The Ghost Brahman Question Answer 2nd Semester WBCHSE offers solutions for Class 11 students studying under the new syllabus. This resource provides detailed answers to key 5-mark questions, focusing on the themes, moral lessons, and Bengali Meaning of the story. It helps students understand the narrative and prepare effectively for their 2nd-semester exams.
English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 PDF
Prepare for WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 with the English Suggestive Questions Answers Class 11 PDF. Get exam-relevant questions and solutions covering Prose, Verse, Grammar, Writing & Sample Papers. Download now and prepare confidently!

The Ghost Brahman Bengali Summary
একসময় এক দরিদ্র ব্রাহ্মণ ছিলেন। তিনি নিম্ন ব্রাহ্মণ সম্প্রদায়ের হওয়ায় বিবাহ করতে অনেক বাধার সম্মুখীন হলেন। তাছাড়া, বধূর পিতা-মাতাকে যৌতুক দেওয়াও তার পক্ষে অত্যন্ত কষ্টকর ছিল। তাই তিনি ধনী ব্যক্তিদের কাছে সাহায্যের জন্য ভিক্ষা চাইলেন। বহু কষ্টে ব্রাহ্মণ বিবাহের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় অর্থ জোগাড় করতে সক্ষম হলেন।
বিবাহের পর তিনি আরেকটি সমস্যার মুখোমুখি হলেন। তার মা ও স্ত্রীকে ভরণপোষণ করার জন্য তার কাছে যথেষ্ট অর্থ ছিল না। তাই তিনি জীবিকা অর্জনের জন্য দূর দেশে যাওয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিলেন। তিনি তার স্ত্রীকে মায়ের কাছে রেখে বাড়ি ছেড়ে চলে গেলেন।
সেই সন্ধ্যায়, ব্রাহ্মণের রূপ ধরে একটি ভূত তার বাড়িতে প্রবেশ করল। বাড়ির কেউই ভূতের আসল পরিচয় সম্পর্কে সন্দেহ করল না। শুধু তার স্ত্রী হঠাৎ তার আচরণের পরিবর্তনে অবাক হয়ে গেলেন। কিন্তু ভূত, নকল ব্রাহ্মণ সেজে, তাকে বিভিন্ন কারণ দেখিয়ে আশ্বস্ত করল। এরপর ভূত বাড়ির মালিক সেজে সেখানে বসবাস করতে শুরু করল।
People also ask
সময় কেটে যেতে লাগল। বছরের পর বছর গড়িয়ে গেল। একদিন, আসল ব্রাহ্মণ বাড়ি ফিরে এলেন। কিন্তু ভূত তাকে নকল ব্রাহ্মণ বলে দাবি করে বাড়ি থেকে তাড়িয়ে দিল। এতে ব্রাহ্মণ মর্মাহত ও হতভম্ব হয়ে পড়লেন। তিনি বুঝতে পারলেন না কী করবেন। অবশেষে, তিনি দেশের রাজার কাছে গিয়ে তার সমস্যার কথা জানালেন। কিন্তু রাজাও হতবুদ্ধি হয়ে গেলেন এবং কোনো সমাধান বের করতে পারলেন না।
বেচারা ব্রাহ্মণ প্রতিদিন রাজদরবারে আসতেন এবং হতাশ হয়ে ফিরে যেতেন। তিনি কাঁদতেন ও নিজের ভাগ্যকে দোষ দিতেন। একদিন, তিনি একটি গাছের নিচে কয়েকজন রাখাল বালককে খেলা করতে দেখলেন। তারা ‘রাজা-সাজার’ খেলা খেলছিল। তাদের মধ্যে একজন রাখাল রাজা হয়ে বসেছিল। সে ব্রাহ্মণকে দেখে তার এক কনস্টেবলকে পাঠাল।
কনস্টেবল ব্রাহ্মণকে এনে রাখাল রাজার সামনে হাজির করল। রাখাল রাজা ব্রাহ্মণকে বলল, এই মামলাটি সমাধান করতে হলে প্রকৃত রাজার অনুমতি আনতে হবে। অনুমতি পাওয়ার পর, রাখাল রাজা ব্রাহ্মণ ও নকল ব্রাহ্মণকে একটি নির্দিষ্ট দিনে উপস্থিত হতে বলল।
নির্ধারিত দিনে, যখন তারা এল, রাখাল রাজা তাদের একটি সরুগলাবিশিষ্ট বোতল দেখাল। সে বলল, “যে ব্যক্তি এই বোতলের ভেতরে প্রবেশ করতে পারবে, সেই প্রকৃত বাড়ির মালিক হবে।”
আসল ব্রাহ্মণের পক্ষে এটা করা সম্ভব ছিল না। কিন্তু ভূত, নিজেকে একটি পতঙ্গে রূপান্তরিত করে, তৎক্ষণাৎ বোতলের মধ্যে প্রবেশ করল। তখনই রাখাল রাজা বোতলের ছিপি বন্ধ করে দিল। তারপর সে ব্রাহ্মণকে নির্দেশ দিল, যেন তিনি ওই বোতলটি সমুদ্রে ছুঁড়ে ফেলেন।
এরপর আসল ব্রাহ্মণ তার বাড়ি, মা ও স্ত্রীকে ফিরে পেলেন। তারপর তিনি তাদের নিয়ে সুখে ও শান্তিতে জীবনযাপন করতে লাগলেন।
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer 5-Marks
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer provides detailed solutions to important 5-mark questions for Class 11 students under the 2nd semester WBCHSE new syllabus. It covers key themes, character analysis, and the story’s moral lessons, helping students prepare effectively for their exams.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 1
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. Why was it very much difficult for the Brahman to marry? How did he solve his problem?
