Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester 2025 WBCHSE includes important questions, model answers, and expert tips for effective exam preparation. Prepare for WBCHSE 2nd Semester 2025 with English Suggestive Questions Class 11, including Prose, Verse, Grammar, Writing, and Sample Papers. Designed as per the latest syllabus, this guide helps you score high with well-structured solutions and probable questions. Prepare confidently with this Class 11 English Suggestion 2025 and excel in your WBCHSE 2nd Semester exams.
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: The Garden Party
Short Questions Answers [2 Marks]
Answer the following questions within 40-50 marks
1. How many children do the Sheridan couple have, and write their names?
2. Describe the weather of the day the garden party was arranged.
3. Who maintained the garden of the Sheridans?
4. How did the said person tend to the garden to make it ready for the party?
5. How had the narrator described the flower rose?
6. How many roses did come out overnight?
7. What is the meaning of the word ‘rosettes’? How did the green bushes appear?
8. Why does the author make use of the reference of ‘archangels’ in the context of the green bushes?
9. What is a marquee? When did the workmen come to put up the marquee?
10. What was the Sheridan family doing when the workmen arrived? How many workmen came to put up the marquee?
11. Who were entrusted with the task of arranging the garden party that year?
12. How did Mrs. Sheridan want her children to treat her for that specific day?
13. Why was Meg unable to supervise the workmen who came to put up the marquee for the garden party?
14. How was Jose dressed? Why was Jose compared to a ‘butterfly’?
15. Who is called ‘artistic,’ and by whom?
16. Who assigned Laura to supervise the workmen, and why?
17. What does Laura think she can do much better than her other family members?
18. What was Laura having for breakfast? What was her opinion about eating outdoors?
19. Who is called ‘artistic,’ and by whom?
20. “They looked impressive.”- Who said this and about whom? What is meant by the word ‘impressive’?
21. How did Laura begin her first conversation with the workmen? How did the tall workman look?
22. How did Laura overcome her initial embarrassment in the presence of the workmen? How did Laura think she must act with the workmen?
23. “I don’t fancy it.”- Who said this to whom and in what context?
24. “Not conspicuous enough.”- What is the meaning of the word ‘conspicuous’?
25. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘bang slap in the eye’?
26. What do the flowers symbolize in ‘The Garden Party’?
27. How does the garden reflect the contemporary society?
28. What made Laura think that the workmen were ‘extraordinarily nice’?
29. Who was called back to the house to attend a phone call? What were Mr. Sheridan and Laurie doing then?
30. What did Laurie ask Laura to do before leaving for office? What is the meaning of the word ‘squiz’?
Long Questions Answers [6 Marks]
Answer the following questions within 120 words.
1. Comment on ‘The Garden Party’ as a psychological text.
2. Contrast between the characters of Laura Sheridan and Mrs. Sheridan.
3. Comment on the use of symbols and imagery in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’.
4. Write a character analysis of Jose Sheridan.
5. Draw a comparison between the characters of Laura and Jose Sheridan.
6. Comment on the underlying element of irony in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’.
7. The text focuses on the strong impression of modernism over the society.”-Elucidate.
8. Write about the writing style of ‘The Garden Party’.
9. The garden party gives an account of Laura’s journey from innocence to experience.”-Explain.
10 . Describe the climax of Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’.
11. What is the theme of the story ‘The Garden Party’?
12. How does the form of a short story help to convey the theme?
13. Give a description of the neighbourhood of the working class people as found in the text.
14. How did the news of Mr Scott’s death affect Laura? After receiving the news whom did she approach first and afterwards? What were the reactions of the two people that Laura approached?
15. Give an account of Laura’s journey to the poor neighborhood.
16. ‘What was the ‘mistake’? Did she go back?’ What circumstances led the speaker to say the above lines?
