Paragraph Writing for Class 6: Topics with Answers

Explore the art of paragraph writing for Class 6 with engaging topics and detailed answers. Enhance your writing skills, learn the structure, and express your thoughts effectively.


In the journey of language development, paragraph writing is a crucial milestone. For Class 6 students, learning to write coherent and impactful paragraphs sets the foundation for effective communication.

This article dives into the world of paragraph writing, focusing on Class 6 topics with answers. We will uncover the essentials, structure, and techniques required to compose impressive paragraphs that convey ideas with clarity.

Paragraph Writing for Class 6: Topics with Answers

Understanding the structure and approach to paragraph writing is the first step towards proficiency. Here, we’ll explore various topics and provide insightful answers to help students grasp the art of composition.

What is a Paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of related sentences that express a single idea or theme. It serves as a building block for larger pieces of writing, such as essays or reports. A well-structured paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.

The Power of a Strong Topic Sentence

A topic sentence is the heart of a paragraph. It introduces the main idea and sets the tone for what follows. For instance, when writing about “My Favorite Hobby,” a strong topic sentence could be: “Gardening has become my most cherished pastime due to its therapeutic effects and the joy of watching plants flourish.”

Supporting Details: Adding Depth and Context

Supporting details provide depth to your paragraph by offering specific examples, facts, or anecdotes. If the topic sentence is about gardening, supporting details might include the types of plants you cultivate, the tools you use, and the satisfaction of seeing your garden thrive.

Transition Words: Creating Smooth Flow

Transition words and phrases, like “firstly,” “in addition,” and “finally,” help maintain the flow of your paragraph. They connect ideas and guide the reader through your thoughts seamlessly.

Concluding Sentence: Wrapping Up with Impact

A concluding sentence summarizes the main points and leaves a lasting impression. It should tie back to the topic sentence and provide a sense of closure. For instance, if the paragraph is about your favourite hobby, the concluding sentence might express your enthusiasm for spending time in the garden.

Paragraph Writing for Class 6 Examples with Answers

Different Topics for Paragraph writing examples with answers have been arranged in the following that are found common for class 6 under CBSE, ICSE and WBBSE English Question paper.

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English Composition Wiring: Class 8
English Composition Wiring: Class 7
English Composition Wiring: Class 5
Speech Writing for Class 6 Format, Topics with Examples

Your School.

1. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your School”.


My School

I study at St. Agnes High School. My school is a senior secondary school affiliated to ICSE. It has three buildings. The main building is the senior section from classes IX to XII. It also has the office and the principal’s office. It is a two-storeyed building. The science labs and the computer lab are on the 1st floor. The second and the third buildings house the middle and primary sections respectively. There is a big library, a multipurpose hall, and a Yoga Hall also. My School has a huge playfield with a tennis court and a basketball court. There is a swimming pool also. My school has very efficient and hardworking teachers. The helping staff is also very good. I love my school very much.

Your Family

2. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your Family”.


My Family

Everyone lives in a family. I live with my parents. My father is Sri Ritwik Roy and my mother is Srimati Rita Roy. My father is the head of the family. I have one sister. The members of our family are four in number. We live at Udaipur in Malda. My father is a teacher in a primary school under Malda Municipality. He earns Rs. 16000 (Rupees sixteen thousand) only per month. His financial condition is sound. My parents are honest, kind, and affectionate. They love us dearly. We are a happy family. We are friendly and co-operative with our neighbours. Every family should be peace-loving and liberal.

Your visit to a zoo

3. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your visit to zoo”.


My visit to a zoo

To visit to the zoo is always interesting. I had visited the Alipore Zoo with my parents a week before. We could see various kinds of animals, birds, and reptiles. The lion is really a king. The Royal Bengal Tiger is beautiful to look at. We get fun to see monkeys, deer, elephants etc. It is fearful to see snakes and crocodiles. I saw the peacock raised its tail beautifully. I had a great moment in the zoo. We can see wildlife closely. Zoo is a spot of fun and mirth. We learn many things from a zoo.

