Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet has been prepared for learning English Grammar of Class 5 under CBSE, ICSE, and Other State boards as Lesson No 5. Class 5 students in their English Grammar learning process will get help from this Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet to achieve better speaking and writing skills in English.

This Lesson 5, Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet contains – What are singular Plural Nimber, Rules to change from singular to plural with a practice worksheet at the end for better knowledge for class 5.

English Grammar eBook Class 5 

What is the Singular and Plural Number?

When a noun refers to one person, one animal, or one thing, it is in the Singular Number. When a noun refers to more than one person, animal, or thing, it is in the plural Number

Singular and Plural Nouns Examples

In column A, the number of ‘boy’, ‘tiger’, and ‘ball’ is ‘one’. So, they are in singular numbers. In column B the number of ‘boy’, ‘tiger’, and ‘ball’ is ‘ more than one’. So, they are in the plural number.

Rules to change Singular to Plural Number

100 singular and plural words in English are given below with their rules on how to change from singular numbers to plural numbers.

A. Rule 1

Formed Plurals Adding ‘s’ to the singular

Formed Plurals Adding ‘s’ to the singular

B. Rule 2

Noun ending ‘s’, ‘ss’, ‘sh’, ‘x’, ‘ch’, and ‘z’ makes plural by adding ‘es’.

Singular Plural Number: adding ‘es’.

C. Rule 3

Noun ending ‘O’, and ‘consonant’ before it, the plural is formed by adding ‘es

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar:  adding es

Exception : Piano – Pianos; Rhino – Rhinos; Casino – Casinos; Canto – cantos; Kilo – Kilos; Photo – Photos

D. Rule 4

Noun ending ‘o’, ‘oo’, ‘wo’, ‘yo’, ‘io’, and ‘vowel’ before it, the plural is formed by adding ‘S’.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar: adding s

E. Rule 5

Noun ending ‘y’, and ‘vowel’ before it, the plural is formed by adding ‘S’.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar adding s with consonant

F. Rule 6

Noun ending ‘y’, and ‘consonant’ before it, the plural is formed by adding ‘ies’.

G. Rule 7

Noun ending ‘f’, ‘fe’, plural is formed adding ‘ves’.

H. Rule 8

Some Nouns were made plural changing inside ‘vowels’ or adding ‘en’  

I. Rule 9

Compound Nouns made plural adding ‘s’ with the main word.

J. Rule 10

Compound nouns without ( – ) hyphens between them, adding ‘s’ at the end.

K. Rule 11

Some Foreign Plurals

L. Rule 12

Some Nouns are the same in both singular and plural

M. Rule 13

Some Nouns are Plural in form but Singular in meaning

Used as Singular
News, Mathematics, Physics, Politics, Athletics, billiards

N. Rule 14

Some Nouns are Singular in form but Plural in meaning.

Used as Singular
News Mathematics Physics Politics Athletics billiards

M. Rule 15

Some Nouns are Plural in form but Singular in meaning

Used as Plural
Aristocracy, Nobility, Gentry, Poultry, Cattle, Vermin, People, and Folk.

O. Rule 16

Some Nouns are always used as Singular.

Used as Singular
Alphabet, Luggage, Information, Furniture, Hair, Poetry, scenery.

P. Rule 17

Some Nouns are always used as a plural.

Used as Plural
Trousers Jeans Glasses Alms Vegetables Spectacles Pyjamas Jeans Shorts socks 

Q. Rule 18

Pronouns are also changed from singular to plurals.

We can count some Nouns. For example, pens, men, and tables. 

We can not count some Nouns. For example, water, hair, air, and honesty. 

Nouns that we can count are called Countable Nouns. Nouns that we can not count are called Uncountable Nouns.

Singular Plural Number Worksheet

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 1

1. Give the plural forms of:

(a) Commander-in-chief __________ .

(b) Man servant __________ .

(c) Ox __________ .

(d) Dozen __________ .

(e) Monkey __________ .

(f) Proof __________ .

(g) Mouse __________ .

(h) Army __________ .

(i) Leaf __________ .

(j) Piano __________ .

(k) Man __________ .

(l) Deer __________ .

(m) Tomato __________ .

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 2

2. Give the Singular form of the given plural nouns

(a) Rays __________ .

(b) Keys __________ .

(c) Lilies __________ .

(d) Storeys __________ .

(e) Children __________ .

(f) Watches __________ .

(g) Loaves __________ .

(i) Wives __________ .

(j) Sheep __________ .