17. Why did Laura say “Forgive my hat” to Mr. Scott’s dead body in the story?
18. Explore the symbolism of the Sheridan family’s garden in the story.
19. Draw a character sketch of Laura Sheridan.
20. What role does death play in Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’?
21. Discuss the various themes as exhibited in ‘The Garden Party’.
22. How does Katherine Mansfield depict class distinctions in ‘The Garden Party’?
23. Comment on the significance of the title of Katherine Mansfield’s ‘The Garden Party’.
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: Alias Jimmy Valentine
Short Type Questions Answers [2 marks]
Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words:
1. Who was Jimmy Valentine? What was he excellent at? Where did Jimmy work during his imprisonment?
2. Who came to get Jimmy at the prison shoe-shop?
3. What was Jimmy doing when the guard came to the prison shoe-shop? What does ‘uppers’ mean?
4. Who had pardoned Jimmy Valentine? Who handed Jimmy his pardon?
5. Why was Jimmy imprisoned? For how long was he condemned to be in prison?
6. How long had Jimmy expected to stay in the prison?
7. How much time did he actually serve in the prison?
People also ask
8. What safecracking job was Jimmy arrested for?
9. What was the name of the guard of the prison? What did the warden order the guard to do?
10. Where did the warden ask Jimmy to meet him the next morning? When was the guard ordered to release Jimmy?
11. What did the warden give him at the time of his release?
12. Why did the clerk give Jimmy Valentine a railroad ticket and a five-dollar bill after his release from prison?
13. How did Jimmy enjoy the freedom immediately after being released from jail?
14. What did Jimmy enjoy in the restaurant?
15. Where did Jimmy arrive by using the railroad ticket? Whose cafe did he go to?
Long Type Questions Answers [6 marks]
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. What is the significance of the title Jimmy Valentine’?
2. Briefly narrate in your own words the conversation between Jimmy and the warden inside the jail. Did Jimmy follow the advice of the warden?*
3. “I never was in Springfield in my life “-Who is the speaker? Who is he speaking to ? How was Springfield associated to his life 7 What was the context of this remark?*
4. What did Jimmy Valentine do from the time he got out of jail till he met Mike Dolan?
5. Retrace Jimmy Valentine’s course of action from the moment he is granted parole to the time he reaches his room.
6. Describe the contents of Jimmy’s suitcase. Why do you think he ‘gazed fondly’ at them?
7. “Ben Price investigated the scene of the robberies and was heard to remark…”-Who was Ben Price? What did he say? What did he know of Jimmy’s habits?
8. “That’s Dandy Jim Valentine’s autograph.”-Who said this and why? How did he come to such a conclusion?
9. Who was Annabel Adams? How did Jimmy come to know about her? What influence did she have on Jimmy’s reformation? What new name did Jimmy Valentine assume at Elmore? What business did he open there? How did Jimmy fare at Elmore?
10. “Mr Ralph D Spencer, the phoenix that arose from Jimmy Valentine’s ashes…”-Who is Ralph D Spencer? What is a phoenix? Why has the comparison been made?
11. How did Jimmy become a successful man in Elmore both financially and socially?
12. What did Jimmy write to his old friend in St Louis? Why did he write so?*
13. “That child-she can’t stand it long in there.”-Who is referred to here? Why was she in danger? How was she saved?*
14. “The frightened child, unharmed, fell into her mother’s arms”-Who was the child referred to here? Why was the child frightened? How did the child fall into her mother’s arms unharmed?*
15. Who was Ben Price? Why did he ignore to recognise Jimmy at the end of the story?* [Textbook Exercise]
16. How does O Henry establish a contrast between Jimmy Valentine and Ralph D Spencer?*
17. What elements of the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’ are ironic?*
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: Of Studies
Short Type Questions Answers [2 Marks]
Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words: [ 2marks]
1. Who is the author of the essay ‘Of Studies’? What type of essay is ‘Of Studies’?
2. According to Bacon, what do studies serve for?
3. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studies?
4. What does Bacon mean by ‘Studies serve for delight’ in ‘Of Studies’?
5. When do books give us pleasure?
6. Why does Bacon say that studies can be best enjoyed in ‘privateness and retiring’?
7. What does Bacon say about the importance of order in study?
8. How does Bacon view the role of leisure in study?
9. What is the chief use of studies for ornament according to Francis Bacon?
10. What does Bacon mean to suggest when he says, ‘studies serve for ability’?
11. What makes the erudite frame policies:
12. What do we expect from the learned men?
13. What is the difference between ‘expert men’ and ‘learned men’?
14. What is the danger of reading too much?
15. Why does Bacon consider it ‘sloth’ if one spends too much time in studies?
16. What does Bacon say about the purpose of reading in his essay ‘Of Studies’?
17. What is Bacon’s opinion on making judgments wholly by rules, in his essay ‘Of Studies’?
18. What does Bacon say about the ‘humour of a scholar’?
19. How are studies and experience correlated?
20. When do studies become meaningful in life?
Long Type Questions Answers [ 6 marks]
Answer the following questions in not more than 120 words: [ 6 marks]
1. Why is the title of the essay ‘Of Studies’ by Francis Bacon appropriate?
2. What is the central idea of Bacon’s ‘Of Studies’?
3. What is the theme of Bacon’s essay ‘Of Studies’?
4. “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”Where has the sentence been extracted? Who wrote the essay? What does the essayist mean to say here?