Your First Day at School

4. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your First day at School”.


My First day at School

My first day at school is a remarkable event in my life. It is still fresh and vivid in my mind. I was then a boy of five. One day my father took me to our primary school. My father filled up a form and I was admitted. Then I went to my classroom. I was very nervous. The class teacher was a young lady. She asked my name and told a story. We had a few more periods. I made friends with many boys. At three O’clock the last bell rang. The students were very glad to run back home. When I came out, I saw my mother waiting for me.

Your best friend

5. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your Best Friend”.


Your Best Friend

My best friend is my mother. She is the symbol of love and affection. My mother is very kind-hearted. She always helps the poor. My mother is a good cook. She prepares nice dishes for us. I always share my views and opinions with my mother when I cannot decide. She at once helps me to solve the problem. She also treats me like a friend. I am extremely dependable with my best friend, my mother. I am proud of my mother. She looks after my health and education. She dreams of my success in life. I wish I would fulfil her sweet dream.

Your Favourite Game.

6. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your Favourite Game”.


Your Favourite Game

Football is my favourite game. It is the most popular game in the world. This game is not costly like cricket. It can be played by all people, the rich and the poor. The game is played in a big field of rectangular shape with two goal posts at the two opposite ends. A referee with two linesmen conducts the game. Every team has eleven players. Except the goalkeepers, none can touch the ball with the hand. The matches are usually played for ninety minutes. The team scoring more numbers of goals wins the match. Football is a game of great interest and excitement. This game gives strength and develops discipline and team spirit.

Experience a caught in a storm

7. Suppose you are caught in a storm while returning home from school. Write a short paragraph in about 100 words describing your experience:


One night, I was returning home from my aunt’s house. Suddenly wild wind started to blow. I looked up and saw that dark clouds had filled the entire sky. Soon it began to rain. I was all alone in that lonely stretch of land. I had no other option but to break into a wild run. The storm dashed upon the earth in full fury. I kept running and finally, reached home. I was gasping due to anxiety and exhaustion. But I got relief that the danger was over, and I was back home amongst my family members.

Your Hobby

8. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your Hobby”.


Your Hobby

My hobby is gardening. I like digging the land and sowing the seeds. Every morning I water the growing plants. Sometimes I prune the branches and leaves. It is hard work, but not tiring. It brings a sort of change in my day-to-day active life at school. I sit for some time in my garden both in the morning and in the afternoon to see the shoots come up. I also enjoy the dancing of branches and leaves in the breeze. For me the plants and their flowers and fruits are not dumb. They are just like growing children. They also have a language which understand.

Our Classroom

9. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Our Classroom”.


Our Class rooms

Classroom is a holy place to each and every student. I read in class four. Our class-room is very neat and clean. The walls of the classroom are well decorated with pictures of great men, maps and charts. There is a table and a chair in the north side of our class-room. In the left corner there is a black board stand. In front of the table there are three rows desks and benches. We sit on the benches and do our tasks. There are forty-five students read in our class. We try to keep silence at the class room.

Your Aim in life

10. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your Aim in Life”.


My Aim in Life

I am a different kind of person. It is common for most of the students to say that their aim in life is to be a doctor, engineer, teacher, businessman etc. My aim in life is a little different. I want to do master’s in social work and take up social service. My aim is to help people in distress: the aged, who have been disowned by their very own, widows who have no one to take care of them and destitute children living on pavements and platforms. I will also encourage people to join me in this good cause.

The rainy Season

11. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “The Rainy Season”.


The Rainy Season

The rainy season comes just after the summer. Generally, Ashar and Sravana are the months of this season. During this season black clouds float across the sky. They are accompanied with lightning and thunder. Very often rain falls heavily. The sun remains hidden behind clouds for days together. People become relieved of terrible heat of the summer days. Rivers swell and tanks and ponds are full. The rains prepare the land for tilling and sowing. In this season sweet fruits like mangoes, jackfruits, pineapples, and guavas are found in plenty. Flowers like ‘Rajanigandha’, ‘Malati’ and ‘Ketaki’ bloom. Sometimes rivers overflow and vast areas of land go under water. The village roads become muddy and slippery. Moreover, diseases like malaria, cholera, diarrhoea, and dysentery break out at the time of the year.

