Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 has been prepared for the CBSE students of Class 10 with a variety of questions approved by NCERT. These Madam Rides the Bus questions answers Class 10 depict types and patterns of questions set in the CBSE class 10 Board Exam in 2024.
Summary of ‘Madam Rides the Bus’ by Vallikkannan
“Madam Rides the Bus” is a story about a young girl named Valli who is fascinated by buses. Despite her mother’s reluctance, she decides to ride the bus alone, despite the indifferent adults. Valli’s innocence and determination highlight the contrast between the mundane routine of adults and the pure delight found in a child’s exploration of the world. The story portrays Valli’s courage, independence, and joy in the small wonders of life, emphasizing the importance of embracing simple pleasures amidst life’s complexities. The story encourages readers to appreciate life’s simple pleasures and the wonderment found in the ordinary.
“मैडम राइड्स द बस” वल्ली नाम की एक युवा लड़की की कहानी है जो बसों से आकर्षित होती है। अपनी माँ की अनिच्छा के बावजूद, वह उदासीन वयस्कों के बावजूद, अकेले बस में यात्रा करने का निर्णय लेती है। वल्ली की मासूमियत और दृढ़ संकल्प वयस्कों की सांसारिक दिनचर्या और एक बच्चे की दुनिया की खोज में मिलने वाले शुद्ध आनंद के बीच अंतर को उजागर करता है। कहानी जीवन के छोटे-छोटे आश्चर्यों में वल्ली के साहस, स्वतंत्रता और खुशी को चित्रित करती है, जो जीवन की जटिलताओं के बीच सरल सुखों को अपनाने के महत्व पर जोर देती है। कहानी पाठकों को जीवन के साधारण सुखों और साधारण में पाए जाने वाले आश्चर्य की सराहना करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करती है।
CBSE Class 10 English (Literature and Language) Questions Answers pdf 2024
Suggestive Sample Question Answers Papers pdf 2024 for Class X English (First Flight and Footprints without Feet), tailored to the 2023-24 syllabus, serve as essential preparation material for the upcoming CBSE board exam, aiding students in comprehensive understanding and practice.

Q3 Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 Extract Based 1
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that are given below.
(A) “Day after day she watched the bus, and gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there: she wanted to ride on that bus, even if it was just once. This wish became stronger, until it was an overwhelming desire. Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on and off the bus when it stood at the street corner. Their faces would kindle in her longings, dreams, and hopes. If one of her friends happened to ride the bus and tried to describe the sights of the town to her. Valli would be jealous to listen and would shout, in English: “Proud! Proud!”
i Valli would stare wistfully at the people as she
a) had been watching the bus for a long time.
b) was inspired by the people travelling on the bus.
c) had a strong desire to take a ride on the bus.
d) envied the people who could travel on the bus.
Ans: c) had a strong desire to take a ride on the bus.
People also ask
ii Pick the option that shows the list of words that collocate with ‘overwhelming’ (e.g. overwhelming desire)
1. response
2. lies
3. support
4. majority
5. pets
6. places
a) 1, 5 & 6
b) 1, 3 & 4
c) 2 & 5
d) 3, 5 & 6
Ans: b) 1, 3 & 4
iii ‘Valli would be jealous to listen…’ This indicates Valli’s
a) longing to ride the bus.
e) nature as an envious person.
f) denial to accept her situation.
g) inclination to trouble travellers.
Ans: a) longing to ride the bus.
iv A part of the extract has been paraphrased. Choose the option that includes the most appropriate solution to the blanks. The desire became so (i) ______________________ that it transformed into an ii) ____________________________ one. Valli would look (iii) _________________________ at people who boarded the bus and got off.
a) i) active ii) overt iii) longingly
b) i) vigorous ii) overpowering iii) cheerfully
c) i) staunch ii) overt iii) joyfully
d) i) vigorous ii) overpowering iii) longingly
Ans: d) i) vigorous ii) overpowering iii) longingly
v What does the line ‘gradually a tiny wish crept into her head and grew there’, mean?
i) The wish developed in her head over a period of time.
j) The wish was a feeling of wanting to prove her strength.
k) The wish was planted in her head by someone’s suggestion.
l) The wish was small and was overpowered by a sense of doubt.