5. “They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:…”-Where is the line taken from? What do you mean by ‘they’? Explain the quoted line.
6. “studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they are bounded in by experience!” Where is the fine taken from? Who is the author? Explain the thought hidden in this line.
7. How do crafty men, simple men and wise men view study? What should be the ideal approach towards study?
8. “…that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation.” Which are referred to as ‘them’? What kind of ‘wisdom’ is spoken of here ? How is wisdom ‘won by observation’?
9. What should be the style of reading books on different subjects? How does it help us for a meaningful existence?
10. What are the benefits of study? What are its disadvantages? Each 5 points
11. What is the use of studies, as propagated by Bacon in his ‘Of Studios’?”
12. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some low to be chewed and digested,” Where is the above sentence extracted from? Explain the analogy.
13. “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.”- Who made the above-mentioned aphoristic comment and where? Elaborate the sentence to unravel its meaning.
14. How do history, poetry, mathematics, philosophy. logic and rhetoric help to make a man sound and complete?
15. “Abeunt studia in mores.”-From where is the line taken? Who is the author? Explain the thought hidden in the line.
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: Nobel Lecture
Short Type Questions Answers [2 marks]
Answer the following Questions in 40 words. [2 marks]
1. Who was the Prince of Peace?
2. Whom should we love to love God as advised by St. John?
3. Why do people eagerly look towards the door in ‘Nobel Lecture’?
4. Among whom can we find Jesus?
5. Why was Mother Teresa surprised in the West?
6. What, according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace?
7. What is Mother Teresa’s point of view about drug addiction among young people?
8. Why, according to Mother Teresa, are the young boys and girls in the West giving in to drugs?
9. What does God say very clearly in the Scripture? Or, What is the opinion of Scripture?
10. According to Mother Teresa who are very great people?
11. According to Mother Teresa who can teach us so many ‘beautiful things’?
12. “I was hungry – I was naked – I was homeless – I was unwanted” — Who said these words?
13. What was the age of the boy who wanted to give his sugar to Mother Teresa?14. What according to Mother Teresa, is the beginning of love?
15. What, according to Mother Teresa, is the importance of a smile?
16. How much money did Mother Teresa receive from the man who was lying on his back for the last twenty years?
17. Why did Mother Teresa sometimes find it very difficult to smile at Jesus?
18. Whom did Mother Teresa thank for being awarded the Nobel Prize? What prayer did Mother Teresa refer to?*
19. Whom should we love to love God as advised by St John? Why?”
20. What is Mother Teresa’s point of view about drug addiction among young people?*
21. What according to Mother Teresa, is the greatest destroyer of peace today? What is the worst form of poverty?*
22. How did Mother Teresa want to fight abortion?*
Long Type Questions Answers [6 Marks]
Answer the following Questions in 120 words. [ 6 marks]
1. “The poor people are very great people? – Give at least two examples from Mother’s ‘Nobel Lecture’ to justify the comment.
2. In what ways does Mother Teresa appeal to the emotions of her audience? What stories does she share of her encounters with the poor in Kolkata?
3. “I had the most extraordinary experience with the Hindu family that had eight children.” -Which experience is Mother Teresa speaking of?
4. Why does Mother Teresa believe that it is not enough for us to say “I love God, but I do not love my neighbor?[W.B.T.A. Set-VI]
5. What did Mother Teresa experience when she visited an Old Age Home?
Narrate in your own words the experience of Mother Teresa in an old age home.
6. Narrate the experience Mother Teresa had when there was great difficulty in getting sugar.
7. Do you think Mother Teresa’s call for action is effective? If yes, why? If not, why? State two reasons for either argument with examples from the text to support your argument.”
8. What lesson does Mother Teresa impart on love? What has made her feel quite at home? Give at least two examples from the text and explain love.
