Formal Letter Writing in English Format Topics Examples

Formal Letter Writing in English is one that is necessary to interact and communicate with others for official purposes. It can be written by one officer to another, a person, or persons to some officer of some public and private organization.

Contents show

Formal Letter Writing in English is an important task for us in our day-to-day life. It is important for everyone to be able to write a formal letter writing in English. So, it is a must-know topic.

A Formal Letter is also called an Official Letter.

What is Formal Letter Writing in English?

A formal letter is a type of official letter that works as written communication used for professional or official purposes, such as a business partner, government agency, or individual. The language used in a formal letter should be clear, concise, and professional.

Format of Formal Letter Writing

Maintain the format of formal letter writing in English that is described below

1. Sender’s Address:

The sender’s Address is on the upper right-hand side.

2. Date:

The date should be written just after the sender’s address in proper format as,

  • 25 May 2021
  • May 25, 2021
  • 25th May 2021
  • 25.05.2021

3. Receiver’s Name and Address:

Put the receiver’s name & address just after the date.

4. Subject of the letter:

The purpose of writing the letter should be mentioned here. It is written just after the receiver’s Name and Address

5. Salutation:

Write the salutation In the left-hand corner just below the “body of the letter”.

6. Body of the letter:

Next, this is the most important part of the letter.

7. Subscription:

Below the body of the letter Subscription is written.

8. Name and Signature:

After the Subscription, the writer will write his/her name.

Formal Letter Writing Format

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Mode of Salutation and Subscription of Formal Letter Writing in English

The salutation and Subscription of a Formal Letter Written in English are important elements that may be expressed in the following way. The complimentary conclusion of a letter is called the Subscription. Study the following table for proper use of Salutation with a Subscription.

an unknown person, or a person holding a high position, business organizations, public bodies, and corporationsSir, Madam, Sirs, Gentlemen, Dear Sirs,Yours faithfully,
Faithfully yours,
In a Semi-Official letter and used for Business letters and in letters written to strangers and unfamiliar people.Dear Sir, Dear Madam,Yours sincerely, 
the letter is meant to acknowledge a gift or some favor Dear Doctor…, Dear Professor, Dear Subscriber, Dear Member, Dear Advertiser, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Mr….., Dear Sir…Yours thankfully,
Thankfully yours,
Gratefully yours,
Yours gratefully,
letter to the Principal, the Headmaster, or a teacherRespected Sir, Respected Madam,(a) I remain,
Your most obedient pupil,
(b) I remain,
Yours most obediently,
(c) We are,
Your most obedient pupils,
Note: In today’s English just ‘yours obediently‘, may suffice.

Common Topics and Types for Formal Letter Writing

For formal letter writing in English, the following topics are important and frequently found in different exams. So, the answers with examples of Formal Letter Writing in English regarding the topics are given below.

1. Job Applications

Crafting a compelling job application letter is essential when seeking employment. Learn how to showcase your qualifications and enthusiasm effectively.

2. Complaints

Addressing issues with a product or service requires a tactful approach. Discover how to construct a formal complaint letter that conveys your concerns.

3. Requests

When seeking information or assistance, knowing how to write a formal request letter can be invaluable.

4. Thank-You Letters

Expressing gratitude professionally can leave a lasting impression. Learn the art of writing formal thank-you letters.

5. Letter to private or public offices.

Letter to private or public offices serves as a formal means of communication for various purposes, such as inquiries, requests, complaints, or official correspondence.

6. Letter to public servants or Officials by an Individual.

A letter addressed to a public servant or official of a business concern by an individual is a formal mode of communication often used to convey specific requests, concerns, or inquiries with clarity and professionalism

7. Letter to Authority or Educational Institution.

A letter to an authority or educational institution serves as a means to formally address matters related to permissions, applications, or concerns, ensuring clear and respectful communication.

8. Business Letters.

Business letters are a fundamental form of communication in the corporate world, facilitating professional correspondence between organizations, clients, and partners, covering topics such as proposals, agreements, inquiries, and more.

9. Applying for situations.

Applying for situations refers to the process of submitting job applications or seeking opportunities, where individuals showcase their qualifications, skills, and enthusiasm to secure employment or positions in various fields

10. Letters to the Editors of newspapers. ( it can be both formal and informal).

Letters to the editors of newspapers serve as a platform for readers to express their views, opinions, and feedback, whether in a formal or informal tone, addressing a wide range of topics, from social issues to personal anecdotes

Formal Letter Writing Examples with Topics

Formal letter writing examples provide practical templates and guidelines for crafting professional and effective letters for various purposes, ensuring clarity and correctness in communication.

1. Job Application Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]


[Employer’s Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing to express my strong interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Posting Source]. With my [X years/months] of experience in [Relevant Industry/Field], I am confident in my ability to make a significant contribution to your team.

