Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers Class 10 CBSE

‘Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers’ for Class 10 CBSE is a crucial study material for the academic year 2024-2025, It provides detailed answers to important questions from the story, helping students understand the themes and characters better. 

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Reading Patol Babu Film Star questions and answers will help CBSE Class 10 students prepare for their Communicative English exam. It will improve their understanding of the story and help them write better answers in the CBSE board exam, making them more confident and ready.

Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers from Textbook

‘Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers’ from the textbook provides key insights into the story’s themes and characters. These answers help Class 10 students better prepare for their CBSE Communicative English exams.

Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers On Page 72

3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. He moved up to the office beyond the pan shop and sat down on the steps. It was nearly half-past nine. On Sunday mornings, songs in praise of goddess Kali were sung in Karali Babu’s house. Patol Babu went there every week and enjoyed it. What if he were to go these useless

people, and be made to look foolish on top of that? ‘Silence’! Stuff and nonsense! to hell with your ‘silence’! They had put up this pompus show for something so triviali! Things were much better on the stage.

(i) Choose the option that describes the main reason which was the trigger for Patol Babu’s chain of thought that made him question his presence at the film shoot. It was the fact that _________________________

(a) he was missing his duty towards God to fulfill a personal desire

(b) he was with strangers instead of spending time with loved ones

(c) he was wasting time on free volunteer work instead of earning money

(d) he was wasting a great Sunday on doing something so small and insignificant

Ans. (d) he was wasting a great Sunday on doing something so small and insignificant

(ii) Choose the correct option.

Assertion (A) Patol Babu felt silly for getting his hopes high.

Reason (R) He was convinced that he could never be a successful actor.

(a) Assertion (A) is true but the Reason (R) is false.

(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false

(c) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but

Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (R).

Ans. (a) Assertion (A) is true but the Reason (R) is false.

(iii) Patol Babu thought that Things were much better on the stage, because

(a) theater had better monetary rewards

(b) the actors could see the response of the audience instantly

(c) be delivered long dialogues and got important roles

(d) theater was more suited to his talents as an actor

Ans. (c) he delivered long dialogues and got important roles

(iv) Infer Patol Babu’s tone as reflected in the extract.

(a) Sarcastic and worried

(b) Angry and regretful

(c) Serious and threatening

(d) Ironic and solemn

Ans. (b) Angry and regretful

(v) The writer uses questions in his writing. Comment on the purpose of this style.

Ans. The writer uses questions in his writing style to present the intense emotions felt by the central character Patol Babu.

Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers On Page 73

4 Answer the following questions briefly.

(a) Nishikanto’s offer stirred Patol Babu to the core. Comment.

Ans. It is true that Nishikanto’s offer stirred Patol Babu to the core. Nishikanto Ghosh, a neighbour of Patolbabu came to him to inform that his brother-in-law was in search of some actor and that he had referred him for the role This shocks Patol Babu as he had been an actor in his younger days and had almost given up acting. Now, he was going to get an opportunity to act again.

(b) How did Patol Babu react? Why?

Ans. Patol Babu was very excited. Going through a mundane life and a routine existence, he never expected such news at the age of fifty-two, when he had given up acting twenty years ago and was living like a common man.

(c) Why had Patol Babu lost his first job in Calcutta?
or Why did Patol Babu come to Calcutta?
or What job did Patol Babu have in Calcutta and why did he leave it? [CBSE 2012]

Ans. Patol Babu initially worked in the railway factory at Kanchrapara. In 1934, he was offered a higher salary in a clerical post with Hudson and Kimberley, hence he came to Calcutta with his wife. He had to leave this job because there was a sudden retrenchment (cut back in employees) in his office due to the war.

(d) How does Patol Babu reconcile to the dialogue given to him?

Ans. Patol Babu initially lost his temper when he came to when he remembered the advice of his mentor and got to know about his dialogue. He later regained composure Mr. Gogon Pakrashi. The advice helped Patol Baby reconcile to the dialogue given to him.

(e) Who was Mr. Pakrashi? How do his words help Patol Babu in enacting his role? [CBSE 2012]

Ans: Mr. Pakrashi was Patol Babu’s mentor and guru. His words proved to be a source of inspiration to Patol Babu at the time of the shooting. After remembering his words, he was able to fight with his initial apprehensions and go ahead with enacting his role.

