Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar

Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar has been prepared for learning English Grammar of Class 5 under CBSE, ICSE, and Other State boards as Lesson No 18. Class 5 students in their English Grammar learning process will get help from the Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar to achieve better speaking and writing skills in English.

This Lesson 18, Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar contains – What Past Perfect Tense is? and Past Perfect Tense Formula, Uses, with a practice worksheet at the end for better knowledge for class 5.

English Grammar eBook Class 5 

Example & Definition: Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar

  • They had made it possible.
  • had done my exercise when Joy came to see me.
  • The doctor came after the patient had died.
  • By 9 a.m. she had finished writing answers.
  • We had reached home before the rain began.

All the above-highlighted words tell us about the past actions that were completed earlier at some point of time before another action in the Past.

When two actions happen in the past, the action that takes place earlier or the action that has already been completed is denoted by Past Perfect Tense.

Formula: Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar

The Formula of Past Perfect Tense with Positive, Negative, Interrogative, and Negative–interrogative sentences and the Past Perfect Tense chart using different persons and numbers have been shown in the following.

Past Perfect (Positive)

Formula – 1

Subject + had + Verb (past-participle) + Object.

Chart – 1

1stI had played football.We had played football.
2ndYou had played football.You had played football.
3rdHe / She / had played football.They had played football.

Past Perfect (Negative)

Formula – 2

Subject + had + not + Verb (past-participle) + Object.

Chart – 2

1stI had not played football.We had not played football.
2ndYou had not played football.You had not played football.
3rdHe / She / It had not played football.They had not played football.

Past Perfect (Interrogative)

Formula – 3

Had + Subject + Verb (past-participle) + Object?

Chart – 3

1stHad I played football?Had we played football?
2ndHad you played football?Had are played football?
3rdHad he/she/it played football?Had they played football?

Wh-Word Question

Formula – 4

Wh-Word + had + Subject + Verb (past-participle) + Object?


  • Where had you gone?
  • Why had the baby cried?
  • How had she drawn? 
  • What had they planned?

Questions for information are made with the ‘Wh-word’who, which, what, why, whose, whom, how are called ‘Wh-word’.

Past Perfect (Negative-Interrogative)

Formula – 5

Had+ Subject + not + Verb (past-participle) + Object ?

Chart – 4

1stHad I not played football?Had we not played football?
2ndHad you not played football?Had are not played football?
3rdHad he/she/it not played football?Had they not played football?

In the Negative-Interrogative sentence ‘not’ is placed before the subject noun and after the subject pronoun.


  • Had not Ravi played football? (Before subject noun)
  • Had he not played football? (After subject pronoun)

Uses: Past Perfect Tense Class 5 English Grammar

 Past Perfect Tense is used

1. to talk about an action that happened before another action in the past.


  • Shovon had gone out when I arrived in the office.
  • Mother had cooked dinner before we arrived.

2. to talk about an action that had already happened before a certain time in the past.


  • Everybody had had their breakfast by 8 o’clock.
  • By early morning, Mum had finished cooking.

3. Time expressions for Past perfect tense


By: By 11 a.m. they had drunk four cups of tea.

Already:  Sunita had already done the shopping when I called her.

After:  Leela phoned after you had left.

Before:  We had driven twenty miles before we saw a petrol pump.

Just:  I had just finished my homework when Mohan arrived.

Ever/Never:  They had never seen such a beautiful sunset in their lives.


Exercise – 1

A. Complete these sentences using the past perfect tense of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. When we _________ (finish) our dinner, we went for a walk.

2. After they _________ (eat) some spicy food, they began to feel sick.

3.The plants were dying because it _________ (not rain) at all.

4. She told me that she _________ (study) a lot before the exam.

5. When I arrived at the hall, the performance _________ (start).

6. Rajni _________ (live) in Indonesia before she settled down in the USA.

7. He _________ (not use) email before, so she helped him.

8. When I reached school, the bell _________ (ring).

9. By the time we arrived, the children _________ (eat) the cake.

10. We _________ (not meet) each other when we were in college.

11. The students _________ (complete) their homework when the teacher arrived.

12. I _________ (write) the letter before you came home.

 Exercise – 2

B. Use the simple past or past perfect tense of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. After David _________ (return) from his vacation in Kerala, he_________ (want) to learn Malayalam.

2. The adults _________ (watch) TV after the children _________ (go) to bed.

S. Once I _________ (board) the bus, I _________ (decide) I would go all the way to the square to see the famous monument.

4. I_________ (be) very tired because I _________ (walk) all the way home.

5. The batsmen_________ (increase) the run rate after the best bowler _________ (complete) his overs.

6. By the time we _________ (arrive), the dance recital _________already _________ (start).

7. I _________ (reach) home and _________ (see) that my cousins _________ (eat) all the cookies.

8. I _________ (not see) her for a very long time so I did not recognise her.

Exercise – 3

C. Rewrite the sentences in your notebook using the words in the brackets.

1. Fiona used all the eggs, so there weren’t any in the fridge. (because)

Ans: There weren’t any eggs in the fridge because Fiona had used them all.

2. I forgot to buy milk. I couldn’t make a milkshake. (because)

3. First she had a shower. Then she had her dinner. (after)

4 We arrived at the party. Then it started to rain. (before)

5. The film began and then Father came in with the popcorn. (already)

6. When I opened the door, the postman had already left. (by)

7. It was the first time I had come first in class. (never)

Exercise – 4

D. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect Tense:

(a) Rani _________ (pass) the examination.

(b) The headmaster _________ (reached) school.

(c) The cat _________ (steal) the fish.

(d) The mobile _________ (stop) ringing.

(e) He just _________ (come) to see me.

Exercise – 5

E. Re-write the following sentences into past Perfect tense.

1. The girl stands first every year.

2. Is mother cooking prawn curry?

3. He does not make a paper boat.

4. Have you finished my homework?

5. The crow is searching for water.

6. Is he feeling sick?

7. He was trying to sleep but could not.

8. The cats are quarrelling with each other.

9. Does he play football?

10. She is washing her clothes.

Class 5 English Grammar: All Topics & Chapters????:

Chapter 1. Parts of speech

Chapter 2. The sentence and Types

Chapter 3.  Subject and Predicate

Chapter 4. Nouns and their Types

Chapter 5. Noun and Number

Chapter 6. Noun and Gender

Chapter 7. Articles

Chapter 8. Pronouns and their Classifications

Chapter 9. Verbs and Types of Verbs  

Chapter 10. Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs List 

Chapter 11. Subject and Verb  Agreement 

Chapter 12. Simple Present Tense 

Chapter 13. Present Continuous Tense 

Chapter 14. Present Perfect Tense 

Chapter 15. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 16. Simple Past Tense 

Chapter 17. Past Continuous Tense 

Chapter 18. Past Perfect Tense 

Chapter 19. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 20. Simple Future Tense 

Chapter 21. Future Continuous Tense 

Chapter 22. Future Perfect Tense 

Chapter 23. Future Perfect Continuous Tense 

Chapter 24. Tense Exercises 

Chapter 25. Modal Verbs 

Chapter 26. Adjectives and their Types 

Chapter 27. Degree of Adjectives 

Chapter 28. Adverbs and Comparison 

Chapter 29. Prepositions and their Uses 

Chapter 30. Conjunctions 

Chapter 31. Direct and Indirect Speech 

Chapter 32. Transformation of Sentences 

Chapter 33. Punctuation