26th January Celebration

12. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “26th January Celebration”.


26th January Celebration

26th January is called the Republic Day. On this day in 1950, India became Republic. This Day is observed in our school every year. Accordingly, we gathered in the school premises and started our rally under the leadership of our teachers. We had flags and festoons in our hands. We came back to our school premises after half an hour. The programme began with the hoisting of the National Flag by the chief guest, the headmaster. We sang the National anthem. The headmaster made a short but neat speech on the significance of the Day. Then began our cultural programme. The function continued for an hour. At last sweets were given to all. We returned home with a sense of pride and happiness.

The Tiger

13. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “The Tiger”.


The Tiger

There are so many wild animals. But the tiger is one of the most beautiful wild animals. It is found in many jungles and forest. The tiger is a fierce animal. It adds beauty to nature, but it is cruel and ferocious. It has black stripes on its yellow body. Its eyes are bright. Its teeth are sharp, and its claws are powerful. It hides for its prey at night. The tiger lives on flesh. They become man-eater sometimes. The Sundarbans are famous for “Royal Bengal Tiger.” But now-a-days it is going to be extinct.

Your favourite Season

14. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “The Season You Like Most”.


The Season You Like Most

Every season comes in a cyclic order. I like winter the most. It normally begins in November and continues till February. Winter is a season of fair and enjoyment. The sky is bright and blue. The weather is pleasant. Flowers decorate the nature. Festivals and fairs go on. People enjoy Christmas, picnic, tours, circuses, and book fairs. Vegetables are in plenty in this season. It is a season of oranges and cakes. People enjoy woollen dress. We enjoy New year. This is the season when we get relief and happiness as the season remains favourable and cold. But sometimes winter becomes bitter to the poor. They have not enough warm clothes.

Durga Puja

15. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Durga Puja


Durga Puja

Durga Puja is the greatest festival of the Bengalese. It is a national festival. Durga Puja is a festival of joy and happiness. It is held between October and November. In this festival, we welcome good and destroy evil. ‘Durga’ is good. Evil is ‘Asura’. We enjoy four days with a festive spirit. It is a festival of re-union. We enjoy pandels, idols of Durga with her children, light, decoration, food etc wearing new dresses. We forget sorrows. Only joy prevails everywhere. We feel sad at ‘Vijaya Dashami’. Durga Ma is immersed. Again we, all wait for the next puja.

The winter seasons

16. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “The winter seasons”.


The winter seasons

Winter is one of the six seasons in Bengal. Winter begins at the end of November and continued to 2nd week of February, generally winter comes when rains go out. In this time day is shorter than night and cold weather, clear sky continues. Sometimes huge fog covered all around in the morning. Various kinds of vegetables such as cauliflowers cabbage, tomato, pees, brinjals, potatoes etc. are grown in huge quantity, Paddy is harvested in this time. Many kinds of flowers bloom. We get orange, grapes, guava etc. in winter. Winter is a season of travel too. Christmas ceremony and Saraswathi puja occurs in winter.

My Daily routine

17. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Your daily life”


My daily Routine / My Daily Life

I get up early in the morning. Then I wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. I go out for a walk and come back home after half-an hour. Then I take my breakfast. After that I read my lessons and do my homework up to 9 a.m. I have my bath at 10 a.m. Then I take my lunch and start for school. At school, I read and write with my classmates. I come back home at half-past four. After that, I take some food and drink a glass of milk too. I play games with my friends in the afternoon. In the evening I do my lessons. I take my dinner usually at 9 p.m. Then I say good night’ to mother and go to bed.

My National Hero

18. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “My National Hero”.