(f) ‘Patol Babu was a meticulous man’. Elucidate

Ans Patol Babu was a meticulous man because he rehearsed well before his shot. Although his part was very small, he wanted to deliver it with perfection and at one go. He rehearsed his dialogue in various ways with different emotions in order to come out with the best one.

(g) Money and satisfaction are like parallel banks of a stream. How does this statement correspond to Patol Babu’s emotion, after the shot was over?

Ans:  After over the shot of Patol Babu he became so depressed and regretful that he was questioning his small acting part. At this moment, he realised that ‘money and satisfaction are like parallel banks of a stream’. He remembered his old acting days when he found happiness through acting. He felt that same joy and satisfaction in playing the small role and thus, left without taking the money. For him, money cannot outrun the satisfaction he felt.

(h) Why did Mr. Mullick turn down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal?

Ans. Mr. Mullick turned down Patol Babu’s request for a rehearsal because they had to perform the scene in sunlight and there was a large patch of cloud approaching. To finish the shot off fast, he turned down his request.

(i) What were the special touches that Patol Babu gave to his role to make it more authentic?

Ans. Patol Babu practised his dialogue in different ways. He discovered that when ‘Oh!’ was uttered in different ways, it could express various emotions. He gave it various attempts to come out with the best one, which was his way to make his role authentic. Also, he persuaded the director to allow him to hold a newspaper in his hand, as it would make the collision more authentic.

5 Discuss the following questions in detail and write the answers in your notebooks.

(a) ‘I hope the part calls for some dialogue?’ Who says this? Why does he/she ask this question?

Ans, Patol Babu says these words to Naresh Dutt. He asks this question because he was overwhelmed at the proposal of acting in a film. He took this very seriously and desired for a proper preparation. He wanted to practise his part before the shooting so that he could do full justice to it and not feel small by muffing his words in front of so many people.

(b) “Were these people pulling his legs? Was the whole thing a gigantic hoax? A meek, harmless man like him and they had to drag him into the middle of the city to make a laughing stock out of him. How could anyone be so cruel?’ Why does Patol Babu have these thoughts?

Ans:  When he came to know what his dialogue and role was, Parol Batsu was taken aback. He telt humilated because at one time he had been a very famous water stage actor. After having been an actor in demand, it was very difficult for him to accept such a short and insignificant role. Thus, he comes up with these thoughts in his anger and irritation.

(c) Patol Babu is an amateur actor for whom a walk on part in a movie turns into an ultimate challenge. Discuss

Ans. When Patol Babu got his role, he was very upset in the beginning He fell cheated for getting such a small insignificant role when he had, a few years ago, been a popular amateur artist. Thus, the first challenge for him was to accept the role. He was able to do so when he remembered the words of his mentor, who had told him that no role was small. He was taught that a true artist is one who puts in best efforts in whatever role one gets. Therefore, he took this role as a challenge. He practised different ways to recite his dialogue which was just the one word Ohl’. It had now become a challenge for him to act his part in the best way possible.

(d) Do you agree with the statement that Patol Babu is a practical man who comes to terms with whatever life has to offer? Give reasons for your answer.
or Patol Babu is a practical man who comes to terms with whatever life has to offer. Support your answer quoting examples from the text. CBSE 2012

Ans. We agree that Patol Babu is a very practical man. From the very beginning, he has taken life as it came. He was happy when he had a smooth life with a secure job and when he lost his job, he struggled with perseverance. In the story, we read that Patol Babu came across

many struggles in his life and he faced all without giving up He switched his jobs multiple times to make his livelihood with time. He got a small role with minimum dialogue in a movie which he accepted and did his part perfectly. All the scenarios showed how practical a person was Patol Babu who was dedicated to his work

(e) Why does Patol Babu walk away before he can be paid for his role? What does this reveal about his character?
Or why couldn’t Naresh Dutt find Patol Babu to make the payment for the role he had played? CBSE 2012
Or Patol Rabu doesn’t collect his payment after his role is over. Why? CBSE 2014

Ans, Patol Babu had walked away after the shot without taking the payment because he knew that the money he would be paid could not match the satisfaction that he had got from giving

his best to the role. Material gain had lost its sheen in comparison to his immense satisfaction in his performance. This shows that Patol Babu was a high-value person who give priority to his self-respect the most. He acted in his part of the film perfectly by putting all his efforts. So, he thought it would be disrespecting his art and acting skills by taking money.

