Othello MCQ Questions Answers Class 11 WBCHSE 2024-25

According to the new syllabus, Othello MCQ Questions Answers Class 11 has been included in the first semester. Prepare for your Class 11 WBCHSE 2024-25 exams with Othello MCQ Questions Answers.

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Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 1

1. What was the name of the rich Senator in Venice?

a) Othello

b) Brabantio

c) Desdemona

d) Moor

Answer: b) Brabantio

2. Who was Brabantio’s daughter?

a) Othello

b) Desdemona

c) Moor

d) Clime

Answer: b) Desdemona

3. What was Desdemona’s preference in choosing a suitor?

a) Appearance and complexion

b) Wealth and status

c) Heart more than appearance and complexion

d) None of the above

Answer: c) Heart more than appearance and complexion

4. What was Othello’s profession?

a) Senator

b) Nobleman

c) Soldier

d) Merchant

Answer: c) Soldier

5. How was Othello regarded in the state of Venice?

a) Feared and despised

b) Hated and reviled

c) Highly esteemed and revered

d) None of the above

Answer: c) Highly esteemed and revered

6. Why did Desdemona’s father, Brabantio, often invite Othello to their mansion?

a) Because Othello was a wealthy nobleman

b) Because Othello was a valiant soldier

c) Because Othello was of the same clime and complexion as Brabantio

d) Because Desdemona insisted on it

Answer: b) Because Othello was a valiant soldier

7. What does Desdemona’s choice of Othello reveal about her character?

a) She values appearances over character

b) She prioritizes her father’s wishes over her own happiness

c) She is independent-minded and values inner qualities over outward appearances

d) She is easily swayed by societal expectations

Answer: c) She is independent-minded and values inner qualities over outward appearances

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 2

8. What enticed Desdemona the most about Othello’s stories?

a) His wealth and status

b) His bravery and heroics in battles

c) His romantic gestures

d) His intelligence and wit

Answer: b) His bravery and heroics in battles

9. What did Desdemona wish for at the end of Othello’s stories?

a) She wished for Othello to stop telling stories

b) She wished for a friend of Othello who could tell stories like him

c) She wished for more extravagant adventures

d) She wished for a lavish wedding

Answer: b) She wished for a friend of Othello who could tell stories like him

10. How did Desdemona respond to household affairs interrupting Othello’s storytelling?

a) She ignored them completely

b) She postponed them for later

c) She finished them hastily to return to Othello

d) She asked Othello to help her with the chores

Answer: c) She finished them hastily to return to Othello

11. What did Desdemona suggest through her hint to Othello?

a) She suggested that Othello find her a friend to entertain her

b) She suggested that Othello teach his friend how to tell stories to win her over

c) She suggested that Othello find a husband for her

d) She suggested that Othello stop telling stories

Answer: b) She suggested that Othello teach his friend how to tell stories to win her over

