Explore 100+ Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Sentences through our comprehensive guide to phrasal verbs, providing detailed explanations and examples with sentences to help you understand and use them effectively. Whether you’re looking to improve your English vocabulary or seeking a refresher on Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples, this article is a valuable resource.
Phrasal Verbs are the combinations of Verbs and adverbs or prepositions or both with completely new meanings and they consist of more than one word.
Most phrasal verbs consist of two words; the first word is a simple monosyllabic Verb, and the second word is a particle i.e., a preposition or an adverb. For example,
Put (simple monosyllabic Verb) +on (preposition) =Put on
It is nowadays called Phrasal because it represents the appearance of a two-word phrase rather than a single item. There are also some three-word phrasal verbs i.e.,
to put up with,
to look down upon, and
to leave up to.
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples
Phrasal Verbs are also called Group Verbs and Prepositional Verbs. We know that the word give means to contribute, supply, or transfer. If we add up after give ( i.e., Give up ), those two words express completely a new meaning and that is the wish to stop.
Verb + Preposition / Adverb = A Phrase with completely one new meaning.
Give + Up = Wish to stop
Example: Here Give upis called Phrasal Verb.
If the object of a Transitive Phrasal Verb is a Noun, the particle (preposition or adverb) may be placed before or after the object; i.e.,
He worked out the sum.
He worked the same out.
If, however, the object of a Transitive Phrasal Verb is a Pronoun, the particle (preposition or adverb) must be placed after the pronoun. i.e.,
He worked it out.
(Not, he worked out it.)
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples Alphabetically
All the common and important Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples are arranged alphabetically in the following sentences. Expand your vocabulary and improve your English language skills with this comprehensive guide on Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples.
Shyamal bore off the first prize in school sports.
Bear on
be relevant to / related to
These are issues that bear on the welfare of society.
Bear out
support or confirm
She did not bear out your statement or she will bear me out.
Bear up
carry on or continue to do the necessary things of life/ keep up
The soldiers bore up their courage against all odds.
Bear with
treat somebody presently / tolerate
You should bear with a sick child.
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples with Break
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Break away
escaped suddenly
The prisoner broke away from captivity
Break down
Suffer a physical wakening / grew worse
His health has broken down.
Break into
entered by forcebegin to
Burglars broke into the building last night. She broke into tears when I told her the news.
Break in
enter illegally
The robbers broke in the house in the dead of night.
Break off
stop speakingseparated
He broke off in the middle of the story. Anil broke off her engagement with Sheila.
Break out
start suddenlyescape by using force
A devastating flood broke out. Several prisoners broke out from jail.
Break through
invented or made something new / make a way through
Lionel Messi broke through the defense of his rival team.
Break up
Close / stop /Endseparated
The school breaks up at 4:30 PM. The sheep was broken up into parts having been struck against the rock.
Break with
give up
We should break with blind prejudices.
Break in upon
Why are you breaking in upon our conversation?
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Bring
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Bring about
caused to happen
They brought about their own ruin.
Bring down
The price of essential commodities has been brought down. The subjects brought down the tyrant.
Bring forth
produce or beget
Trees bring forth new tender leaves in spring./The news brought forth a cheer.
Bring forward
raised or presented
All these matters were brought forward in the meeting for discussion.
Bring on
ProduceCausedlead to
Idleness brings on poverty.He has brought on this disgrace to himself. The damp weather has brought on his illness.
Bring out
He will soon bring out the new edition of his book.Adversity brings out the good qualities of man.
Bring round
restore to consciousness
Several girls painted in the heat but they were soon brought round.
Bring up
After the death of her parents, the girl was brought up by her aunt.
Bring under
The king quickly brought under the rebels.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Call
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Call at
Met/ go to somebody’s house or office
I called at his house yesterday.
Call for
Demand / require
The occasion calls for prompt action.
Call forth
bring into action
your speech called forth an angry response from him.
Call in
Send for / called for helpOrdered the return of
He called in a doctor. The National Library has called in all overdue books.
Call off
decide to stopcancelled
The strike has been called off.The journey has been called off due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Call on
pay a short visitmet
I called on him yesterday. We called on him at his residence .
Call out
the fire brigade was called out by the authorities.
Call up
The old man could not call up past events.
Call upon
I now call upon the chief guest to address the meeting. I called upon him to help me.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Carry
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Carry away
extremely excited
He was carried away by his passion.
Carry off
India carried off all the prices.
Carry on
He carries on the business in his father’s absence.