(f) Do you think making a movie is an easy job? Discuss with reference to the story.

Ans, Movie-making is extremely tiring, painful and a long process. It involves extreme hard work. The unit of a movie needs hundreds of staff who have to carry out different tasks.

Arrangements for shooting at a particular location can be cumbersome (difficult) and time consuming. In case of an outdoor shot, crowd management is another headache.

Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers On Page 74

6 Here are some lines from the lesson. What do they tell us about Patol Babu’s character? You may take help from the words given in the table below or find some of your own from the dictionary. The first one has been done for you. passionate actor, diligent, unassuming, talented genial, mercenary, short-tempered, introvert, meticulous, modest, humble, arrogant

(a) That an offer to act in a film could come to a 52-year-old nonentity like him was beyond his wildest dreams unassuming; modest

(b) Indeed, there was a time when people bought tickets especially to see him.

(c) ‘I was with Hudson and Kimberley for nine years and wasn’t late for a single day.”

(d) It didn’t matter if the part was small, but, if he had to make the most of it, he had to learn his lines beforehand. How small he would feel if he muffed in the presence of so many people.

(e) Patol Babu cleared his throat and started enunciating the syllable in various ways. Along with that he worked out how he would react physically when the collision took place-how his features would be twisted in pain, how he would fling out his arms, how his body would crouch to express both pain and surprise-all these he performed in various ways in front of a large glass window

(f) It is true that he needed money very badly, but what was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication?

Ans. (b) passionate actor

(c) diligent

(d) meticulous

(e) talented

(f) modest, humble

17 Here are some lines from the lesson. Match the meanings of the underlined words with their meanings listed below

(a) Then he had a job in a Bengali firm which he gave up in disgust when his boss began to treat him in too high-handed a fashion
(b) A faint memory was stirred up in Patol Babu’s mind.
(c) At first he opened a variety store which he had to wind up after five years.
(d) In Jatras, in amateur theatricals, in plays put up by the club in his neighborhood, Patol Babu was always in demand
(e) Patol Babu was about to step forward when he was pulled up short by a voice shouting ‘Silence”
(f) Patol Babu pulled himself together
stimulate the imagination

to surrender or relinquish


to gain control over one’s actions

shut down


Patol Babu Film Star Questions Answers On Page 75

8 After Patol Babu returns home he recounts his experience in front of the camera to his wife. In pairs write out the exchange in the form of a dialogue and enact it before the class. You may start like this….

Patol Babu’s wife: So, what happened at the shooting today? Did you get to do your role?

Patol Babu: Oh, yes, I had the time of my life……

Ans. Patol Babu’s wife: So, what happened at the shooting today? Did you get to your role?

Patol Babu: Oh, yes. I had the time of my life. I have got another experience in film making for my acting skills today

Patol Babu’s wife: Oh, really! How exciting you found film making journey?

Patol Babu: Film making is a collaboration work where the entire team works their individual parts. All members including technicians, editors, director, actors, makeup man, camera man, etc. work hard to make a beautiful movie. Director constantly gives instruction to present

everything in perfect way and he take multiple shots of actors until he feels satisfied with a final one.

Patol Babu’s wife: That’s great! Who was the director of that film?

Patol Babu: He is Baren Mullick.

Patol Babu’s wife: Okay, fine. Now, tell me about your role. what was it and how you did it?


10 Patol Babu writes a letter to Nishikanto Ghosh to thank him for being instrumental in his getting a role in a film. He also shares his experience at the film shoot including the excitement and deep satisfaction that he derived from the same. Write the letter in about 200 words.