My National hero /  Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is my favourite National hero. Subhas Chandra Bose was born at Cuttack in Orissa on 23rd January 1897. His father’s name was Janaki Nath Bose. Subhas had his education from Ravenshaw Collegiate school at Cuttack. He was a brilliant student. Subhas Chandra Bose studied at Presidency College in Kolkata. He stood 4th in the ICS Examination. Later, he joined Freedom Movement. The British sent him to prison. He became the president of Indian National Congress. After, he left India and formed Indian National Army. He was called ‘Netaji’. It is said that Netaji is still alive.

Trees our best Friend

19. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Importance of trees”.


Trees our best Friend / Importance of Trees

Trees are our best friend as they are very important for us. They are called the lungs of the earth because they give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, Oxygen is needed by animals and humans to breathe. Trees help to cause rainfall. They help to keep the soil moist and prevent soil erosion. Well- forested areas help to keep the atmosphere cool. Every part of a tree is useful for us, Parts of some plants are also used to make medicines, dyes, rubber, cosmetics, and spices. Forests are an important natural resource and trees are home to many animals and birds.

Swami Vivekananda: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

20. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Swami Vivekananda”.


Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda is one of the greatest religious heroes of India. His earlier name was Narendra Nath Dutta He was born in Calcutta on January 12 in 1863. His father Viswanath Dutta was a lawyer, and his mother Bhubaneswari Debi was a pious lady. He was a bright student at school and in college, but he had strong curiosity for man-making religion. He became the disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. After some time, he went to the Parliament of Religions in Chicago and delivered his eloquent speech. Thereby he became famous throughout the world. He breathed his last on July 4 in 1902,

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

21. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “Importance of trees”.


Iswarchandra Vidyasagar

Iswarchandra Vidyasagar was a great son of India. He was born on 26th September 1820 at Birsingha in Midnapore, Thakurdas Bandopadhyay and Bhagabati Devi were his parents. Vidyasagar was born in a poor brahmin family. He got his primary education at the village pathsala. Then he came to Kolkata and studied at Sanskrit college. He was also a great social reformer. Vidyasaga was a great scholar People called him ‘Vidyasagar for his wisdom. He wrote many books. He was a social reformer. Vidyasagar had a kind heart. He spread education among women. He died in 1891.

Rainy Day: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

22. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “A Rainy Day”.


A Rainy Day

It was the month of August. The sky became dark and cloudy. It had been raining cats and dogs. After some times, the road became river. In some places water was overflowing . People had to wade through a knee-deep water. People faced a lot of difficulties. But it was a fun and pleasure to the boys and girls. They did not go to school. It was a Rainy Day. They made paper-boats and sailed them. They enjoyed the Rainy Day with hot hotchpotch and other dry fries. But elderly people really faced difficulties for going out.

Enjoying A Picnic: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

23. Write a paragraph in about 80 – 100 words about “A Picnic”.


A Picnic

We had decided to have a picnic. It was on 1st January last. My friends and I took part in it. Our parents were also with us. We selected the Botanical Gardens. It was a very beautiful spot. We went there by bus. Our parents were busy in cooking. We played cricket there and had a lot of fun. We enjoyed the moment enjoying different kinds of trees about which we did not know. At last, we enjoyed boating. After that we took our lunch under the tree. In the afternoon, we came back home. It was a wonderful time. We enjoyed the day much.

The Desert: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

24. Write a paragraph (100 words) about the “desert”.



The desert is a vast expanse of sand with no water and very little vegetation. The temperature is usually very high during the day. On the contrary, nights are very cold. Water is difficult to find except in an ‘Oasis’. Oasis is a small village where there are a few date palm trees and a few houses. People travel from one place to another on camels as this is the chief source of transport. The camel is therefore, also called ‘The Ship of the Desert’. Life in a desert is very difficult. The Government is taking measures to make it easy.

