15 Message Writing for Class 7 Exercises and Answers

Explore 15 Message Writing for Class 7 Exercises and Answers for the CBSE, DAV, and KVS students. These skills of Message writing for Class 7 become valuable both in academic and practical fields.

Message writing for Class 7 serves as an essential skill-building exercise, laying the foundation for clear and concise communication. So, let’s get started.

Components of a Message

  1. Always start a message with a polite greeting..
  2. Clearly state the purpose of your message.
  3. Be specific and to the point, 
  4. Avoid unnecessary details.
  5. Ensure the main content of your message is straightforward to understand. 
  6. Maintain a polite and friendly tone throughout your message.

Common Message Types

  1. Informal Messages: This is for personal communication.
  2. Formal Messages: This is for professional or official communication.

Format of a Message Writing for Class 7

Format of a Message Writing for Class 7

Note: Be sure to replace the placeholders such as [Your Name], [Recipient’s Name], [reason for the message], etc., with the relevant information.

Diary Entry for Class 7
Letter Writing for Class 7
Paragraph Writing for Class 7
Story Writing for Class 7
Article Writing for Class 7
Notice Writing for Class 7
Message Writing for Class 7
Speech Writing for Class 7

Sample of Message Writing for Class 7

Question: Based on the given telephonic conversation, write a message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box: 

Amrita: Hello! Is it 29861231? 

Shweta: Yes, May I know who is speaking, please? 

Amrita: I am Amrita from Vijay Nagar. Could I speak to Priyanka, my classmate? 

Shweta: I am sorry. She has gone outside. I am Shweta, her sister. Is there anything to convey? 

Amrita: Yes. She has my class notes and I have to prepare for the test which is going to start next week. Kindly tell her to return these today. 

Shweta: I‟’m in a hurry right now, but I‟ll convey your message and ask her to return your class notes. 

Amrita: Thank you very much. 

Shweta: You are welcome.



Hey Priyanka,
Amrita called; she urgently needs her class notes for an upcoming test. Please return them today. I’m in a rush, but make sure to take care of it. 
Thanks a lot!

Exercises of Message Writing for Class 7 

Exercises 1:

1. Read the following conversation carefully: [ 5 Marks ]  

Rosy: Hello! Is it 9035022565?  

Rehana: Yes, please. Who’s it there?  

Rosy: I’m Rosy, a friend of Roma. Where is she?  

Rehana: Oh! Sorry. She has forgotten her mobile here. She has gone to the market.  Can I help you, please?  

Rosy: Oh, sure. I wanted to convey to her that today’s music classes \ shall be suspended because the teacher is not well. Instead, it will be held on Sunday. So she should remember it.  Could you please pass this message to her?  

Rehana: Oh! Sure. Thank you. 

Rosy: Thank you too.  

As Rehana is going to her dance classes she needs to reproduce the message for Roma. Write the message on her behalf with every detail. 50 words

Exercises 2:

2. Read the following telephonic conversation between Rahul and Soni. Soni is about to leave home for school and will not be able to meet her brother Mohit. She leaves a message for him. Write the message in about 50 words. 6

Rahul: Hello!, Can I speak to Mohit, please?

Soni: He is not at home I’m his sister. Would you like to leave a message for him?

Rahul: I’m his friend Rahul. Kindly tell him that tomorrow we are going to Pragati Maidan where a book fair is held. In case he is interested to tell him to call me in the evening.

Exercises 3:

3. The following is a telephone conversation between Mr Kumar and Mr Sharma. As Mr Sharma is leaving the shop early, he leaves a message for the Manager Mr Dua. Read the conversation and write the message in 50 words.

Mr Kumar: Hello, can I talk to Mr Dua?
Mr Sharma: He has gone out on business. Can I help you?
Mr Kumar: I am Kumar. All the goods supplied by your firm were delivered. However, some flower vases were broken. Please ask him if they will be replaced. Also, tell him that I’ll make the payment in two days’ time.
Mr Sharma: I will inform him when he comes back and will ask him to get back to you.
Mr Kumar: Thank you. 

Exercises 4:

4. write a message for your younger sister based on the following notes:

Leaving for tuition classes – your food is kept in the kitchen—don’t go outside until mom returns from market                                                                      

Exercises 5:

5. Write a message for your sister based on the following notes.

Her friend got annual function pics ——————-reach her house at 5 to see ———– she has to send orders                                                                                                                                                      

Exercises 6:

6. Write a message to your mother informing her you will come late from tuition class as you will be preparing for your maths exam.                                                    

Exercises 7:

7. The following is a conversation between Varun and Radha. After speaking to Varun, Radha writes a message for her father. Write the message.

Varun: Hello! This is Varun. Could I speak to Mr. Mohan?

Radha: Good morning, uncle. I’m Radha. Daddy has not yet returned from his morning walk.

Varun: Well, I have some good news for him. When is he likely to return?

Radha: He may take half an hour or more.

Varun: In that case, ask him to call me back. It is urgent.

Radha: I’m leaving for school. I’ll leave a message for him. Thank you for calling.