In my previous role as [Previous Job Title] at [Previous Company Name], I [briefly mention a key achievement or responsibility that aligns with the new position]. This experience has equipped me with [mention skills or qualifications relevant to the job].

I am particularly drawn to [Company Name] because of its [mention something specific about the company that appeals to you, such as its innovative projects, company culture, or mission]. I believe that my skills and enthusiasm align perfectly with your company’s values and goals.

Attached is my resume, which provides further details about my qualifications. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills can benefit [Company Name]. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] to schedule an interview.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working with your team at [Company Name].


[Your Name]

N.B Customize the letter by replacing placeholders with your personal information and tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for.

2. Formal Complaint Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Phone Number]


[Employer’s Name]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

Subject: Formal Complaint Regarding Defective Product

I am writing to express my deep dissatisfaction with the [Product Name] I purchased from your company on [Date of Purchase] at [Store Location]. Since its purchase, the product has consistently exhibited a range of defects, including [briefly describe the main issues].

I have attached the purchase receipt for your reference and have taken great care of the product and followed the user instructions meticulously, making it evident that the issues are not due to mishandling.

I kindly request a prompt resolution to this matter. Specifically, I am seeking a replacement for the defective product and an improvement in the overall quality control process to prevent similar issues in the future.

I expect a response within [a reasonable timeframe, e.g., 14 days] to avoid further escalation of this issue. As a loyal customer, I hope we can resolve this matter amicably and uphold your company’s reputation for quality.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

N.B Customize the letter by replacing placeholders with your personal information and tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for.

3. Request for Information Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Subject: Request for Information

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request information regarding [specific information or topic] for [explain the purpose or context for the request].

[Provide a brief introduction or background information about your request, if necessary.]

The following details will increase my interest:

  1. [Specify the first piece of information you are requesting and any specific details or parameters related to it.]
  2. [Specify the second piece of information you are requesting and any specific details or parameters related to it.]
  3. [Continue with any additional pieces of information you are requesting.]

However, I understand that your company has a reputation. The company provides accurate and comprehensive information. Obtaining the information mentioned above is crucial for [explain why you need this information and how it will benefit you or your organization].

I kindly request that you provide the requested information at your earliest convenience. If there are any associated costs or fees for accessing this information, please inform me of the charges and the preferred method of payment.

Additionally, if there are any forms or documents that need to be completed for this request, please provide them, and I will promptly fill them out and return them to your office.

You can send the requested information to me via email at [Your Email Address] or to my postal address mentioned above. If you require any further clarification or have any questions about this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number].

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the requested information. Thank you for your cooperation.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature] (if sending a hard copy)

N.B Customize the letter by replacing placeholders with your personal information and tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for.

4. Formal Thank-You Letter

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Title]

[Company Name]

[Company Address]

Subject: Formal Thank-You Letter

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits and I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable support and assistance in [briefly describe the reason for your gratitude, such as a specific event or favor].

I am deeply appreciative of your [mention the specific action or support received] on [date or occasion], which had a significant impact on [describe the positive outcomes or benefits]. Your generosity and willingness to go the extra mile did not go unnoticed, and I am truly thankful for your kindness.

Your expertise and dedication have consistently contributed to [mention any positive results, accomplishments, or improvements] in our [mention the context or project], and I want to acknowledge the pivotal role you played in achieving these milestones.

I would also like to commend your [mention any personal qualities or attributes, such as professionalism, leadership, or attention to detail] that have consistently impressed me and others who have had the privilege of working with you.

Your support and collaboration have been instrumental in our shared success, and I look forward to continued opportunities to work together in the future. Your contributions are truly valued and have made a positive difference in my life and our [mention your organization or group].

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. It is a pleasure to express my appreciation, and I hope to have the opportunity to reciprocate your kindness in the future.

If there is anything I can do to assist you in return or if you ever require my support, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Thank you, [Recipient’s Name], for being an exceptional [colleague/friend/partner], and please accept my sincere thanks for all that you have done.

I wish you continued success and happiness.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature] (if sending a hard copy)

N.B Customize the letter by replacing placeholders with your personal information and tailoring it to the specific job you are applying for.

5. Letter to private or public offices.

Q. Consider yourself to be the Branch Manager of a nationalized bank. Write a letter to one of the Savings Bank account holders reminding him that the balance to his credit has gone down below the statutory minimum.

Answer :

No. UBI/Bel/202/10.2.19
10 February 2019
The Manager
Punjab National Bank
Northern Avenue Branch
Belgachia, Kolkata-700 037

Sri Mrinalkanti Sen
37 Aswini Dutta Road
Belgachia, Kolkata-700 037

Sub: Savings A/c Deposit

Dear Sir,

This is to remind you that our computer records show that the latest balance to your credit in the Savings Bank Account No. 213005 stands at Rs. 405 00 only. May I remind you that the latest rules of all nationalized banks lay down that a savings bank account should have a minimum balance of Rs. 500’00 to its credit. I regret to inform you that you should make immediate arrangements to deposit in your account the amount needed or withdraw the balance for closing the account you have with us. This may please be treated as urgent.