12. How did Othello gain Desdemona’s consent to marry him?

a) Through extravagant gifts

b) Through his storytelling skills

c) Through his noble lineage

d) Through his wealth and status

Answer: b) Through his storytelling skills

13. What do Desdemona’s reactions to Othello’s stories reveal about her character?

a) She is easily bored and disinterested

b) She values bravery and adventure

c) She is materialistic and greedy

d) She is indifferent to Othello’s experiences

Answer: b) She values bravery and adventure

14. How does Othello’s response to Desdemona’s hint demonstrate his understanding of her feelings?

a) He ignores her hint completely

b) He misinterprets her hint

c) He responds with affection and openness

d) He becomes defensive and angry

Answer: c) He responds with affection and openness

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 3

15. What does Desdemona’s wish for a friend of Othello who could tell stories like him imply about her desires?

a) She wants Othello to stop telling stories

b) She wants someone who can entertain her

c) She wants Othello to find a husband for her

d) She wants Othello to spend less time with her

Answer: b) She wants someone who can entertain her

16. How does Desdemona’s behavior towards Othello’s stories reflect her level of interest and engagement?

a) She seems disinterested and bored

b) She eagerly listens and returns for more

c) She interrupts him frequently

d) She falls asleep during the stories

Answer: b) She eagerly listens and returns for more

17. In what way does Othello’s storytelling contribute to his relationship with Desdemona?

a) It creates distance between them

b) It strengthens their emotional connection

c) It causes misunderstandings and conflicts

d) It leads to jealousy and suspicion

Answer: b) It strengthens their emotional connection

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 4

18. How did Brabantio react when he learned about Othello and Desdemona’s marriage?

a) He appealed to the Duke of Venice for justice

b) He congratulated Othello and Desdemona

c) He ignored the news

d) He organized a celebration

Answer: a) He appealed to the Duke of Venice for justice

19. What accusation did Brabantio make against Othello?

a) Murder

b) Theft

c) Casting spell and witchcraft

d) Treason

Answer: c) Casting spell and witchcraft

20. What does Brabantio’s accusation of spellcasting and witchcraft against Othello imply about his perception of Othello’s relationship with Desdemona?

a) Brabantio is afraid of Othello’s supernatural powers.

b) Brabantio believes that Othello has manipulated Desdemona through deceitful means.

c) Brabantio considers Othello to be a genuine magician.

d) Brabantio is envious of Othello’s success in winning Desdemona’s love.

Answer: b) Brabantio believes that Othello has manipulated Desdemona through deceitful means.

21. Why was Othello summoned before the Senate?

a) To receive a noble employment

b) To face charges brought by Senator Brabantio

c) To defend Cyprus against Turkish invasion

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

22. What urgent situation prompted the need for Othello’s services?

a) A rebellion within Venice

b) A threat of invasion by the Turks

c) Economic instability

d) Natural disaster

Answer: b) A threat of invasion by the Turks

23. Who accused Othello of offenses before the Senate?

a) Desdemona

b) Brabantio

c) The Duke of Venice

d) The Turkish fleet

Answer: b) Brabantio

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 5

24. What role was Othello deemed most competent for?

a) Diplomatic negotiations

b) Naval warfare

c) Defending Cyprus against invasion

d) Administration of justice

Answer: c) Defending Cyprus against invasion

25. Why do you think Othello was perceived both as a candidate for noble employment and a culprit charged with offenses?

a) Because he had committed crimes against the state of Venice.

b) Because his competence and valor were acknowledged, but his marriage to Desdemona was controversial.

c) Because he was suspected of treason against the Senate.

d) Because he was involved in a political conspiracy.

Answer: b) Because his competence and valor were acknowledged, but his marriage to Desdemona was controversial.

26. What might be the implications of Othello being summoned before the Senate as both a candidate for noble employment and a culprit charged with offenses by Senator Brabantio?

a) It suggests conflicting perceptions of Othello’s character and actions within Venetian society.

b) It indicates that Othello is a master manipulator who can deceive both the Senate and Senator Brabantio.

c) It demonstrates the Senate’s lack of trust in Othello’s abilities despite his military achievements.

d) It implies that Othello’s marriage to Desdemona is the sole reason for his summons before the Senate.

Answer: a) It suggests conflicting perceptions of Othello’s character and actions within Venetian society.

27. Who accused Othello before the assembly of the Senators?

a) The Duke

b) Desdemona

c) Senator Brabantio

d) Othello himself

Answer: c) Senator Brabantio

28. How did Othello defend himself before the assembly of the Senators?

a) By casting spells and conjurations

b) By remaining silent

c) By narrating a simple story of his love

d) By accusing Brabantio of falsehood

Answer: c) By narrating a simple story of his love

29. How did the Duke respond to Othello’s defense?

a) He rejected Othello’s defense as dishonest.

b) He confessed that Othello’s tale would have won his daughter too.

c) He accused Othello of using witchcraft.

d) He dismissed the accusations against Othello without further consideration.

Answer: b) He confessed that Othello’s tale would have won his daughter too.

30. What did the Duke conclude about Othello’s actions in his courtship of Desdemona?

a) That Othello used deceitful spells and conjurations.

b) That Othello employed honest arts of wooing.

c) That Othello was guilty of witchcraft.

d) That Othello was innocent of all accusations.

Answer: b) That Othello employed honest arts of wooing.