Ans: a) The wish developed in her head over a period of time.
Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 Extract Based 2
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that are given below.
(B) “‘Yes, I’m travelling alone,” she answered curtly. And I’ve got a ticket too.’ ‘Yes she’s on her way to town,’ said the conductor. ‘With a thirty paise ticket.’ ‘Oh, why don’t you mind your own business,’ said Valli. But she laughed all the same, and the conductor laughed too. But the old woman went on with her drivel. ‘Is it proper for such a young person to travel alone? Do you know exactly where you’re going in town? What’s the street? What’s the house number? ‘You needn’t bother about me. I can take care of myself,’ Valli said, turning her face towards the window and staring out.”
i Pick the option that matches the expressions with ‘mind’ correctly.
Expression Meaning | Meaning |
1. bring to mind | A. be receptive to someone’s ideas |
2. be in two minds | B. think about only one subject |
3. have an open mind | C. recall something |
4. put your mind at ease | D. undecided |
E. reassure you | |
F. reach a decision |
a) 1-F, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D
b) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E
c) 1-B, 2-F, 3-E, 4-A
d) 1-F, 2-D, 3-C, 4-B
Ans: b) 1. c1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E
ii Valli told the conductor to mind his own business and laughed as well. This shows that Valli …
e) was not really bothered about what the conductor said.
f) didn’t like the conductor speaking about her.
g) disliked what the conductor said but was amused.
h) was impressed with what the conductor said.
Ans: c) disliked what the conductor said but was amused.
iii The old woman went on with her drivel. Why is the word ‘drivel’ used here? It is used to show that the old woman
a) was talking incessantly.
b) kept muttering a lot of nonsense.
c) was volunteering advice on request.
d) spoke non-stop about herself.
Ans: b) kept muttering a lot of nonsense.
iv The old woman asked her questions
a) due to anxiety about Valli travelling alone.
b) out of curiosity and concern for Valli.
c) interest in Valli’s life and need for travel.
d) due to the habit of interfering in Valli’s life.
Ans: b) out of curiosity and concern for Valli
v How do you think Valli felt when the old woman asked her questions? Pick the option that best describes her feelings.
e) i) irritated ii) agitated
f) i) concerned ii) upset
g) i) upset ii) agitated
h) i) upset ii) irritated
Ans: d) i) upset ii) irritated
Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 Extract Based 3
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that are given below.
(C) There was a girl named Valliammai who was called Valli for short. She was eight years old and very curious about things. Her favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house, watching what was happening in the street outside. There were no playmates of her own age on her street and this was about all she had to do.
(a) Gavin Maxwell
(b) Vallikkannan
(c) Paulo Coehlo
(d) Arup Kumar Dutta
Ans: (i) (b) Vallikkannan
(ii) What was Valli’s favourite pastime?
(a) Watching the street outside
(b) Playing outside
(c) Travelling on a bus
(d) Reading books
Ans: (ii) (a) Watching the street outside
(iii) Why did Valli choose a different pastime for her?
(a) Because there were no playmates of her own age.
(b) Because she didn’t like to play with other children.
(c) Because she was very curious.
(d) None of the above
Ans: (iii) (a) Because there were no playmates of her own age.
(iv) Which characteristic of Valli is mentioned in the extract?
(a) Curiosity
(c) Shyness
(b) Observation
(d) Her favourite pastime
Ans: (iv) (a) Curiosity
(v) Choose the statement that are NOT TRUE according to the given extract.
(a) Valli was an eight year old child.
(b) Valli was a curious person.