Yours truly,
S.K. Singh

6. Letter to public servants or Officials by an Individual.

Q. Write a letter to the civic authorities of the town you live in, asking them to adopt measures to eradicate mosquitoes in your area in the wake of a number of malaria cases reported there.

Answer :

The Chairman
Serampore Municipality
Serampore, Hooghly

Sub: Taking Steps for Eradication of Mosquitoes


Please allow me to bring the following to your urgent attention. Our locality near Mahesh in the district of Hooghly has been recently infested with mosquitoes. Within the last three weeks a dozen cases of malaria have been reported from the locality. Garbage thrown indiscriminately on both sides of the roads decomposes. It provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies. Drains choked with filth also contribute to the mosquito menace. I request you take immediate steps for the regular removal of garbage and desilting of the wayside open drains to prevent mosquito breeding in the area. Please note that unless urgent and efficient steps are taken to tackle the menace of malaria, it will become a serious threat to the residents.

Yours truly,
Ranjan Ghosh

7. Letter to Authority or Educational Institution.

Q. Imagine yourself to be a guardian of a boy reading in a school. Write a letter to the headmaster of the school explaining the reason for your ward’s absence from school on a specific date.


Tapan Kumar Bagchi
Dated, Dum Dum Cantt
The 17th March 2004

The Headmaster
Purulia Sainik School

Sub: Reason for absence from the class.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I beg to state that my son, Sumit Bagchi of Class XI of your institution, could not attend school from the 11th to the 16th instant owing to a sudden attack of fever. I, therefore, request you to kindly grant him a leave of absence for the days mentioned.

Yours faithfully,
Tapan Kumar Bagchi

8. Business Letters.

Q. Write a letter to a publisher ordering some books.


10 Taki Road
May 10, 2019

The Manager
Progressive Publisher
555 College Row, Kolkata-700 009

Sub: ordering some books.


I shall be obliged if you send me the books named below per V.P.P. at your earliest convenience. I am sending a money order for Rs. 500 (Rupees five hundred only) in advance today to cover a portion of the price and postage. Please note that if there is any amount due to you in excess of Rs. 500’00 it will be sent to you by another money order immediately after the books reach me.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Saugata Roy

9. Applying for situations.

Q. Anup Roy sees the advertisement below in The Telegraph and decides to apply for the job. Write the application on behalf of Anup Roy.


Requires part-time Tutors for primary/middle classes. Graduates/undergraduates with excellent academic records can apply. Write to Behala Tutorial.


Anup Roy
16 LA bony Estate, Salt Lake
16th Feb. ’04

Behala Tutorial
Behala Chow Rasta, Behala

Sub: Application for the post of Tutor.


In response to your advertisement in The Telegraph dated 15th of Feb. 19, I wish to submit my application for the post of a tutor for primary classes. I am doing my graduation (B. Sc.) and have taught primary school children earlier. I hope my interest in teaching, and previous experience in the field will stand me in good stead as an applicant for the job. I enclose my biodata for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Anup Roy

10. Letters to the Editors of newspapers. ( it can be both formal and informal).

Q. Write a letter (between 120 and 150 words) to the editor of an English newspaper about the nuisance of bursting crackers during festivals, particularly during the Kali Puja.

Answer :

67 Bose Para Lane,
Kolkata-700 023

The Editor
The Statesman
4 Chowringhee Square, Kolkata-700 001

Sub: the nuisance of bursting crackers during festivals


The sound of crackers has become a veritable nuisance nowadays. It can be heard anywhere suggesting various feelings and emotions of the people. The crackers are burst to express jubilation () at a victory either in games or in politics. They are exploded during festivals. They have become a part and parcel of any festival, as it were. Particularly during the Kali Puja loud ear-splitting sound of crackers can be heard everywhere. Those who burst such crackers seem to have no concern for the ailing and the old and, particularly, for those suffering from heart troubles. There is every danger of one becoming deaf by such loud explosions. heart patient may even die because of it. Little children. become afraid and begin to cry when they hear a cracker burst. On the Kali Puja night, this terrible noise continues for hours together.

I would like to draw the attention of the Home Minister through your esteemed daily to this menace (45) so that something concrete is done immediately to stop this practice of bursting crackers.

Yours faithfully,
S. Chowdhury

Importance of Formal Letter Writing in English in the Digital Age

In an era dominated by digital communication, the effort put into a well-crafted formal letter can set you apart from others. It demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail, which are highly valued qualities.

Some Common Examples of Formal Letter Writing in English

The following examples of Formal Letter Writing in English are very common for day-to-day use and are also found in different exams.