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Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 6

31. What is described as the only “witchcraft” that Othello used to win Desdemona’s heart?

a) The skill of selling a soft tale

b) Actual magic spells

c) Black magic

d) Conjuring potions

Answer: a) The skill of selling a soft tale

Para 6

32. Who confirmed Othello’s statement in court?

a) The Duke

b) Desdemona

c) Senator Brabantio

d) Othello himself

Answer: b) Desdemona

33. Why did Desdemona acknowledge her duty to Brabantio in court?

a) Because she feared Brabantio’s wrath

b) Because of her life and education provided by Brabantio

c) Because she was compelled by the Duke

d) Because Othello forced her to do so

Answer: b) Because of her life and education provided by Brabantio

34. How did Brabantio finally react to Othello’s marriage to Desdemona?

a) He accepted Othello as his son-in-law with open arms

b) He continued to accuse Othello of deceit

c) He disowned Desdemona

d) He reluctantly accepted Othello but warned him about Desdemona’s nature

Answer: d) He reluctantly accepted Othello but warned him about Desdemona’s nature

35. What did Brabantio warn Othello about regarding Desdemona?

a) That she had deceived him and might deceive Othello too

b) That she was a witch and practiced dark magic

c) That she was unfaithful to him

d) That she was secretly plotting against him

Answer: a) That she had deceived him and might deceive Othello too

36. How did Brabantio feel about the behavior of Desdemona and his own potential reaction if he had other children?

a) He felt proud of Desdemona’s actions and would have supported her regardless

b) He felt betrayed by Desdemona and would have disowned her if he had other children

c) He felt relieved that he didn’t have other children, as he might have become a tyrant towards them

d) He felt indifferent towards Desdemona’s actions and wouldn’t have cared if he had other children

Answer: c) He felt relieved that he didn’t have other children, as he might have become a tyrant towards them

