Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7 with English Worksheets

Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7 with English Worksheets is an essential resource for CBSE Class 7 students studying the 2024-2025 syllabus. This guide offers comprehensive phrases examples in sentences, helping students master the use of phrases in their writing.

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With detailed explanations and practical worksheets, it aligns perfectly with the CBSE curriculum requirements. Enhance your English skills with targeted practice designed for the Class 7 syllabus

A phrase is a group of two or more words functioning as a meaningful unit within a sentence or a clause.

For examples,

  • The small brown dog barked loudly.
  • She has been reading a fascinating book.
  • The cake was incredibly delicious.
  • He spoke in a very soft voice.
  • We went to the park after lunch.

Kinds of Phrases in Sentences Class 7

There are various kinds of phrases, but we will only study 

  1. noun phrases, 
  2. verb phrase,
  3. adjective phrase, 
  4. adverb phrase, 
  5. prepositional phrase 

1. Noun Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

When a phrase plays the role of a noun, it is called a noun phrase. 

For example,

  • The stolen watch was recovered.
  • I drank a glass of milk.

Form of Noun Phrases

A noun phrase can be

1. a noun or a pronoun.

 For example,

  • He wore a turban.
  • People stood in a queue.

2. a demonstrative adjective or an article, and a noun. 

For example,

  • The boy broke a windowpane.
  • Those boys are very naughty.

3. an article a combination of different kinds of adjectives, and a noun.

For example,

  • Mother bought a loaf of nice fresh brown bread.
  • That lovely attractive lady is my teacher.

Function of Noun Phrases

1. A noun phrase can act as a subject. 

For example,

  • The boy at the back is sleeping.

2. A noun phrase can act as an object. 

For example,

  • We bought a large bouquet of red roses.

3.  A noun phrase can act as a complement to the verb. 

For example,

  • He is my younger brother.

2. Prepositional Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

A prepositional phrase shows the relationship between a noun or a pronoun with another word in a sentence. 

For example,

  • I like to work in the afternoon.
  • I didn’t visit him for years.
  • He put the book on the table.

Form of Prepositional Phrases

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and a noun phrase. 

Preposition phrase = noun phrase + noun

For example,

  • The store at the corner sells delicious cakes.
  • We stayed in a cottage by the beach.

Function of Prepositional Phrases

1. A prepositional phrase can tell us who did something. 

For example,

The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

The vase was broken by Sudeep.

2. A prepositional phrase can function as an adjective phrase. 

For example,

  • Please get a loaf from the shop across the street.
  • The vegetables on Deep’s plate lay untouched.

3. A prepositional phrase can function as an adverb phrase. 

For example,

  • After breakfast, we put the dirty dishes in the sink.
  • Amber finally found the umbrella wedged under the passenger’s seat.


As an adjective, the prepositional phrase will answer the question ‘Which one?’


As an adverb, a prepositional phrase will answer questions with ‘How?’, ‘When?’ or ‘Where’?

3. Adjective Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

A phrase that modifies a noun or a pronoun is called an adjective phrase.

For example,

  • The boy was wearing a dark brown suit.
  • My mother gave me a ring made of gold.
  • We were playing with the overly enthusiastic kitten.

Form of adjective phrases

1. An adjective phrase consists of an adjective with modifiers such as adverbs, possessives or demonstratives. 

For example,

  • It was a very difficult climb.
  • The food tasted awfully strange.

2. can also be a prepositional phrase that functions as an adjective phrase.

For example,

  • The lady in the pink saree is my English teacher.
  • Rain is frequent in Kerala.

Function of adjectives phrases

1. An adjective phrase can be used before a noun in the attributive position.

For example,

  • The cute little puppy entertained us with its antics.

2. An adjective phrase can also come in the predicative position. 

For example,

  • The cake looks very tempting.

4. Verb Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

A phrase that consists of a helping verb and a main verb is called a verb phrase.

For example,

  • He is writing a letter.
  • Everybody was watching the match.
  • We were playing cricket.

Form of verb phrases

A verb phrase 

1. consists of a helping verb (am/is/are) and a main verb in the continuous form.

For example,

  • They are working hard.
  • She is singing beautifully.

2. consists of a helping verb (has/have/had) and a main verb in the past participle form. 

For example,

  • He has completed the task.
  • They had prepared a lavish dinner for us.

3. consists of a helping verb (has/have/had + been) and a main verb in the continuous form. 

For example,

  • He has been working on the project since Monday.
  • Has she been waiting for us for two hours?

4. consists of a modal and a main verb. 

For example,

  • They will come soon.
  • You should obey your teachers.

5. consists of a modal and forms of helping verbs (be/have/have been) and a main verb in past/present participle form. 

For example,

  • She might have arrived at home.
  • They must be watching television.

6. in the passive form, consists of forms of helping verbs (be/have/have been) and A past participle. 

For example,

  • The car had been stolen from the bank.
  • Was hockey being played by them?

Function of verb phrases

1. A verb phrase forms a part of the predicate. 

For example,

  • The naughty puppy was chewing on the legs of the table.
  • I am reading a novel.

5. Adverb Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

A phrase that plays the role of an adverb is called an adverb phrase.

For example,

  • He slept like a baby.
  • After the game, we had burgers and colas.
  • You could park your car under the tree.

Form of adverb phrases

An adverb phrase

1. consists of two adverbs. 

For example,

  • She walked very quickly.
  • She made lunch really fast.

2. consists of a preposition, a noun and some words that modify the noun.

For example,

  • He bought some loaves from the shop at the corner.
  • The cat slept between the pillows.