Leave of absence for marriage ceremony

1. Q: Write a letter within 100 words to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave of two days for the purpose of attending the marriage ceremony of your elder sister.


The Headmaster,
Hijli High School
Paschim Medinipur

Subject: Prayer for granting leave.

Respected Sir,

I am Sausamya Acharya, a student of Class-IX, Sec-A of your school. The marriage ceremony of my elder sister is going to be held on 04.08.2022. On this occasion, I like to have a leave for two days i.e. 04.08.2022 and 05.08.2022 to help my father.

Hope you will consider my prayer favorably and grant the leave for two days as prayed.

With regards,

Yours obediently,
Sausamya Acharya
Date: 02.02.2022

Provide the benefit of the warranty for the mobile set.

2. Q: Write a letter to the owner of MK Electronics Kolkata to provide you with the benefit of the warranty for the mobile set which you bought from this shop just 2 months before.

Ambish Talukdar
67 Bose Para Lane,
Kolkata-700 023

10th June 2022

MK electronics
Kolkata 700001

Sub: Provide the benefit of the warranty for the mobile set.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to request your assistance with an issue I am facing with a mobile set that I purchased from your shop two months ago. The mobile set has developed a fault, and I would like to avail the benefit of the warranty that came with the device.

I would like to request that you kindly provide me with the necessary support and assistance to resolve this issue. A copy of the purchase receipt is enclosed herewith, which I hope will help in expediting the process.

I have been a loyal customer of your shop for many years and have always been satisfied with the quality of your products and services. Therefore, I am confident that you will help me resolve this issue and ensure that I continue to remain a satisfied customer.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Ankita Mandi

To the owner of the Bookshop for finding the lost book.

3. Q: Suppose you bought a book from a bookstore. By mistake, you left it there instead of bringing it back with you. Providing details of the book and its author, write a letter within 100 words to the owner of the store to find the book and keep it until you come to collect it.


The Manager
Bichitra Book Shop
Purba Medinipur


I am Satish Maity. I bought a copy of English Grammar by Wren & Martin from your shop yesterday i.e. 12.03.2021 against proper Cash Memo. You packed the book and placed it on the counter. I made the payment but turned round to respond to a friend’s call and walked off with him leaving the book on the counter table itself. Kindly keep aside the book. Next week I am going to Panskura again. I will show to you my cash receipt to take delivery of the book.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Satish Maity
Date: 13.03.2021

Address :
Satish Maity
Uttar Mechogram
Phone: 9123114929

To the O.C. about the growing burglary and snatching in the locality.

Q. Write a letter to the Officer-in-charge of a local Police Station informing him of the growing burglary and snatching in the locality.

The O. C.
Keshpur P. S.
Keshpur, Paschim Medinipur

Subject: Growing burglary and snatching in the locality.

I am writing to express my deep concern about the recent incidents of snatching and burglary in our community. As a resident of this area, I feel it is my responsibility to bring these issues to your attention and urge you to take immediate action to address them.

Over the past few weeks, there have been several reports of individuals being robbed while walking alone at night, and of homes being broken into and valuable items being stolen. These incidents have left many of us feeling unsafe in our own community, and we fear for our own safety and the safety of our families.

I urge you to take these incidents seriously and to increase patrols in the affected areas. We need a strong police presence to deter criminals and catch those who are responsible for these crimes. Additionally, I believe it would be helpful if the police could provide the community with safety tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of these crimes.

We are counting on you to take action and make our community a safer place to live. Please keep us informed of any developments in the investigation, and let us know what steps are being taken to prevent future incidents.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Ariket Hait

Reporting to the O.C for a lost bicycle

4. Q: Suppose you have lost your bicycle. Write a letter to the Officer-in-Charge of the local police station, reporting the loss. Give him the following points of information about the loss: (a) date and time of the loss, (b) description of the area from where the bicycle was lost, (c) trademark or name or any other identifying mark of your bicycle, (d) condition of your bicycle.


The O. C.
Arambagh P. S.
Arambagh, Hooghly

Subject: A bicycle lost or theft.


This is to inform you that my bicycle was stolen at 7 PM. on the 12th of January at Bagnan supermarket. I set my cycle aside against a light post in front of the market. But just after shopping at a stationery shop, I found my cycle missing. I searched every nook and corner but failed to trace it. It was a ‘Hero’ bicycle of green colour, and it was almost in new condition as I bought it only a month ago. Of course, I regret to say that I do not remember the long number engraved on the cycle. Please look into the matter and do the needful.

Yours faithfully,
Arindam Bose
(Date and address)

To the Bank manager about educational loans.

5. Q: Write a letter to the manager of a local nationalized bank to offer you an educational loan for your higher education.

May 10, 2021

The Manager
State Bank of India
Panchnantala Branch,

Sub: Educational loans for higher education

Dear Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in obtaining an educational loan from your esteemed bank. I am a recent graduate and have been accepted into a reputable institution to pursue higher education in my chosen field. However, the cost of tuition and living expenses is beyond my current financial means.