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 7

37. Why did Othello and Desdemona travel to Cyprus?

a) To attend a wedding

b) To escape from Brabantio

c) To participate in a war

d) To seek refuge from a tempest

Answer: c) To participate in a war

38. What was Desdemona’s reason for accompanying Othello to Cyprus?

a) She wanted to escape from Othello

b) She refused to stay with her father

c) She wanted to explore the island

d) She was forced by Othello

Answer: b) She refused to stay with her father

39. What news greeted Othello and Desdemona upon their arrival in Cyprus?

a) A wedding celebration

b) A violent tempest had dispersed the Turkish fleet

c) A peaceful resolution to the war

d) A feast in their honor

Answer: b) A violent tempest had dispersed the Turkish fleet

40. What did the enemies stirred up against Desdemona prove to be?

a) More deadly than strangers or infidels

b) Harmless

c) Nonexistent

d) Easily defeated

Answer: a) More deadly than strangers or infidels

41. What does Desdemona’s bold declaration, “I loved the Moor to live with him,” reveal about her character?

a) She is obedient and submissive

b) She is fiercely independent and determined

c) She is indifferent to Othello

d) She regrets her marriage to Othello

Answer: b) She is fiercely independent and determined

42. Who was described as possessing Othello’s confidence more than anyone else?

a) Brabantio

b) Desdemona

c) Cassio

d) The Duke

Answer: c) Cassio

43. What was Cassio’s profession?

a) Merchant

b) Soldier

c) Politician

d) Scholar

Answer: b) Soldier

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 8

44. Why was Othello not jealous of Cassio’s relationship with Desdemona?

a) Because Othello was free of jealousy and noble in nature

b) Because Cassio was unattractive and unappealing to Desdemona

c) Because Desdemona disliked Cassio

d) Because Othello was jealous of everyone

Answer: a) Because Othello was free of jealousy and noble in nature

45. What did Othello fear he lacked in comparison to Cassio?

a) Eloquence

b) Wealth

c) Bravery

d) Amorous qualities

Answer: d) Amorous qualities

46. How did Othello view Cassio’s frequent presence in their house?

a) He found it annoying and intrusive

b) He was indifferent to it

c) He enjoyed it and found Cassio’s talk endearing

d) He was suspicious of Cassio’s intentions

Answer: c) He enjoyed it and found Cassio’s talk endearing

47. What did Desdemona feel towards Cassio?

a) She disliked him

b) She trusted and loved him

c) She was indifferent towards him

d) She was jealous of him

Answer: b) She trusted and loved him

48. How did Othello perceive Cassio’s innocent simplicity in his interactions with Desdemona?

a) As a sign of Cassio’s disloyalty

b) As a blemish to Cassio’s character

c) As an honor to Cassio’s character

d) As irrelevant to their relationship

Answer: c) As an honor to Cassio’s character

49. What was Cassio promoted to by Othello?

a) General

b) Lieutenant

c) Captain

d) Sergeant

Answer: b) Lieutenant

50. Why did Iago harbor hatred towards Cassio?

a) Because Cassio was his rival in love

b) Because Cassio was promoted over him

c) Because Cassio was rude to him

d) Because Cassio was a better soldier

Answer: b) Because Cassio was promoted over him

51. What suspicion did Iago have about Othello and Emilia?

a) That Othello was too fond of Emilia

b) That Emilia was cheating on Othello

c) That Othello and Emilia were plotting against him

d) That Othello and Emilia were related

Answer: a) That Othello was too fond of Emilia

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 9

52. What did Iago conceive as a scheme of revenge?

a) To kill Cassio

b) To make Othello jealous of Cassio

c) To steal from Othello

d) To befriend Cassio

Answer: b) To make Othello jealous of Cassio

53. What did Iago believe was the most unbearable affliction for man?

a) Hatred

b) Greed

c) Jealousy

d) Fear

Answer: c) Jealousy

54. How did Iago plan to make Othello jealous of Cassio?

a) By spreading rumors about Cassio’s disloyalty

b) By framing Cassio for a crime

c) By flirting with Desdemona

d) By pretending to be Cassio’s friend

Answer: a) By spreading rumors about Cassio’s disloyalty

55. What was Iago’s ultimate goal in his scheme of revenge?

a) To become the General

b) To kill Cassio and Othello

c) To steal Othello’s wealth

d) To cause ruin to Cassio, Othello, and Desdemona

Answer: d) To cause ruin to Cassio, Othello, and Desdemona

56. What was Cassio’s responsibility on the night of the incident?

a) Organizing a feast

b) Directing the guard and restraining soldiers from excessive drinking

c) Keeping watch over the fleet

d) Entertaining the General and his lady

Answer: b) Directing the guard and restraining soldiers from excessive drinking

57. How did Iago initially manipulate Cassio?

a) By threatening him

b) By offering him a bribe

c) By pretending loyalty and love to the General

d) By blackmailing him

Answer: c) By pretending loyalty and love to the General

58. What caused Cassio to become drunk?

