Future Continuous Tense structure with Rules and Examples

Future Continuous Tense has been discussed here with its structure, rules to use, examples, and exercises. In a practical situation, the Future Continuous tense is used extensively while speaking as well as writing. So, explore the structure, rules, and examples of Future Continuous Tense that are given below.

Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense is used to talk about something happening at a given point in the future. For examples,

  • (1) Tom will be catching fish.
  • (2) They will be playing football.
  • (3) Why will you be waiting for me?

Future Continuous Tense structure

The structure of Future Continuous Tense in sentences can be of four types –

  • a Positive or Affirmative Sentence
  • a Negative Sentence
  • an Interrogative Sentence
  • a Negative-Interrogative sentence

All structures are discussed below with a table and examples in an easy way.

Positive or Affirmative Sentence


Subject + shall/will+be+ Verb + ing  + Object.


1stI shall be playing football.We shall be playing football.
2ndYou will be playing football.You will be playing football.
3rdHe/She/It (any noun) will be playing football.They/(two or more nouns) will be playing football.

Other examples

  1. He will be playing football.
  2. The man will be working.
  3. You will be reading history.
  4. Birds will be flying in the Sky.
  5. We shall be going to school.

Negative Sentence


Subject + shall/will + not + be + Verb + ing  + Object.


Person    Singular     Plural
1stI shall not be eating rice.We shall not be eating rice.
2ndYou will not be eating rice.You will not be eating rice.
3rdHe or She or (It)  will not be eating rice.They will not be eating rice.

Other Examples

  1. They will not be playing football.
  2. The man will not be working.
  3. You will not be drinking milk.
  4. Birds will not be making houses.
  5. We will not be studying.

Interrogative Sentence


Shall/Will +Subject + be + Verb + ing  + Object?


Person   Singular      Plural
1stShall I be eating rice?Shall we be eating rice?
2ndWill you be eating rice?Are you eating rice?
3rdIs he/she/(it) eating rice?Are they eating rice?

Other Examples

  1. Is he playing football?
  2. Is the sun rising in the East?
  3. Are you reading history?
  4. Are birds flying in the Sky?
  5. Are you watching the movie?

Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure


Shall  / Will + Subject ( If Pronoun)+ Not + Be +  Verb+ Ing + Object?
Shall  / Will +Not +  Subject ( If Noun)  + Be + Verb + Ing + Object?
  • If the Subject is “NOUN”, “Not” will be placed before “Subject”.
  • Example:- Will not Asha be watching the match?
  • If the Subject is “PRONOUN”, “Not” will be placed after “Subject”. 
  • Example:- Will they be not studying in college?


Person   Singular       Plural
1stShall I not be eating rice?Shall we not be eating rice?
2ndWill you not be eating rice?Will you not be eating rice?
3rdWill he or she or it( Pro N) not be eating rice?               
Will not John( N) be eating rice?
Will they not be eating rice?

Other Examples

  1. Will not Ram be playing football?
  2. Will he not be doing the job?
  3. Will you not be reading history?
  4. Shall we not be doing this work?
  5. Will they not be growing crops?

Rules to use of Future Continuous Tense

There are some following rules to be observed for the use of Future Continuous Tense in practical situations.

Rule 1. It is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a particular time in the future. For example,

  • At 4:00 p.m. tomorrow I shall be watching a Television
  • We will be spending time in the zoo this time next week.
  • We shall be playing the final match at 10:00 a.m next Sunday.

Future Continuous Tense in Different Sentences

How different types of sentences are formed in the Future Continuous Tense are shown below.

Future Continuous Tense in Different Sentences


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the future continuous tense.

(i) Soon they ………………….for Calcutta (leave).
(ii)The cat ………………..the mouse. (chase).
(ii) He………………. hard next year (work).
(iv) He………………..lunch late (have).
(v) The girls ………………….among themselves (quarrel).
(vi) I am sure she ………………..for me (wait).
(vii) They ……………..Rima’s birthday on Sunday next (celebrate).
(viii) At this time tomorrow she……………… to New York (go).
(ix) ……………… (rain) in Mumbai at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow?
(x) Preetha ……………… (learn) French tomorrow at this time.