get it. What are you thinking of wearing?
Friend: I was considering buying the most expensive clothes and shoes I can find. I want to stand out, you know?
You: Hmm, I get why you’d think that. But remember, it’s more about feeling confident and comfortable than just the price tag. Sometimes, simpler outfits can make a bigger impact. Plus, being yourself is the best way to stand out.
Friend: But won’t everyone notice if I’m not wearing something flashy?
You: Trust me, confidence is key. Wear something that reflects your style, and you’ll shine. It’s about how you carry yourself, not just what you wear.
Friend: Thanks, I needed that perspective.
iii. Read the following quote.
“We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.” – Mitch Albom
Matilda was never satisfied with her life and desired more. The given quote reflects her character. Justify.
Ans: The quote by Mitch Albom resonates deeply with Matilda’s character. Matilda’s insatiable desire for a more lavish life mirrors the sentiment of being “too involved in materialistic things.” She constantly sought wealth and societal validation, believing it would bring her contentment. However, her pursuit of luxury left her perpetually discontented.
Matilda overlooked the significance of loving relationships and the beauty of the world around her, precisely as Albom suggests. Her obsession with material possessions overshadowed her appreciation for the simple joys in life, causing her to take for granted the genuine connections and the wonders of the universe.
Albom’s quote encapsulates Matilda’s perpetual dissatisfaction, emphasizing how her fixation on materialism prevented her from finding true fulfillment in the invaluable aspects of life she failed to cherish.
Extra The Necklace Class 10 Question and Answer in 30 – 40 words
What happened to the necklace answer?
Ans: The necklace was lost by Madame Loisel at the ball. In an attempt to replace it, she and her husband endured years of financial struggle, only to discover later that the necklace was an imitation, not the expensive piece they believed it to be.
Is honesty the best policy in the necklace?
Ans: In “The Necklace,” the theme suggests that honesty could have prevented significant hardship. Had Madame Loisel immediately confessed the necklace’s loss, the ensuing years of financial struggle might have been avoided, sparing them immense suffering.
How the course of Loisel’s life changed due to the necklace?
Ans: The loss of the necklace led the Loisels into severe financial hardship, forcing them into years of hard work and poverty to repay the debt. Their lives were altered drastically, transitioning from comfort to struggle and sacrifice.
Is the writer of the necklace answer?
Ans: Guy de Maupassant, a renowned French writer, authored “The Necklace.” Known for his realistic portrayals of human nature and social commentary, Maupassant’s works often explore themes of irony, deception, and the consequences of vanity and materialism.
Who is Matilda husband?
Ans: Matilda’s husband in “The Necklace” is Monsieur Loisel. He is a clerk with a modest income, deeply devoted to his wife despite their financial constraints, and he sacrifices his savings to help fulfill her desires.
Who was Loisel?
Ans: Monsieur Loisel, a central character in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, was a clerk with a modest income. He was married to Mathilde Loisel, deeply caring for her despite their financial limitations, and he made sacrifices to fulfill her desires.
What is the full name of Loisel?
Ans: In the story “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, the full name of the character commonly referred to as “Loisel” is Monsieur Loisel. The story primarily revolves around Monsieur Loisel and his wife, Mathilde Loisel.
Did Mr Loisel love his wife?
Ans: Yes, Monsieur Loisel loved his wife, Mathilde, deeply. Despite their modest means, he sacrificed his savings and devoted himself to fulfilling her desires, demonstrating his care and affection for her throughout “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.
Was Mr Loisel a loving husband?
Ans: Yes, Monsieur Loisel was a devoted and caring husband. He showed his love by selflessly sacrificing his savings and working hard to fulfill his wife’s desires, even enduring years of hardship for her in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant.
Why is Loisel unhappy with her life?
Ans: Mathilde Loisel is unhappy with her life due to her discontent with her social status and longing for a more luxurious lifestyle. She yearns for wealth and grandeur, feeling trapped in her middle-class existence in “The Necklace.”
Was Mr Loisel a simple man?
Ans: Yes, Monsieur Loisel is portrayed as a simple, content man in “The Necklace.” He is a clerk with modest means, satisfied with his life, and contrasts sharply with his wife, Mathilde, who desires a more extravagant lifestyle.
Why is Madame Loisel unhappy in her marriage?
Ans: Madame Loisel is unhappy in her marriage because she feels discontented with her social status and believes she married beneath her station. She yearns for luxury and feels trapped in a life she deems unworthy in “The Necklace.”
Why was Madame Loisel selfish?
Ans: Madame Loisel is perceived as selfish in “The Necklace” due to her excessive desire for material wealth and social status. Her disregard for her husband’s sacrifices and her obsession with luxury demonstrate her self-centeredness.
What is the theme of the necklace?
Ans: The primary themes in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant include the consequences of vanity and materialism, the deceptive nature of appearances, and the idea that one’s obsession with wealth can lead to profound suffering and regret.
What is the problem of Mme Loisel?
Ans: Madame Loisel’s main problem is her dissatisfaction with her modest lifestyle. She yearns for wealth, luxury, and social status beyond her means. This longing for a grander life causes her constant unhappiness and discontent in “The Necklace.”
What was the greatest mistake of Mrs Loisel?
Ans: Madame Loisel’s greatest mistake in “The Necklace” was not confessing the loss of the borrowed necklace immediately. Her failure to be honest about the loss resulted in years of unnecessary hardship and financial struggle for her and her husband.
Why is Madame Loisel so unsatisfied?
Ans: Madame Loisel is unsatisfied due to her discontent with her middle-class life. She longs for wealth, luxury, and social status beyond her means, leading to a perpetual feeling of unhappiness and a desire for a more extravagant lifestyle in “The Necklace.”
What did Madame Loisel lose?
Ans: Madame Loisel lost a borrowed diamond necklace at a high-society ball in “The Necklace.” Mistakenly believing it to be a costly piece, its loss leads her into years of financial hardship and sacrifice to replace it.
Was Mathilde Loisel greedy?
Ans: Mathilde Loisel’s character in “The Necklace” is driven more by discontent and a desire for social status and luxury than outright greed. Her longing for wealth and grandeur fuels her actions and decisions in the story.
Where did she lose the necklace?
Ans: Madame Loisel lost the necklace at the high-society ball she attended with her husband. During the event, she wore the borrowed necklace and, by the end of the night, realized it was missing, ultimately leading to significant consequences.
Who lied in the necklace?
Ans: In “The Necklace,” Madame Loisel lied to Madame Forestier about the loss of the borrowed necklace. Instead of confessing the truth immediately, she concealed the loss, resulting in years of hardship and sacrifice to replace it.
Who is the main girl in the necklace?
Ans: The main female character in “The Necklace” is Madame Mathilde Loisel. She is dissatisfied with her middle-class life and yearns for a more luxurious lifestyle, and her actions drive the plot of the story written by Guy de Maupassant.
Who lost the necklace?
Ans: Madame Mathilde Loisel, the central character in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, lost the borrowed necklace. Her loss leads to significant consequences, shaping the narrative and the hardships faced by her and her husband.
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