I would like to request an educational loan to cover these expenses, as your bank’s educational loan program would be an ideal option for me.

Your bank’s policies and procedures have been thoroughly researched by me and your interest rates and repayment options are reasonable and affordable.

I am confident that I will be able to repay the loan in full once I have completed my education and secured a stable source of income. I am committed to achieving academic success and making a positive contribution to society.

Thank you for considering my request for an educational loan. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Kamal Murmu

To issue a duplicate bank passbook.

6. Q: You have lost your bank passbook. write a letter to the manager of the bank requesting him to issue a duplicate passbook.

Paschim Medinipur
May 10, 2021

The Manager
Punjab National Bank
Maniktala Branch,
Paschim Medinipur-722300

Sub: Issue a duplicate passbook.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request you issue a duplicate passbook for my savings account with your bank. Unfortunately, my original passbook has been lost, and I am in dire need of a new one.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with a new passbook at your earliest convenience. It is essential for me to keep track of my account transactions, and the passbook is the most convenient way to do so.

Please let me know if there are any formalities that I need to complete to obtain a duplicate passbook. I am ready to provide any necessary documents to authenticate my request. If possible, kindly expedite the process to avoid any inconvenience on my part.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I appreciate your assistance in this regard.

Yours sincerely,
Suman Mahato

Letter of Complaint to a Postmaster

7. Q: A letter of complaint to a Postmaster about the misdelivery of letters :

The Postmaster,
Tamluk Post Office,

Subject: Complaint about the misdelivery of Letters


I am sorry to inform you that I have not been receiving my letters regularly for the last few weeks. This has obviously become a cause of great inconvenience to me. Lately, I discovered that most of the letters addressed to my firm at 2, N. S. Road, Vivekananda Nagar, Tamluk had been delivered at the Vivekananda Nagar High School. I think this is due to some sort of confusion on the part of someone in the Post Office.

I hope, you will kindly investigate the matter and take the necessary steps for the delivery of my letters to the right address.

Yours faithfully,
Sujan Bari

2, N. S. Road,
Vivekananda Nagar

Application for a duplicate ration card

8. Q: Write an application for a duplicate ration card.

The Rationing Officer,
Bankura Zone, Bankura.

Subject: For Issuing a Duplicate Ration Card


I beg to inform you that unfortunately, I have lost my Ration Card (No. 261/85). In the absence of the card, I cannot draw my weekly quota of wheat and sugar. The card is also needed for establishing my identity. Kindly issue a duplicate ration card in my name. I am ready to pay the necessary fee (if any). I shall be obliged if you expedite the issue of the duplicate card prayed for.

Thanking You,

Yours faithfully,
Ajoy Das
3rd Feb 2021

Letter to the Chairman of the Municipality

9. Q: A letter to the Chairman of the Municipality, drawing his attention to the insufficient streetlights in your town. Give emphasis on the following points:(a) Population increase(b) Poor maintenance of streetlights(c) Feeling of insecurity in the dark.

The Chairman,
Panskura Municipality
Purba Medinipur

Subject: About the insufficient streetlights in our town.


The town we live in has fast grown in importance since independence. The population at present has crossed five lakhs. It has now become an important district town of W. Bengal.

It is a pity that, despite having one of the oldest municipalities in W. Bengal, the town has few amenities to offer, and its civic life remains as drab, as before. Among the drawbacks, the town looks cheerless after dusk with dim streetlights few and far between. Some of the posts have their bulbs missing for a long time, creating a deep pool of darkness at night. Moreover, most of the lanes and by-lanes are left without any lampposts. All these lead to a sense of insecurity amongst people who often fall victim to snatching and theft. The situation is very disgusting, and I feel the interest of the taxpayers is not being properly looked after. I request you to kindly investigate the matter and install sufficient streetlights in the town.

Yours faithfully,
Samir Dey

To the Chairman of Municipal Corporation for setting up a park.

10. Q: Write a letter to the mayor of your municipal corporation about setting up a park in your area in 150 words.

The Chairman
Bagnan Municipality
Bagnan, Howrah

Sub: About setting up a park in our area

Respected Sir,

I am writing to bring to your attention the need for a park in our area. As you may know, our locality has been growing rapidly, and with the increase in population, the need for green space has become more pressing than ever.

A park would not only provide a much-needed recreational space for the residents of our area, but it would also help in preserving the environment and improve the overall quality of life. With the growing concern for pollution and the effects of urbanization, the presence of a park would go a long way in ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for everyone.

I would like to request that you consider setting up a park in our area, and I would be more than happy to help in any way possible. I believe that with your support, we can work towards making our area a better place to live.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Tarak Bhunia

The civic head to organize a blood donation camp.

11. Q: Write a letter to the Civic head of your locality seeking permission to organize a blood donation camp in your club.