a) He drank excessively under Iago’s influence

b) He had a low tolerance for alcohol

c) He wanted to impress Desdemona

d) He was celebrating his promotion

Answer: a) He drank excessively under Iago’s influence

59. Who was wounded during the scuffle provoked by Iago?

a) Othello

b) Desdemona

c) Montano

d) Cassio

Answer: c) Montano

60. What did Iago do when the bell was rung to signal the alarm?

a) He fled the scene

b) He pretended to be a peacemaker

c) He spread false rumors of a mutiny

d) He helped Cassio

Answer: c) He spread false rumors of a mutiny

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 10

61. How did Othello react when he arrived at the scene of the altercation?

a) He immediately punished Cassio

b) He demanded an explanation from Cassio

c) He ignored the situation

d) He blamed Desdemona

Answer: b) He demanded an explanation from Cassio

62. Why did Othello ultimately strip Cassio of his rank as lieutenant?

a) Because Cassio was drunk

b) Because Cassio wounded Montano

c) Because Iago convinced him to do so

d) Because Desdemona asked him to

Answer: c) Because Iago convinced him to do so

63. How did Cassio feel about losing his reputation?

a) He was indifferent

b) He was angry

c) He was devastated

d) He was relieved

Answer: c) He was devastated

64. Who did Iago advise Cassio to seek help from to regain his position?

a) Brabantio

b) The Duke of Venice

c) Desdemona

d) Montano

Answer: c) Desdemona

65. What did Cassio feel he had lost along with his reputation?

a) His wealth

b) His honor

c) His friendship with Iago

d) His love for Desdemona

Answer: b) His honor

66. How did Iago manipulate the situation to his advantage during the incident with Cassio?

a) By directly attacking Cassio

b) By spreading false rumors and escalating the situation

c) By defending Cassio and calming the situation

d) By staying neutral and observing silently

Answer: b) By spreading false rumors and escalating the situation

67. Why did Othello believe Iago’s account of the incident over Cassio’s explanation?

a) Because Othello trusted Iago more than Cassio

b) Because Cassio was too ashamed to explain himself

c) Because Iago’s account seemed more believable

d) Because Othello was biased against Cassio

Answer: a) Because Othello trusted Iago more than Cassio

68. How did Iago’s manipulation affect Cassio’s self-perception?

a) Cassio became more confident in himself

b) Cassio felt ashamed and worthless

c) Cassio became suspicious of Othello

d) Cassio felt indifferent to the situation

Answer: b) Cassio felt ashamed and worthless

69. What motive did Iago have for undermining Cassio?

a) Cassio had insulted him

b) Cassio was in love with Desdemona

c) Cassio had been promoted over him

d) Cassio was plotting against Othello

Answer: c) Cassio had been promoted over him

70. How did Iago’s manipulation contribute to the overall tragedy in the play?

a) It created tension and conflict between characters

b) It prevented the war in Cyprus

c) It resulted in Othello’s promotion

d) It improved Cassio’s reputation

Answer: a) It created tension and conflict between characters

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 11

71. Who promised Cassio to intercede on his behalf with Othello?

a) Iago

b) Desdemona

c) Othello

d) Montano

Answer: b) Desdemona

72. Why did Desdemona insist that Othello pardon Cassio immediately?

a) Because she felt sorry for Cassio

b) Because she believed Cassio’s offense was minor

c) Because she wanted to test Othello’s love

d) Because she feared Cassio’s punishment

Answer: b) Because she believed Cassio’s offense was minor

73. How did Othello react initially to Desdemona’s plea on Cassio’s behalf?

a) He immediately agreed to pardon Cassio

b) He hesitated and wanted more time

c) He refused to pardon Cassio

d) He asked Desdemona to leave him alone

Answer: b) He hesitated and wanted more time

74. What did Desdemona imply when she mentioned Cassio’s loyalty to Othello?

a) That Cassio had betrayed Othello

b) That Cassio was a true friend to Othello

c) That Cassio had romantic feelings for her

d) That Cassio was dishonest

Answer: b) That Cassio was a true friend to Othello

75. How did Iago react when Othello mentioned Cassio’s involvement in his courtship with Desdemona?

a) He showed no reaction

b) He seemed surprised

c) He expressed suspicion

d) He became angry

Answer: a) He showed no reaction

76. What did Iago insinuate about Desdemona’s behavior towards Cassio?

a) That she was secretly in love with Cassio

b) That she was trying to ruin Cassio’s reputation

c) That she was disrespectful towards Othello

d) That she was manipulating Cassio

Answer: a) That she was secretly in love with Cassio

77. Why did Othello initially trust Iago’s advice about observing Desdemona’s behavior?

a) Because he believed Iago was a just and honest man

b) Because he was jealous of Desdemona

c) Because he disliked Cassio

d) Because he was suspicious of Desdemona

Answer: a) Because he believed Iago was a just and honest man