9. Comment on the use of Biblical and Christian references throughout Mother Teresa’s speech. In doing so, do you think does she fail to acknowledge those of other religions and beliefs?
10. Do you think her positive outlook overcomes this? Give examples from the text to support your argument.
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: My Last Duchess
My Last Duchess Questions Answers [ 2 marks]
Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words:
1. Who wrote the poem ‘My Last Duchess’? To which age did he belong?
2. What kind of writing style did Browning follow?
3. What kind of a poem is ‘My Last Duchess’?
4. What was the original title of the poem? Where did the initial title appear?
5. What is a dramatic monologue? Justify ‘My Last Duchess’ as a dramatic monologue.
6. “That’s my last Duchess”- Why does the poem “My Last Duchess” open in this manner?
7. “That’s my last Duchess” How does the opening line reveal the character of the speaker?
8. What is the historical context/source of the poem?
9. Who is the speaker of the poem ‘My Last Duchess’?
10. Who is the person spoken to in the poem ‘My Last Duchess’?
Long Questions Answers [ 6 marks]
Answer the following Questions in 120 words.
1. Write a note on the significance of the title of the poem ‘My Last Duchess’.
2. Give the substance of the poem ‘My Last Duchess’.
3. Write the central idea of the poem ‘My Last Duchess’.
4. Critically analyze the poem ‘My Last Duchess’.
5. “That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall”. – Explain the quoted line with reference to the poem.
6. “Fra Pandolf’s hands / Worked busily a day, and there she stands.” – Who is Fra Pandolf? What do the quoted lines mean?
7. What did the viewers observe about the painting of the Duchess? What did they wish to ask the Duke?
8. “…if they durst.” – Who is the speaker? Who are ‘they’ referred to here? What does the speaker mean to say here? What light does the line throw on the character of the speaker?
9. What did the painter say to the Duchess? How did she react to that? How did the Duke estimate the situation?
10. What was the Duke’s opinion about Fra Pandolf?
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: Still I Rise
Short Type Questions Answers: [ 2 marks]
Answer the following questions in not more than 40 words:
1. Who wrote the poem Still I Rise? What is her real name?
2. When was Maya Angelou born? What was her nationality?
3. What is the source of Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise?
4. What type of poem is Still I Rise?
5. What is the main theme of the poem Still I Rise?
6. What reflection of society do we find in the poem?
7. Who is “YOU” addressed in the poem? Who is “I”?
8. What is the structure of the poem?
9. What is the tone of Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise?
10. Who is the speaker of the poem? Whom does the speaker represent?
11. What is the message conveyed through the poem?
12. How does the poet address oppression and discrimination in the poem?
13. “You may write me down in history”-What kind of history has the poet mentioned here?
Long Type Questions Answers:[ 6 marks]
Answer the following questions in about 120 words:
1. Analyse the title of the poem “Still I Rise.” [HS Modal Question 24]
2. Give the substance of the poem “Still I Rise.”
3. Write a short note on the central idea of the poem “Still I Rise.” OR, What is the message that Maya Angelou wants to convey through her poem “Still I Rise”?
4. “You may write me down in history/With your bitter, twisted lies.” – From where have these lines been taken? Who are referred to as ‘you’ and ‘me’? What are the ‘bitter, twisted lies’ and how do they affect history?
5. “You may trod me in the very dirt/But still, like dust, I’ll rise.” – Who is referred to as ‘you’? What does the phrase “in the very dirt” imply?
6. “You may trod me in the very dirt” – What type of oppression is implied in the given sentence? How will the speaker be abused and trodden by ‘you’?
7. “But still, like dust, I’ll rise” – Who will rise? Why will she rise? Why has the poet used the word ‘still’? Why has the rise been compared to dust?
8. “Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom?” – Name the poem from which the lines are quoted. What does the word ‘sassiness’ mean? Explain the quoted lines.
10. “Just like moons and like suns,/With the certainty of tides” – Name the poet and the poem. What is the figure of speech used here? What message does the poet want to convey through these lines?
11. Just like hopes springing high./Still I’ll rise.”-Who is ‘I’? What is being compared to hope? Explain the significance of the line.
12. “Did you want to see me broken ?/ Bowed head and lowered eyes 7-Who asks these questions and to whom? What do the phrases “bowed head and lowered eyes’ mean? Why does the speaker ask those questions?