Milani Sangha
Purba Medinipur

15th Feruary 2020

The Chairman
Tamluk Municipality
Tamluk, Purba Medinipur

Sub: seeking permission to organize a blood donation camp

Respected Sir,

I am writing to request permission to organize a blood donation camp in our club, located in Maniktala. Our club aims to contribute to society in meaningful ways, and we believe that organizing a blood donation camp is a valuable opportunity to save lives and support the community.

We would like to hold the blood donation camp on 25th Feruary 2020, from 8:30 am to 2:30 am. Our club will collaborate with a reputed blood bank to ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place for the successful organization of the camp. The camp will be open to all individuals who wish to donate blood and contribute to a noble cause.

We assure you that all COVID-19 safety protocols will be strictly adhered to during the blood donation camp, and we will work with the relevant authorities to ensure that the camp is conducted in a safe and responsible manner.

We kindly request you grant us the necessary permission to organize this event, and we are happy to provide any additional information that you may require.

Thank you for your consideration.

Subhas Adak

Medical Officer of the local hospital to establish an oxygen storehouse.

12. Q: Write a letter to the medical officer of the local hospital to establish an oxygen storehouse on the premises of the hospital that will help needy people in Crisis, especially during the life of Pandemic situation in about 150 words.

The Medical Officer
Bankura Medical College & Hospital

Subj: To establish an oxygen storehouse


I am writing to express my concern about the current COVID-19 crisis and the need for more support for patients requiring oxygen. As you may be aware, the demand for oxygen cylinders has skyrocketed due to the recent surge in cases, and many patients are struggling to get access to this life-saving resource.

To address this issue, I would like to suggest that a dedicated oxygen storehouse be established on the premises of the hospital. This would not only ensure a constant supply of oxygen to the patients in need, but it would also help in reducing the burden on the existing resources.

Given the critical nature of this situation, I urge you to take this matter seriously and explore the feasibility of setting up such a storehouse. I am willing to offer any support required to make this happen, and I believe that together, we can make a significant impact in helping people in need.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Avik Banerjee

Librarian for a lost library card

13. Q: You have lost your library card. Write a letter to the librarian of your school requesting him to issue a duplicate card in your favor.

The Librarian,
Mitra Institution (Main),
Surya Sen Street,
Calcutta-700 009.


I am sorry to inform you that Monday last when returning home from school, I fell asleep on the bus. When I woke up, I found the bag that contained not only a number of my textbooks and exercise copies but also my school library card, missing. I report this loss to you immediately after the incident happened so that none can misuse the card. My request you is to issue a duplicate of the lost card, which was in the name of Ramakant Ganguli, Class X, Roll No. 12, Mitra Institution (Main). I give you my word that future I shall be more careful with my duplicate card.

Yours faithfully,
Rajatkanti Ganguly,
(Student of Class X,)
Section B, Roll No. 12,

Rajatkanti Ganguly
33, Acharya Prafulla
Chandra Road
January 07, 2020

For the construction of a cycle shed.

14. Q: Write a letter to the Head of your institution praying for the construction of a cycle shed.


The Headmaster,
Harihar Baidya Niketan
Chuchura, Hooghly

Sub: Construction of a Cycle-shed


We, the students of your institution, beg most humbly and respectfully to approach you with the following proposal in the favor of your kind and sympathetic consideration. Most of the students come from areas four or five km away from the institution and we come by bicycle. As there is no cycle shed, we keep our bicycles in the corridors. This obstructs the free movement of students and teachers along the corridors. Some of us keep cycles in the common room, which causes great inconvenience to other students to pass their leisure. Some of us keep cycles in the open-air campus and cycles are stolen away occasionally.

Under such circumstances, we request you take the necessary steps for constructing a cycle shed where we can keep our cycles safely.

Yours faithfully,
Sabuj Maity
Class – x
Dated: 02-04-2012

To the O.C. for theft in the locality

15. Q: A letter to the O. C. complaining of thefts in your locality :


The Officer-in-Charge,
Ghatal Police Station
Paschim Medinipur.

Sub: Complaint against theft


We, the inhabitants of Ghatal and the neighboring villages, are of late living in great trouble. This is due to the activities of some thieves in our locality, We cannot feel secure. Almost every night some thieves burgle one house or the other. It seems that they roam about in this area all night long watching for an opportunity for their misdeeds. As a result, sleeping at night has become a risky affair. We have to pass Sleepless nights in great anxiety and suspense. There are some known culprits in this locality. There is every probability that they are acting as ring leaders of the gangs of burglars.

In these circumstances, I hope you will kindly take immediate and effective steps to put a stop to this menace and restore a feeling of security among the villagers.