Carry out
Execute / fulfil
I shall carry out what I have promised.
Carry through
Completedhelp through difficulties
He carried through the work successfully. His courage carried him through difficulties.
Carry back
Returned to the past
The incident carried him back to his childhood days.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Cast
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Cast aside
Give up / forsaken
He has cast aside her family.
Cast away
throw away
He has cast away his old hat.
Cast down
He was cast down by his sans act.
Cast off
He’s trying to cast off his bad image.
Cost about for
look for
I am casting about for an opportunity to visit your village.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Come
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Come about
Happen/take place
When did the accident come about?
Come across
Met by chance/meet unexpectedly
I came across my aunt in the street.
Come at
They came at us last night with a knife.
Come by
How did you come by this ring?
Come down
The roof of the house came down during the storm. Rain came down in torrents.
Come in
The boy came in the room.
come into
He came into 1,000,000 rupees when his father died.
come in for
each speech came in for a great deal of criticism.
come of
Descend / was born in
Vidyasagar came of a poor brahmin family.
Come off
Take placeBe successful
The prize giving ceremony of our school came off yesterday. The experiment did not come off.
Come on
Start or arrive/ beginningHurry upgrowing
The winter is coming on. come on we will be late for the function. The project is coming on nicely.
Come out
become knownGoing to be published
The truth ever comes out. When is your school magazine coming out?
Come out with
He came out with a most extraordinary story.
Come over
change sidetravelled
He will never com ever to our site.Why did Thomas come over to India?
Come round
Recover/regain consciousnessagree
When did the patient come round? At last, he came round to our views.
Come to
amount to
His annual expenditures came to 10,000 rupees.
Come through
May the patient come through soon?A message had just come through here.
Come up to
Your work has not come up to the required standards.
Come upon
Find unexpectedly/found by chance
I came upon a dead horse.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Cry
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Cry down
underestimate or reduce its earth or belittle
Don’t cry down his achievements.
Cry over
It’s no use crying over the split milk.
Cry up
praise highly
There is no trader but cries up his own goods.
Cry out
Shouted loudly
They cried out for help.
Cry off
We said we should go but we had to cry off at the last moment.
Cry out against
People are crying out against dictatorship.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Cut
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Cut down
You must cut down your expenditure. Please cut down the essay, it is much to lengthy.
Cut in or into
Don’t cut in your expenditure. She kept on cutting in our conversation.
Cut off
Died /separated
He was cut off in the prime of life. The baby is cut off from its mother.
Cut out for
have the qualities needed for
He is not cut out for an engineer.
Cut up
afflict or upset
The mother was terribly cut up at the death of her own son.
Cut away
They trimmed the plants cutting away the uneven branches.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Deal
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Deal in
trades in
He deals in rice.
Deal out
the profits will be dealt out among the investors.
Deal with
Behave withsolved
They try to deal politely with the customers. He dealt with the difficult problem easily.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Do
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Do away with
Abolished/get read up/ kill
The death penalty has been done away with in all civilised societies. We should do away with this practice. The women tried to do away with herself.
Do for
Serve the purpose ofruined
This desk he will do for a table. He is done for.
Do up
I am quite done up with the long journey. We are having the kitchen done up.
Do with
I cannot do with his insolence.
Do without
Manage without
No minister can do without the service of a secretary.
Do in
He was so depressed that he felt like doing in himself. He looked very done in.
Do over
attacked and injuredseverelyhaving decorated
He was done over by a gang of anti-socials. We are doing over the drawing room.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Fall
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Fall away
Our false friends fall away when we fall into distress. Superstitions are here to fall away from our society.
Fall apart
They are marriage finally fell apart.
Fall back
The enemy fell back with the advance of our troops.
Fall back on / upon
To have recourse to as the last means of support/ to retreat to
Finding no other means of livelihood, he fell back up on begging.
Fall behind
Failed to keep level with
France fell behind Germany in coal products and.
Fall in with
Happen to meetagree or give consent
On his way to Kolkata, he fell inwith his long lost father. The headmaster fell in with the decision of the committee.
Fall in
Get into a lineCollapsed
The left tenant ordered the soldiers to fall in. The roof of the building fell in.
Fall into
Don’t fall into bad habits.
Fall off
Deteriorate /decreasedTo separate from/withdraw
Attendance in classes has fallen off with the exams around the corner. False friends fall off in adversity.