1504, Nepal Bhattacharji Lane, Kalighat


15th September, 20XX

My Dear Nishikanto Babu,

How are you? I am writing you this letter to express my sincere gratitude. I would like to thank you for the chance you gave me, the chance which has left me with a great sense of satisfaction. I had initial apprehensions when you offered me the role. When I reached the shot I came to know that I hardly had a dialogue in the film. I just had to collide with Chanchal Kumar, the famous actor and on being hurt, had to say ‘Oh!’. I was very disappointed and felt humiliated to get such a trivial role, but later I was reminded of my guru’s words. He had taught me that it is the actor’s duty to squeeze the last drop of meaning out of his lines for the audience. Due to his words, I was infused with a new vision and youthful energy. First, I rehearsed my dialogue by speaking ‘Oh!’ differently. I gave different inflections to it and added emotions to it for the required purpose. Then, with full vigour, I gave my shot at one go. Everybody was impressed and I was highly satisfied. This small role helped me to bring out my talent. I didn’t feel necessary to take any payment for the role as my biggest payment was the satisfaction I had derived and the monetary payment would interfere with it.

I am very thankful to you for recommending me for the role.

With best wishes

Patol Babu

Patol Babu Film Star Important Extract-based Questions Answers 

1. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

 ‘So I gave him your address and asked him to get in touch with you directly. I hope you won’t turn him away. They’ll pay you, of course,’

(a) What is meant by the phrase ‘to get in touch’?

(b) To whom does ‘him’ refer to?

(c) Why would they pay the listener?

(d) What is the significance of using ‘of course’ in the end?

Ans. (a) It means ‘to contact’. Naresh Dutt.

(b) ‘Him’ refers to Nishikanto Babu’s youngest brother-in-law,

(c) They would pay Patol Babu for acting out a role in a movie.

(d) ‘Of course’ is suggestive of the emphasis on the idea that the listener will be paid for his services to them.

2. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

2 ‘I believe you did some acting on the stage at one time?’

(a) Who is the speaker of these lines and to whom is he speaking?

(b) Explain the meaning of the word ‘stage’.

(c) Why has the speaker come to the listener?

(d) The speaker said, “I believe his belief – “What is the reason behind it?

Ans. (a) Nishikanto Ghosh is the speaker and he is speaking to Patol Babu.

(b) ‘Stage’ here means the play acting profession.

(c) Nishikanto Ghosh has come to Patol Babu because he has an acting opportunity for him.

(d) The reason behind his belief is that he was told earlier about Patol Babu’s acting on the stage.

3. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Indeed, there was a time when people bought tickets especially to see him.

(a) Who is ‘him’ in the above lines?

(b) Why did people buy tickets to see him?

(c) What is the significance of the word ‘indeed’ used here?

(d) What does the phrase ‘there was a time’ signify?

Ans. (a) ‘Him’ here refers to Patol Babu.

(b) Patol Babu was a very popular actor and thus people bought tickets especially to see him.

(c) The use of the word ‘indeed’ here is to emphasise the fact stated earlier that Patol Babu was always in demand.

(d) The phrase signifies that, in the past, Patol Babu was a popular theater artist. Now, he has left acting as a profession.

4. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

‘Oh yes. I must say I was quite taken aback. After so many years.”

(a) Who is the speaker of these lines?

(b) Explain the meaning of ‘taken aback.

(c) Why was the speaker taken aback?

(d) Do you find anything unusual in Patol Babu’s being taken aback?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu is the speaker of these lines.

(b) The phrase ‘taken aback’ means ‘shocked’ or ‘surprised

(c) Patol Babu was taken aback because he had been asked to act after many years. He never expected this opportunity.

(d) No, there is nothing unusual. He had not been acting for many years and so when he got a chance suddenly he was taken aback.

5. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

‘I hope the part calls for some dialogue.”

(a) Who is the speaker here?

(b) What do you mean by ‘part’?

(c) What did the speaker hope for? Why?

(d) To whom was this spoken?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu is the speaker here.

(b) ‘Part’ here means role.

(c) Patol Babu hoped that his character had some dialogue because he wanted to display his acting skills.

(d) This was spoken to Nishikanto Ghosh who was talking to Patol Babu.

6. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

‘Counting your chickens again before they’re hatched. are you? No wonder you could never make a go of it.”

(a) Identify the speaker of these lines.

(b) What is the tone of the speaker here?

(c) Explain the statement ‘Counting your chickens before they’re hatched’.

(d) Why had the speaker used ‘again’ in the statement?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu’s wife is the speaker of these lines.

