Present Continuous Tense Class 4 Rules Examples Worksheet

Tailored for Class 4 this Present Continuous Tense Worksheet elucidates rules and examples, offering young learners a practical tool to master the concept of ongoing actions. Engaging exercises ensure an interactive learning experience for students to reinforce their understanding of the present continuous tense.

Present Continuous Tense Class 4 Rules

We use the present continuous tense to talk about things happening at the time of speaking. The action continues to happen as we speak.

We form this tense with am, is, are, and the -ing form of a verb.

I am reading an interesting book.

The baby is sleeping.

We are playing cricket.

My sister is watching a film.

English Grammar eBook for Class 4

To form negatives, we use not with the -ing form of the verb.

● We are not playing cricket.

● The baby is not sleeping.

To form questions, we use a wh-question word.

Where are we going?

What are you doing?

Why are you hiding?

We can also form questions that expect the answer ‘Yes/No’ without using a wh-question word.

● Are you feeling better?

● Is Grandpa sleeping?

We also use the present continuous tense to talk about something we have planned for the future.

We are playing our first match next Saturday.

Prakash is leaving tomorrow morning,

We are flying to Delhi next week.

The difference between the simple present and the present continuous

We use the present continuous to talk about temporary actions that are happening now and actions that are planned for the future. We use the simple present to talk about habitual actions and permanent situations.

● I brush my teeth every night. (I do this action regularly every night = the simple present tense)

● I am brushing my teeth now. (a temporary action happening now = = the present continuous tense)

● Sanjana lives in Puri. She lives near the beach. (a permanent situation the simple present tense)

● She is staying with us in July and August. (an action planned for the future = the present continuous tense)

All Lessons Class 4:

Lesson 1: NounLesson 11: The Present Continuous Tense 
Lesson 2: Countable and Uncountable NounsLesson 12: The Prast Tense 
Lesson 3: GenderLesson 13: The Future Tense 
Lesson 4: PronounsLesson 14: Adverbs
Lesson 5: ArticlesLesson 15: Prepositions
Lesson 6: AdjectivesLesson 16: Conjunctions
Lesson 7: Possessive AdjectivesLesson 17: Subject Verb Agreement
Lesson 8: Order of AdjectivesLesson 18: Subject and Predicate
Lesson 9: Degrees of AdjectivesLesson 19: Do as Directed
Lesson 10: The Present TenseLesson 20: Punctuation Marks

Present Continuous Tense Class 4 Worksheet

Worksheet 1

A. Complete the following sentences using the simple present or the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. The stars ………………..  (shine) quite brightly today.

2. The band ……………….. (play) my favourite song!

3. I ……………….. (eat) lots of fruits every day.

4. Raghu always ……………….. (read) very fast. He ……………….. (read) on the verandah right now.

5. Australia usually ……………….. (win) the cup every year. But the English team ………………..  (play) really well right now.

6. I usually ……………….. (bath) in cold water. Today, I ……………….. (bath) in hot water because it is quite cold.

Worksheet 2

B. Complete the following questions or answers using the present continuous tense.

1. …………………………………………..

I am studying Science.

2. Where ………………………………….?

Nupur is going to Tasmania next week.

3. Who ………………………………………….. ?

Akhil is behaving strangely these days.

4. Why ………………………………………….. ?

I am calling Sid to wish him happy birthday.

5. What ………………………………………….. ?

Jessica, Harmeet and Puneet are dancing.

6. Why ………………………………………….. ?

I am sitting in the dark because there is no power.

Worksheet 3

C. Complete this sports commentary using suitable forms of the verbs in the brackets.

We ……….. (be) at a very important point in this match. Federer ………..(need) this game to win this set and match. He ……….. (get) ready to serve the ball. The ball ……….. (be) Nadal’s court now. Nadal ……….. (run) to reach the ball. He manages to hit the ball back. Federer ………..  (run) cross-court ……….. (return) the ball.returss. Nadal ……….. (miss) the ball. The point ………..  (go) to Federer. The score ……….. (read) 40-15. Federer ……….. (lead) the game at the moment. He requires ……….. (require) one more point to win this match. Wait. Looks like he as asking ……….. (ask) for another ball. The ballboy throws one to him.  Federer is ……….. (be) in no hurry. this point and bounces. He is taking his time with this point. He ……….. (bounce) the ball. There ……….. (be) pin-drop silence in the stadium. The fans ……….. (be) at the edge of are their seats. Federer serves. And it’s an ace! Game, set and match to Federer!

Worksheet 4

D. Form pairs. Write the following things about your friend.

Any five habits of your friend

1. …………………………………………………………………………………….

2. …………………………………………………………………………………….

3. …………………………………………………………………………………….

4. …………………………………………………………………………………….

5.  …………………………………………………………………………………….

Any five things that your friend is doing right now

1. …………………………………………………………………………………….

2. …………………………………………………………………………………….

3. …………………………………………………………………………………….

4. …………………………………………………………………………………….

5. …………………………………………………………………………………….

In conclusion, this Grade 4 Present Continuous Tense Worksheet, complete with clear rules and answers, serves as an invaluable tool for students to master the intricacies of ongoing actions. The inclusion of answers enhances self-assessment, ensuring a solid comprehension of present continuous tense concepts.

FAQs on Present Continuous Tense Class 4 

Is this Present Continuous Tense Worksheet suitable for Grade 4 students?

Absolutely, this worksheet is specifically tailored for Grade 4, providing a structured approach to understanding and practicing present continuous tense rules.

Does the worksheet include examples to illustrate present continuous tense rules?

Yes, the worksheet not only outlines rules but also incorporates examples, aiding Grade 4 students in grasping the concept of ongoing actions.

How can this worksheet be utilized in the learning process for Grade 4 students?

The worksheet is versatile for classroom activities or homework, offering exercises and answers that enable students to reinforce their understanding through practice and self-assessment.

Are the rules presented in a child-friendly manner suitable for Grade 4 comprehension?

Certainly, the rules are presented in a clear and child-friendly manner, ensuring that Grade 4 students can easily grasp and apply the concepts of present continuous tense.

Can parents use this worksheet to support their child’s learning at home?

Yes, parents can use this worksheet as a resource to support their child’s learning at home, providing additional practice and reinforcement of present continuous tense rules for Grade 4 students.