Fall on / upon
Assault / AttackIncurred in misfortune
Miscreants fail on or upon them. I have fallen on every time./The full cost of the program fell on or upon us.
Fall out
Things fell out as we had hoped She fell out with me over a trifle.
Fall through
The scheme fell through for want of sufficient funds.
Fall to
Begin to do something
The hungry man fell to meeting with great joy.
Fall down
to perform disappointingly
he was doing well on the exam until he fell down on the last essay question.
Fall under
To be the concern or responsibility of/to be classified as be included within
that case falls under the heading of errors of judgement.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Get
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Get about
go from place to placeSpreadSpread as a rumour
The old woman is too weak to get about. The news of Mrs Indira Gandhi’s death gets about fast. The news of the accident got about in different places.
Get along
How is your sister getting along with her studies?
Get at
ReachFind out/ Discoverbribe
The fox could not get at the grapes. Truth is hard to get at. He failed to get at the witness.
Get away
Escapedgo unpunished
The thief got away with my purse. The culprit can’t get away.
Get back
ReturnGot again
When did you get back last night? She has got back her last ring.
Get by
Managed to Live
She cannot get by without him.
Get down
Write downBeginDescend
Did you get down his address?Let’s get down to our work. He got down from the tree.
Get in
The train got in five minutes early.
Get into
Enter/boardAdmittedAcquirepause into a condition or debt
Don’t get into a moving train.Father got me into the school.Your son has got into bad habits.Me got into trouble or debt.
Get off
Start / leftescape
We got off the stadium after lunch.We were lucky to get off.
Get on
Making a good progress
He will surely get on in life.
Get on with
Leap or work so Sociably
The boy is getting on well with his studies.
Get out
Became knownget publishedLeave
The secret got out. When did the new book get out? He got out of the room.
Get over
Recover / overcome
the lady could not get over her shock.
Get through
see as got through the examination.Please join your duty as soon as you get through your work.He has got through all his money.
Get round
do you find any way of getting around the problem?
Get up
Rise from bed/wake upStood up
what time does he get up?the old man slowly got up from age seat.
Get under
the fire was soon got under.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Give
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Give away
DistributedRevealed(a confidence of secret hidden motives or true feelings)To give as a present / bestow/to present the bribe to the bridegroomTo expose or betray
The minister gave away the prizes at the sports meet. That remark give away his real feelings. Mr Roy has given away his whole property to his elder son.
Give in
Surrender/to acknowledge defeat/yelledto hand in deliver
The reveals gave in to the government. Please give in your timecards.
Give back
to return something as to its owner/restore
You have not given back the books you borrowed from me.
Give off
Emitdo put forth
The fire gave off a dense smoke.
Give out
Emitannounce to make publicdistribute issueto become exhaustedcome to an endExpress something easily
The blast furnace is giving out a lot of heat. The wicked man gave out that his wife had died of snake bite The minister he gave out the handbills among the people. The fuel gave out. She tried to give out with a song.
Give forth
The fire gave forth a dense smoke.
Give over
hand over/transferto put an end to or stopto indulge in without a restraint.to devote way specific activity
The thief was given over to the police. Please go over this matter. You should not go over this matter. Before exams he gave over tostudies.
Give up
stop or abandonsurrender
The boy has given up smoking.The Malaga gave himself up to the police yesterday.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with ‘Go’
Phrasal Verb – Go
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Go about
moving aboutset to work at
the Hawker is going about selling his articles. He went about his business at Daybreak.
Go after
Chasedtry to win or obtain
the soldiers went after the enemy.everybody goes after wealth.
Go against
These police will go against the public interest.
Go ahead
go ahead with your plan.
Go along
I shall go along with you as far as the charge. He went along with me on this point.
Go at
The man went at the policeman with a big knife.
Go back up on
fail to keep
he is the last man to go back upon his word.
Go by
Be guided by/act according toPass
a boy should go by what his parents say. Mr sane went by me without speaking a single word.
Go down
go lowerBe rememberedset
the price of rice has gone down.he will go down in history as a despot. The sun has gone down
Go for
AttackBe considered
The robbers went for the policeman. Mr sane goes for a patriot in the country.
Go in for
Sit for
He will go in for the exam this year.
Go into
I sell soon go into the matter.
Go off
the gun went off accidentally. Does your party go off all right?
Go on
I’m educated man wants to know what is going on in the world. Go on with your work.
Go out
cease burning / extinguish
The lamp has gone out.
Go over
Change one’s sideexamine
Mr sane has gone over to the Congress. The examiner went over the accounts.