(b) The speaker is ridiculing Patol Babu for his daydreaming.

(c) The phrase means to talk of success even before it has happened.

(d) The speaker had used it again’ because Patol Babu had daydreamed about getting acting roles before too.

7. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Were these people pulling his leg? Was the whole thing a gigantic hoax? A meek harmless man like him and they had to drag him into the middle of the city to make a laughing stock of him. CBSE 2015

(a) Who is the person here?

(b) Why does he think that he is being made a ‘laughing stock’?

(c) What does the word ‘hoax’ mean?

(d) Who are ‘these people”?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu is the person here.

(b) He thought so because he was given just a one word dialogue and was made to wait for long.

(c) The word ‘hoax’ means ‘prank’.

(d) ‘These people’ signifies the people associated with the making of the film.

8. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

 “Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh” Patol Babu began giving the exclamation a different inflection each time he uttered it. After doing it a number of times he made an astonishing discovery. CBSE 2016

(a) Why did Patol Babu repeat the word, ‘Oh’ over and over again?

(b) What ‘astonishing discovery’ did he make?

(c) What does the word, ‘uttered’ mean?

(d) What does the practice of the word “oh” tell you about Patol Babu?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu repeated the word, ‘Oh’ over and over again to give the exclamation ‘Oh!’ a different inflection each time he spoke it.

(b) He made an astonishing discovery that this one word, when spoken in different ways, carried different shades of meaning.

(c) ‘Uttered’ means ‘spoke’.

(d) The practice of the word ‘Oh!’ was the justification of the dedication of Patol Babu towards acting.

9. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Patol Babu suddenly felt that he could write a whole thesis on that monosyllabic exclamation. Why had he felt so disheartened when this single word contained a gold mine of meaning? CBSE 2015

(a) Why had Parol Babu been disheartened?

(b) Which was the word that contained a ‘gold-mine’?

(c) What does the word ‘monosyllabic’ mean?

(d) What made him (Patol Babu) feel that he could write a whole thesis on the word!

Ans. (a) Patol Babu had been disheartened because not only was his part short and unimportant, the dialogue that he had to utter was only a monosyllabic exclamation ‘Ohl’

(b) The word ‘Oht’, a monosyllabic exclamation of pain, despair or surprise, contained a ‘gold-mine.’

(c) The term ‘monosyllabic’ means a word having a single syllable.

(d) When Patol Babu was practising to speak the word ‘oh’, he got various shades of meaning of that word by speaking it in different ways. That’s how he felt that he could write a whole thesis on it,

10. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Patol Babu suggested a rehearsal, but Baren Mullick shook his head impatiently. “There’s a large patch of cloud approaching the sun’, he said, “This scene must be shot in sunlight.’

(a) Why did Patol Babu suggest a rehearsal?

(b) Why was the response negative?

(c) Give a synonym of the word ‘impatiently’.

(d) For a dialogue ‘Oh’, Patol Babu wanted a rehearsal. What does it tell you about him?

Ans. (a) Patol Babu suggested a rehearsal so that the actual shot would come out perfectly.

(b) The response was negative because the scene required bright sunshine and clouds were approaching. Thus, there was no time for a rehearsal.

(c) ‘Eagerly’ is a synonym of ‘impatiently’

(d) For a dialogue ‘On’, Patol Babu wanted a rehearsal. This tells us about his striving for perfection in the role.

11. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Patol Babu had a quick glance in a mirror which the man was holding. True enough, the moustache suited him very well. Patol Babu inwardly commended the director’s perspicacity.

(a) Who is the director of the movie?

(b) Give a synonym of ‘perspicacity’.

(c) ‘Patol Babu inwardly commended the director’ perspicacity,’ What do these lines show about Patol Babu?

(d) Why did Patol Babu look in the mirror?

Ans. (a) The director of the movie is Baren Mullick.

(b) A synonym of ‘perspicacity’ is ‘understanding’.

(c) Patol Babu appreciated the director’s under-standing of the situation. This shows that he has respect for competent persons.

(d) Patol Babu wanted to get a quick reflection of himself just to see

if his appearance suited the role.

12. Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow:

‘Jolly good! Why, you’re quite an actor. Sosanko, just take a look at the sky through the dark glass, will you’.

