Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences Class 7

Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences Class 7 with answers offers an interactive language learning experience for seventh-grade students, particularly those following CBSE, DAV, and KVS curricula.

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This Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences engaging exercise promotes proficiency in sentence construction, word order, and grammar, allowing class 7 students to enhance their linguistic skills. 

Regular participation in such Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences Class 7 practice activities ensures a comprehensive understanding of language mechanics.

Question Set: Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences Class 7

Question Set 1

1. Rearrange the following words and phrases to make meaningful sentences. 

(a) Lies/ in the/beholder/ of/ beauty/eyes the.

(b) was out/replied/for a long/of his place/ he/time/he/that.

(c) too much/he had/earned/by/now/money.

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Rearrange the Words to Make Meaningful Sentences Class 7

Question Set 2

2. Rearrange the following words or phrases to form meaningful sentences.

(a) her / worked / she / saved / and / money / hard / for / old age.

(b) buried / she/her / floor of/in / savings / her hut / in the / a hole.

(c) about / she fell/ anyone / suddenly / and / ill / without / telling / the money / died.

(d) there / an / lived / old widow / once in a / village.

Question Set 3

3. Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences.          

(a) illiterate/a large number of/India/ in/ are/ people

(b) the functioning of/ understand/ democratic institutions/ do not/ they

(c) aware of/ they/ the great value of/ are not/ vote/ the

(d) easily/ illiterate people/ these/ politicians/ deceived by/ are

Question Set 4

4. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them into meaningful sentences as given in the example.                                                                                                      

(a) the weekend/are/doing/what/plans/for you?

(b) the keys/lost/has/who?

(c) in/your/favorite/what/is/book?

(d) visited/last/where/summer/you/did?

Question Set 5

5. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them into meaningful sentences as given in the example.                                                                                                      

a) is/ process/natural/a/ageing

b) is a/with a/of benefit/turmeric/bright yellow/wealth/spice

c) tissue damage/other visible signs/turmeric/the body from/of aging/protects/and prevents wrinkles/scars and

d) degenerative diseases/has the ability/it also/ward off/to potentially.

e) Should/all/adopt/healthy/a/we/lifestyle

Question Set 6

6. Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences.                              

a) you are/ there are/ if/ planning/on a / to go/ vacation/ to remember/ important things/ some

If you are planning to go on a vacation, there are some important things to remember.

b) a safe/ your/ must always / be kept/ place/ money/ and passport/in

c) call your/ if/ you/ embassy/happen/ to lose/ immediately/ these items

d) hotel/ are in a/ feel uncomfortable/go back/if you/to your/in a taxi/situation/and/that/makes you/get

Question Set 7

7. Unjumble the following jumbled words to make meaningful sentences.

a)  is a / Holi / of fun/time/frolic / and

b) colors / loses / no doubt / without / Holi / shine / its

c)  should / we / chemical / avoid / colors / natural / and / go for / colors

d) Flowers / these / smell / sweet / very 

Question Set 8

8. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences:                           

a) Polar Bear/ blind/are/born/cubs of/

b) Stays/are born/in a den/ the whole family/ when the cubs

c)  No legs / the snake is /one reptile/that has

d) Move /very strong/that helps it /it has/muscles

Question Set 9

9. Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences and write them in your answer sheet.   

(a) Peacock /a / beautiful/ is/ bird

(b) Green/ blue/ its/ and /body/ is

(c) It/ national/ our/ is/ bird

(d) Neck/ feathers/ covered/ is/ with/ its

Question Set 10

10. Rewrite the following jumbled words properly to make a meaningful sentence. 

a) Shimla/ when/you/ go/will//to

b) Books/where/ you/ kept/have/ the

c)  help/how/can/ you/I

d) us/to/ trees/ of importance/great/ are

Question Set 11

11. Re-arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences: 

a) laughter/the/is/medicine/best

b) healthy/it/and/life/ensures/longer,

c) panacea/a/is/fact/in /laughter

Question Set 12

12. Rearrange the following phrases to form meaningful sentences.

(a) India/ the/are/beautiful/Himalayas/mountains/in/north/of/the

(b) Kashmir/thousand/they/stretch/Assam/for/ two/from/to/miles

(c) boy/the/not/we/to/be/told/afraid.

(d) he/when/tried/he/to/run/away/saw/us.

Question Set 13

13. Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences:     

a) below/years/children/not allowed/eight/are

b) was/clever/Birbal/extremely/witty/and

c) hit/he/the ball/so hard/lost/it/was/that

d) an/man/old/in/Almora/lived

Question Set 14

14. Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences and write them in your answer sheet.