Go through
Be sold outexamine fullyundergo
this book went through 10 editions. I have gone through the book. Mita went through great sufferings.
Go up
the price of fees is going up day by day.
Go with
I cannot gowith you on this point. I shall go with you as far as the post of his.
Go without
Endure the lack of
the poor boy has often to go without food.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Hand
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Hand down
Pass on
This tradition has been handed down to us from the past.
Hand in
The minister has handed in his resignation.
Hand on
Samuel handed this magazine on to me.
Hand out
The teacher handed the books out to the students.
Hand over
The thief was handed over to the police.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Hang
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Hang about/around
remain near
Children always hang about/around their mothers.
Hang back
Go back
The Pak army how to hang back.
Hang on
Stuck to someone/something
The unemployed young man hanged on in the office for a job.
Hang over
To bend downpostponed
Do not hang over the open balcony.The meeting has been hung over.
Hang up
Put up
A notice was hung up on the wall.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Hold
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Hold back
Hid / restrain
Old years hold back from saying unpleasant things.
Hold in
You should hold in your temper.
Hold down
People revolt against the rulers who hold the people down.
Hold on
WaitContinuedCling to
Please hold on for a minute. The rain held on for two hours. He held on tohis course of action through all opposition.
Hold out
ExtendedPromised/Gave hope
He held out a helping hand show me. The doctor held out a little hope of his recovery.
Hold up
The match was held up on an hour.
Hold to
Cling to
We shoot hold to our convictions.
Hold up
Stop on the way and rob
The travellers where held are by bandits.
Hold with
Many do not hold with Co-education.
Hold over
The matter is held over till the next meeting.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Keep
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Keep at
be persistent with/stick to
You must keep at your studies if you are serious.
Keep away
Remain at a distance
He advised hits on to keep away from bad company.
Keep bacK
I sell keep back nothing from you.
Keep down
You must mark keep down your anger.
Keep from
Remain at a distance/refrain
keep from bad habits.
Keep in with
Continue to be friendly with
I cannot keep in with him any longer.
Keep off
Ward off
Thousands of years ago man used to make a big fire to keep off wild animals.
Keep on
see kept on talking.
Keep under
Keep in check
Please keep your temper under control.
Keep out
Remain outside
Keep out of their quarrels.
Keep to
Adhere to
One should always keepto one’s promise.
Keep up
MaintainPrevent from sinking
skipper Virat Kohli always kept up pressure on the England team. keep up your courage in times of danger.
Keep up with
Keep pace with
your son cannot keep up with the class.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Lay
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Lay about
deal blows
Father laid about the offender with a big stick.
Lay aside
Saveput downkeep apart
We should lay aside money for our old age. She led her lay aside to listen to me. We need to lay aside something for our bad days.
Lay by
We should lay by some money for a rainy day.
Lay down
the rebels laid down their arms. Our freedom fighters laid down their lives to the cause of the country’s liberation.
Lay in
Hoarders laid in food for the future.
Lay off
Dismiss temporarily/suspended
The factory had to lay off many workers when it’s orders decreased.
Lay on
The mother laid her hand on her son’s head. Taxes were laid on liquor.
Lay out
He has laid out all his money.
Lay up
Confined to his bedsave
She is laid up with typhoid. He has laid up nothing for a rainy day.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Look
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Look about for
search for
I am still looking about for a job.
Look after
take care of
Mother looks after her children.
Look at
gaze at
Look at the moon.
Look down upon
Don’t look down upon the poor.
Look for
try to find
I am still looking for a job.
Look forward to
expect eagerly
We are looking forward to his visit.
Look in
pay a short visit
I shall look in next time.
Look into
I will soon look into the matter.
Look on
We looked on the rare event of the full solar eclipse in 19 95.
Look out
The police were looking out for the criminal.
Look out for
take care
A selfish man looks out for nobody except himself.
Look over
They looked over the application.
Look through
examine carefully/read quickly
Please look through the letter.
Look to
be careful aboutrely on
You must look to your manners. We shall all look to you for help.
Look up
find out/search forrise
Please look up the word in the dictionary. The prices of necessaries are looking up.
Look up to
They all look up to him as their leader.
Look up on
I look upon hard add my sister.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Make
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Make after
The cat made after the mouse.
Make away with
He made away with his father’s money.
Make for
move towardscontribute tostarted a journey
The sheep made for the port. Early rising makes for good health. Mr Roy made for the Andamans.