Function of adverb phrases

1. An adverb phrase tells us the time of action. 

For example,

  • In late November, I planted some orchid bulbs.
  • I will meet you at the library at 3 o’clock.

2. An adverb phrase tells us where an action happens. 

For example,

  • He works in a hardware shop.
  • I will meet you at the library.

3. An adverb phrase tells us how an action happens. 

For example,

  • She walked on the wet floor very carefully.
  • He spoke in a polite manner.

Examples to Identify Phrases in Sentences Class 7

Identifying phrases in sentences involves recognizing groups of words that work together to perform a single grammatical function but do not form a complete sentence. 

To Identify Phrases – 

  1. Look for Groups of Words: A phrase is a group of words that act together as a single unit.
  2. Identify the Main Function: Determine if the phrase functions as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or prepositional phrase.
  3. Check for Completeness: Unlike clauses, phrases do not contain both a subject and a predicate.

Identification of Different Types of Phrases in Sentences:

A. Noun Phrases

Example: The red ball bounced across the yard.

Identification: “The red ball” is a noun phrase because it includes the noun “ball” and its modifiers “the” and “red.”

2. Verb Phrases

Example: She was singing beautifully.

Identification: “Was singing” is a verb phrase because it includes the main verb “singing” and the auxiliary verb “was.”

3. Adjective Phrases

Example: The house, which was very old, looked abandoned.

Identification: “Very old” is an adjective phrase that modifies the noun “house.”

4. Adverb Phrases

Example: He ran very quickly to catch the bus.

Identification: “Very quickly” is an adverb phrase that modifies the verb “ran.”

5. Prepositional Phrases

Example: The book on the table is mine.

Identification: “On the table” is a prepositional phrase because it starts with the preposition “on” and ends with the noun “table.”

Worksheets of Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

Worksheets of Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7 are provided here for practice for the students of class 7 CBSE and other Boards exams.

Worksheet 1:

A. Underline the phrases in these sentences.

1. The cat jumped over the table.

2. Gomez stays in a cottage near the sea.

3. The dog with the red collar is my pet.

4. I could not find the book in any store.

5. Once upon a time, there lived a giant.

6. I am planning to go to Goa for the vacation.

7. I like to watch stars twinkling in the night sky.

8. After the ceremony, we had lunch.

9. I took Cocoa for a walk.

10. He fell asleep on his desk.

11. She had lunch with his friends.

12. She found the keys underneath the sagging couch.

Worksheet 2:

B. Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. The boy wants to go home.

2. Maria wanted a new bicycle.

3. I should hate to do such a thing.

4. Horses love to eat oats and sugar.

5. Why do you like visiting hill stations?

6. To come late to a function is not good.

7. Priya and the children are going for a picnic.

8. Her mother wants to speak to the Headmaster.

Worksheet 3:

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable noun phrases.

1. Would you like …………. ?

2.  ………….  gives me no pleasure.

3.  …………. delights me.

4. I enjoy  …………. 

5. Cats like  …………. 

6. He wishes  …………. 

Worksheet 4:

D. Underline the adjective phrases in these sentences.

1. I am too afraid of dogs.

2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

3. The woman wore a necklace made of diamonds.

4. The house looks very old and dilapidated. → damaged

5. My younger brother is a man of few words.

6. We were able to trap the dirty old mouse.

7. Lala Lajpat Rai was a man with nerves of steel.

8. A young lady with a smiling face greeted me at the shop.

Worksheet 5:

E. Underline the prepositional phrases in these sentences. State whether the phrases are adjective phrases (A) or adverb phrases (Ad).

1. The dog ran towards him.

2. The bird flew to a higher branch.

3. The car stopped just outside the gate.

4. was led to my seat by the attendant.

5. I want to buy the pink doll on that shelf.

6. The house across the street is my friend’s.

7. There was a room at the top of the stairs.

8. The woman in the blue jacket is

9. We climbed up the hill to see the setting sun.

10. The lamp over the table has stopped working.

11. I came into the house and began to cook dinner.

12. I looked for my puppy under the table and in the closet.

13. I looked under the bed to see if I could find my slippers.

14. The ball disappeared over the roof and out of the stadium.

15. The boy on the right is his brother and the girl standing behind him is his sister.

Worksheet 6:

F. Underline the verb phrases in these sentences.

1. She has fallen asleep.

2. She has lost her bag.

3. He has been singing.

4. We will wait for you.

5. She is giving an interview.

6. We could meet next week.

7. Geet is watering the plants.

8. We were taken to a big room.

9. Kuldeep is fixing the flat tyre.

10. The girls have gone for a picnic.

11. I was hoping to see the Principal.

12. Have you been sitting in my chair?

13. Sarina should have driven more carefully.

14. Radhika has been awarded a bravery award.

15. The printer has been giving trouble for the past one week.


Understanding and using phrases effectively can significantly improve writing skills. Practice regularly with worksheets to master their use, and soon you’ll find your writing more engaging and precise.

FAQs Phrases Examples in Sentences Class 7

What is the difference between a phrase and a clause?

A phrase is a group of words without a subject and a predicate, while a clause contains both and can stand alone as a sentence.

How can I improve my use of phrases in writing?

Practice identifying and using different types of phrases in sentences. Use worksheets and exercises to reinforce your understanding.

Why are phrases important in English?

Phrases add detail, depth, and clarity to writing, making it more engaging and easier to understand.

Can you give more examples of prepositional phrases?

Sure! Here are a few:

  • In front of the house
  • Next to the library
  • During the meeting

How do phrases enhance writing?

Phrases provide additional details and context, making writing more vivid and precise. They help convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging way.