 (a) Peacock /a / beautiful/ is/ bird

 (b) Green/ blue/ its/ and /body/ is

 (c) It/ national/ our/ is/ bird

 (d) Neck/ feathers/ covered/ is/ with/ its

Question Set 15

15. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences.  

a)  revolves/the/earth/sun/around/the

b) baked/delicious/on/a/my/cake/birthday/sister/my

c) black/cotton/well/soil/grows/in

Question Set 16

16.  Rearrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences. 

a) in traditional/ playing/ have been/a role/manufacturing/ sector/Robot 

b) every morning? / by her / read/is the / newspaper 

c) animal /a /social /being /is /human 

Question Set 17

17. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences.

(а) worshipped / people/saints / by / are / God-fearing

(b) them / of / are / deceitful / some / totally

(c) purpose / in life / to gain / their / is / name/fame / and

(d) move/very strong/that helps it/it has/muscles

Question Set 18

18. Rearrange the given words or phrases to make meaningful sentences. 

(a) my parents /20th/anniversary/celebrating today/their/are 

(b) associated/with/purple/royalty/the/color/is

(c) guide / good / to / us / teacher/path / should / a / right / the

Question Set 19

19. Rearrange the words/Phrases to form meaningful sentences:

(a) one of / friends / best / good book/a / our / is

(b) hard / you must / want to / you / succeed / if / work

(c) cave / could not / explore / they / torch / the / without / a

(d) ship / violently / the storm / rocked / the

Question Set 20

20. Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases to make meaningful sentences:

a) are known / Indian temples/ a storehouse/ Indian art/ of / to be

b) the temple architecture/ form and/ the sculptures and paintings/ of/ essential part

c) is/ the Konark Temple/ dedicated/ Sun God/ to/ the

d) people/their/with/obstacles/strong/some/overcome/will power/efforts/and /sincere

Question Set 21

21. Rearrange the jumbled words to form meaningful sentences:

(a) forest/ huge/forest fire/Australian/ the/ broke/in /a

(b) loss/ has/immense//there/lives/ been/and/of/property

(c) people of /sufferers/the/worst/ were/New South Wales

(d) highly/calamity/ air/this/become/the/has/hazardous/after

Question Set 22

22. Rearrange the jumbled words/phrases to make meaningful sentences: 

(a) uppermost/soil/layer/is/earth/the/of/the

(b) it/plants/which/supports/food/provide/all living things/to

(c) conservation/help/soil/in/roots

(d) soil/thus/the foundation/earth/life/on/of/is/the

Question Set 23

23. Rearrange the jumbled words or phrases to form meaningful sentences:

a) our population/ a/of/ big portion/villages/in/ lives

b) living/in the villages/most of the/ people/illiterate/are

c) social evils/they/ from/ suffer/ many

d) a lot of the/ a great deal/students/do/can/to improve/ villagers

Question Set 24

24. Rearrange the jumbled words or phrases to form meaningful sentences:

(a) the house / got /whitewashed / they 

(b) watched / I/ movie/ yesterday/ an interesting.

(c) my / mother/ us/ her/ native/ took/ place/ last/ week/ to.

(d) the / first/ the/ girl/ everybody/ praised/ who/ won/ prize.

(e) work / harder/ the/ teacher/ them/ to / and/ harder/ advised.

(f) next / the/ woman/ doors/ is/ an/ who/ lives/ architect.

Question Set 25

25. Rearrange the jumbled words or phrases to form meaningful sentences:

(a) the/early/the/farmers/morning/fields/in/worked.

(b) her/for/birthday/a/gift/surprised/they/with.

(c) the/a/tree/branches/with/blossoms/was/full/of/cherry.

(d) calmly/the/lake/reflected/the/mountains/underneath/the.

Answer Set 1:

(a) Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

(b) He replied that he was out of his place for a long time.

(c) By now, he had earned too much money.

Answer Set 2:

(a) She worked hard and saved money for her old age.

(b) She buried her savings in a hole in the floor of her hut.

(c) She suddenly fell ill and died without telling anyone about the money.

(d) Once, an old widow lived in a village.

Answer Set 3: 

(a) In India, a large number of people are illiterate.

(b) They do not understand the functioning of democratic institutions.

(c) They are not aware of the great value of the vote.

(d) Illiterate people are easily deceived by these politicians.

Answer Set 4:

(a) What are your plans for the weekend?

(b) Who has lost the keys?