Ans: The Brahman in the story The Ghost-Brahman was very poor. He was not a high-class (Kulin) Brahman and had no proud family background. He also had no money for his wedding. So, getting married was very difficult for him. But he was determined to marry. He decided to collect money in any way possible. He begged wealthy people for help and flattered them to get money. He even went from house to house asking for donations. After much struggle, he finally managed to collect enough money for the dowry and wedding expenses. His hard work and determination helped him achieve his goal, even though it was not easy.
2. Why did the Brahman have to leave his house and what did he tell his mother before his departure?
Ans: Shortly after his marriage, the Brahman realized that he had very little money left to support his family. He understood that this would soon become a serious problem. So, he decided to travel to distant lands to earn money. Before leaving, he explained to his elderly mother why he had to go. He also told her that he might have to stay away for many years since he needed a large sum of money and would work hard to earn it. Worried about his newly-married wife, he gave her the money he had and asked his mother to use it wisely while taking care of her. As a responsible son and husband, the Brahman set out on his journey, hoping to secure a better future for his family.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 2
3. How did the Brahman’s decision to leave his family affect him adversely?
Ans: The Brahman was forced to leave his home, leaving behind his elderly mother and newly-married wife. His goal was to earn money and bring prosperity to his family. However, this decision led to great suffering. As soon as he left, a ghost took his form and entered his house. Since the ghost looked exactly like the real Brahman, no one suspected anything. Over time, he established his false identity and took full control of the household. When the real Brahman finally returned, the ghost refused to recognize him and drove him away from his own home. Helpless and heartbroken, the Brahman went to the King’s court for justice but faced many difficulties. In the end, his decision to leave home brought him nothing but misfortune and suffering.
4. What social picture is presented by the Brahman’s decision of leaving his house?
Ans: The Brahman faced great difficulties in getting married. He had to collect money, even by begging from door to door, proving how important wealth was in marriage. His non-Kulin status made the situation even worse. Despite these struggles, he decided to leave his home and travel to distant places to earn money for his family’s well-being. This reflects the issue of joblessness in his homeland and his transition into a migratory laborer.
By leaving, the Brahman puts his newly married wife in an insecure situation, even though he asked his mother to care for her. This highlights how social problems deeply affect domestic happiness. His absence not only puts his wife at risk but also shatters her dreams of marital bliss. From the beginning, the story portrays the conflict between society and the individual.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 3
5 Who entered the Brahman’s house after his departure and in what form? How did the intruder become the master of the house?
Ans: Soon after the Brahman left, a ghost entered his house, perfectly disguised as him. The ghost not only took the Brahman’s appearance but also imitated his behavior and manners. This made it impossible for the Brahman’s elderly mother to suspect anything. Only his wife was surprised by his sudden change of decision, but the ghost convinced her with a clever explanation.