Annual Sports Day: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

25. Write a paragraph about the “Annual Sports Day of your school”.


Annual Sports Day in your school

On Sunday last we had our annual school sports. There were many events such as, the high jump, the long jump and the pole-vault and various sorts of races like 100 metres race, 200 metres race, sack race and the three-legged race. I took part in 100 metres race and the long jump. In the 100 metres race I defeated all other competitors. Of all the events the most interesting was the tug of war between the teachers and the students. All the teachers and the students, many guardians and many other respectable gentlemen of our locality witnessed the sports and encouraged the competitors. A function was held soon after the sports. The District Inspector of schools, Hooghly presided over the function. He delivered a short speech on the necessity of sports in schools. Then the H. M. gave away the prizes to the

A boat Journey: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

26. Write a paragraph about the “A Journey by boat ”.


A Journey by boat

It was a moonlit night. A few months back, we, four friends went to Sundarbans with our parents. We spent a lovely moonlit night on the boat. The rippling water of the river reflected in the moonlit night. The forest on both sides was dark and the river was silvery. The dark forest on either side were mysterious. The boat was floating slowly over the river Matla. We stood on the upper deck, almost dumbfounded. Peace and calmness made the place more mystic. Only the rippling sound of the water broke the silence. The dense forest on either side made the journey really thrilling.

A Rainbow: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

27. Write a paragraph about “A Rainbow”.


A Rainbow

It was 1 PM and I was leaning against the railing of the balcony of my house. The sunny sky was cloudy. My lunch was just over. Then came a stormy wind. It was followed by a heavy rainfall. It continued for half an hour. Then the sky became cloudless. I went to the top floor with my elder brother. What a beautiful scene! The rainbow! A bow is so bright with wonderful colours! My heart leapt with joy to see the beautiful seven colours of it. My elder brother told me all about it. There were seven colours. They are together called VIBGYOR-Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. It remained there in the sky for some time and then gradually disappeared. The next day, I drew a picture of it in my drawing copy.

Your Activities in leisure Time

28. Write a paragraph about “Your Activities in leisure Time”.


Your Activities in leisure Time

At present he becomes full of care and we’ve no time to stand and stare. Leisure is necessary for having some respite from constant struggle in day-to-day activities. We may take up some recreational activities like reading books of choice, organising programmes like social and cultural, visiting friends and relatives, playing games of cards, gossiping with friends, singing at our sweet will enjoying beauties of nature, etc. These recreational forms are resume normal duties with renewed energy. But leisure doesn’t mean to ide away time without doing any sort of activity for earning livelihood. Leisure is required to make life worth-living.

The river Ganga: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

29. Write a paragraph about the “The River Ganga”.

The River Ganga

The Ganga is the largest river in India. This 2,525 km long river rises in the western Himalayas in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. It is mainly snow-fed and flows throughout the year. It has two main headwaters in the Himalayas. The Ganga is a holy river. It represents India’s culture, religions and 5,000-year-old civilisation. The Ganges is a lifeline to millions of people who live in its basin and depend on it for their daily needs. Many important cities are located on its banks as Pataliputra, Kanauji, Munger, Kashi, Patna, Delhi, Bhagalpur, Murshidabad, Kolkata and many more. This river empties into the Bay of Bengal creating world’s larges river delta, The Ganges Delta.

The spring seasons: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

30. Write a paragraph about the “The spring seasons”.


The spring seasons

Spring occupies a pleasant position in the cycle of seasons. It lasts two months-February and March. It is also called the queen of the seasons. There is no cold of winter, heat of summer, or rains of the rainy season. Spring is full of glamour and pleasure. Tender leaves come out from bare branches. Green grass covers the field. The sky becomes cloudless. Birds sing sweet songs all day. The cuckoo rejoices us with melodious voice. The atmosphere is pleasant Weather is nice. The breeze blows across and spreads sweet fragrance of flowers. Spring is the season festivals. Colourful Holi, Basanti Puja a Charak come off in this season. This is the season of diseases also. Chicken pox breaks out in this season. This season comes with the thought of sadness of approaching summer.