Exercises 8:

8. Based on your reading of the following telephonic conversation, draft a message in not more than 50 words.

Ravi: Can I talk to Aditya?

Avinash: He is not at home right now. I am his elder brother speaking.

Ravi: I am his classmate, Ravi. Can you give him a message?

Avinash: Yes, sure.

Ravi: Our English teacher has asked us to submit our assignments by tomorrow. Please inform him to bring his assignment tomorrow positively.

Avinash: Okay. Anything else?

Ravi: Please tell him to call me. Thank you.

Exercises 9:

9. Read the following telephonic conversation between Anjali and Mrs Roy. Anjali is about to leave with her friend and won’t be able to meet her mother. So, she leaves a message for her. Draft her message in not more than 50 words.

 Mrs Roy: Hello! Anjali, is that you? Can I speak to your mother?

Anjali:   My mother has gone to the market, Aunty. Would you like to leave a message for her?

Mrs Roy: Thank you, Anjali. Please tell her that I am expecting guests who will be staying  

with us for the next few days. Hence, I will not be able to accompany her on the trip that we had planned. Also, inform her that I’ve collected the important documents from the agency on her behalf so she needn’t worry anymore.

Anjali:  I will convey the message to her.

Mrs Roy:  Thank you, dear. 

Exercises 10:

10. Read the following conversation between Reena and Subodh. Subodh won’t be able to meet Arun, his friend as his working hours are over.  He leaves a message for Arun, his friend. Write the message in not more than 50 words.                                                                                  

Reena: Hello, I am Reena from Bangalore. Can I speak to Arun? I am his sister. 

Subodh: Hello Reena. I am Subodh, Arun’s friend. I am afraid he is not in his seat. Can I take the message?

Reena: Yes, Subodh. I am coming to Delhi on 2nd January.  It’s the Jet Airways Flight. It shall arrive at the airport at 12:30 pm. Please ask him to pick me up at the airport.

Subodh: O.K. Anything else.

Reena: Please tell him, I am bringing with me his guitar. I hope it won’t be any trouble for you to give him the message.

Subodh: Not at all. I will leave a message on his table.

Reena: Thanks, Subodh. Bye.

Exercises 11:

11. Read the following conversation between Neha and Pankaj. Neha won’t be able to meet Ashish, her brother as she needs to go for her guitar classes. She leaves a message for Ashish. Write the message in not more than 50 words.                                                                    

Pankaj: Hello! 

Neha: May I know who is calling?

Pankaj: I am Pankaj. Ashish’s friend.

Neha: I’m afraid he is not at home right now. This is his sister Neha. Would you like me to convey any message to him?

Pankaj: Please tell him that I’ve got two tickets for the movie ‘National Treasure’ for today’s evening show. He should meet me at the Plaza Cinema near the ticket counter at 5:45 p.m. sharp.

 Neha:  I’ll surely give him the message.

Exercises 12:

12. You Rajat, received a phone call from your father’s office in his absence and had the following conversation with the speaker. Write a message, for your father as you have to go for your tuitions. (50 words)

Mr Gupta: Hello, is this 25258654?
Yourself: Yes. May I know who’s calling?
Mr Gupta: I am Suresh Gupta. Can I talk to Mr Mahajan?
Yourself: I am afraid Daddy is not at home. Do you have any messages for him?
Mr. Gupta: Yes, Please tell him that the meeting fixed for tomorrow i.e. 15th June has been canceled
Yourself:  OK Anything else?
Mr Gupta: Please tell him that we shall let him know as and when the next date for the meeting, is fixed
Yourself: OK uncle, I shall tell Daddy when he comes back.

Exercises 13:

13. Rehana receives a call from her sister’s friend, Rosy, when she is not at home. She has the following conversation with Rosy. Since Rehana has to go out, she leaves a message for her sister. Read the conversation given below and write the message in not more than 50 words.

Rehana: Hello!

Rosy:  Hello! May I speak to Roma, please? I am her friend, Rosy.

Rehana: I am afraid she is not at home. She has gone to the market. Can I take your message?   

Rosy: Please tell her that today’s music class has been suspended as the teacher is not well. Instead, it will be held on Sunday. So she should remember it. Could you please pass this message to her?

Rehana: Oh! Sure.

Rosy: Thank you.

Exercises 14:

14. Mrs. Bhatnagar receives a call from Ruchi, her daughter Neha’s friend. She has the following conversation with Ruchi. Since Mrs. Bhatnagar has to leave for her yoga class, she leaves a message for her daughter. Read the conversation given below and write the message in not more than 50 words.                                                          

Ruchi: Good Evening Aunty! Is Neha home?

Mrs Bhatnagar: No, Neha’s gone out to buy some vegetables from the market.

Ruchi: Okay, would you please take a message for her, Aunty?

Mrs Bhatnagar: Sure Ruchi. What is it? Tell me.

Ruchi: Please inform her that Sneha and Smriti are coming over to my place to complete the science project. So it would be great if she could also join us for the completion of the same.

Mrs Bhatnagar: Alright, I’ll give your message to her.

Ruchi: Please ask her to confirm the timings.

Mrs Bhatnagar: Okay, sure.