(c) Valli used to play with her friends on the street.
(d) Her favourite pastime was to watch the street,
Ans: (v) (c) Valli used to play with her friends on the street.
Q10 Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 in 20-30 words
i During her journey, Valli absorbed the natural beauty and clapped her hands in happiness on seeing a young cow running very fast. What does this reveal about Valli?
Ans: Valli’s joy in witnessing the natural beauty and her excitement at the sight of a young, energetic cow running swiftly indicate her profound appreciation for simple joys and her connection with nature.
ii Valli didn’t like the way adults treated her during her bus journey. Describe how you would feel and react if you were to find yourself in a similar situation.
Ans: If I experienced mistreatment like Valli, I’d feel disheartened and frustrated. I might assertively communicate my feelings or seek support from authorities to address the unfair treatment.
iii What was the most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street? CBSE 2019
Ans. The most fascinating thing that Valli saw on the street was the bus that travelled between her village and the nearest town. It passed through her street each hour, once going to the town and once coming back.
iv How did Valli save money to travel by bus? CBSE 2013
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli didn’t explicitly save money for the bus ride. She managed to travel by bus by using the small savings she had, perhaps from little amounts gathered over time or from her daily allowance.
v How did Valli feel on seeing the dead cow on the road? CBSE 2014
Ans: Valli felt a mix of emotions when she saw the dead cow on the road during her bus journey. She was shocked and saddened by the sight, feeling a sense of discomfort and distress at encountering the lifeless animal unexpectedly on her joyful excursion.
Q11 Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 in 40-50 words
i Imagine you come across a little girl travelling alone in a bus. Write down any two questions you would ask her and your reasons for asking them.
Ans: 1. “Are you feeling okay and comfortable traveling alone?” – To ensure her well-being and address any concerns she might have, showing empathy and offering support if needed.
2. “Do you know where you’re going? Can I help you with anything?” – To offer assistance, guidance, and ensure she reaches her destination safely.
ii If you were to advise Valli on the two things she ought to take with her if she were travelling alone for the first time, what woud they be and why?
Ans: 1. Identification and Contact Information: Carry identification like an ID card or emergency contact details for safety and assistance in case of unforeseen circumstances, aiding authorities or helpful individuals to assist if needed.
2. Essentials Bag: Pack a small bag with water, snacks, a map, and some money for emergencies, ensuring basic sustenance and resources during the journey for comfort and security.
iii Do you think Valli’s mother would have taken her for the bus ride if she had requested her to do so? Why/ Why not?
Ans: It’s possible Valli’s mother might have taken her for the bus ride if asked. However, considering Valli’s family’s financial constraints and her mother’s responsibilities, she might have hesitated due to concerns about expenses and the challenges of managing household affairs while taking Valli on such an outing.
iv Imagine Valli had to plan a day-long budget trip to a domestic destination for her family all by herself. What things do you think she would keep in mind while planning?
Ans: Valli might consider affordable transportation options, selecting a destination with free or low-cost attractions like parks or local landmarks. She’d prioritize budget-friendly meals, potentially opting for homemade snacks. Additionally, she might plan an itinerary with activities that suit various family members’ interests while staying within their financial constraints.
Q12 Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10 in 100-120 words (beyond text and across texts)
i Travelling teaches us many life lessons and enriches us with experiences. You and your classmate have a discussion on this statement and your love for travel. Write the dialogue. You may begin like this… Friend: I think travelling is one of the best ways to explore not just the world around you but also helps you introspect about life itself. You: ………………………………………… Friend: Travelling enriches us with so many varied experiences. You: ………………………………………
Friend: I think travelling is one of the best ways to explore not just the world around you but also helps you introspect about life itself.
You: Absolutely! Travelling exposes us to diverse cultures, perspectives, and challenges us to adapt. It’s like a classroom without walls, teaching us resilience and open-mindedness.
Friend: Traveling enriches us with so many varied experiences.
