Gap Filling Class 10 Questions Answers for CBSE

Gap Filling Class 10 or Cloze passage is a type of Questions Answers where a passage has been given in which some words are missing from the text and are to be filled in.

For gap filling Class 10 or Cloze passage words are generally filled with grammatical elements like Tense, Subject Verb Agreement, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Students should make the gap-filling Class 10 questions answers so that the given paragraph must have a complete sense and that each sentence should be grammatically correct.

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Gap Filling Class 10 Questions Answers Set 1

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option given below

1. The modern student ____(a)_____ the importance ____(b)_____ physical exercise. He spends one to two hours in the open air ____(c)_____ he takes part in different sports. However, care should ____(d)_____ not to overstrain __(e)___ body.

(a) (i) understood (ii) understand (iii) have understand  (iv) understands

(b) (i) of                (ii) by               (iii) from                     (iv) with

(c) (i) how            (ii) which          (iii) where                   (iv) why

(d) (i) be taken     (ii) took            (iii) takes                    (iv) has taken

(e) (i) a                 (ii) an               (iii) the                       (iv) some

Gap Filling Class 10  Set 2

Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks from the ones given below.

2. Most Indian schools fail to Ensure they are students adequate play time and fitness regime. Two out of every five school going children ____(a)______ have a healthy body Mass Index (BMI) and 50% of children ____(b)______ adequate lower body strength. Some schools ____(c)______found to offer three or ____(d)______ physical education periods per week. 

(a) (i) does (ii) Does not (iii)  don’t  (iv)  do

(b) (i)  lack (ii) lacked     (iii) have lacked (iv) had lacked

(c) (i) was  (ii) are          (iii) is                  (iv) have

(d) (i) much(ii) many      (iii) more            (iv) less

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Gap Filling Class 10  Set 3

Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate options.

3. Kanishka, the ruler of the Kushanas embraced Buddhism. He ____(a)______ invited to a Buddhist meeting (b)__ Kashmir during ____(c)______ reign. It was during his time that Buddhism ____(d)______  to Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Java. 

(a) (i) is            (ii) was          (iii)  has            (iv)  had

(b) (i) at           (ii) of              (iii) in                (iv) on

(c) (i) her         (ii) his            (iii) their            (iv) that

(d) (i) spread   (ii) spreads    (iii) spreading   (iv) is spread

Gap Filling Class 10  Set 4

Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate answer

4. He was ___(a)_____  at the news ____(b)______ the success of a poor candidate ____(c)______ got the highest number of votes ____(d)______  the Bihar election.

(a) (i) surprising (ii) surprise (iii)  surprised  (iv) having surprised

(b) (i) of             (ii) for          (iii) to               (iv) by

(c) (i) which       (ii) whose    (iii) whom        (iv) who

(d) (i) on            (ii) in            (iii) at              (iv) for

Question Set 5

Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option given below

5. Last year I visited the same spot ____(a)______  I was not ____(b)______ a cycle. I saw that many buildings ____(c)______  been built on ____(d)______ banks of the Ganga.

(a) (i) as      (ii) for       (iii)  even if   (iv) but

(b) (i) ride    (ii) rides   (iii) rode       (iv) riding

(c) (i) has    (ii) have   (iii) had         (iv) having

(d) (i) a        (ii) an      (iii) the          (iv) some

Question Set 6

Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks from the ones given below.

6. Communication ____(a)______ become very effective ____(b)______ instance due to smartphones. People are able ____(c)______ convey their message all around the globe to ____(d)______ loved ones ____(e)______ spending hefty sums of money.  

(a) (i) is      (ii) has       (iii)  have     (iv) had

(b) (i) but    (ii) as         (iii) or          (iv) and

(c) (i) for     (ii) in          (iii) to          (iv) of

(d) (i) his     (ii) her      (iii) their       (iv) your

(e) (i) with   (ii) without (iii) and       (iv) to

Question Set 7

Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate answer

7.  Reading books ____(a)______ a good hobby. Books open ____(b)______vast new world to us. They increase ____(c)______ knowledge and change our outlook ____(d)______ the world.

(a) (i) has          (ii) was       (iii)  are    (iv) is

(b) (i) the          (ii) a            (iii) an      (iv) some

(c) (i) his           (ii) one’s     (iii) our     (iv) your

(d) (i) towards   (ii) for         (iii) by      (iv) from

Question Set 8

Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks from the ones given below.

8. Delhi ____(a)______  the capital of India. People from all parts ____(b)______  the country and world come to visit Delhi. There ____(c)______  many historical buildings here. Last year  I, ____(d)______  Delhi. I also watched ____(e)______  Commonwealth Games 2010.

(a) (i) was      (ii) is          (iii)  are          (iv) being

(b) (i) of         (ii) from      (iii) for            (iv) at

(c) (i) being    (ii) are       (iii) been         (iv) were

(d) (i) visit      (ii) visiting  (iii) visited      (iv) will visit

(e) (i) a          (ii) an         (iii) the            (iv) some

Question Set 9

Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate options.

9.   Birds and animals live in the lap ____(a)______ nature and can predict likely changes accurately. Swallows usually fly high ____(b)______ the sky. But during a storm, they come down ____(c)______ fly close to the ground. If they fly low you ____(d)______ be sure of strong winds. Even a toad can be ____(e)______ reliable weatherman.

(a) (i) in           (ii) of              (iii)  on              (iv) for

(b) (i) in           (ii) of              (iii) on              (iv) to

(c) (i) nor         (ii) or             (iii) but              (iv) and

(d) (i) would    (ii) should      (iii) might          (iv) could

(e) (i) a            (ii) an            (iii) the              (iv) some

Question Set 10

Fill in the following blanks with the most appropriate options.

10. Television ____(a)______  become very popular in our country. People spend a lot ____(b)______   time watching a variety of progrrames. Some of the programmes ____(c)______  are telecast these days are a very poor quality. We should remember that television is ____(d)______  effective enduring ____(e)______  nation.

(a) (i) is           (ii) was             (iii)  has             (iv) had

(b) (i) of          (ii) for               (iii) at                  (iv) by

(c) (i) those    (ii) when           (iii) here              (iv) that

(d) (i) so         (ii) many           (iii) very              (iv) some

(e) (i) a           (ii) an               (iii) the                (iv) some

Gap Filling Class 10 Answers

Answer Set 1:

Ans: (a)(iv) understands   (b)(i) of   (c) (iii) where    (d) (i) be taken   (e) (iii) the 

Answer Set 2:

Ans: (a) (iii) don’t (b) (i) lack (c) (ii) are (d) (iii) more

Answer Set 3:

Ans: (a) (ii) was (b) (iii) in (c) (ii) his (d) (i) spread

Answer Set 4:

Ans: (a) (iii) surprised (b) (i) of (c) (iv) who (d) (ii) in

Answer Set 5:

Ans: (a) (iii) surprised (b) (i) of (c) (iv) who (d) (ii) in

Answer Set 6:

Ans: (a) (ii) has (b) (iv) and (c) (iii) to (d) (iii) their (e) (ii) without

Answer Set 7:

Ans: (a) (iv) is (b) (ii) a (c) (iii) our (d) (i) towards

Answer Set 8:

Ans: (a) (ii) is (b) (i) of (c) (ii) are (d) (iii) visited (e) (iii) the

Answer Set 9:

Ans: (a) (ii) of (b) (i) in (c) (iv) and (d) (iv) could (e) (i) a

Answer Set 10:

Ans: (a) (iii) has (b) (i) of (c) (iv) that (d) (iii) very (e) (i) a