Make of
compose ofunderstand
This chair is made of food. I can make nothing of what he says.
Make off
The thief made off with ornaments.
Make out
I could not make out anything what he said. He failed to make out his case.
Make over
transfer ownership
He made over his property to the Trust.
Make up
Decidebring to an endcompensatedinvent
We made up to come back. They have made up their quarrel. The government made up for the last. He made up the whole story.
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples with Pass
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Pass away
He passed away last night.
Pass by
OverlookGo by
One should not pass by the faults of wants words. We pass by his house every day.
Pass for
He is passed for a great scholar.
Pass off
take placepretended to be
The prize giving ceremony of our school.Passed off yesterday. He tried to pass himself off as a great scholar.
Pass over
Mr Sen passed over he her son’s faults.
Pass through
goes through/undergoexperienced
He passed through terrible sufferings in life. They passed through endless hardships.
Phrasal Verbs Meaning and Examples with Pull
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Pull about
treat roughly
He pulled about me.
Pull l down
The old buildings was pulled down.
Pull in
The train pulled in on time.
Pull off
Succeeded in trick or crime
Five men pulled off a robbery yesterday.
Pull round
Recover from illness
You will soon pulled round here in our village.
Pull through
Recover from illness
The doctor says the patient will soon pull through.
Pull up
He was pulled up by my father.
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples with Put
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Put aside
We all need to put aside some amount of money for future use.
Put away
We all need to put away some amount of money for future use.
Put by
Ants put by food for the winter.
Put down
Suppressedwrite down
The king put down the rebellion by force of arms. Put down the names of the successful candidates.
Put forth
Exertsend out
You must put forth all your strength. Trees put forth new leaves in spring.
Put forward
He has put forward a new theory.
Put in
He has put in a claim for compensation.
Put on
Wear something into bodywear a disguise/Pretend
Put on your shoes. She put on an air of innocence.
Put off
PostponedRemoveGet read of
I put off my departure for a month. Getting back home we put off our clothes. You must put off your doubts in fear.
Put out
The fire should be properly put out.
Put up
Obtain food and lodgingErectofferedhung
I put up at and in for the night. We put up a tent. KL Rahul put up a steep resistance against the Australian bowlers. A notice was put up.
Put through
The measure was put through without opposition.
Put to
The committee put his proposal to vote. Don’t put me to Saint. She has been put to great difficulty.
Put up with
None can put up with such kind of behaviour.
Phrasal Verbs with Run
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Run after
The policeman ran after the thief.
Run away
Leave without permission
The boy ran away from home and never returned.
Run Away with
The man ran away with a bag.
Run At
The tiger run at the deer.
Run Down
knock downbecome weak or exhausted
The cyclist was rundown by a minibus. The battery has rundown.
Run In
pay a short visit
I will run in and see you this evening.
Run into
Met by chanceIncur /indebtedness/induce
I ran into an old friend of mine yesterday. He has run into debt
Run off
go away with/ran away with
the man ran off with my watch.
Run out
be exhausted/ come to an end
The stock of food ranout.
Run out on
Don’t run out on your friends when they need you.
Run over
Knock downread through quickly
The old man was runover by a bus. He ran over his notes before starting his lecture.
Run through
Pierced / penetratedblow away
Bullets ran through the body of the escaping terrorist. He has run through his fortune.
Run to
The book ran to four hundred pages.
Phrasal Verbs with See
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
See about
He promised to seeabout the matter.
See Into
I sell see into the matter. A great man sees into the reality of things.
See off
witness somebody’s’ departure
My parents were present at the airport to see me off.
See to
attend to
The headmaster himself saw to the arrangement for the prize giving ceremony.
Phrasal Verbs with Set
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Set about
The maid set about cleaning the room.
Set aside
The court set my claim aside.
Set apart
These seats are set apart for ladies.
Set by
The old man set by a huge amount of money for the future.
Set down
Put downallow a passenger to get outright or record
The old man set down he’s bored and gently. The bass stopped to setdown an old man. The police set down the complaint.
Set forth
Make known
In his speech he set forth is religious views.
Set in
The rainy season in West Bengal sets in about June.
Set off
He set off for Kolkata last night.
Set on
The dogs were set on the Jackal.
Set out
StartShowbegin a task or work
East set out for Jalpaiguri easily this morning. He sets out his ideas clearly in this essay. He set out to collect all the wisdom of the world.
Set to
They were all hungry and at once set to eating.
Set up
Establish/Foundedto start a business
He had set up a school. He had set up as a grocer.
