Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Examples Uses Worksheets Class 7

Explore non-finite forms of verbs with examples tailored for Class 7 students, following the CBSE curriculum. This resource includes practical uses and worksheets to enhance understanding. Perfect for mastering this essential grammar topic!

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Non-finite verbs are forms of verbs that do not show tense and number in an independent clause or a sentence.

In English, the non-finite verb forms are 

  1. infinitives, 
  2. participles and
  3. gerunds.

1. Infinitives used as Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7:

The infinitive is made up of the particle to and the base form of a verb.

Infinitive = verb + to

For example,

  • The Principal wants to talk to you.
  • I had enough to eat.
  • I have to go to Amritsar for a day.

For example, 

  • to study, 
  • to learn, 
  • to play, 
  • to walk.

Uses of Infinitives

We use the infinitive

1. to express purpose. 

For example,

  • I went to the mall to meet my friend.
  • She suddenly got up and rushed to post the letter.

2. as the subject of a sentence. 

For example,

  • To go to the picnic or not, is what I am wondering about.
  • To visit Greece is my lifelong dream.

3. after the direct object. 

For example,

  • I advised him to work hard.
  • She called me to enquire about a recipe.

4. to make a judgment or comment about someone or something. 

For example,

  • It is the right way to behave.
  • That is a dangerous thing to do.

5. to complete the meaning of the verb.

For example,

  •  He agreed to help me.
  • I need something to drink.

6. after adjectives. 

For example,

  • It is important to be happy.
  • The puppy is too naughty not to destroy the cushions.

7. with question words. 

For example,

  • I do not know where to buy it from.
  • Tell me when to come to your place.

Note:  After modal auxiliaries like ‘shall’, ‘will’, ‘would’, ‘should’, ‘may’, ‘might’, ‘must’, ‘can’, ‘could’, we use the infinitive without to. 

For example,

  • You shall go back to the hostel tomorrow.
  • Amita can sing.
  • You should complete your homework first.

The infinitive is used without to after the following verbs as well-

  • ‘see’, 
  • ‘feel’, 
  • ‘hear’, 
  • ‘bid’, 
  • ‘let’, 
  • ‘make’, 
  • ‘dare’,
  • ‘need’, 
  • ‘watch’,
  • ‘know’.

For example,

  • He made me sing on her birthday.
  • Supriya saw him leave the house.
  • Bid her come here at once.

Participles as Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7:

The participle has three forms-

  1. present participle, 
  2. past participle,  
  3. perfect participle.

1. Present participles: 

The present participle is the ing form of the verb.

For example,

  • We had to sit through that boring lecture.
  • The puppy came running towards me.

Uses of Present Participle:

We use the present participle

1. to form continuous tenses. 

For example,

  • He is reading a book.
  • He has been talking on the phone for two hours.
2. as adjectives. 

For example,

  • Do not wake up the sleeping baby.
  • It was an amazing film.
3.  after verbs of movement. 

For example,

  • She went shopping.
  • The children came running.
4. to modify verbs. 

For example,

  • Having finished the homework, the
  • boy went to play.
5. to explain a reason. 

For example,

  • Being poor, he did not spend much on clothes.
  • Thinking that everyone was asleep, she tiptoed into the room.

2. Past participles: 

The past participle is the ed, d, en, t, n form of the verb.

For example,

  • I received a handwritten note yesterday.
  • The puppy was playing with the fallen leaves.

Uses of Past Participle

We use the past participle

1. to form perfect tenses. 

For example,

  • They have broken the window pane.
  • The mechanic has fixed the car.

2. in sentences in the passive voice. 

For example,

  • The house was built by my grandfather.
  • This car was bought by my father.

3. as adjectives. 

For example,

  • The firemen saved the cat and her kittens from the burnt cottage.
  • Can you fix this broken vase?

4. in phrases. 

For example,

  • Battered by the wind, the large oak tree finally crashed to the ground.
  • Having won the match, Pragati jumped for joy.

3. Perfect Participle

Apart from the two participles, there is also the perfect participle.  It is formed by putting the present participle having in front of the past participle. 

Perfect Participle = Having + past participle 

For example, 

  • Having done,
  • Having finished, 
  • Having read,
  • Having spoken. 

Uses of Perfect Participle

The perfect participle is used to show that one action is completed before the next action begins. 

For example,

  • Having read the book, he left the library.

Joining Sentences Using Participles

Sentences can also be joined using participles. 

Example 1:

Separate: Sujata saw Anjali. Anjali was waving at her.

Joined: Sujata saw Anjali waving at her.

  • The object of the first sentence is the subject of the second sentence. Now, let us join the two sentences.

Example 2:

Separate:  He saw his mother. She was combing her hair before the mirror.

Joined: He saw his mother combing her hair before the mirror.

  • The pronoun ‘she’ refers to ‘mother’.

Example 3:

  • Here, the subject is the same for both sentences. So, we convert one of the finite verbs into a participle.