13. Does my sexiness upset you ?/ Does it come as a surprise – Who gets upset? What comes as a surprise? Explain the quoted lines.
14. That I dance like I’ve got diamonds / At the meeting of my thighs?- Who is referred to as ‘I’? How does the speaker dance? What is the message conveyed through the lines?
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: The Ghost Brahman
Long Type Question Answer [ 5 Marks]
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. Why was it very much difficult for the Brahman to marry? How did he solve his problem?
2. Why did the Brahman have to leave his house and what did he tell his mother before his departure?
3. How did the Brahman’s decision to leave his family affect him adversely?
4. What social picture is presented by the Brahman’s decision of leaving his house?
5 Who entered the Brahman’s house after his departure and in what form? How did the intruder become the master of the house?
6. What symbolic meaning lies in the appearance of the ghost in perfect disguise of the Brahman?
7 What does the Brahman experience on return to his house? How does it affect him?
8 What prompted the Brahman to seek justice from the king? What was the outcome of his enterprise?
9. What role does confusion play in the story “The Ghost Brahman”?
10. Why is the cowboy able to succeed in ridding the Brahman from the burden of the ghost?
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: A Ghostly Wife
Long Type Question Answer
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. Describe the family of the Brahman as portrayed in the story “The Ghostly Wife”. What do you know about the members of the family?
2. Where does the Brahman’s wife go one night? What happens to her? How does the event change the setup of the family?
3. Why does the arrival of the ghostly wife cause no suspicion in the family? How does she gain an appreciation of the family?
4. How does the ghostly wife impress her mother-in-law? What specific events create suspicion in her in-law’s mind?
5. Do you think that the Brahman’s family is any way responsible for the arrival of the ghostly wife in the house?
6. What does the old woman see her daughter-in-law in the kitchen? Who else sees the strange sight? What does the family think of their woman?
7. How can you interpret the fire-making by the ghostly woman a sign of premonition? Why do the Brahman and his mother fear?
8. Who is an exorcist? By which name is he popular in rural Bengal? Why does the family send for him? What does he do at the beginning of his strange activities?
9. How does the story “The Ghostly Wife’ portray contemporary society?
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: The Man Who Wished To Be Perfect
Long Type Question Answer [5 Marks]
Answer the following questions in about 120 words.
1. What led the king to seek the mendicant’s help? What was his help and what condition did the monk give?
2. What does the story “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect” say about the idea of perfection?
3. What is the symbolic significance of the twins’ birth in the story “The Man who Wished to be Perfect”?
4. How does the folktale “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect” highlights the concept of free will versus destiny?
5. How did the elder prince meet the Rakshashi? What happened to him?
6. Describe the encounter between the younger prince and the Rakshasi.
7. What are the strengths and weaknesses in the character of the elder prince as subtly suggested in the story “The Man Who Wished to be Perfect”?
8. What did the elder prince hear about the mendicant from the Rakshasi? What did he do then?
9. What did the elder prince do before leaving his father’s house and with whom did he go and to where? What duties did the mendicant give to the prince and what was he warned of?
10. What did the mendicant tell the elder prince to do? What symbolic meaning was in the mendicant’s instructions?
11. How did the mendicant who wished to be perfect play his role to both the princes? How did the younger brothers save the elder one?
Class 11 English Suggestion 2nd Semester: Non-Textual Grammar
Rewrite as directed:
1. They said, “We will be partying tonight.” [Change the mode of narration]
2. His grandmother looked after him. [Change the voice]
3. The teacher distributed the sweets _____ all the children _____ the school. [Fill in the blanks with appropriate words]
4. Besides playing hockey, my daughter plays basketball. [Change into compound sentence]
5. Arijit is more intelligent than Ariyan. [Use the positive degree of the adjective and rewrite the sentence]
6. Smita said to me, “They will carry their own luggage.” [Change the mode of narration]
7. Please pour the tea. [Change the voice]
8. The phone _____ (ring) when he _____ (watch) television. [Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs]
9. She confessed her guilt. [Turn into a complex sentence]
10. Try to reduce your expenses. [Replace the underlined word with the appropriate phrasal verb and rewrite]
Paragraph Writing
Your Neighbour and Locality
Education For All
Role of Smartphones in The Present Day
The Achievements of Indian Women in Sports
The Internet: Its Use and Abuse
A Film You Have Recently Seen
A Visit to a Book Fair
Visit to a Place of Interest
Family Get-Together
A Book You Have Recently Read
Noise Pollution
A Scene at a Bazaar
The Usefulness of Travelling
The Choice of a Caree
Mid-Day Meals
Problems of Teenagers
Child Labour
Importance of Games and Sports
Walking Down the Memory Lane
Science in the Service to Man
Importance of Time
Formal Letter Writing
1. Letters to the Editors of the Newspaper
2. Official Letters
3. Letters to School Authorities
4. Letters in Response to the Advertisement
5. Business Letters
Event Report Writing
Tree Plantation Programme Held in School.
