Reported Speech Exercises and Answers for CBSE Class 10

Reported Speech Exercises and Answers for CBSE Class 10 provide students with essential practice in converting direct speech into reported speech, a key aspect of English grammar. 

Contents show

These exercises come in various formats, including fill-in-the-blanks, reporting dialogues, and conversation-based reporting, with reported speech ranging from one sentence to multiple sentences. 

This comprehensive resource helps students prepare for the CBSE Class 10 English Board Exam.

Reported Speech for Class 10 CBSE

The act of reporting the speech of a speaker is called reported speech. There are basically two ways in which the words of the speaker can be conveyed in writing.

(a) Direct Speech (Direct Namation) The reporting of the words of the speaker without making any changes to it is known as Direct Speech. Direct speech is shown inside double quotation marks.

(b) Indirect Speech (Indirect Narration) The act of reporting the words of the speaker by making necessary changes to it is called Indirect Speech. In indirect speech, while narrating something, changes are made in the original words of the person. For example, tenses and pronouns are changed according to the reporting verb.


Direct speech: My mother told me, “You have to work harder at school.”

Indirect speech: My mother told me that I had to work harder at school.

In sentence (i), we can notice that this is the speaker’s direct narration as it is shown inside double quotation marks, but in sentence (ii), tense and pronouns are changed, and quotation marks are removed.

The first verb part of the sentence (i.e. he said, she said, he says, she says, they said, etc) before the statement (quotation marks) of a person in the sentence is called the reporting verb.

The reporting clause contains the reporting verb (in many cases said or told) and usually comes first.

Reported Speech Exercises: Fill in the Blanks 

These exercises help students practice converting direct speech into reported speech by filling in the missing words or phrases.

Reported Speech Exercises 1:

1. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. Mum said, “I am angry with you.”

Mum said she……………  angry with me.

2. Jaya said, “I am cooking lunch today.”

Jaya said that she  …………… lunch  …………… .

3. My friend said, “I will go to the cinema tomorrow.”

My friend said that he …………… to the cinema…………… 

4. Her teacher said, “You must do your homework every day.”

Her teacher said that she …………… do her homework every day.

5. Their father said, “I can speak three languages

Their father said that he …………… speak three languages

6. Kavita said, “I have been on holidays.”

Kavita said that she ………… on holidays.

7. Mary said, “I will play cards the day after tomorrow.

Mary said that …………. cards the following day.

8. Sangeeta said, “I went to bed early last night.”

Sangeeta said that………… to bed early the night before.

9. My dad said to the immigration officer, “This is my first visit to England.”

My dad told the immigration officer that it …………… his first visit to England.

10. He said to me, “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

He told me that I …………… the most beautiful girl he.…………… .

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Reported Speech Exercises 2:

2. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. Nikhil said, “I am going to see my parents next month.”

See also  Dialogue Writing Topics Rules Examples and Exercises CBSE

Nikhil said that …………… to see his parents the following month.

2. Garima said to me, “I am sorry but I can’t come to your birthday party because I am going away for the weekend.”

Garima said that she  …………… sorry but she …………… to my birthday party because she  ……………  away for the weekend.

3. Judy said, “I have already written this paragraph four times.”

Judy complained that  …………… that paragraph four times.

4. Prakash said, “I will not stop until this factory is shut down.”

Prakash promised that …………… until that factory…………. shutdown.

5. Jagan said, “I don’t think so.”

 Jagan said that ……………  so.

6. My friends said to me, “We want to leave at once.”

My friends told me that …………… to leave at once. 

7. Uncle John said, “Please take off your shoes when you come in.”

Uncle John told us to take off …………… shoes when we ……….. in.

8. Pankaj said, “I haven’t brushed yet.”

Pankaj said that my teeth …………… brushed …………… teeth yet.

9. Maya said, “You can borrow my book.”

Maya told me that …………… borrow…………book.

10. Sanjay said, “My head is aching.”

Sanjay said that …………… head …………… aching. 

Reported Speech Exercises 3:

3. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. Ravi said, “I love this place”.

Ravi said…………….

2. “Do you like football?” He asked me.

He asked me………….

3. “I can’t drive a lorry”, he said.

He said.…………….

4. “Be nice to your brother”, he said

He asked me…………….

5. “Don’t be nasty, “he said

He urged me…………….

6. “Don’t waste your money “she said.

She told the boys…………….

7. “What have you decided to do? “she asked him. 