You: Completely agree! It broadens our horizons, fosters empathy by connecting with different people, and teaches us to embrace uncertainties, making us more adaptable and appreciative of life’s intricacies.
Friend: And it allows us to create memories that last a lifetime!
You: Definitely! Those moments shape our character and understanding, influencing how we perceive the world and our place in it. Traveling truly is a profound teacher in the school of life.
ii After reading the story about Valli; you realise that she had such a small desire and demanded nothing from her mother. After reflecting on this, you decide to write a diary entry on how you felt you have been unreasonable about the demands you have posed to your parents. You also realise that life is not all about materialistic possessions.
You may begin like this:
15 August 2020, Saturday 9:00 pm
I feel I have learned a big lesson in life after reading about Valli. I feel ashamed for the way I have been …………………………………………….
15 August 2020, Saturday 9:00 pm
I feel I have learned a big lesson in life after reading about Valli. I feel ashamed for the way I have been constantly demanding things from my parents. Reflecting on Valli’s simple desire for a bus ride, it hits me how small and insignificant my wants have been in comparison.
I’ve been unreasonable, expecting more and more, forgetting the immense sacrifices and efforts my parents make to fulfill my desires. I now realize that life isn’t solely about material possessions or fulfilling every whim.
Valli’s story taught me the beauty of simplicity and gratitude. It’s not about what we have, but the experiences we cherish and the love we share. I pledge to be more understanding, appreciative, and less demanding, cherishing the invaluable moments and love my family generously gives.
iii Valli was sensitive, but at the same time she was fearless and quite determined. Think of another character from your textbook, First Flight, who displayed similar character traits.
Compare and contrast the lives of Valli and the other character.
Ans: One character from the textbook “First Flight” who shares similarities with Valli in terms of sensitivity, fearlessness, and determination is Hellen Keller. Both Valli and Hellen Keller exhibited sensitivity towards their surroundings; Valli with her appreciation for nature, and Keller through her heightened senses despite being deaf and blind.
However, their circumstances greatly differ. Valli belonged to a rural Indian setting, while Hellen Keller, an American, faced challenges due to her disabilities. Valli showcased fearlessness by traveling alone despite societal norms, while Keller’s determination and fearlessness were evident in her overcoming physical barriers to become an accomplished author and lecturer despite her disabilities.
Both characters exhibit courage, resilience, and determination in their unique circumstances, showing that despite different challenges, one can navigate life with bravery and determination.
iv In such a fast-moving world when we hear so many incidents happening with people, do you think Valli did right by not telling her mother about the bus journey? CBSE 2015
Ans: Valli’s decision not to inform her mother about the bus journey might seem risky in today’s world, where safety concerns are prevalent. However, in the context of the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli’s innocence, coupled with her determination to fulfill her desire, led her to embark on the journey without considering the potential risks. Her intentions were pure, driven by the simplicity of her wish to ride the bus.
While in reality, informing guardians about such excursions is crucial for safety, Valli’s story is set in a different time and portrays a child’s innocence and spontaneity rather than a conscious disregard for safety. However, in contemporary times, it’s essential to prioritize safety and communicate such plans with guardians or parents to ensure the well-being and security of individuals, especially children, amidst the uncertainties of the world.
v Once we decide to achieve something, so many difficulties come in our way. With focused attention we can make that achievement. How did Valli succeed in fulfilling her desire of riding a bus? CBSE 2017
How did Valli fulfill her desire to ride a bus to the town and back? CBSE 2020
Ans: Valli’s success in fulfilling her desire to ride the bus stemmed from her unwavering determination and focused attention on her goal. Despite facing obstacles, such as the conductor’s reluctance and her mother’s initial disapproval, Valli remained resolute. Her single-minded focus allowed her to persevere and seize the opportunity when it arose. Valli’s determination overshadowed the difficulties; she remained steadfast, ignoring discouragement, and took the initiative to board the bus alone.