Yours faithfully,
Anand Mukherjee

December 02, 2020

Letter to B.D.O. for Scarcity of drinking water

16. Q: Write a letter to the B.D.O. complaining about the scarcity of drinking water in your area.


The B.D.O.
Panskurs I
P.O. Panskura
Dist. Purba Medinipur

Sub: Scarcity of drinking water


We, the villagers of Panskura, beg most respectfully to state that we live in a flood-stricken area, and we are facing great hardship for want of pure drinking water after the recent flood. More than five thousand people live in our locality. All the tube wells are submerged in floodwater and as a result, the drinking water has become unhygienic. But no step has yet been taken by the Government for sinking new tube wells. Even halogen tablets have not yet been supplied by the workers of the Health Department for taking the drinking water pure and free from pollution. As a result, an epidemic may break out at any time. We hope that you would take the necessary steps to solve this problem as early as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Ashis Patra

Head of the institution about Overcrowded classrooms.

17. Q: Write a letter to the Head of your institution about the difficulties you face every day in the overcrowded classroom.
The Headmaster
XYZ School
Kalkal, Bardhhaman

Sub: Over-crowded classroom


Most respectfully, I, on behalf of the students of class X Arts of your institution, like to draw your attention to the following facts. We face great difficulties every day in our overcrowded classroom for X ( Sec -A). Our class constitutes of 150 students, but we have only twenty benches and each bench cannot accommodate more than five students, sometimes six or seven students have to share a bench. As a result, when we try to take down the class notes, we must elbow one another, and we cannot write. Some others stand by the windows. In summer, overcrowding causes suffocating conditions and we find it impossible to remain in class.

Under such circumstances, we request you to decide for splitting our class into two sections for academic interest.

Yours faithfully,
Mihir Mahato

The bad condition of roadside public toilets.

18. Q: Write a letter of complaint to the KMDA against the bad condition of roadside public toilets.

Anandanagar, Beltala
North 24 Parganas

The Chairman

Sub: Bad condition of public toilets.


This is to draw your kind notice to the following fact for Roadside public toilets are now in a pitiable condition.

People in rush hours extensively use them. But these toilets are not properly maintained. They are left unclean. The toilets are not washed daily. Very often water runs short. Water alerts give out a foul odor. It vitiates the atmosphere. The toilets often throw the fag-ends of bidis, and cigarettes there. As a result, the arrangement inside the toilets is not at all good. Besides, people, the drainage system does not work well. Both the caretakers of the toilets and people who use them are totally callous to the condition. The net outcome is the sufferance of the users. Besides, most of the toilets are not built scientifically. Again, some of them are in bad shape. The toilets are not roofed too. During rainy days people suffer much. This is the picture.

Hence, I earnestly appeal to you to make a positive move to better the condition of the toilets in the interest of the common people.

Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
Sanjoy Ghosal.

Postmaster for changing address

19. Q: Write a letter to the postmaster informing him of your change of address.

Mamata Barui.
C/o, Bishu Barui
North 24 Pgs.
1st October 2017

The Postmaster
Anandanagar P.O.
North 24 Parganas

Sub: Change of address

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that our family has recently shifted from Belurhuri to Anandanagar, North 24 Parganas. Both addresses are under your postal zone. Hence, I earnestly request you redirect all our family letters to our new address. Please note our change of address and instruct your postman accordingly.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Mamata Barui

Response to the Advertisement.

20. Q: A reputed coaching center has given offering tuition in different subjects of H. S. course in English daily. You are interested in seeking admission in application in response to the coaching center. Now write in response to the advertisement.

Udhampur, Nadia
12 August 2019

The Director
Ideal Coaching Centre
South 24-Parganas

Sub: Application for Private Coaching.

Respected Sir,

In response to your advertisement in the Statesman, dated 25th July 2019, I am writing this letter. I intend to get the benefit of coaching in your institution of repute. I want to avail myself of coaching in all science subjects you offer being a running H. S. student in the science stream. I’m a student of Vani Vidyapith. I shall be highly obliged if you let me know the fee, duration of the coaching, and other necessary details about this I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Binoy Saha.

Sale of cut fruits and exposed foodstuff

21. Q: Write a letter to the Editor of an English newspaper expressing your concern about the sale of cut fruits and exposed foodstuff from the wayside stalls.

Srirampur, Googly

The Editor
The Statesman

Sub: Sale of exposed foodstuff.


I request you to give expression to my concern about the sale of cut fruits and exposed foodstuff from the wayside stalls of our town.

The sale of cut fruits and uncovered food from the wayside stalls is a common practice today. Dirt, dust, and filth settle on these things. They are hardly covered. The vehicles pass and dust particles heap on the food items. Besides, most of the mobile stalls are beside the filthy drains. People crowd before these stalls. The drains are the breeding grounds of flies and mosquitoes. As a result, the consumers of these food items fall victim to many air-borne and water-borne diseases. There is a law against the open sale of food. But it is not operative here. Hence the letter. I feel that the law alone can’t solve the problem. Mass consciousness is a must. So, I warn people in general of the adverse effect of open food and request the administration to take some positive moves in this respect. The sooner, the better.