She asked him…………….

8. “I always wake up early”. he said,

He said…………….

9. “You should revise your lessons’, he said.

He advised the students…………….

10. “Where have you been? “he asked me

He wanted to know.…………….

Reported Speech Exercises 4:

4. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. She said, “I went to the cinema yesterday.”

She said…………….

2. You said, “I will do this for him.’

You said…………….

3. He said, “I am writing a test tomorrow.

He said…………….

4. She said, “I am not hungry now”,

She said…………….

5. They said, “We have never been here before.”

They said…………….

6. They said, “We were in London last week.”

They said…………….

7. He said, “They won’t sleep.”

He said…………….

8. “Have you been shopping?” he asked us.

He wanted to know…………….

9. She said, “It is very quiet here.

She said…………….

10. “I don’t speak Italian”, she said.

She said…………….

Reported Speech Exercises: Reporting Dialogue

Reporting Dialogue involves transforming a conversation or dialogue from direct to reported speech, focusing on accurate tense and pronoun changes.

Reported Speech Exercises 1:

1. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Shylock: I am unwell

Duke: What can I do for you, sir?

Shylock: Will you take me to the doctor?

Duke: Yes, Sir.

Shylock told the Duke (a)………….  The Duke asked (b)…………  Shylock asked the Duke (c)…………  The Duke replied in affirmative.

Reported Speech Exercises 2:

2. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Divya: I am planning to buy a car.

Arti: Which car do you intend to buy?

Divya: I intend to buy the latest model of any popular company.

Arti: It is a wise decision.

Divya told Arti that (a)…………. Then Arti asked her (b) …………. Divya said that (c)…………. Arti said that (d)………….

Reported Speech Exercises 3:

3. Read the conversations and complete the passages that follow.

Susan: Why have you not brought my party dress?

Jenny: I haven’t brought it because I had gone to my uncle’s house with my parents, so I forgot to keep it.

Susan: Don’t give me silly excuses. I want to know the truth.

Jenny: I am sorry Susan. I was chatting with my friends till late. I forgot that you needed it urgently today.

Susan asked Jenny (a)………….. Jenny said that she (b)………….  Susan (c)…………. Jenny said that (d)………….  She was chatting with her friends till late and (e)………….  that Jenny needed it urgently that day.

Reported Speech Exercises 4:

4. Read the conversations and complete the passages that follow.

Dilip: I have been watching the sea and there hasn’t been any trace of a ship.

Rohani: I told you yesterday too that we’ll be rescued, so have patience.

Dilip: Why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say something!

Rohan: Have you ever said anything sensible?

Dilip said that (a)…………… the sea and that (b)……….. any trace of a ship. Rohan replied that (c) that they (d)………….. and asked him to have patience. Dilip angrily asked Rohan (e)………….. to keep quict whenever he said something to which Rohan wanted to know (f)……………

Reported Speech Exercises 5:

5. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Sanjay: I am surprised to see you here in Delhi. When did you come?

Madan: I came here yesterday. I have been offered a job here.

Sanjay told Madan (a)…………… and asked (b)…………… Madan replied that (c)……………and added that (d)……………

Reported Speech Exercises 6:

6. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Kanak: Have you seen “Three Idiots”?

Kartik: I saw them yesterday in the class

Kanak: I was talking about the movie.

See also  Editing Exercises for Class 7 in English with Answers pdf

Kartik: I thought that you were talking about the three idiots in the class.

Kanak asked Kartik (a)……………. ‘Three Idiots’. Kartik replied that (b)………… in the class. Kanak further said that (c)…………… Kartik replied that (d)…………… in the class.

Reported Speech Exercises 7:

7. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Ananya: I want to order a big pineapple cake for my birthday.

Confectioner: When is your birthday?

Ananya: It is tomorrow.

Confectioner: You can collect it by noon.

Ananya told the confectioner (a)………… a big pineapple cake for her birthday. The confectioner asked (b) …………… Ananya replied that it was (c)………….. The confectioner told her that (d)……….. by noon.

Reported Speech Exercises 8:

8. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Mother: Why are you late for school, Kabir?

Kabir: While coming from school to bus stop, I slipped by stepping on a banana peel.

Mother: O, my son! Did you hurt yourself?

Kabir: I got a bad bruise on my left knee.

Mother asked Kabir (a)………… Kabir replied that while coming from school to the bus stop (b) ………… on a banana peel. Mother was shocked to hear this. She asked (c)……….. Kabir said that (d) ………… a bad bruise on his left knee.