Her ability to stay focused on her goal propelled her past hurdles, enabling her to accomplish her dream. Valli’s determination highlights the importance of unwavering focus and persistence in achieving aspirations, demonstrating that with resilience and a clear objective, one can overcome obstacles and realize their dreams, regardless of the challenges that may arise along the way.
vi What kind of person is Valli? Illustrate your answer from the text that you have read. CBSE 2012
“Valli was a mature girl ahead of her age.” Justify the statement with instances from the text. CBSE 2020
Ans: Valli, as depicted in “Madam Rides the Bus,” is an adventurous, determined, and observant individual. Her adventurous spirit is evident in her strong desire to ride the bus despite opposition. She showcases determination by persisting despite the conductor’s discouragement and her mother’s initial reluctance. Valli’s observant nature is highlighted through her keen interest in nature’s beauty during the journey, such as when she claps in delight upon seeing a young cow running. Her innocence, coupled with curiosity, showcases her as someone who finds joy in life’s simple pleasures. Valli’s character embodies resilience and a sense of wonder, illustrating her as an individual unafraid to pursue her desires, embracing the world with enthusiasm and a genuine appreciation for the little things.
Extra Madam Rides the Bus Questions Answers Class 10
What was Valli’s Favourite pastime?
Ans: Valli’s favorite pastime was observing and exploring nature. She found joy and amusement in observing the natural world around her, relishing the beauty of her surroundings during her bus journey, especially the sight of a young cow running very fast.
What is the moral of the story Madam Rides the bus Class 10?
Ans: “Madam Rides the Bus” from Class 10 emphasizes the importance of simplicity and joy in life’s ordinary moments. Valli’s determination to experience a simple pleasure like riding the bus symbolizes the significance of appreciating small joys amidst routines. The story contrasts Valli’s innocence with the indifference of the adult world, encouraging readers to cherish the beauty of everyday experiences and happiness.
At what time did Valli returned to her village by the same bus?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli returned to her village by the same bus in the evening, but the specific time of her return is not mentioned in the text.
Why did Valli stand up?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli stood up to express her excitement and joy upon seeing a young cow running very fast. Her enthusiasm and delight prompted her to stand and clap in happiness at the sight of the energetic cow.
Why did Valli refuse?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli refused because she was determined to experience the bus ride despite the discouragement from the conductor and her mother’s initial reluctance. Her strong desire to ride the bus led her to reject the conductor’s attempts to dissuade her from boarding.
What was Valli age?
Ans: Valli’s age is not explicitly mentioned in the story “Madam Rides the Bus.” However, she is portrayed as a young girl, likely of primary school age, perhaps around 8 to 10 years old, based on her innocence, enthusiasm, and the way she is depicted in the story.
What is Valli’s full name?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli’s full name is not mentioned. The narrative focuses more on her character and her adventurous spirit rather than providing her full name.
Is Valli a very sensitive girl?
Ans: Yes, Valli, in “Madam Rides the Bus,” is portrayed as a sensitive girl who appreciates nature and finds joy in simple things. Her emotional depth and perception of the world are reflected in her sensitivity to the beauty around her.
How was Valli a mature girl?
Ans: Valli, despite being young, exemplifies maturity through her determination, independence, and courage in the story “Madam Rides the Bus.” Despite initial discouragement, she made her own decision to embark on the bus journey. Her resilience, determination, and adventurous spirit demonstrate a level of maturity beyond her years. Valli’s appreciation for nature and simple desires also demonstrate her emotional maturity, finding joy in life’s ordinary moments.
Was Valli a mature girl?
Ans: Yes, Valli, a young girl, exemplifies maturity in the story “Madam Rides the Bus.” She demonstrates determination, independence, and a strong will, demonstrating a level of maturity beyond her age. Valli’s decision-making skills, courage, and standing up for her beliefs demonstrate emotional maturity and a deeper understanding of the world.
