The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer 2nd Semester WBCHSE

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer 2nd Semester WBCHSE provides a complete solution for Class 11 students, based on the new syllabus. This resource offers detailed answers to key 5-mark questions, focusing on the story’s main themes, and moral lessons, and the Bengali summary of the story, for 2nd-semester exams, ensuring a deeper understanding of the text.

English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 PDF

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English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Bengali Summary

একসময় এক নিঃসন্তান রাজা তার সিংহাসনের উত্তরাধিকারী নিয়ে গভীর দুশ্চিন্তায় ছিলেন। একদিন, এক সন্ন্যাসী রাজার দরবারে এসে রানিকে একটি ওষুধ দেওয়ার প্রস্তাব দিলেন, যা খেলে তিনি যমজ পুত্রের জন্ম দেবেন। তবে শর্ত ছিল, রাজা তার যমজ পুত্রদের মধ্যে একজনকে সন্ন্যাসীকে দান করবেন। রাজা প্রথমে দোটানায় পড়লেও, শেষ পর্যন্ত শর্ত মেনে নিলেন।

রানি ওষুধটি খেয়ে যথাসময়ে যমজ পুত্রের জন্ম দিলেন। কয়েক বছর কেটে গেল, কিন্তু সন্ন্যাসী তার অধিকার দাবি করতে এলেন না। ফলে রাজা ও রানি মনে করলেন, হয়তো বৃদ্ধ সন্ন্যাসী মারা গেছেন। কিন্তু যখন রাজপুত্রদের বয়স ষোলো হলো, সেই সন্ন্যাসী হঠাৎ রাজপ্রাসাদে এসে রাজার প্রতিশ্রুতি পূরণের দাবি করলেন। রাজা ও রানির মন ভেঙে গেল, কারণ দুই রাজপুত্রই তাদের সমানভাবে প্রিয় ছিল। রাজপুত্ররাও একে অপরকে অভিশাপময় ভাগ্য থেকে বাঁচাতে চাইছিল। শেষ পর্যন্ত সিদ্ধান্ত হলো, বড়ো রাজপুত্র সন্ন্যাসীর সঙ্গে যাবে। তবে যাওয়ার আগে, বড়ো রাজপুত্র একটি গাছ রোপণ করল, যা তার অবস্থার চিহ্ন হিসেবে কাজ করবে।

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বড়ো রাজপুত্র সন্ন্যাসীর সঙ্গে রাজপ্রাসাদ ত্যাগ করল। পথে একটি কুকুরছানা ও একটি বাজপাখির ছানা তার সঙ্গে যেতে চাইলে, সে আনন্দের সঙ্গে তাদের সঙ্গে নিল। সন্ন্যাসীর কুটিরে পৌঁছানোর পর, তাকে জানানো হলো যে তার একমাত্র কাজ হবে পূজার জন্য ফুল সংগ্রহ করা। তবে উত্তরদিকে যেতে কঠোরভাবে নিষেধ করা হলো।

একদিন, বড়ো রাজপুত্র একটি হরিণকে তাড়া করতে গিয়ে ভুল করে উত্তরের দিকে চলে গেল। সেখানে সে একটি বাড়ি দেখতে পেল, যেখানে এক অপরূপ সুন্দরী মহিলার সঙ্গে তার সাক্ষাৎ হলো। কিন্তু সেই মহিলা আসলে ছিল এক ভয়ংকর রাক্ষসী, যে রাজপুত্রকে ভক্ষণ করতে চেয়েছিল। রাজপুত্রকে পাশা খেলার জন্য প্রলুব্ধ করা হলো, এবং সে পরাজিত হলে, তার সঙ্গে থাকা প্রাণীরাও বন্দি হলো।

রাজপ্রাসাদে সেই গাছটি বিবর্ণ হতে শুরু করল, যা বড়ো রাজপুত্রের বিপদের সংকেত দিল। ছোটো রাজপুত্র তখন দাদাকে উদ্ধার করার সংকল্প নিয়ে যাত্রা করল। সন্ন্যাসীর কুটিরে পৌঁছালে, সন্ন্যাসী জানালেন যে বড়ো রাজপুত্র নিশ্চয়ই রাক্ষসীর কবলে পড়েছে এবং সম্ভবত তাকে খেয়ে ফেলা হয়েছে। ছোটো রাজপুত্র উত্তরের দিকে এগিয়ে গেল এবং রাক্ষসীর খোঁজ পেয়ে, তাকেও পাশা খেলায় চ্যালেঞ্জ করল। অবশেষে, ছোটো রাজপুত্র বিজয়ী হলো এবং তার দাদাসহ সবাইকে মুক্ত করল।