(a) Identify the speaker.

(b) What does the speaker mean by saying, ‘Jolly good”?

(c) Why does the speaker ask Sosanko to look at the sky through the dark glass?

(d) Explain “You are quite an actor.”

Ans. (a) Baren Mullick, the film director, is the speaker of these lines.

(b) The speaker means that he liked the shot given by Patol Babu.

(c) Baren Mullick wanted to make sure that there was enough light to film the next shot.

(d) This means that the director was impressed with the acting of Patol Babu.

Patol Babu Film StarStudy Short Answer Type Questions Answers

Answer the following questions in 30-40 words.

1 Why did Patol Babu get excited when Nishikanto Babu met him?

Ans. Nishikanto Babu told Patol Babu that his brother-in-law was looking for a man to play a part in a film and Nishikanto suggested that Patol would suit the description. Patol Babu had never seen this coming and was excited to act again.

2 Even at the age of 52, Patol Babu cherished dreams. What were his dreams?

Аns. Even at the age of 52, Patol Babu cherished his fondest dreams of rising to fame as an actor. He wanted to bring back his glorious days as an actor before coming to Calcutta. He wanted to be popular once again and his name to be the talk of the town.

3 What do you know about Patol Babu’s days as a stage performer?

Ans. At one time, Patol Babu was a well-known stage actor. He was passionate about acting and could not think of anything but acting. He was always in demand in Jatras, amateur theatricals and in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood. On countless occasions, his name appeared in handbills. There was a time when people used to buy tickets especially to see him.

4 What was Patol Babu’s previous experience as an actor? CBSE 2012

Ans. In his younger days, Patol Babu was a famous actor. He had acted in Jatras, in amateur theatricals and in plays put up by the club in his neighbourhood.

5 Why did Patol Babu abandon his factory job in Kanchrapara and settle down in Calcutta?

Ans. Patol Babu had a job in a railway factory in Kanchrapara. He abandoned the job as he was offered a higher pay in a clerical post with Hudson and Kimberly, a British company. He gave up the factory job and came to Calcutta with his family and settled down there.

6 Patol Babu struggled to make a living after he lost his job in Calcutta. Elaborate.

or What did Patol Babu do after losing his job with Hudson and Kimberley? CBSE 2012

Ans. After the retrenchment from Hudson and Kimberley, Patol Babu opened a variety store which got wound up after five years. He gave up his job in a Bengali firm in disgust. For ten long years, he worked as an insurance salesman i but never made good of anything.

7 What was the role offered to Patol Babu? CBSE 2012

Ans: Patol Babu was offered the role of an absent-minded, short and bald-headed man. He had to walk on the short-tempered pedestrian in his fifties. The role required a pavement when the hero, in his hurry and preoccupation, collides with him.

8 How did Patol Babu’s dream come true? CBSE 2012

Ans: Patol Babu was an actor by heart. In his young days, he was a very famous stage actor. But at the age of fifty two. he found himself struggling to meet his daily requirements. However, his dream came true when he got an acting role when Nishikanto Babu approached him with a small side role for a film.

9 How did Patol Babu’s wife react on her husband being offered a chance in a film?

Ans: Patol Babu’s wife was not much excited about his chance to work in a film. It was because she had lost trust in his promises of rising to a star. Moreover, she knew from her previous experiences that it was his habit to talk about his achievements before he actually accomplished them.

10 What does the expression ‘Counting your chickens before they’re hatched’ mean? In what context was it spoken in the chapter ‘Patol Babu’?

Ans. The expression means to get excited about the happening of something even before it has actually happened. These words were rightly said by Patol Babu’s wife when he started imagining his role and rise to fame.

11. How can you say that Patol Babu was a very punctual man?

Ans: Punctuality was Patol Babu’s virtue. He worked with Hudson and Kimberley for nine years but wasn’t late for a single day. He also reached the shooting location before time, due to which Naresh Dutt praised him for his punctuality.