A circus show: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

31. Write a paragraph about the “A circus show”.


A circus show

A circus shows amusing physical skills of man and animals. So, I am curious to see a circus. One afternoon I went there with my younger sister. The area was already crowded. We bought two tickets and got into the tent at 5.45 p.m. Show began with dances by some young girls at 6PM. We saw cycling by a girl on the wire. Then a young man started ride his motorcycle round the ring. A man went up a tall ladder and stood there tossing saucers. The clown often repeated this show in a manner that made everybody laugh. Next came the animals and they also played different funny tricks. The show came to an end at 9.00 p.m. We walked home talking about the tricks we had seen.

Advantages of Reading books

32. Write a paragraph about the “Advantages of Reading Books”.


Advantages of Reading Books

‘Reading makes a full man’, writes Bacon, Reading makes a man perfect. Reading increases our knowledge and wisdom. It sharpens our intelligence, it gives us pleasure, Books widen our outlook on man and matters. By reading good books men can acquire noble habits and pleasant personality. It gives us a sense of satisfaction. Every one of us, therefore, should develop a regular habit of reading books. Reading of good books will give us peace of mind and a ray of hope for future. A good book teaches us moral and motto of life. The habit of reading good books should be developed from the childhood itself. When the children grow up, they become knowledgeable. Books are our best friends. best companion. They are never failing friends. They never let us down.

Festivals In Bengal: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

33. Write a paragraph about the “Festivals In Bengal”.


Festivals In Bengal

As Bengalese are lovers of festivals, there’s no inadequacy of festival in West Bengal, In the rainy season, the car festival is observed with splendour. In autumn, we observe Durga Puja Lakshmi Puja, Kali Puja, Bhratridwitiya one after another. The festivals of Nabanna and Saraswati Puja are held in winter. In spring, the Bengalees observe Holi, a festival of youthful vigour. The Muslims observe the festivals like Id-ud-zoha, Muharram, The Christians celebrate Christmas, Good Friday and Easter, Festivals are important because people of different religions enjoy get-together. But today some emotional excesses are noticeable. They may harm national harmony, So, we all have to be careful.

Good Manners: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

34. Write a paragraph about the “Good Manners”.


Good Manners

‘Good Manners’ means treating people with respect and courtesy We acquire these moral values through a process of training. The school plays a very important role in helping us acquire good manners. Discipline, modesty obedience-these qualities are developed at school. Our home also teaches us good manners. We learn many soft skills from our parents and other elderly people in the family. The social environment also helps us acquire good manners. If people around us behave decently, we also acquire decent manners. Good and gentle behaviour is a steppingstone to a successful career. In fact, one of the conditions for success in life is good manners.

The locality you live in

35. Write a paragraph about the “The locality you live in”.


The locality you live in

The name of my locality is Alankarpur. It is in the district of Midnapur (East). Alankarpur is near the Bay of Bengal. It is very calm and quiet. Sometimes it becomes festive. There are one thousand five hundred people in our village. Most of the villagers are farmers and fishermen. There are teachers and doctors also. There is a post office, a primary school and a high school (Digha Vidya Bhaban) in our village. The villagers are honest, peaceful and happy. They love each other. My village is like a dream to me.

Our Home: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

36. Write a paragraph about “Your Home”.


Our Home

Home is the sweetest of all things. We long to stay at home. It is the place where one is born. It is the place where one enjoys happiness and love. Our home is on the outskirts of the town. We have three bedrooms, and they all are airy. Members of a home love one another. It is the best school for children. They learn to speak and walk at home. My home is a temple of peace. If everyone has a happy home, our  life will be pleasant. So, there is a saying, “ East or West, my home is the best”

Your favourite subject

37.Write a paragraph about the “Your favourite subject”.


Your favourite subject

English is my favourite subject. So, when I find time, I pick up an English story book of my choice am sometimes so fascinated by it that I even cannot hear my mother calling out for dinner. Reading such a book gives me immense delight. Besides providing pleasure by the virtue of its literature, English is the most widely spoken language of the world. So English is liked by me for its provision of delight and source information. As a subject, it greatly contributes to the improvement of my personal qualities.

Your favourite teacher: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

38.Write a paragraph about the “Your favourite teacher”.