Yours faithfully,
S. Dhar.

High prices of things.

22. Q: Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the high prices of things.

Dhaniagori, Birhata
30 July 2019

The Editor
The Statesman
4, Chowringee Square
Kolkata – 700 001

Sub: High prices of things.


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me to enter a protest in your esteemed daily against the fabulous price hike the unprecedented price hike in recent years is the gravest problem of the country.

With the continual price rise of essential commodities, the common people of our country are highly affected. The retail prices of rice, dal, vegetable, potato, and edible oil going up by leaps and bounds. The price hike comes to such a pass that even middle-class people find it extremely difficult to maintain a family. Obviously, the poor are the worst victims. They are to pass their days in extreme misery. We think the govt. should act sensibly to overcome this crisis. The rationing should be made more effective and efficient in the interest of the common people. Again, the stockists and hoarders that have grown an unholy nexus with dishonest political leaders must be penalized. Drive against black marketing must be made more momentous. Anyway, the price rise must be brought down. The sooner, the better.

Yours faithfully,
Amal Adak.

Menace of street dogs

23. Q: Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining about the menace of street dogs in your locality.


Ranibandh, Bankura
8 August 2017

The Editor
The Telegraph
4, Chowringee Square
Kolkata-700 001

Sub: Menace of street dogs.


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in your esteemed daily for drawing the attention of the authority concerned to the menace of street dogs in our local- Stray dogs have become a great problem in our area. They are found multiplying every year. They occupy the footpaths and often slip into people’s kitchens unawares. Every year many persons die of hydrophobia. Besides, these street dogs carry foul germs of many fatal diseases like rabies. Obviously, we are exposed to danger from them. It is high time that viable measures should be taken to check the growth of unhealthy conditions. Stray dogs should be shifted to the pounds which are to be established in large numbers. The corporation should be more active in respect of catching mad and rogue dogs. The sooner, the better.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Arnab Mitra.

The wastage of potable water

24. Q: Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily urging civic authorities to take steps against the wastage of potable water.

Alikandu, Berajole
8 October 2017

The Editor
The Statesman
Kolkata-700 001

Sub: Wastage of potable water.


I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish this article Needless to say, water sustains life. But experts say that sources of potable water are going to be scarce in near future. The unthought-of use of drinking water for irrigation and domestic purposes contributes to the shortfall. Science warns us that the underground water layer has considerably gone down. Scientists urge people not to misuse water. For, every precious drop saves life. But it is a pity that people often indulge in wasting water wantonly. Very often, the street taps are on. It seems we are dead callous to the gravity of the problem. Hence, we draw the attention of the civic authorities to this problem and ask for strict measures against the wastage of potable water.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Sarama Bhowmick.

The bad condition of public roads

25. Q: Write a letter to the Chairman of your Municipality drawing his attention to the bad condition of the public roads and requesting him to adopt effective measures to check it.

Santragachi, Howrah
29 August 2017

The Chairman
Serampore Municipality
Serampore, Hooghly

Sub: Bad condition of the Public Road.


This is to bring your kind notice to the following fact for information and your timely action. The main road of our town is in a deplorable condition. This road is used by a great number of people every day. There is also a formidable pressure of vehicles on it. Naturally, it has developed cracks and holes here and there. Owing to poor maintenance the surface has lost its pitch. During the rains, they are filled with water and create immense trouble to potholes the pedestrians. Again, when streetlights go out, we are to face untold suffering. Several accidents have already taken place. A major casualty may happen at any time. The road requires urgent repair.

I hope that the competent authority will see to the condition of the road and take prompt action in the interest of the people.

Yours faithfully,
Pranab Dutta.

FAQs on Formal Letter Writing in English

What is the primary purpose of a formal letter?

A formal letter serves to communicate professionally and officially. Its purpose can vary from making requests to expressing opinions or initiating correspondence.

Is it necessary to include a handwritten signature in a formal letter, or can I use a digital signature?

While a handwritten signature adds a personal touch, digital signatures are acceptable in many formal contexts, especially in digital communication.

How can I address a formal letter if I don’t know the recipient’s name?

If you don’t know the recipient’s name, you can use a generic salutation such as “To Whom It May Concern.”

Are there specific rules for formatting a formal letter on email compared to a physical letter?

Email formal letters follow similar formatting rules as physical letters, with the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, date, salutation, body, closing, and signature. However, email letters are generally more concise and to the point.

What should I do if I receive no response to my formal letter?

If you don’t receive a response, you may consider sending a follow-up letter or contacting the recipient through alternative means to ensure your message is received and acknowledged.

Now that you’re well-equipped with the knowledge of formal letter writing in English, you can confidently compose impactful and professional letters for various purposes. Remember to adapt your tone and style according to the specific context and audience. Happy writing!