With all doubts cleared at home, the ghost soon gained the trust of the neighbors as well. Taking advantage of the poor Brahman’s absence, he firmly established himself as the true owner of the house. Even when the real Brahman returned, he was powerless to reclaim his place. The ghost called him an imposter and successfully drove him away from his own home.
6. What symbolic meaning lies in the appearance of the ghost in perfect disguise of the Brahman?
Ans: After the Brahman left his house, a ghost appeared, perfectly disguised as him. No one, not even the neighbors, could suspect that he was an imposter. This incident carries a symbolic meaning. The ghost represents a powerful intruder who takes advantage of the Brahman’s absence. Using deception and trickery, he seizes the Brahman’s place and possessions.
In reality, the ghost symbolizes the evil forces in society. He exploits the helplessness of the Brahman’s wife and mother through power, wealth, and influence. Though the Brahman’s wife has doubts, she is eventually convinced by the ghost’s clever explanations. The story symbolically reflects the harsh reality of society, where the weak often suffer, and the powerful thrive through deceit and manipulation.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 4
7 What does the Brahman experience on return to his house? How does it affect him?
Ans: After leaving his home, mother, and wife, the Brahman traveled to distant lands to earn money. Years later, when he returned, he was shocked to find that someone exactly like him had taken over his house and possessions. Confused and helpless, he didn’t know what to do.
Desperate, he confronted the impostor, leading to a heated argument. However, the ghost had already established his influence within the family, so he easily drove the real Brahman away. Finding no support from anyone, the Brahman left his own house in deep sorrow and despair.
With nowhere else to turn, he took his case to the king, seeking justice. The king summoned both the ghost and the Brahman but was himself confused, unable to make a fair judgment. The real Brahman was left helpless, with no choice but to cry over his lost rights.
8 What prompted the Brahman to seek justice from the king? What was the outcome of his enterprise?
Ans: After years of absence, the Brahman returned home, only to be shocked and confused by the sight of someone identical to him living in his house. The impostor claimed his mother and wife as his own and forcefully drove him out. Devastated, the Brahman turned to the king for justice, believing that the dispute would surely be resolved.
The king patiently listened to his plea and summoned both men to his court. However, he was completely baffled and could not tell who the real Brahman was. Needing more time to decide, he delayed his judgment.
Despite being deceived, the Brahman refused to give up. He visited the court daily, hoping for justice, but each time, the king asked him to return the next day. Over time, the Brahman grew hopeless and began to doubt the king’s ability to judge fairly.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 5
9. What role does confusion play in the story “The Ghost Brahman”?
Ans: The story “The Ghost Brahman” is full of confusion from start to finish. It begins with the poor, non-Kulin Brahman who is confused about how to gather money for his marriage expenses and his bride’s dowry. After his marriage, the Brahman faces more confusion as he wonders how to support his family. In search of a solution, he decides to leave and earn money in distant lands.
While he is away, a ghost appears in his house, causing even more confusion. The Brahman’s wife is puzzled by the sudden change in decision and the ghost’s convincing explanation. When the Brahman returns years later, he is shocked to find someone exactly like him has taken his place. Distressed, he goes to the king for justice, but even the king, despite his wisdom, is unable to make a clear decision and delays his judgment. It is only a cowboy who finally resolves the confusion surrounding the case.
Thus, confusion plays a crucial role in driving the events of the story forward, affecting all the characters involved.
10. Why is the cowboy able to succeed in ridding the Brahman from the burden of the ghost?
Ans: The ghost in the story is a heavy burden for the Brahman. He cunningly deceives the Brahman’s wife, mother, and even the king. The ghost takes over all of the Brahman’s possessions and, with a false identity, passes himself off as the real Brahman in society. As a result, the Brahman loses all his legal rights. Even the king, with all his authority, is fooled by the ghost and cannot distinguish who is the real Brahman. At this critical point, a cowboy steps in. Using his common sense and sharp wit, the cowboy sees through the entire deception. With keen observation, he outsmarts the ghost, applying a tit-for-tat approach. While the king, with his administrative power, fails to deliver justice, it is the simple cowboy who resolves the crisis in the Brahman’s life.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 6
11 Describe the actions taken by the cowboy to resolve the crisis of the Brahman.
Ans: In the story “The Ghost-Brahman”, the Brahman faces a severe crisis, triggered by his long absence from home. The arrival of a ghost, who appears exactly like him, worsens the situation. Over time, the ghost becomes the unquestioned master of the Brahman’s house. When the Brahman returns, he finds it impossible to expose the ghost’s deception. Even the king fails to solve the mystery.