Exercises 9:

9. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Rahul: Do you know that Ranjit met with an accident and is in hospital?

Sukrit: Oh! I don’t know Is he badly hurt? Which hospital is hein?

Rahul: The doctors say that there is nothing to worry. He is admitted to City


Rahul asked Sukrit (a)……….. if Ranjit (b)………..with an accident and was in hospital. Sukrit expressed his ignorance and enquired (c) ………… He also asked (d)………… Rahul told him that according to the doctors (e)…………. And said that he (f)……….. to the City Hospital.

Exercises 10:

10. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook?

Jaya: Sure you can. But when will you return it?

Shilpa: I will return it to you after two days from today.

Jaya: Please do as I have to prepare for the exams.

Shilpa asked Jaya (a)……….. Jaya replied that (b)………… and asked her (c)……….. Shilpa said she (d)……….. her (e)……….. Jaya urged since she (f)………..

Exercises 11:

11. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Doctor:  How do you feel now?

Patient:  Slightly better.

Doctor:  Did you take the medicines regularly?

Patient:  Yes.

The doctor asked the patient how …………….. The patient replied that (b) …………….better. When the doctor asked him the medicines regularly, he if (c)……………. replied in affirmation.

Exercises 12:

12. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Teacher:  Why are you crying, Radha?

Radha:  Madam, Mansi has broken my pen.

Teacher:  I’ll arrange a new pen for you

Radha:  You said this yesterday also.

Radha was crying in her classroom. The teacher saw her and asked (a)…………….. Radha replied (b)……………. her pen, The teacher promised that she would arrange a new pen for her. Radha replied. that (c) ……………..that previous day also.

Exercises 13:

13. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Shubham: Didn’t you see the football match?

Vaibhav: No, sorry, I did not. I hate games.

Shubham: Why do you think like this?

Vaibhav: The players are rough and they misbehave with the referee.

Last night, the final football match was played between Germany and Holland. The match was very interesting. Shubham asked Vaibhav (a) ……………. the football match. Vaibhav regretted that the had not seen the match because he hated games. Shubham enquired (b) ……………. like that. Vaibhav replied that the players (c)…………….with the referee.

Exercises 14:

14. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Ankit: Where are you going?

Atul: To the airport.

Ankit: May I drop you there in my car?

Atul: Thanks a lot! It will be a great help to me.

Ankit asked Atul where (a)…………….. Atul replied (b)…………….. airport. Ankit further asked him (c)……………. there in his car. Atul thanked him, adding that it would be a great help to him.

Exercises 15:

15. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Sneha: Do you know that the school trip to Andaman has been postponed?

Deepti: No, I didn’t know that. Why has the trip been postponed?

Sneha: I heard that it is due to bad weather conditions.

Sneha asked Deepti (a)…………postponed. Deepti replied that she didn’t know that. She asked Sneha(b) ……………. Sneha told her that (c)……………..

Exercises 16:

16. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

Tanmay: How did you spend your vacation?

Astha: I visited Kashmir with my parents.

Tanmay: Have you been there earlier too?

Astha: No, it was my first trip?

Tanmay asked Astha (a) ……… vacation. Astha replied that (b)…………….

further asked her if she had been there earlier too. Astha replied in (c)……………..

Exercises 17:

17. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Teacher:  Why are you late?

Sumit:  I missed my school bus.

Teacher:  Why didn’t you leave in time?

Sumit:  Sorry, I will do so from tomorrow. with her parents. Tanma

The teacher asked Sumit (a)…………….. late. Sumit replied that (b)………… When the teacher asked him(c)……………. Sumit apologetically replied that he would do so from next day.

Exercises 18:

18. Read the dialogue and complete the following sentences in the reported speech.

See also  Gap Filling Class 9 CBSE Practice Exercises with Answers

Sonu:  What makes you weep?

Rohan: Someone has stolen my wallet.

Sonu: Where did you keep it?

Rohan: In the back pocket of my trousers. 

Sonu asked Rohan (a)…………….. He replied that someone (b) ………….. Next, Sonu enquired (c) ………… Rohan said that he had kept it in the back pocket of his trouser.

Exercises 19:

19. Read the following dialogues and complete the reports.

Servant:  Please give me leave for a week.

Master: Why do you need such a long leave?

Servant: I have to visit my village.

Master: Ok, but don’t overstay your leave.