Ruchi: Thanks Aunty. Bye.

Mrs Bhatnagar: Bye, Dear.

Exercises 15:

15. The following is a telephonic conversation between Mohit and Neha. As Neha is going out for her dance class, she leaves a message for her brother Kanav. Read the conversation and write the message in about 50 words.

Mohit: Hello, can I talk to Kanav?
Neha: Sorry, brother is not at home. May I know who is speaking?
Mohit: I am Mohit, Kanav’s classmate. I have a message for Kanav.
Neha: Please tell me. I will inform him when he comes back.

Mohit: Please tell him that the tennis match at school tomorrow is postponed to next  Saturday. So, he need not go to school tomorrow.

Neha: OK, I will convey to him.
Mohit: Thank you. 


In conclusion, message writing for Class 7 plays a vital role in developing essential communication skills. 

Practicing and mastering these skills early in life sets a strong foundation for future success.


Q1: Why is message writing important for Class 7 students?

Message writing is crucial for Class 7 students as it enhances communication skills, preparing them for effective interaction in various situations.

Q2: How can students improve their message writing skills?

Students can improve by practicing regularly, paying attention to guidelines, and seeking feedback from teachers or peers.

Q3: Are there specific formats for different types of messages?

Yes, understanding the correct format for different messages is important. Formal and informal messages have distinct structures.

Q4: Can message writing skills be applied outside the classroom?

Absolutely. Effective message writing is a life skill applicable in personal, academic, and professional spheres.

Answers to Message Writing for Class 7 

Answer 1: 


Dear Roma,
I hope this message finds you well. This is Rehana, and I wanted to inform you on behalf of Rosy that today’s music class has been canceled due to the teacher’s illness. Instead, it has been rescheduled for Sunday. Please make a note of this change and take care.
Best regards,

Answer 2: 


Hi Mohit,
It’s Soni. Rahul called, and he wanted me to let you know that tomorrow he’s heading to the Pragati Maidan for a book fair. If you’re interested, give him a call in the evening. 
Sorry, I missed you. Have a great day at school!

Answer 3: 


Subject: Urgent: Goods Delivery and Replacement
Dear Mr. Dua,
I hope this message finds you well. Mr. Kumar called to inform us that all supplied goods were received, but some flower vases arrived broken. He requests clarification on their replacement. Additionally, he assures payment within two days. 
Kindly address this matter at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
Mr. Sharma,

Answer 4: 

Dear [Sister’s Name],
I hope this message finds you well. Just a quick note before I head to tuition. I’ve left your food in the kitchen; it’s in the fridge. Mom will be back from the market soon, so please avoid going outside until then. Take care and see you later!
[Your Name]

Answer 5: 


Dear [Sister’s Name],
I hope this message finds you well. Your friend has the annual function pictures. I’ll be at your house by 5 to check them out. Also, you need to send some orders; let’s discuss that when I’m there.
Looking forward to it!
[Your Name]

Answer 6: 


Dear Mom,
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be coming home a bit late from tuition today. I have a maths exam coming up, and I’ll be using the extra time to prepare thoroughly. Please don’t worry, and I’ll make sure to inform you once I’m on my way.
Thank you for understanding.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]

Answer 7: 


Dear Dad,
Good morning! Varun called with some urgent news. He mentioned it’s good news, and he’d like you to call him back. Unfortunately, I’m off to school now, but please reach out to him when you return. He said it’s important.

Answer 8: 


Hi Aditya,
Ravi called. Your English teacher wants assignments by tomorrow. Bring yours positively. Also, he(Ravi) wants you(Aditya) to call him (Ravi). 

Answer 9: 


Hi Mom,
Mrs. Roy called; she won’t be able to join our trip due to unexpected guests. She’s collected the documents from the agency, so no worries. Call her for more details. 
Safe travels!

Answer 10: 


Hi Arun,
Subodh here. Reena called; she’s arriving in Delhi on January 2nd on, Jet Airways Flight, landing at 12:30 pm. She’ll be bringing your guitar. Kindly pick her up at the airport. 
Just keeping you informed. 

Answer 11: 


Hi Ashish,
Pankaj called; he has two tickets for the movie ‘National Treasure’ at Plaza Cinema today, the evening show. Meet him at the ticket counter at 5:45 p.m. sharp. 
Enjoy the movie!

Answer 12: 


Hi Dad,
Received a call from Mr. Gupta. The meeting scheduled for tomorrow (15th June) is canceled. They’ll inform you about the next date. I’m off to tuition. 
Will update you more when I’m back.

Answer 13:  


Hey Roma,
Rosy called and wanted me to let you know that today’s music class is postponed due to the teacher’s illness. It’s rescheduled for Sunday. Don’t forget! If you need more details, give her a call. 
Take care,

Answer 14:  


Hi Neha,
Ruchi called; Sneha and Smriti are coming over to complete the science project at her place. It’d be great if you could join. Confirm the timings with her. 
Have fun!

Answer 15: 


Hey Kanav,
Mohit called; the tennis match at school tomorrow is postponed to next Saturday. You don’t need to go to school tomorrow. Make sure to inform your friends. 
Enjoy the day off!