Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet

Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet has been prepared for children of 5 to 6 years. To begin learning English grammar at the foundation level, the first step is to learn Letters and the Alphabet in English. So, the Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet will make children interested in learning English Grammar and practicing it as well with fun.

Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar

In the English language, There are 26 (twenty-six) letters. They are called Alphabet. Those letters are divided into two categories in form. They are Capital Letters and Small Letters.

Capital Letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Small Letters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Among 26 letters, five letters are called vowels, and the rest twenty-one letters are called Consonants.

Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Consonants: b c d  f g h  j k l m n p q r s t  v w x y z

Lesson-wise Practice Worksheet

Letters and AlphabetAdjectives
NounsThis, That, These,
Types of NounsArticles
Singular and PluralPronouns
Is, Are, and AmPunctuation
VerbsRevision Lesson

Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet

For children aged between 5 to 6 Letters and Alphabet Class 1 English Grammar Worksheet has been given below that will give them ideas and enable them to learn Letters and the Alphabet in English easily.

Letters and Alphabet Class 1 Worksheet 1

1. Circle the vowels and underlined the consonants in the following words.

a. Apple

b. Monkey

c. Orange

d. Kangaroo

e. Mango

f. Notebook

g. Rooster

h. Rainbow

i. Computer

j. Machine

Worksheet 2

2. Fill in the blanks with the missing vowels.

a. c _________ p

b. sh _________ p

c. m _________ n

d. t_________ ble

e. m_________ng _________

f. b _________ ok

g. z _________ bra 

h.  d _________ g

i. h _________ nd

j. c _________ mb   

Worksheet 3

3. Fill in the blanks with the missing consonants.

a. p _________ o _________ e

b.  _________ ird

c. s_________ee_________

d. gi_________l 

e. _________ lag

f. _________ loud

g. pe _________ 

h. c_________ air

i.  pe _________ cil

j. bo_________ 

Worksheet 4

4. Change the vowels in the words and make new words.

a. ball  __________

b. cup  __________ 

c. shop __________

d. dig __________

e. hot __________

f. tap __________

g. son __________ 

h. pan __________

Worksheet 5

5. Write the names of the following animals in alphabetical order

a. egg

b. jackle  

c. frog 

d. boy  

e.  iron

f.  camel

g.  dog

h.  hen

i.   goat

j. apple

Worksheet 6

6. There are four groups in the following. Replace the first letter of each word to make rhyming words. One has been done for you.