How did Valli save her?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli didn’t engage in any specific act of saving someone. Her journey on the bus primarily revolved around her own adventure and experiences rather than rescuing or saving someone. The story focuses on Valli’s determination to take a bus ride despite initial opposition, her observation of the world around her, and her joyous moments during the journey. There isn’t an instance where she actively saves another person in the narrative.
Why did Valli laugh?
Ans: Valli laughed out of sheer joy and amusement when she saw a young cow running very fast during her bus journey, finding delight and excitement in the moment.
Why Valli was jealous?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” there isn’t a specific instance where Valli displays jealousy. Valli’s emotions mainly revolve around excitement, determination, and joy during her bus journey, without expressing jealousy toward anyone.
How did Valli behave?
Ans: Valli displayed a mix of determination, enthusiasm, and innocence throughout the story “Madam Rides the Bus.” She showed determination by persisting in her desire to take a bus ride despite opposition. Her excitement was evident in her clapping and laughter upon witnessing a young cow running. Valli’s innocence and curiosity were reflected in her observations and appreciation of nature during the journey.
What was the hobby of Valli?
Ans: Valli’s hobby or favorite activity was enjoying nature and observing the world around her. She found pleasure and excitement in observing the beauty of the natural environment.
What is the dream of Valli?
Ans: Valli’s dream, as portrayed in the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” is relatively simple: she desires to experience a bus ride. Her determination and eagerness center around fulfilling this seemingly modest but significant dream of riding on a bus.
How did Valli spent her time?
Ans: Valli spent her time observing nature, seeking simple joys, and exploring her surroundings. She enjoyed moments of wonderment, relishing in the beauty of the natural world during her bus journey.
How did Valli live her dream?
Ans: Valli lived her dream of riding the bus by exhibiting determination. Despite discouragement, she boarded the bus alone, embracing the experience with excitement and joy during her journey.
How did Valli enjoyed her first bus ride?
Ans: Valli relished her first bus ride with immense joy and excitement. She observed nature, laughed at the sight of a fast-running cow, and absorbed the beauty of the world around her.
How was Valli’s first journey?
Ans: Valli’s first journey on the bus was filled with excitement and wonder. Despite facing initial opposition, she embraced the experience with determination and reveled in the simple joys along the way.
Why did Valli smiled to herself?
Ans: Valli smiled to herself because she felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness, having fulfilled her dream of riding the bus despite the initial reluctance and obstacles she encountered.
What puzzled Valli during her journey?
Ans: During her journey, Valli was puzzled by the adults’ lack of appreciation for the simple pleasures she found in nature, contrasting their indifference with her own enthusiasm and joy.
Is Valli very organized?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” Valli’s character isn’t particularly depicted as extremely organized. She is portrayed more as adventurous, determined, and observant rather than highly organized.
What amused Valli the most?
Ans: Valli was most amused by the sight of a young cow running very fast during her bus journey. This scene brought her immense joy and excitement.
How did Valli conduct herself?
Ans: Valli conducted herself with determination, enthusiasm, and innocence. She displayed courage in pursuing her desires, found joy in simple things, and remained observant and appreciative of nature.
Why does Valli stand up?
Ans: Valli stands up out of sheer excitement and joy upon witnessing a young cow running very fast during her bus journey, expressing her delight by clapping and laughing.
Who told Valli to sit down?
Ans: In the story “Madam Rides the Bus,” the conductor was the one who told Valli to sit down when she stood up in excitement during the bus journey.
Why was Valli shouting?
Ans: Valli shouted in happiness during her bus ride upon seeing a young cow running very fast. Her excitement and joy prompted her to express herself loudly.
Why did the conductor wanted Valli to sit?
Ans: The conductor wanted Valli to sit down on the bus for safety reasons and to maintain order among the passengers, as standing while the bus was in motion was not permitted.
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