The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers with Summary (2024)

“The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers with Summary Class 11 1st Semester 2024 offers a comprehensive set of multiple-choice questions designed to help students with key concepts from the story.

This resource is tailored from ‘Higher Secondary English Collections, Paradise’ specifically for 1st Semester exams 2024 in English – A Class 11, providing students with practice and guidance on how to approach ‘The Last Leaf’ effectively.

Summary: The Last Leaf by O’Henry 

Para 1:

In a small part of the city near Washington Square, the streets are confusing and twist in many directions. This area is called Greenwich Village. Here two young artists, Sue and Johnsy, live together in a three-story building. 

Para 2:

In winter, a sickness called Pneumonia spread through the village, and Johnsy became very ill. She believed that when the last leaf on a nearby tree fell, she would die too. Sue, her friend, was worried and tried to encourage her, but Johnsy was convinced she would not survive.

Para 3:

Old Behrman, a painter who lived below them, heard about Johnsy’s belief. One stormy night, after all but one leaf has fallen, Behrman secretly paints a leaf on the wall to give Johnsy hope. The next morning, Johnsy, seeing the leaf still there, began to regain hope and decided to live. 

Para 4:

However, Behrman, who had gone out in the cold to paint the leaf, falls ill and dies of pneumonia. Later, Sue revealed that the last leaf was not real—it was Behrman’s final painting. He had painted it during the storm to give Johnsy hope.  His painted leaf, a symbol of hope, becomes his(Behrman’s) final masterpiece, saving Johnsy’s life.

Para 5:

The story is a powerful exploration of friendship, hope, and the human capacity for selflessness.

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Download the Class 11 English (A) Suggestion 1st Semester PDF 2024 for complete exam preparation. This guide is tailored to the latest WBCHSE English (A) syllabus and question patterns.

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The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 1:

1. Where is the setting of the story?

a) New York City
b) Los Angeles
c) Greenwich Village
d) Boston

Answer: c) Greenwich Village

2. Who are the main characters in the story?

a) Sue and Behrman
b) Johnsy and Behrman
c) Sue and Johnsy
d) The doctor and Johnsy

Answer: c) Sue and Johnsy

3. Where did Sue and Johnsy meet?

a) At an art gallery
b) At a restaurant on Eighth Street
c) At a friend’s house
d) In the park

Answer: b) At a restaurant on Eighth Street

4. What sickness does Johnsy suffer from?

a) Tuberculosis
b) Pneumonia
c) Influenza
d) Fever

Answer: b) Pneumonia

5. What does Johnsy believe will happen when the last leaf falls?

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a) She will recover
b) She will get worse
c) She will die
d) She will travel
Answer: c) She will die

6. What lesson does the story “The Last Leaf” teach?
a) The importance of hope and the will to live
b) The inevitability of death
c) The power of art
d) The unpredictability of life
Answer: a) The importance of hope and the will to live

7. What was Johnsy’s dream?
a) To travel to Paris
b) To paint a masterpiece
c) To visit Italy and paint the Bay of Naples
d) To be a famous writer

Answer: c) To visit Italy and paint the Bay of Naples

The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 2:

8. What advice does the doctor give Sue about Johnsy?

a) Take her to Italy
b) Talk to her about the future
c) Take her to a better hospital
d) Give her more medicine

Answer: b) Talk to her about the future

9. Who is Behrman?

a) Sue’s relative
b) A successful artist
c) An old painter who lives in the same building
d) Johnsy’s uncle

Answer: c) An old painter who lives in the same building

10. What was Behrman’s dream?

a) To paint a great masterpiece
b) To travel the world
c) To teach art
d) To become wealthy

Answer: a) To paint a great masterpiece

11. How does Behrman help Johnsy?

a) By taking her to the hospital
b) By painting the last leaf on the wall
c) By giving her money
d) By talking to her

Answer: b) By painting the last leaf on the wall

12. How does the last leaf symbolize hope for Johnsy?
a) It shows that nature is strong
b) It proves her belief was wrong
c) It becomes a sign of life continuing
d) It indicates the season’s change

Answer: c) It becomes a sign of life continuing

13. What does Sue do to distract Johnsy from looking out the window?

a) Tells her stories
b) Draws the curtains
c) Asks her to sleep
d) Moves her to another room
Answer: b) Draws the curtains

14. What is the relationship between Sue and Johnsy?
a) Sisters
b) Friends and roommates
c) Cousins
d) Mother and daughter

Answer: b) Friends and roommates

The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 3:

15. What does the doctor say is crucial for Johnsy’s recovery?

a) Medicine
b) Surgery
c) Her will to live
d) Proper rest
Answer: c) Her will to live

16. How does the weather contribute to the mood of the story?

a) It reflects the gloom and despair
b) It is sunny and bright
c) It has no effect
d) It is warm and comforting

Answer: a) It reflects the gloom and despair

17. What does Behrman use to create his masterpiece?
a) Oil paints
b) Watercolors
c) Chalk
d) Pencils

Answer: a) Oil paints

18. What ultimately happens to Behrman?
a) He becomes famous
b) He dies of pneumonia
c) He moves to Italy
d) He sells his painting

Answer: b) He dies of pneumonia

19. Why does Johnsy think she will die when the last leaf falls?
a) She feels hopeless
b) She has lost faith in life
c) She believes in a superstition
d) She was told by someone

Answer: c) She believes in a superstition

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20. What does Sue do when she hears Johnsy counting leaves?