78. What warning did Iago give to Othello about being too jealous?

a) To be cautious of envy

b) To trust Desdemona blindly

c) To ignore Cassio’s actions

d) To be more suspicious

Answer: a) To be cautious of envy

79. How did Iago describe the behavior of Italian wives in Venice?

a) They were obedient and submissive

b) They were deceptive and unfaithful

c) They were loyal and honest

d) They were innocent and naive

Answer: b) They were deceptive and unfaithful

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 12

80. What conclusion did Othello draw from Iago’s insinuations about Desdemona?

a) That Desdemona was dishonest

b) That Desdemona was faithful

c) That Desdemona was loyal to her father

d) That Desdemona was innocent

Answer: a) That Desdemona was dishonest

81. How did Othello feel upon realizing the possibility of Desdemona’s deceit?

a) He was relieved

b) He was devastated

c) He was indifferent

d) He was confused

Answer: b) He was devastated

82. What did Iago request Othello to do regarding Desdemona’s behavior?

a) To trust Desdemona completely

b) To observe Desdemona’s behavior closely

c) To confront Desdemona immediately

d) To ignore Desdemona’s behavior

Answer: b) To observe Desdemona’s behavior closely

83. How did Othello react when Iago admitted he had no proof of Desdemona’s infidelity?

a) He was relieved and trusted Desdemona completely

b) He was skeptical and decided to investigate further

c) He was angry and accused Iago of lying

d) He was confused and didn’t know what to believe

Answer: b) He was skeptical and decided to investigate further

84. Why did Othello find Iago’s advice about jealousy ironic?

a) Because Othello trusted Iago completely

b) Because Iago was known for his honesty

c) Because Iago had previously encouraged Othello’s jealousy

d) Because Othello was naturally jealous

Answer: c) Because Iago had previously encouraged Othello’s jealousy

85. What was Othello’s perception of Desdemona’s virtues?

a) He believed they were genuine and virtuous

b) He believed they were deceptive and manipulative

c) He believed they were irrelevant

d) He believed they were meaningless

Answer: a) He believed they were genuine and virtuous

86. What did Iago suggest about Desdemona’s deception in marrying Othello?

a) That it was solely for love

b) That it was for wealth and status

c) That it involved witchcraft

d) That it was a mistake

Answer: c) That it involved witchcraft

87. Why was Othello troubled by Iago’s insinuations regarding Desdemona’s deceit?

a) He feared for his own reputation

b) He doubted his ability to trust others

c) He was concerned about Desdemona’s safety

d) He worried about his marriage’s future

Answer: d) He worried about his marriage’s future

88. How did Othello perceive Iago’s warnings about jealousy?

a) He saw them as genuine advice from a friend

b) He dismissed them as irrelevant

c) He viewed them as manipulative and ironic

d) He interpreted them as signs of Iago’s affection

Answer: c) He viewed them as manipulative and ironic

89. What did Iago insinuate about Desdemona’s behavior towards Cassio?

a) That she was indifferent towards him

b) That she was secretly in love with him

c) That she despised him

d) That she was unaware of his existence

Answer: b) That she was secretly in love with him

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 13

90. What did Othello ultimately believe about Desdemona’s virtue?

a) That it was genuine and unblemished

b) That it was a façade hiding her true nature

c) That it was compromised by her actions

d) That it was irrelevant to their relationship

Answer: a) That it was genuine and unblemished

91. Why did Othello ask Iago to continue speaking despite his initial reluctance?

a) He was curious about Iago’s opinions

b) He wanted to confront Iago about his suspicions

c) He believed Iago’s words were important

d) He hoped Iago would change his mind

Answer: c) He believed Iago’s words were important

92. What advice did Iago give Othello regarding his reconciliation with Cassio?

a) To forgive Cassio immediately

b) To delay the reconciliation and observe Desdemona’s actions

c) To confront Desdemona about Cassio

d) To trust Desdemona’s judgment

Answer: b) To delay the reconciliation and observe Desdemona’s actions

93. How did Othello’s conversation with Iago affect him?

a) It made him restless and unable to sleep

b) It filled him with joy and excitement

c) It made him more confident in his marriage

d) It made him eager to fight in battle

Answer: a) It made him restless and unable to sleep

94. What did Othello demand from Iago during their conversation?

a) Proof of Desdemona’s guilt

b) Proof of Cassio’s loyalty

c) An apology for doubting him

d) A confession of Iago’s wrongdoing

Answer: a) Proof of Desdemona’s guilt

95. How did Iago manipulate Othello regarding the handkerchief?

a) He stole it from Desdemona and framed Cassio for its possession

b) He convinced Othello that Desdemona had given it to Cassio as a token of affection