Your favourite teacher

I have great respect for all my teachers, but if I am to pick up one, I would obviously choose our Bengali teacher, Sri Asim Sengupta. He is my most favourite teacher. Sri Asim Sengupta has some special qualities. He is amiable by nature and has a very good command of Bengali literature. He teaches so nicely that the students feel highly impressed. Sri Asim Sengupta has a very good sense of humour and makes the classes highly enjoyable. He loves his students from his heart. Sri Asim Sengupta leads a plain and simple life. He inspires the minds of his students with noble ideas. He has a strong personality and teaches his students to practise strict discipline. But at the same time, he acts like a friend and guide to all his students. Above all he stands by them in their hour of need.

My School Diary: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

39.Write a paragraph about the “My School Diary”.

My School Diary

The School Dairy is a kind of book covered with thick board made of paper or plastic. On the cover page, in the centre or at the top there is the school emblem and the name of the school. On the bottom there is space for writing name, standard, division, and address of the students. In a school diary all the information regarding students, parents, teachers, education system of the school have been written. A school diary also contains rules and regulation regarding students’ discipline  during school hour. Here all the information containing all kinds of notices relating to exam, occasion, programme is shared throughout the year for all the students. On the whole, a school diary acts as the medium of communication between parents and teacher, and it presents the perfect reflection of a school to all.

Your Sunday Routine

40.Write a paragraph about the “Your Sunday Routine”.


Your Sunday Routine

Sunday is a special day for all the students. Students remain engaged with their school homework and different activities throughout the week. But on Sunday they get relaxed and can spend the day with their own will. As for me, I get up at 8 AM in the morning on Sunday. Then I wash my hands and face and take my breakfast at 8 : 30 A.M. Then I prepare myself to attend the drawing class At 9:30 am. At 11Am I play with my friends for some time. The I take my lunch at 12:30Pm and go to sleep for an hour. At 2 Pm I began to watch cartoon till 4PM. After that I go to playground to play with my friends.

I return home at 6;30PM. Then I wash my hands and face and take some light tiffin. Then I begin to do my Monday’s homework. At 10Am I take my dinner and go to sleep at 10:30PM.

Good Habits: Paragraph Writing for Class 6

41.Write a paragraph about the “Good Habits”.


Good Habits

Good habits are some rules in our lives that help us to be healthy, disciplined, and punctual. Everyone must practise good habits in life. It also helps us to behave well with our friends, and family members. To be successful in life good habits are very important. It should be taught from childhood days. Some of the qualities that are regarded as good habits are rising early from bed, worshipping God, eating timely with limits, doing any work on time, sleeping on time, practising some yoga regularly, respecting parents, elders and teachers, and talking politely with others. A person with good habits never fails in life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Long Should a Paragraph Be?

Paragraph length varies, but it’s recommended to have at least 3-5 sentences. However, the focus should be on conveying your idea effectively rather than strict word count.

Can I Use Personal Experiences in Paragraphs?

Absolutely! Personal experiences add authenticity to your writing. They help you connect with your readers and make your paragraphs more relatable.

Should I Include Dialogue in My Paragraphs?

Dialogue can be a powerful tool to enhance your paragraphs. It adds a dynamic element and allows characters to express themselves directly.

Is the Order of Supporting Details Important?

Yes, the order of supporting details matters. Start with the most relevant or impactful detail, and progress in a logical sequence to maintain coherence.

How Can I Edit My Paragraph for Improvement?

Editing is essential. Read your paragraph aloud to check for clarity and flow. Look for grammatical errors and consider whether each sentence contributes to your main idea.

Can I Use Humor in Paragraph Writing?

Certainly! Humor can engage readers and make your writing memorable. Just ensure it aligns with the topic and tone of your paragraph.


Mastering paragraph writing for Class 6 is a skill that extends beyond the classroom. It empowers students to express their thoughts, ideas, and emotions effectively. By understanding the structure, embracing engaging topics, and crafting compelling paragraphs, young learners can embark on a journey of self-expression. So, let your creativity flow as you dive into the world of paragraph writing.