নিজের জীবন বাঁচাতে, রাক্ষসী জানিয়ে দিল যে সন্ন্যাসী আসলে বড়ো রাজপুত্রকে বলি দিতে চেয়েছিল, যাতে সে চূড়ান্ত সিদ্ধি অর্জন করতে পারে। সত্যতা যাচাই করতে বড়ো রাজপুত্র মন্দিরে গিয়ে দেখল, সেখানে ছয়টি খুলি আছে, যারা সন্ন্যাসীর পূর্ববর্তী বলির শিকার ছিল। তারা রাজপুত্রকে একটি কৌশল বলল, যাতে সে নিজেকে এবং অন্যদের রক্ষা করতে পারে।

কিছুদিন পর, সন্ন্যাসী বড়ো রাজপুত্রকে মন্দিরে নিয়ে গিয়ে মা কালীর সামনে সাষ্টাঙ্গে প্রণাম করতে বলল। পরিকল্পনা অনুযায়ী, রাজপুত্র জানাল যে সে কখনও কাউকে প্রণাম করেনি এবং কীভাবে করতে হয়, তা জানে না। সন্ন্যাসী নিজেই দেখানোর জন্য যখন উপুড় হলো, তখনই বড়ো রাজপুত্র এক লহমায় তার মাথা কেটে ফেলল। খুলিগুলো সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই তাদের আসল রূপ ফিরে পেল এবং দেবী কালী বড়ো রাজপুত্রকে চরম সিদ্ধির বর দিলেন। এরপর, রাজপুত্রেরা আনন্দের সঙ্গে তাদের দেশে ফিরে গেল।

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer 5-Marks

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer 5-Marks provides key solutions focusing on themes, and moral lessons, to help Class 11 students prepare effectively for their 2nd-semester exams.

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 1

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

1. What led the king to seek the mendicant’s help? What was his help and what condition did the monk give? 

Ans: The king was childless and deeply anxious about the future of his kingdom. With no blood heir to carry on his legacy, he was troubled. One day, a mendicant monk arrived and offered him a solution. Desperate for an heir, the king immediately sought the monk’s help. The mendicant gave the queen a special drug and instructed her to swallow it, assuring that she would give birth to twins in due time. However, in return for his help, the mendicant set a condition—the king and queen had to give him one of the twins while keeping the other. This demand was extremely difficult for the king to accept, but he ultimately realized that agreeing to the mendicant’s terms was the best choice.

2. What does the story “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect” say about the idea of perfection?

Ans:  The story “The Man Who Wished to Be Perfect” explores the true meaning of perfection. While the mendicant believed that ultimate perfection in Goddess Kali’s devotion could be attained through human sacrifices, his actions were driven by a misguided perception of divinity. Having already sacrificed six innocent lives, he set his sights on the elder prince as his final victim, deceiving the king with a sinister condition. However, his path to perfection was unnatural and immoral. As a result, nature intervened, empowering the prince to thwart the mendicant’s evil intentions. Ironically, true perfection was achieved not by the mendicant but by the elder prince, who, without seeking it, embodied wisdom, reason, and compassion. The story ultimately conveys that genuine perfection in life comes through selflessness and sincere devotion.

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 2

Answer the following questions in about 120 words.

3.  What is the symbolic significance of the twins’ birth in the story “The Man who Wished to be Perfect”?

Ans: “The Man Who Wished to Be Perfect” begins with the arrival of an enigmatic monk who offers to help a childless king in exchange for an invaluable promise. He gives the queen a special drug, which leads to the birth of twin sons. Sixteen years later, the mendicant returns to claim one of them. The twins symbolize the duality of the universe and the inherent contradictions in life. While the mendicant relentlessly pursues perfection through unjust means, the twins embody the idea that true perfection is unattainable without selflessness. Through their contrasting traits—one representing self-restraint and the other a lack of control—their birth signifies the delicate balance of human nature, emphasizing that both aspects must coexist.

4. How does the folktale “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect” highlights the concept of free will versus destiny?

Ans:  The folktale “The Man Who Wished to Be Perfect” masterfully explores the conflict between free will and destiny. In his desperation for an heir, the king disregards his fate and willingly surrenders his free will, binding himself to the monk’s condition despite knowing it could turn against him. In contrast, his younger son exercises his free will by outwitting the Rakshasi, so much so that fate, embodied by the demoness, begins to fear him. This marks a triumph of free choice over predestined fate. The mendicant, on the other hand, relies solely on destiny, showing no regard for the freedom of others. His deception of the king and the elder prince ultimately leads to his downfall, as fate itself intervenes against him. The story suggests that while destiny influences our lives, our choices and actions shape the final outcome. The king’s reliance on fate brings him sorrow, whereas the younger prince’s assertion of free will leads him to victory and happiness.

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 3

Answer the following questions in about 120 words

5. How did the elder prince meet the Rakshashi? What happened to him? 

Ans: After the elder prince entered the forest with the mendicant, he pursued a stag and wounded it, wandering deeper into the northern woods. There, he stumbled upon an enchanting house, where he met a beautiful young woman who was a Rakshasi in disguise. She invited the prince to join her in a game of dice, which he eagerly accepted. In the first round, the prince lost and had to give up his young hawk. In the second round, he was defeated once more, losing his puppy. By the third and final round, with nothing left to wager, he was compelled to put himself at stake. Ultimately, this led to the prince being captured by the Rakshasi.