Annual Prize Giving Ceremony in Our School.
Celebration of 75th Independence Day in School.
Campaign on ‘Educate the Girl Child’ Organized by Your School.
One-week program Undertaken by Your School to Clean Up the Classrooms.
Annual Sports Event in Our School.
Magic Show.
Educational Tour Conducted by Your School.
Wall Magazine on Foundation Day.
Fund Raising Programme for the Flood-Affected People.
Free Health Check-up Camp for Children.
Rampant Sale of Cut Fruits.
Outbreak of Dengue.
Sample Question Paper
Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 40
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Answer ANY TWO questions from PROSE and ANY TWO questions from VERSE of the following questions, in about 40 words each: [2×4-8]
(i) What is the name of Mr Scott’s wife? Where did Laura first meet her?
(ii) What did Ralph ask for from Annabel before attempting to open the vault? With which act did Ralph D Spencer pass away?
(iii) What are the benefits and disadvantages of study?
(iv) They are hungry too.”- Who said this and to whom? Who are referred to as ‘they’ here?
(v) This grew, I gave commands,- What is referred to as ‘this grew in the poem ‘My Last Duchess’?
(vi) “Wilt please you rise ?- Who said this and to whom? Why was the person spoken to requested to rise?
(vii) What is the source of Maya Angelou’s ‘Still I Rise”?
(viii) Who wants to kill the poet with hatefulness’?
Long Answer Type Questions
2. Answer ANY ONE question from PROSE and ANY ONE question from VERSE of the following questions, in about 120 words each:[ 6×2=12]
(i) Why does Mother Teresa thank God at speech? 6
(ii) “There he tasted the first sweet joys of libertying of her sp where and how did he taste sweet joys of liberty? Why was it sweet to him? 1+3+2
(iii) “What an absolutely topping hat!” – Who said this and to whom? Who gave Laura that hat? How was Laura dressed for their garden party? What compliments did she get from the guests? 2+1+1+2
(iv) What is the message that Maya Angelou wants to convey through her poem ‘Still | Rise’? 6
(v) What did the Duke admire about the painting of the Duchess? Did he admire her in reality? 2+4
3. Answer ANY ONE question from RAPID READER of the following questions, In about 120 words: 5×1=5
(i) How did the younger prince come to know about the plight of his brother? What did he do then? 2+3
(ii) Then the ghost said with a strong nasal accent. _ Who is the ghost? Why did the ghost speak in a ‘strong nasal accent? What did the ghost say? 1+2+2
(iii) Consider The Ghost-Brahman’ as a supernatural short story. 5
Non-Textual Grammar
4. Do as directed: [1×5=5]
(i) Never try to swim _______ the river current as there is a possibility _______ getting drowned. [Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions] 1/2×2=1
(ii) He will say, “I am busy.” [Change the mode of narration]
(iii) Whom did you see? [Change the voice]
(iv) I wish I had a brother to stand by me. [Turn into an exclamatory sentence]
(v) The iron is hot. Strike it now. [Join using adverbial clause]
5. Write a paragraph in about 150 words on ‘Newspaper and Its Utility’ using the given points: 10
[Points: Newspaper, sthe torehouse of information and knowledge-enriching our wisdom-a mirror of the world conclusion.]
6. Attempt BOTH of the following: 5×2=10
Write a report within 75 words on how your school organised a campaign against the use of crackers during diwali this year using the given hints : 5
[Hints: Participation of students and teachers – speeches given on the harmful effects of using crackers-people made aware of the wastage of money-conclusion.]
Write a letter to the Municipal Chairman requesting him to install enough streetlights to reduce the increasing rate of accidents in your locality. [Word limit: 75 words] 5