Set upon
to be set up on something/be determined to be, getattack
The boy is set up on being a doctor. The thieves set up on him and beat him senseless.
Phrasal Verb Meanings and Examples with Stand
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Stand against
He stands against the re- election of the president.
Stand by
He always stands by any agreements he makes. He will always stand by me.
Stand for
White stands for purity. He stands for total prohibits .
Stand off
Remain at a distance
Stand off from their quarrel.
Stand out
Was prominent
His work stands out from that of others.
Stand over
Be postponed
Let the matter standover until next meeting.
Stand to
Abide bystick to
He always stands to his promise. We should stand to our principles.
Stand up for
Champion the cause of
He always stands up for the underdogs.
Phrasal Verbs with Strike
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Strike down
He is struck down with paralysis.
Strike off
The boy’s name was struck off the school register.
Strike out
Strike out / through the line.
Strike up
begin friendship or acquaintance
I quickly struck up an acquaintance with the new neighbour.
Phrasal Verbs with Take
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Take after
He takes after his father.
Take Away
Many books were takenaway from the library.
Take Back
I will not take back my words.
Take Down
write down
He took down the speech in shorthand.
Take for
Suppose/Consider as
I take him for a fool.
Take from
The foolish act is sure to take from his reputation as a sensible man.
Take In
He is the last man to be taken in. I fail to take in the meaning of this passage.
Take off
put off/removeamputated/cutKilledleave the ground
The boy took off his shoes. The doctor took off his leg. Coronavirus has takenoff many lives in this year. When will the plane take off?
Take On
He took on heavy responsibilities.
Take Out
draw out/pick up
The dentist took out his teeth.
Take Over
Acceptassume the control of
The new Prime Minister will take over the charge of the government . The government has taken over the primary schools.
Take to
become addicted toBegin
Recently he has been taken to gambling. He has taken to cultivation.
Take up
I sell take up the problem with the doctor. When did you take up your study of French? We shall take up the problem to solve it.
Phrasal Verbs with Tell
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Tell about
He told us about his hardships.
Tell from
distinguish between
I cannot tell him from his brother.
Tell on or upon
Affects/have bad effect on
smoking started to tail on or upon his health.
Tell off
Spoke angrily
the teacher told him off for quarrelling with his classmate.
Phrasal Verbs with Throw
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Throw about
spend recklessly
He is throwing his money about.
Throw Away
lose by negligence
He threw away and advantage.
Throw Into
begin to work vigorously at
Recently he has thrown himself into research work.
Throw off
manage to get rid of
One must throw off troublesome companions.
Throw Out
The bill was thrown out by the parliament.
Throw Over
When he became rich he threw over all his old friends.
Throw up
resign fromproduce
He threw up his job. A country seldom throws up a great political genius.
Phrasal Verbs with Turn
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Turn against
become hostile to
I shall never turn against you.
Turn aside
We should not turnaside from the path of honesty.
Turn away
refused to help
he turned away a beggar.
Turn Down
The headmaster did not turn down our proposal.
Turn Into
transform into
The hermit turned the cat into a dog.
Turn off
stop the flow of / put out/ extinguish
Please turn off the light.
Turn on
start the flow of/switch onDepend on
Please turn on the light or radio. The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather.
Turn Out
ExtinguishProduceprove to bedriven out
Please turn out the light. Our school has turnedout some first rate scholars. He turned out to be a cheat. Dishonest students must be turned out of the class.
Turn over
He has turned over his business to his successors.
Turn to
Appeal for aid / help
The orphan has nobody to turn to.
Turn Up
We cannot say what will turn up next. He turned up in time.
Phrasal Verbs with Work
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Work at
Researchbe engaged in bodily work
He is working at Shakespeare’s sonnet. The sculptor worked at making the statue.
Work For
He has been working for the evolution of the caste system.
Work Into
He worked a few jokes into the lecture.
Work Off
get rid of
New must take regular physical exercise to work off your excess weight.
Work On
continue to workinfluence
The laborers worked on the project. His speech what on/ upon the ignorant villagers.
Work Out
Solvedevise or invent
I will help you to work out the problem. He has worked out a plan to save money.
Work Up
He’s emotional speech worked up the mob.
Phrasal Verbs with Write
Phrasal Verbs
Meanings in English
Uses in Sentences
Write down
I will write him down as a fool.
Write Off
compose quicklycancel
He wrote off an account of the sports meet. I will write off your debt.