12 How did Patol Babu feel when he was mistaken for Atul Babu by Naresh Dutt?

Ans:  When Naresh Dutt mistakably called Patol Babu as Atul Babu, Patol felt awkward For Patol, his name was much more than just a name as he was once a well-known name associated with acting and drama in Kanchrapara. Moreover, Naresh Dutt was the only person Patol Babu knew at the shooting location and he had visited him at his residence only a day before to offer him the role. gathered by Patol Babu on the

13 What information was gathered by Potol Babu on the sets of the shot?

Ans:  The information gathered by Patol Babu was that the film in which he was playing a role was directed by Baren Mullick, a director who had vee smash hits in a row. He had also come to know that Chanchal Kumar, who was playing the lead in the movie. was a lead in four movies

14 Why was Patol Babu very curious to know about his role in the movie?

Ans. Pany Babu was a meticulous man and actor. He was a perfectionist. For him, his role was more important than the fact that he had got a chance to work in a movie. He was very curious

to know about his role because he wanted to prepare his dialogues for the shot and not mess it up.

15. Why was Patol Babu so anxious to know his lines? CBSE 2014

Ans: Patol Babu had expected his character to have some important dialogues as he wanted to express his acting skills. He was anxious to know his lines so that he could learn his dialogues

well, rehearse his part and give his best performance when the actual shooting took place.

16 Who gave Patol Babu his lines and how did he react after receiving them?

or What were Patol Babu’s dialogues and what was his reaction on seeing them?

or How did Patol Babu initially react to the role allotted to him? CBSE 2017

Ans. Sosanko handed over the lines’ that Patol Babu needed to speak. However, upon receiving his dialogue, Patol Babu was shocked. His dialogue was just a monosyllabic exclamation ‘Oh’. He felt insulted and dejected that he had only one word as a


17 Why did Sosanko, script in charge, say that Patol was the luckiest of actors?

Ans. According to Sosanko, Patol Babu was the luckiest of actors that day because he was the only one who had any dialogue to deliver in the scene that was shot. Moreover, there had been over a hundred actors in that film who played their roles without any dialogue Most actors played their roles without having to walk or show their faces.

18 What made Patol Babu remember Mr. Pakrashi? CBSE 2014

or What changed Patol Babu’s mind about the small role allotted to him? CBSE 2017

Ans. When Patol Babu got to know that his dialogue was a single monosyllabic utterance, Ohf, he got really annoyed. However, he was reminded of his mentor and guru Mr. Pakrashi who used to say that no role or part in a play or movie was unimportant. It was an actor a duty to make its essence reach the audience. This changed Patol Babu’s mind about the small role allotted to him.

19 What made Patol Babu go away without taking his payment?

Ans. Patol Babu went away without taking his payment as he realised that acting was his passion and not his profession and for a self-respecting person, twenty rupees was a paltry sum. Moreover, this sum was nothing when compared with the immense joy and satisfaction that he derived by his excellent  performance.

20.  Baren Mullick was brilliant at his work. Do you agree? Give reasons.

Ans. Baren Mullick indeed was brilliant at his work. He suggested that Patol Babu have a moustache for authenticity. He did not want to waste time on unimportant issues but still paid attention to every minute detail. He even accepted Patol Babu’s suggestion of a newspaper.

25 What message is the author trying to convey through the lesson, ‘Patol Babu’?

Ans. Through the lesson, ‘Patol Babu’, the author is trying to convey the message that no work is small and we should give our best in every single thing that we do.


Patol Babu Film Star Exam Long Answer Type Questions Answers

Answer the following questions in 150 words.

1 Who was Mr. Pakrashi and how did he instil the value of being true to one’s work in Patol Babu? CBSE 2016

Mr. Prakashi was the force behind Patol Babu’s brilliant performance as an absent-minded pedestrian. Substantiate with reference to ‘Patol Babu, Film Star’. CBSE 2019

Or ‘Patol Babu, Film Star’, by Satyajit Ray emphasises the valuable contribution of a mentor on changing a negative mind-set into a positive one. Describe how Mr. Prakashi’s advice helps Patol Babu in performing his role.  CBSE 2018

Ans. Mr. Gogon Pakrashi was the mentor and guru of Patol Babu during his theatre days. He was a wonderful actor with no trace of vanity in him. He instilled the value of being true to one’s work in Patol Babu. He advised Patol that no part was beneath an actor’s dignity to accept and that an actor should make the most of the opportunity and do full justice to the role. He would also advise him to get at the essence of every role and enlighten the audience with its true

performance. This helped Patol Babu in enacting his small role. which he thoroughly rehearsed, carefully planned and even improvised, like a true actor. He, thus, turned his small and insignificant role into a masterpiece of performance by using a newspaper as a prop to look absent-minded. He cleverly brought out the irritation, surprise and anguish of his role. Thus, his performance won him the admiration of both the film director and the male lead of the film.