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a) Ignores her
b) Tries to comfort her
c) Asks the doctor for advice
d) Moves her bed away from the window
Answer: b) Tries to comfort her

21. Who finds Behrman after he paints the leaf?

a) Sue
b) The doctor
c) A neighbor
d) A passerby

Answer: a) Sue

The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 4:

22. What does Sue realize about the last leaf in the morning?
a) It was painted by Behrman
b) It is the only real leaf left
c) It was just her imagination
d) It will never fall

Answer: a) It was painted by Behrman

23. How does Johnsy’s attitude change after seeing the last leaf?
a) She becomes more hopeful
b) She gives up completely
c) She remains indifferent
d) She becomes angry

Answer: a) She becomes more hopeful

24. What does Behrman’s action demonstrate?

a) Sacrifice and love
b) Indifference to others
c) Artistic talent
d) Anger and frustration

Answer: a) Sacrifice and love

25. What does Johnsy begin to do after she sees the leaf still hanging?
a) She starts eating
b) She asks for a doctor
c) She starts crying
d) She leaves her bed

Answer: a) She starts eating

26. What does the doctor attribute Johnsy’s recovery to?

a) The medicine he gave her
b) The care given by Sue
c) Her renewed will to live
d) The change in weather
Answer: c) Her renewed will to live

27. What does the last leaf represent for Johnsy?

a) Her connection to life
b) The end of hope
c) Her artistic inspiration
d) A change in seasons
Answer: a) Her connection to life

28. What does the story suggest about the power of hope and will?

a) It can affect one’s physical health
b) It has no real impact
c) It is only an illusion
d) It is dependent on others

Answer: a) It can affect one’s physical health

The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 5:

29. What does Sue do to try to prevent Johnsy from watching the leaves?

a) Closes the window
b) Puts up a curtain
c) Distracts her with conversation
d) Moves her bed
Answer: c) Distracts her with conversation

30. How does Behrman feel about Johnsy’s belief?

a) He thinks it’s foolish
b) He agrees with her
c) He doesn’t care
d) He is supportive

Answer: a) He thinks it’s foolish

31. Why does Behrman paint the last leaf?

a) To prove a point
b) To give Johnsy hope
c) To showcase his talent
d) To earn money

Answer: b) To give Johnsy hope

32. How long does Behrman live after painting the leaf?

a) Two days
b) One week
c) A month
d) He doesn’t die

Answer: a) Two days

33. What emotion does Sue feel after hearing the doctor’s prognosis about Johnsy?

a) Hopeful
b) Depressed
c) Angry
d) Determined

Answer: d) Determined

34. What does Johnsy request after she decides to live?

a) A mirror
b) A book
c) To see the doctor
d) To eat foo

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Answer: a) A mirror

35. How does the doctor react when he learns about Johnsy’s mental state?

a) He advises Sue to encourage her
b) He prescribes new medication
c) He scolds Johnsy
d) He calls a specialist

Answer: a) He advises Sue to encourage her

The Last Leaf MCQ Questions and Answers Set 6:

36. What season is it in the story?

a) Spring
b) Winter
c) Summer
d) Autumn

Answer: b) Winter

37. What kind of artist was Behrman?

a) Very successful
b) Struggling but hopeful
c) Unsuccessful and frustrated
d) Famous and respected

Answer: c) Unsuccessful and frustrated

38. What did Johnsy want to do after recovering?

a) Paint the Bay of Naples
b) Travel to Paris
c) Move to a new apartment
d) Write a book

Answer: a) Paint the Bay of Naples

39. How does Sue comfort Johnsy during her illness?

a) By staying with her constantly
b) By cooking for her
c) By telling her stories
d) By talking about their future plan

Answer: d) By talking about their future plans

40. What does Johnsy do when she realizes the last leaf hasn’t fallen?

a) Decides to live
b) Refuses to eat
c) Starts crying
d) Asks to see the doctor

Answer: a) Decides to live

The Last Leaf Set 7:

41. Who does Sue blame for Johnsy’s condition?

a) The weather
b) Johnsy’s own mind
c) The cold stranger, Pneumonia
d) The doctor

Answer: b) Johnsy’s own mind

42. How does the doctor describe Johnsy’s chance of survival?

a) Slim but possible if she wants to live
b) Impossible
c) Guaranteed with the right medicine
d) Hopeless

Answer: a) Slim but possible if she wants to live

The Last Leaf Questions and Answers Set 8:

43. What do the leaves on the vine symbolize to Johnsy?

a) Her life
b) The change of seasons
c) The passage of time
d) Her dreams

Answer: a) Her life

44. What did Behrman do on the night he painted the leaf?

a) He risked his life in the cold
b) He told Sue about his plan
c) He drank heavily
d) He painted several pictures

Answer: a) He risked his life in the cold

45. Why is the story titled “The Last Leaf”?

a) It focuses on the last leaf on the vine
b) It represents Johnsy’s final hope
c) It highlights the importance of the leaf in the story
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

46. What does Sue do after realizing the importance of the last leaf to Johnsy?

a) She hides her worries
b) She tells Johnsy the truth
c) She moves Johnsy away from the window
d) She tries to stop the leaves from falling

Answer: a) She hides her worries

The Last Leaf MCQ Set 9:

47 Why is Behrman’s painting considered a masterpiece?

a) It saved Johnsy’s life
b) It was highly detailed
c) It was his last work
d) It was sold for a high price

Answer: a) It saved Johnsy’s life

48. What happens to Johnsy after she sees the last leaf?

a) She gains the will to live
b) She becomes more depressed
c) She asks to be moved to another room
d) She ignores it

Answer: a) She gains the will to live

49. How does the weather change during the story?

a) It gets colder and more severe
b) It becomes warmer
c) It remains constant
d) It becomes stormy

Answer: a) It gets colder and more severe

50. How does the story reflect the theme of friendship?
a) Through Sue’s care for Johnsy
b) Through Behrman’s sacrifice
c) Both a and b
d) Through the doctor’s involvement
Answer: c) Both a and b