6. Describe the encounter between the younger prince and the Rakshasi.

Ans: Sensing that his elder brother was in grave danger, the younger prince made his way to the monk’s hut in the forest. There, he learned from the mendicant that his brother had ventured north and fallen into the clutches of a Rakshasi. On that very day, the younger prince shot a deer that had fled into the northern woods. Without wasting any time, he mounted his horse and rode north, where he encountered the enchantress. Just like his elder brother, he was invited to play a game of dice with the lady. However, unlike the elder prince, the younger prince was well-prepared to deal with the demoness. He triumphed in all three rounds, winning back the hawk, the puppy, and his elder brother. In the process, the two princes learned of the mendicant’s evil nature and his malicious intentions, which had been revealed by the defeated Rakshasi. The elder prince was advised to visit the Kali temple to confirm the Rakshasi’s words. Thus, the younger prince’s encounter with the demoness set the stage for the story’s resolution.

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 4

Answer the following questions in about 120 words

7. What are the strengths and weaknesses in the character of the elder prince as subtly suggested in the story “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect”? 

Ans: The elder prince possessed a remarkable strength of character. His deep love for his younger brother led him to convince him that, as the elder, he should fulfill their father’s promise to the mendicant. He was not only a dutiful son and an affectionate brother, but also a responsible individual. His good-natured spirit was such that even the birds and animals recognized his inner beauty and trusted him as a friend. Moreover, he was powerful enough to defeat the hermit, following the guidance of the skulls. Grateful to them, he demonstrated his nobility by restoring life to the skulls. However, the elder prince was primarily driven by his emotions and, as a result, easily deceived by trickery. A deer, for example, misled him. He lacked a practical, calculating approach and was instead guided by his passion, making him more vulnerable to manipulation.

8. What did the elder prince hear about the mendicant from the Rakshasi? What did he do then? 

Ans: The younger prince saved his brother’s life by defeating the Rakshasi. In gratitude for her life, the Rakshasi revealed that the monk had already sacrificed six human lives on the altar of Goddess Kali in a nearby temple. The elder prince was to be the monk’s next victim, and by sacrificing him, the monk would achieve perfection in his devotion to the goddess. Immediately, the elder prince set out for the temple, with his brother following closely behind. Upon entering the temple, the elder prince was horrified to find numerous human skulls scattered in the dark corners. To his shock, the skulls began to laugh in a terrifying manner. Fear gripped the prince, but the skulls, amused, told him that they eagerly awaited his own skull to join them. However, they then revealed that there was only one way to escape his fate—they advised the prince to outwit the monk and kill him. Together, the princes devised a plan to defeat the monk and restore life to the skulls.

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 5

Answer the following questions in about 120 words

9. What did the elder prince do before leaving his father’s house and with whom did he go and to where? What duties did the mendicant give to the prince and what was he warned of?

Ans:  Before leaving the king’s palace, the elder prince planted a tree in the courtyard. He told his family that the tree’s green leaves would indicate his well-being. If the tree began to lose its color, it would signify that he was unwell, and if the tree completely faded, it would mean that he was near death. The prince then traveled to the forest with the mendicant and settled in a humble hut made of leaves. His daily task was to pick flowers for the monk’s offerings to the gods. The mendicant, however, cautioned the prince never to venture north, for evil forces would overpower him if he did.

10. What did the mendicant tell the elder prince to do? What symbolic meaning was in the mendicant’s instructions?

Ans: The elder prince arrived at the mendicant’s hut in the deep forest. The mendicant informed the prince that he would have to live with him in that poor hut from then onward. The prince was entrusted with the task of culling flowers daily for the worship of the mendicant. Finally, the monk forbade the prince to go to the north. He warned him of danger befalling to him. The monk was probably aware of the danger looming large in the north not only for the prince but for himself. That’s why, his desperate attempt was to restrict the prince’s movements towards the north. But fate here played instrumental role in shaping the future of both

The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect Question Answer Set 6

Answer the following questions in about 120 words

11. How did the mendicant who wished to be perfect play his role to both the princes? How did the younger brothers save the elder one?

Ans: The mendicant, driven by his desire for perfection, deceived the king and queen into agreeing to sacrifice one of their twins. He promised the queen would give birth to twins if they accepted his condition, and when the elder prince was born, the mendicant returned sixteen years later to claim him. His goal was to sacrifice the elder prince to attain perfection through devotion to Goddess Kali.

The younger prince, sensing his brother’s danger, tracked him down and learned from the Rakshasi that the monk had already sacrificed six lives. Outwitting the Rakshasi, the younger prince rescued the elder brother. Together, they learned of the mendicant’s evil plans and confronted him. The brothers used their wit and bravery to defeat the mendicant, saving the elder prince and foiling the monk’s sinister intentions.