2.  Patol Babu always remembered the words of his mentor that one has to accept whatever is offered and make the best of any opportunity. Write a letter to a friend telling him about the value of hard work and the art of putting in your best. Write the answer in 150 words. CBSE 2013


H.No. 7/A, WEA, Karol Bagh

New Delhi-110005

21st December, 20XX

Dear Tarasha

How are you? I am good here. I have written this letter to tell you the value of hard work. Recently, I read a story that taught me that one should accept whatever is offered and make the

best of any opportunity. We should take every task as a challenge and perform it with perfection. It is very important to work hard in order to achieve our goals. Hard work is the key

to success. Moreover, one should put in one’s best efforts to excel in life. To achieve that one needs strength of mind and body. One needs to have the right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to put one’s goal before one’s own needs. There is after all no substitute for hard work. Intense hard work along with great skills can help anyone to be successful. One should never give up and keep struggling until one perfects one’s art. Indeed, success is not measured by the position that one is in today but the amount of hard work you put in and the number

of obstacles that you overcome to reach your goal.

Yours faithfully


3.  Patol Babu had an important quality, that of being very meticulous. What values does it highlight about his character?

or Dedication and hard work are essential for success, Explain how these qualities enable Patol Babu to perform his small role to perfection. CBSE 2017

In the lesson ‘Patol Babu, Film star’, what kind of values are being upheld by Patol Babu? Quote instances to show his sincerity and dedication. CBSE 2020

Ans:  Palol Babu was indeed a meticulous man. When he got a role in a fan, although the role was very small, he kept inquiring about different aspects of his role and was eager to know his

dialogues. He rehearsed his one dialogue over and over again. He practised saying the word ‘Oh!’ in many different ways. He also worked out how he would react physically when

he would collide with the lead actor and utter his dialogue. Just before the shot was about to be taken, he suggested an improvisation that he should carry a newspaper to make the collision appear more real. This shows how meticulous a man Patol Babu was. It also highlights his passion and dedication towards his work. He performed his role with perfection to the satisfaction of the director.

4. One must accept life as it comes and not grumble about it. Explain this statement with reference to the story of Patol Babu, Film Star.

Ans. Patol Babu was a practical man who took the ups and downs of the in a positive way. During his youth, he was a popular amateur stage actor when he worked in the railway factory at Kanchrapara. When he was offered a clerical job in a British company in Kolkata at a higher salary, he shifted there. Unfortunately, due to sudden retrenchment in his office due to

the war, he lost his job. Since then, he had struggled hard to make a living but never gave up. He tried his hands at many odd jobs but in vain. Then, he accepted the offer of working for

a small role in a film being made. Though it was just a one word dialogue, he worked hard to rehearse his part so that he could do justice to it. He did not grumble that the role was too

small for him Thus, it is true that one must accept life as it comes and not grumble about it. One should be practical enough to move ahead in life despite the struggles.

5 No work is small or petty. How has Satyajit Ray exemplified this in his story- ‘Patol Babu’? CBSE 2014

Ans. We should never undermine or reject a work opportunity regarding it as smal, petty or insignificant. Whatever we do, we should give our best at it. This is what Satyajit Ray has

exemplified through the character of Patol Babu in his story. Patol Babu had been a renowned stage actor in his youth, but he could not continue with his acting due to financial constraints. He gets an opportunity to work in a movie when he is in his fifties. However, he is totally disappointed to know that he has to play a short, insignificant part, and his dialogue would comprise of a single utterance, the monosyllabic exclamation, ‘Oh!’. He then remembers his mentor, Mr. Pakrashi, who used to say that no role was unimportant in a play, nor was any dialogue insignificant, even if it was only one word. Patol Babu rehearsed his one word dialogue and gave a wonderful performance. He had realised that no work is small or petty.

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