(k) Toys __________ .

(l) Feet __________ .

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 3

3. Change the underlined nouns into their plural forms and make other necessary changes, if necessary:

(a) A fairy told the child a story.

(b) There is a beautiful city.

(c) A sword is made of iron.

(d) A boy is coming here.

(e) He plays the piano.

(f) They have seen an ox in the field.

(g) Tomato has nutritional value.

(h) I saw a deer in the zoo.

(i) The fox is very clever.

(j) He wrote an essay.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 4

4. Change the number of the underlined words and rewrite the sentences :

(a) An elephant is grey-skinned.

(b) The cups are empty.

(c) She has many colorful hats.

(d) A mosquito has six legs.

(e) The bus is running at top speed.

(f) Mathematics is my favorite subject.

(g) I have eaten many green mangoes.

(h) Radio is obsolete now.

(i) Leaves are falling from the tree.

(j) My grandmother told me many stories.

(k) He is running after the three thieves.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 5

5. Rewrite the sentences using the plural form of the subject :

(a) He is very naughty.

(b) The rat looks cute.

(c) The actor is always well-dressed.

(d) How high is the bird flying?

(e) I have done it.

(f) The calf is on the field.

(g) The woman is watching TV.

(i) The dress is beautiful.

(j) Tree is our friend.

(k) The player is coming into the field.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 6

6. Underline the nouns and mention whether they are countable (C) or uncountable (U) nouns.

(a) There is smoke in the room.

(b) A few cupcakes were left over from the party.

(c) Please add some salt to my food.

(d) We must save water.

(e) I love eating dosas with sambar and chutney.

(f) I have read all the books in the Harry Potter series.

(g) The tables in the office are broken and the curtains are dirty.

(h) The waste from factories pollutes our rivers.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 7

7. Add ‘s’ or ‘es’, ‘ies’, ‘ves’,  to the plural forms.

(a) Hoof

(b) Spoonful

(c) Lady

(d) Life

(e) Piano

(f) Hero

(g) Ray

(h) Half

(i) Egg

(j) Dish

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 8

8. If the underlined word of the following sentence is correct write correct and if incorrect write incorrect and write the correct word in the space provided.

(a) I have lost my spectacles.

(b) Bijoy Babu has three son-in-law.

(c) I am fond of vegetable.

(d) How many coins do you  have?

(e) I want two dozens pens.

(f) There are three woman in the compartment.

(g) Tom has broken his single teeth.

(h) The wants two toys.

(i) A mosquitoes has six legs.

(j) There are so many beautiful houses in the city.

Singular Plural Number Class 5 English Grammar Worksheet 9

9. Rewrite these sentences after correcting the errors in the use of plurals.

(a) I brush tooths twice a day.

(b) The thiefs ran away with the loot.

(c) Many wolfs were howling at night.

(d) There are many mouses in the attic.

(e) Sheeps were grazing in the meadow.

(f) Some womans have come to meet the president.

(g) An artist usually has different kinds of paintbrushs.

(h) The monkies were swinging on the branches of the tree.

(i) The mangos that grow on this tree are extremely sweet.

(j) The convict needs proves to avoid punishment.

Class 5 English Grammar: All Topics & Chapters????:

Chapter 1. Parts of speech

Chapter 2. The sentence and Types

Chapter 3.  Subject and Predicate

Chapter 4. Nouns and their Types

Chapter 5. Noun and Number

Chapter 6. Noun and Gender

Chapter 7. Articles

Chapter 8. Pronouns and their Classifications

Chapter 9. Verbs and Types of Verbs  

Chapter 10. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs List 

Chapter 11. Subject and Verb  Agreement 

Chapter 12. Simple Present Tense 

Chapter 13. Present Continuous Tense 

Chapter 14. Present Perfect Tense 

Chapter 15. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 16. Simple Past Tense 

Chapter 17. Past Continuous Tense 

Chapter 18. Past Perfect Tense 

Chapter 19. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 20. Simple Future Tense 

Chapter 21. Future Continuous Tense 

Chapter 22. Future Perfect Tense 

Chapter 23. Future Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 24. Tense Exercises 

Chapter 25. Modal Verbs 

Chapter 26. Adjectives and their Types 

Chapter 27. Degree of Adjectives 

Chapter 28. Adverbs and Comparison 

Chapter 29. Prepositions and their Uses 

Chapter 30. Conjunctions 

Chapter 31. Direct and Indirect Speech 

Chapter 32. Transformation of Sentences 

Chapter 33. Punctuation