The servant requested his master (a)…………….. for a week. The master asked him why (b) ………… At this, the servant said (c)………. leave. The master acceded to his request but asked him not to overstay on his leave.

Reported Speech Answers

Reported Speech Answers provide correct solutions to exercises that convert direct speech into reported speech, ensuring students understand the proper transformations. These answers help learners check their work and improve their grammar skills for exams.

Answers 1: Fill in the Blanks 

1. Was

2. was cooking, that day

3. would go, the next day

4. had to

5. Could

6. had been

7. she would play

8. she had gone

9. was

10. was, had ever seen

Answers 2: Fill in the Blanks 

1. he was going

2. was, couldn’t come, was going

3. she had already written

4. he would not stop, was

5. he didn’t think

6. they wanted

7. our, came

8. he hadn’t, his

9.1 could, her

10. his, was

Answer 3: Fill in the Blanks 

1. that he loved that place

2. whether I liked football

3. that he couldn’t drive a lorry

4. to be nice to my brother

5. not to be nasty

6. not to waste their money

7. what he had decided to do

8. that he always wake up early

9. to revise their lessons

10. where I had been

Answer 4: Fill in the Blanks 

1. that she had gone to cinema the previous day.

2. that you would do that for him.

3. that he will be writing a test the next day.

4. that she was not hungry then.

5. that they had never been there before.

6. that they had been in London the previous week.

7. that they wouldn’t sleep.

8. whether we had been shopping.

9. that it was very quiet there.

10. that she didn’t speak Italian.

Answer 1: Reporting Dialogue

(a) that he was unwell

(b) what he could do for him

(c) if he would take him to the doctor

Answer 2: Reporting Dialogue

(a) she was planning to buy a new car

(b) which car she intended to buy

(c) she intended to buy the latest model of any popular company

(d) it was a wise decision

Answer 3: Reporting Dialogue

(a) Why she had not brought her party dress

(b) hadn’t brought it as she had gone to her uncle’s house with her parents so she had forgotten to keep it

(c) told her not to give silly excuses and that she wanted to know the truth

(d) she was sorry

(e) had forgotten

Answer 4: Reporting Dialogue

(a) he had been watching

(b) there had not been

(c) he had told him the day before

(d) would be rescued

(e) why he asked him

(f) if he had ever said anything sensible

Answer 5: Reporting Dialogue

(a) that he was surprised to see him there in Delhi

(b) When he had come

(c) he had come there the previous day

(d) he had been offered a job there

Answer 6: Reporting Dialogue

(a) if he had seen

(b) he had seen them the day before

(c) she had been talking about the movie

(d) he had thought that he had been talking about the three idiots

Answer 7: Reporting Dialogue

(a) that she wanted to order

(b) when her birthday was

(c) the following day

(d) she could collect it

Answer 8: Reporting Dialogue

(a) why he was late from school

(b) he had slipped by stepping

(c) if he had hurt himself

(d) he had got

Answer 9: Reporting Dialogue

(a) if he knew

(b) had met

(c) if he was badly hurt

(d) which hospital he was in

(e) there was nothing to worry

(f) was admitted

Answer 10: Reporting Dialogue

(a) if she could borrow her English textbook

(b) she could

(c) when she would return it

(d) would return it to the after two days from that day

(e) to do that

(f) had to prepare for the exams

Answer 11: Reporting Dialogue

(a) he felt

(b) he felt slightly

(c) he had taken

Answer 12: Reporting Dialogue

(a) why she was crying

(b) that Mansi had broken

(c) she had said

Answer 13: Reporting Dialogue

(a) if he had not seen

(b) why he thought

(c) were rough and they misbehaved

Answer 14: Reporting Dialogue

(a) he was going

(b) that he was going to the

(c) if he might drop him

Answer 15: Reporting Dialogue

(a) if she knew that school trip to Andaman had been

(b) why the trip had been postponed.

(c) she had heard that it was due to bad weather conditions.

Answer 16: Reporting Dialogue

(a) how she had spent her

(b) she had visited Kashmir

(c) the negative, saying that it had been her first trip

Answer 17: Reporting Dialogue

(a) why he was

(b) he had missed his school bus

(c) why he had not left in time

Answer 18: Reporting Dialogue

(a) what made him weep

(b) had stolen his wallet

(c) of him where he had kept it

Answer 19: Reporting Dialogue

(a) to give him leave

(b) he needed such a long leave

(c) that he had to visit his village.

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