Future Time for Class 4 Rules Examples and Answers

Future Time for Class 4 is a comprehensive guide that introduces students to the rules, examples, and answers related to the concept of future tenses. Through engaging lessons and practical exercises, this resource equips fourth-grade learners with the skills to confidently navigate and apply various future time expressions in their written and spoken English.

Future Time Class 4 Rules

We refer to a future time to predict or talk about an action that will happen in the future. We also refer to future time to express intention or make promises.

  • It will be cold in the mountains. You must take a sweater with you.
  • I will go to the bakery after I finish playing.
  • My grandparents will visit us next month.
  • I will start exercising from tomorrow.
  • Reema will help you with your project.
  • We shall overcome these difficult times.
English Grammar eBook for Class 4

Future Time Class 4: Will and shall

We use will + base form of the verb to show future time.

  • He will meet me in the evening.
  • Nupur will buy the fruits tomorrow.

We use will not/won’t + base form of the verb to make negatives.

  • He will not meet me in the evening.
  • Nupur will not buy the fruits and vegetables tomorrow.

For questions, in the first person pronouns (I and we), we use shall more commonly than will. For all other nouns and pronouns, we use will. Will/ shall may be used for different functions:

  • Shall I come with you? (= offer)
  • Shall we leave now? (= suggestion)
  • Will you come with me? (= invitation/ asking for information)
  • Will Nupur buy the fruits? (= asking for information)

Future Time Class 4: Going to

We use going to + base form of the verb to talk about actions that will take place soon or in the near future.

  • I am going to see a film tomorrow.
  • He is going to have a haircut this evening.
  • They are going to call you in the afternoon.

.We also use going to to predict or talk about something that we are sure is going to happen because we have proof or information.

  • The sky is dark. It is going to rain very soon.
  • The train is going to leave in five minutes.

To show future time, we use a form of the verb be + going to.

  • I am going to play football.
  • He is going to play football.
  • We are going to play football.
  • They are going to play football.
  • Is she going to play football?

Will vs going to

We can use will and going to to talk about future actions. However, we use will when we do not know exactly when in the future the action will take place. We use going to when we know exactly when the action will take place.

● a. We will see the museum.

   b. We are going to see the museum now.

● a. My mother and father will have dinner with us.

   b. My mother and father are going to have dinner in five minutes.

In conclusion, Future Time Class 4 Rules Examples and Answers offers a comprehensive and interactive approach to teaching fourth-grade students about future time expressions in English. With clear rules, illustrative examples, and detailed answers, this resource serves as a valuable tool for both teachers and students,

All Lessons Class 4:

Lesson 1: NounLesson 11: The Present Continuous Tense 
Lesson 2: Countable and Uncountable NounsLesson 12: The Prast Tense 
Lesson 3: GenderLesson 13: The Future Tense 
Lesson 4: PronounsLesson 14: Adverbs
Lesson 5: ArticlesLesson 15: Prepositions
Lesson 6: AdjectivesLesson 16: Conjunctions
Lesson 7: Possessive AdjectivesLesson 17: Subject Verb Agreement
Lesson 8: Order of AdjectivesLesson 18: Subject and Predicate
Lesson 9: Degrees of AdjectivesLesson 19: Do as Directed
Lesson 10: The Present TenseLesson 20: Punctuation Marks

Future Time Class 4 Worksheets 

Worksheet 1

A. Rewrite the following sentences using future time.

1. Iqbal finished the entire cake.


2. Tej also wanted to visit the cafes along the beach.


3. Saroj sings at her school’s annual function event.


4. They don’t want to waste time on another meeting.


5. Which library does she go to?


6. Do I leave now?


Worksheet 2

B. Complete the following sentences in future time with the help of the verbs in the brackets.

1. Mukul ……………. (leave) for the summer camp tomorrow.

2. I ……………. (not listen) to rumours about other people.

3. There …………….(not be) any more sequels to this film.

4. ……………. they ……………. (visit) the museum next week?

5. …………….l we ……………. (take) the baby along?

6. Manu ……………. (submit) the report tomorrow.

7. ……………. She ……………. (go) to the United States next month?

8. They ……………. (not participate) in the marathon.

Worksheet 3

C. Complete the following sentences using going to and the verbs in the brackets.

1. Madhu is going to kick the ball. (kick)

2. It is going to rain. (rain)

3. Mukesh is going to falfall)

4. The glass is going to. (break)

5. Radhika ingering to (run)

6. They ng stairs. (climb)

Worksheet 4

D. Complete the passage using suitable forms of the verbs in brackets.

My family and I have planned for our holiday next month. We are going to leave (leave) for Himachal Pradesh on the 17th. We ………. (reach) Spiti Valley the next day. That day, we ……….  (relax) and walk around the main town of Kaza. In the evening, we ……….  (visit) the famous La Darcha fair. From Kaza, we ……….  (trek) to a nearby village called Langhza. We sta ……….  (stay) with a local family there. Because the valley is situated in a very cold place, everyday life is quite difficult for the villagers there. So while we are there, my family and I will ……….  (help) our hosts in every way possible. I ……….  (play) with the children and help ……….  (help) them with their homework. My parents ……….  (carry) necessary medicines, tools and other supplies for them as thank-you gifts. I am very excited about the trip.

Worksheet 5

E. Share your New Year resolutions with the class, using will and going to.

FAQs on Future Time Class 4 Rules Examples and Answers

What are the fundamental rules for understanding future time expressions in Class 4 English?

Future Time Class 4 covers essential rules, such as using “will” and “going to,” to help students grasp the foundations of expressing future actions.

Can you provide examples illustrating the application of future time rules in Class 4?

Certainly! Sample sentences like “She will visit the museum tomorrow” and “They are going to play soccer after school” showcase how these rules are applied in real-life scenarios.

How does Future Time Class 4 ensure interactive learning for students?

The resource incorporates interactive exercises and activities, allowing students to actively practice and reinforce their understanding of future time concepts.

Are there answers provided for the exercises in Future Time Class 4?

Yes, the resource includes comprehensive answers to exercises, enabling both students and teachers to assess and validate the understanding of future time expressions.

Is Future Time Class 4 suitable for self-study or is it better utilized in a classroom setting?

Future Time Class 4 is designed to be versatile, catering to both self-study and classroom environments. Its clear explanations and examples make it accessible for independent learners, while the interactive elements enhance its effectiveness in a classroom setting.