Separate: She took the brush. She began the painting.

Joined: Taking the brush, she began the painting.

Gerunds Used as Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7:

The gerund is the ing form of a verb that is used as a noun.

For example:

  • Swimming is a good exercise.
  • Acting is fun.

Uses of gerund

We use the gerund

1. as the subject in a sentence. 

For example,

  • Reading is fun.
  • Brushing your teeth is important.

2. as the object of a verb. 

For example,

  • Many people enjoy reading.
  • I love watching TV,

3.  as a complement to the verb to be. 

For example,

  • My first love is swimming.
  • My cat’s favourite activity is sleeping.

4. as the object of a preposition. 

For example,

  • She is good at painting.
  • He is fond of climbing.

Special use of the gerund

◆ A gerund is a verbal noun.

♦ We can use articles, possessive adjectives or words like ‘some’, ‘many’, etc. before it. 

For example,

  • The watering began at eight today.
  • Do you mind my leaving a little early today?

◆ Gerunds can have their own adjectives. 

For example,

  • His expressive reading of the play charmed everyone.
  • Her loud singing disturbed everybody at night.

◆ Gerunds take their own objects. 

For example,

  • She protested against stealing the old woman’s glasses.
  • Telling lies is a fault for sure.

◆ Gerunds can be used after some verbs where the infinitive cannot be used.

For example,

  • Hemant stopped to read when the teacher walked out. X
  • Hemant stopped reading when the teacher walked out.✓

But the following sentence is correct:

  • Hemant was going to school. On his way, he stopped to read the message on a hoarding.

Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7 Worksheets

Examples of Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Worksheets for Class 7 students. Enhance your grammar skills with these tailored exercises.

Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7 Worksheet 1:

A. Identify the non-finite verbs in these sentences.

1. I love camping.

2. Seeing is believing.

3. I want to go to Brazil.

4. He had to leave urgently.

5. We ate our roasted peanuts.

6. I want to buy you a present.

7. I plan to clean my room today.

8. I stepped on the sleeping cat by mistake.

9. I tiptoed into the room so as not to wake anyone.

10. The newborn elephant calf struggled to stand.

Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7 Worksheet 2:

B. Join the following pairs of sentences using participles.

1. The thief cut through the padlock. He opened the door and stole the jewels.

2. The pilot swerved sharply. She managed to avoid landing on water.

3. The pilot banked sharply. The pilot managed to avoid the buildings.

4. He disguised himself as a cleaner. He entered the bank.

5. She drove as quickly as possible. She arrived just in time.

6. The lightning flashed strikingly. It struck the peepal tree.

7. The car was damaged in the accident. It needed a new set of tyres.

8. The boat was tossed up and down. It developed a leak.

9. I was really entertained by the match. I stayed till the end.

10. She was happy with her present. She gave her mother a hug.

Non-Finite Forms of Verbs Class 7 Worksheet 3:

B. Identify the non-finite verbs.

1. Hunting is prohibited.

2. I need to go to sleep.

3. I saw him running.

4. Flying makes me nervous,

5. I find speaking stressful.

6. This is an interesting book.

7. I love the noise of falling rain.

8. He was hopeless at writing letters.

9. We have to submit our assignment by Friday.

10. I love camping in the woods.

11. To win the match was my dream.

12. Having typed the letter, she went home.

13. Ricky loves camping in the woods.

14. The sleeping cow caused a traffic jam.

15. One of his duties is attending meetings.

16. I am giving Madan a driving lesson.

17. The three woodcutters went to find firewood.

18. I would like a sandwich to eat.

Worksheet 4:

C. Fill in the blanks with suitable non-finite verbs.

1. I plan ………..  till midnight.

2. I heard my mother  ………..  on the phone.

3. Would you mind  ………..  the window for me?

4. He likes  ………..  problems.

5.  ………..  the prize is my dream.

6.  ………..  through the park is my favourite activity.

7. Be careful when  ………..  the road.

8. I saw a small girl  ………..  near the pond.

9. Mother smelt something  ………..  

10.They found their  ………..  dog

11.  ………..  is always fun.

12. We intended  ………..  early.

13.The dogs were taught  ………..  on command.

Worksheet 5:

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. They were   ………..  for an inn  ………..   in. (look, rest)

2. We   ………..  carefully because we didn’t want   ………..  . (sat down, fall)

3. He   ………..  abroad   ………..  work. (go, find)

4. The doctor   ………..  him   ………..  walking for an hour every morning. (advice, start)

5. The teacher   ………..  the students   ………..  their work quickly. (ask, finish)

6. The poor urchin   ………..  the shopkeeper   ………..  him something to eat. (request, give)

7. The students were not   ………..  their usual school timings. (will, change)

8. Fahad   ………..  to the market   ………..  some fruits and medicines for his sick child. (go, buy)

9. He must have   ………..  out   ………..  the garage. (go, clean)

10. We   ………..  into a bigger flat. (want, move)