c) He convinced Othello that Emilia had stolen it from Desdemona

d) He convinced Othello that the handkerchief was cursed and caused jealousy

Answer: a) He stole it from Desdemona and framed Cassio for its possession

96. Why did Othello believe the story about the handkerchief?

a) Because Iago was a trusted friend

b) Because Desdemona confessed to giving it to Cassio

c) Because he believed it was cursed

d) Because his mother had similar experiences with the handkerchief

Answer: d) Because his mother had similar experiences with the handkerchief

97. How did Desdemona react when Othello asked for the handkerchief?

a) She immediately found it and gave it to him

b) She confessed to losing it

c) She tried to divert his attention away from it

d) She accused Emilia of stealing it

Answer: c) She tried to divert his attention away from it

98. Why did Othello become distressed about the missing handkerchief?

a) Because it was a valuable gift from his mother

b) Because he believed it was cursed

c) Because it was a token of Desdemona’s love

d) Because he thought it was a sign of Desdemona’s infidelity

Answer: d) Because he thought it was a sign of Desdemona’s infidelity

99. What did Desdemona suspect about Othello’s behavior regarding Cassio?

a) That he was indifferent towards Cassio

b) That he was jealous of Cassio

c) That he was planning to promote Cassio

d) That he was unaware of Cassio’s actions

Answer: b) That he was jealous of Cassio

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 14

100. How did Othello react when Desdemona praised Cassio?

a) He became angry and accused her of infidelity

b) He became suspicious and interrogated her

c) He became distracted and left the room

d) He became indifferent and ignored her

Answer: c) He became distracted and left the room

101. Why did Desdemona begin to suspect Othello was jealous of Cassio?

a) Because he accused her of infidelity

b) Because of his erratic behavior regarding the handkerchief

c) Because he ignored her praises of Cassio

d) Because Iago told her about Othello’s suspicions

Answer: b) Because of his erratic behavior regarding the handkerchief

102. What did Othello demand as proof of Iago’s loyalty?

a) Evidence of Cassio’s guilt

b) Evidence of Desdemona’s innocence

c) Proof of Cassio’s promotion

d) An oath of loyalty from Iago

Answer: a) Evidence of Cassio’s guilt

103. What did Othello decide should be Cassio’s punishment?

a) He should be promoted

b) He should be forgiven

c) He should be killed within three days

d) He should be banished

Answer: c) He should be killed within three days

104. How did Iago pretend to react when Othello demanded proof?

a) He feigned indignation and offered proof

b) He confessed to his wrongdoing

c) He became angry and accused Othello of betrayal

d) He pretended to be hurt by Othello’s mistrust

Answer: a) He feigned indignation and offered proof

105. What did Othello believe about the handkerchief?

a) That it was a gift from his mother

b) That it was cursed

c) That it was a token of Desdemona’s love

d) That it was a magical charm

Answer: d) That it was a magical charm

106. Why did Othello become suspicious of Desdemona’s actions regarding the handkerchief?

a) Because she confessed to giving it to Cassio

b) Because she seemed distressed when he asked for it

c) Because Iago suggested she was being deceitful

d) Because he remembered his mother’s warnings about it

Answer: c) Because Iago suggested she was being deceitful

107. How did Desdemona react when Othello accused her of losing the handkerchief?

a) She immediately found it and gave it to him

b) She confessed to giving it to Cassio

c) She tried to divert his attention away from it

d) She accused Emilia of stealing it

Answer: c) She tried to divert his attention away from it

108. What did Othello reveal about the significance of the handkerchief?

a) That it was a symbol of his love for Desdemona

b) That it was a cursed object

c) That it had magical properties

d) That it was a family heirloom with special powers

Answer: d) That it was a family heirloom with special powers

109. How did Othello react to Desdemona’s attempts to reassure him?

a) He became angry and accused her of infidelity

b) He became suspicious and interrogated her further

c) He became distraught and left the room

d) He became indifferent and ignored her

Answer: c) He became distraught and left the room

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 15

110. What did Desdemona suspect about Othello’s behavior towards Cassio?