(c) What is your favorite book?

(d)Where did you visit last summer?

Answer Set 5:

(a) Ageing is a natural process.

(b) Turmeric is a spice with a wealth of benefit and bright yellow color.

(c) Turmeric protects the body from tissue damage, prevents wrinkles, scars, and other visible signs of aging.

(d) It also has the ability to ward off potentially degenerative diseases.

(e) We should all adopt a healthy lifestyle

Answer Set 6:

(a) If you are planning to go on a vacation, there are some important things to remember.

(b) Your money and passport must always be kept in a safe place.

(c) If you happen to lose these items, call your embassy immediately.

(d) If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, go back to your hotel or sit in a taxi that makes you comfortable.

Answer Set 7:

(a) Holi is a time of fun and frolic.

(b) Holi loses its shine without colors, no doubt.

(c) We should avoid chemical colors and go for natural colors.

(d) These flowers smell very sweet.

Answer Set 8:

(a) Polar bear cubs are born blind.

(b) The whole family stays in a den when the cubs are born.

(c) The snake is one reptile that has no legs.

(d) It has very strong muscles that help it move.

Answer Set 9:

(a) A peacock is a beautiful bird.

(b) Its body is green and blue.

(c) It is our national bird.

(d) Its neck is covered with feathers.

Answer Set 10:

(a) When will you go to Shimla?

(b) Where have you kept the books?

(c) How can I help you?

(d) Trees are of great importance to us.

Answer Set 11:

(a) Laughter is the best medicine.

(b) It ensures a longer, healthy life.

(c) Laughter is a panacea, in fact.

Answer Set 12:

(a) The beautiful mountains of the Himalayas are in the north of India.

(b) They stretch for two thousand miles from Assam to Kashmir.

(c) We should not be afraid of the boy.

(d) When he tried to run away, he saw us.

Answer Set 13:

(a) Children below eight years are not allowed.

(b) Birbal was extremely clever and witty.

(c) He hit the ball so hard that it was lost.

(d) An old man lived in Almora.

Answer Set 14:

(a) A peacock is a beautiful bird.

(b) Its body is green and blue.

(c) It is our national bird.

(d) Its neck is covered with feathers.

Answer Set 15:

(a) The earth revolves around the sun.

(b) On my sister’s birthday, I baked a delicious cake.

(c) Cotton grows well in black soil.

Answer Set 16:

(a) Robots have been playing a role in traditional manufacturing sector.

(b) Is the newspaper read by her every morning?

(c) A human being is a social animal.

Answer Set 17:

(a) God-fearing people are worshipped by saints.

(b) Some of them are totally deceitful.

(c) Their purpose in life is to gain name, fame, and.

(d) It has very strong muscles that help it move.

Answer Set 18:

(a) My parents are celebrating their 20th anniversary today.

(b) The color purple is associated with royalty.

(c) A good teacher should guide us on the right path.

Answer Set 19:

(a) A good book is one of our best friends.

(b) If you want to succeed, you must work hard.

(c) They could not explore the cave without a torch.

(d) The ship rocked violently in the storm.

Answer Set 20:

(a) Indian temples are known to be a storehouse of Indian art.

(b) The sculptures and paintings are an essential part of the temple architecture.

(c) The Konark Temple is dedicated to the Sun God.

(d) With strong will power, sincere efforts, and determination, people will overcome some obstacles.

Answer Set 21:

(a) In a huge Australian forest, a forest fire broke out.

(b) There has been immense loss of lives and property.

(c) The worst sufferers were the people of New South Wales.

(d) After this calamity, the air has become highly hazardous.

Answer Set 22:

(a) The uppermost layer of the earth is the soil.

(b) Soil provides the foundation for all living things and supports plants, which provide food.

(c) Roots help in the conservation of soil.

(d) Thus, the soil is the foundation of life on earth.

Answer Set 23:

(a) A big portion of our population lives in villages.

(b) Most of the people living in the villages are illiterate.

(c) They suffer from many social evils.

(d) Students can do a great deal to improve the lives of villagers.

Answer Set 24:

1. I watched an interesting movie yesterday.

2. My mother took us to her native place last week.

3. Everybody praised the girl who won the first prize.

4. The teacher advised them to work harder and harder.

5. The woman who lives next door is an architect.

Answer Set 25:

(a) Farmers worked in the fields early in the morning.

(b) They surprised her with a gift for her birthday.

(c) The cherry tree was full of blossoms with branches.

(d) Underneath, the lake reflected the mountains calmly.