At this point, a cowboy enters the scene. He observes the Brahman’s misery and quickly senses something is wrong. The cowboy sets up his own court and summons both the Brahman and the ghost. He challenges them to enter a narrow phial, declaring that whoever succeeds will be rewarded. While the real Brahman laughs at the challenge, the ghost proves his cunning. He transforms into an insect and slips into the phial, where the cowboy quickly corks him inside.
In this way, the cowboy resolves the growing tension in the Brahman’s life, bringing an end to the ghost’s deception.
12 Why does the story “The Ghost-Brahman’ glorify a cowboy instead of the king?
Ans: The Ghost Brahman is a folk tale that focuses on the lives of common people and showcases their admirable qualities. In this story, we see two judges attempting to deliver justice to the Brahman, who has been deceived by a ghost and lost his legal rights to his wife, mother, and property. Seeking justice, the Brahman turns to the king, hoping for a fair resolution. However, the king only offers empty assurances, which only intensify the Brahman’s frustration.
At this point, the cowboy steps in. Initially, the Brahman doubts the boy’s ability to help, but it is the cowboy who ultimately solves the riddle and helps the Brahman reclaim his possessions. Through this, the story critiques the flaws in royal justice and the indifferent king, while highlighting the people’s strong desire to solve their own problems. In the end, the cowboy, not the king, is glorified, emphasizing the story’s message about the value of common people and their ability to bring about change.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 7
13. What does the story “The Ghost-Brahman” teach us to do for bettering our society?
Ans: The folk tale “The Ghost-Brahman” highlights several socio-economic problems that were prevalent in society at the time, many of which remain unresolved today. The lessons from the story continue to resonate in our modern world. For example, casteism is still a significant issue, and unemployment, along with the migration of the workforce, continues to affect many. The dowry system persists, and delayed justice remains a common concern. The intrusion of evil forces into family life is still something that many people experience, and the helplessness of women in society is a painful reality. Additionally, the misappropriation of property by the influential is all too familiar, disrupting the social and domestic order.
To truly improve our society, these issues must be addressed. We need to foster a sense of fellow feeling, selflessness, and humane understanding to build a society where everyone has an equal chance for a better life. Until then, we cannot hope to create a truly just and harmonious world for all.
14. Why does the Brahman doubt the cowboy? How does the latter prove his worth?
Ans: The Brahman is in utter despair, unable to gain justice from the king. Meanwhile, the ghost continues to enjoy all of the Brahman’s belongings. At this critical moment, the cowboy steps forward. With the king’s permission, the cowboy takes charge of the Brahman’s disputed case. He instructs both the Brahman and the ghost to appear before him. The cowboy challenges them to enter a narrow-necked phial, declaring that whoever can enter will be the rightful owner of the house and its possessions.
The Brahman is initially baffled by the absurdity of the challenge and doubts the cowboy’s judgment. However, the cowboy quickly proves his intelligence. The ghost, eager to claim victory, transforms into an insect and enters the vial. The cowboy, in a swift move, corks him up, effectively ending the ghost’s deception.
With the ghost’s defeat, the Brahman regains his life and possessions, now filled with new hopes for peace and happiness.
The Ghost Brahman Question Answer Set 8
15. How did the neat-herd king solve the case of the Brahman?
Ans: The case of the Brahman was resolved by a clever cowboy, not the king. The Brahman, deceived by a ghost that had taken his identity, sought justice from the king. However, the king was unable to differentiate between the real Brahman and the ghost. In his confusion, the king kept postponing the judgment. Eventually, the cowboy took charge of the case with the king’s permission. He asked both the Brahman and the ghost to enter a narrow-necked phial, declaring that the one who could fit would be the rightful owner. The ghost, confident in his deception, transformed into an insect and entered the phial. The cowboy immediately sealed it, trapping the ghost. Thus, the Brahman regained his possessions and happiness.