a) That he was indifferent towards Cassio

b) That he was jealous of Cassio

c) That he was planning to promote Cassio

d) That he was unaware of Cassio’s actions

Answer: b) That he was jealous of Cassio

111. What was Othello’s accusation against Desdemona when they met again?

a) Being unfaithful and loving another man

b) Being dishonest about her whereabouts

c) Being disrespectful towards him

d) Being careless with household chores

Answer: a) Being unfaithful and loving another man

112. How did Othello feel about Desdemona’s alleged infidelity?

a) He was indifferent

b) He was heartbroken

c) He was angry

d) He was relieved

Answer: b) He was heartbroken

113. What did Desdemona wish for when she was stupefied by Othello’s accusations?

a) To be left alone

b) To make her bed

c) To go for a walk

d) To confront Othello

Answer: b) To make her bed

114. Why did Othello decide not to shed Desdemona’s blood?

a) Because he was afraid of the consequences

b) Because he still loved her

c) Because he didn’t want to make a mess

d) Because he wanted to torment her more

Answer: b) Because he still loved her

115. What did Desdemona see in Othello’s demeanor that made her fearful?

a) His tears

b) His angry expression

c) His calmness

d) His laughter

Answer: b) His angry expression

116. How did Othello justify his actions to Desdemona?

a) By blaming her for his suspicions

b) By saying he was following orders

c) By claiming she had betrayed him

d) By promising her mercy in the afterlife

Answer: d) By promising her mercy in the afterlife

117. What did Desdemona beg for before her death?

a) For forgiveness

b) For mercy

c) For an explanation

d) For revenge

Answer: b) For mercy

118. Who did Desdemona name before Othello silenced her?

a) Cassio

b) Iago

c) Emilia

d) Brabantio

Answer: a) Cassio

119. Why did Cassio come to see Othello?

a) To confess his love for Desdemona

b) To apologize and ask for forgiveness

c) To report Iago’s treachery

d) To offer assistance in Othello’s plan

Answer: b) To apologize and ask for forgiveness

Othello MCQ Questions Answers Set 16

120. What was found in the pockets of the assassin sent to kill Cassio?

a) Love letters from Desdemona

b) Money from Iago

c) Letters revealing Iago’s guilt

d) A confession from Cassio

Answer: c) Letters revealing Iago’s guilt

121. How did Othello react to the discovery of Iago’s treachery?

a) He felt relief

b) He felt extreme anguish

c) He felt indifferent

d) He felt happiness

Answer: b) He felt extreme anguish

122. How did Othello die?

a) He was executed by the state

b) He killed himself

c) He died in battle

d) He died of natural causes

Answer: b) He killed himself

123. How did Othello’s rash actions affect his reputation?

a) They tarnished it

b) They improved it

c) They had no effect

d) They made him more respected

Answer: a) They tarnished it

124. What was the fate of Iago?

a) He was executed

b) He was pardoned

c) He escaped

d) He was banished

Answer: a) He was executed

125. How did the state of Venice react to Othello’s demise?

a) They celebrated

b) They lamented

c) They ignored it

d) They were indifferent

Answer: b) They lamented

126. What did Othello admit to about his feelings towards Desdemona after her death?

a) He realized he never loved her

b) He regretted his suspicions

c) He wished he had treated her better

d) He remained convinced of her infidelity

Answer: c) He wished he had treated her better

127. How did Othello describe Desdemona when he decided to kill her?

a) As a traitor

b) As a loving wife

c) As a beautiful flower

d) As a cunning deceiver

Answer: c) As a beautiful flower

128. What was Othello’s reaction when Desdemona begged for mercy?

a) He immediately granted her forgiveness

b) He ignored her pleas

c) He promised to spare her life

d) He silenced her and proceeded with his plan

Answer: d) He silenced her and proceeded with his plan

129. What did Cassio reveal to Othello when he arrived wounded?

a) That he had been betrayed by Iago

b) That Desdemona had confessed to infidelity

c) That he had been attacked by an assassin

d) That he had found evidence of Othello’s innocence

Answer: c) That he had been attacked by an assassin

130. How did Othello’s perception of Desdemona change after her death?

a) He realized she was innocent and faithful

b) He became more suspicious of her

c) He regretted ever marrying her

d) He blamed himself for her death

Answer: a) He realized she was innocent and faithful