Explore a comprehensive guide of Class 10 English NCERT questions and answers on ‘Dust of Snow’ for 2024. Access in-depth analysis, summaries, main points, and poetic devices to enhance your understanding and excel in your studies.
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CBSE Class 10 English (Literature and Language) Questions Answers pdf 2024
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Main points in Dust of Snow by Robert Frost.
Nature’s Setting: The poem is set in a wintry landscape, possibly a forest, characterized by snow-covered trees and a serene, peaceful atmosphere.
The Poet’s Mood: The poet starts in a despondent or brooding mood, burdened by his thoughts or concerns.
Crow’s Action: A crow shakes snow off a hemlock tree, causing a “dust of snow” to fall onto the poet.
Transformative Moment: The dusting of snow unexpectedly alters the poet’s mood, lifting his spirits.
Symbolism: The crow’s action and the snow symbolize a catalyst for a positive change or revelation in the poet’s perspective.
Nature’s Influence: Nature plays a pivotal role in the poet’s emotional transformation, offering solace and inspiration.
Contrast: The contrast between the dark crow and the white snow highlights the dichotomy between negative and positive elements.
Simple Beauty: The poem celebrates the beauty found in the simplicity of nature’s actions, illustrating how a small event can have a profound impact.
Universal Theme: It explores the universal theme of finding unexpected joy or redemption in the midst of life’s challenges.
Message: Ultimately, the poem emphasizes the transformative power of seemingly trivial moments, encouraging appreciation for the beauty around us and the potential for positive change in our lives.
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Hindi Translation
प्रकृति की सेटिंग(Nature’s Setting): कविता सर्दियों के परिदृश्य पर आधारित है, संभवतः एक जंगल, जिसकी विशेषता बर्फ से ढके पेड़ और एक शांत, शांत वातावरण है।
कवि की मनोदशा(The Poet’s Mood): कवि अपने विचारों या चिंताओं के बोझ से दबे हुए, निराश या चिंतित मनोदशा में शुरू होता है।
कौवे की क्रिया(Crow’s Action): एक कौआ हेमलॉक पेड़ से बर्फ हटाता है, जिससे “बर्फ की धूल” कवि पर गिरती है।
परिवर्तनकारी क्षण(Transformative Moment): बर्फ की धूल अप्रत्याशित रूप से कवि के मूड को बदल देती है, जिससे उसका उत्साह बढ़ जाता है।
प्रतीकवाद(Symbolism): कौवे की क्रिया और बर्फ कवि के परिप्रेक्ष्य में सकारात्मक परिवर्तन या रहस्योद्घाटन के उत्प्रेरक का प्रतीक है।
प्रकृति का प्रभाव(Nature’s Influence): प्रकृति कवि के भावनात्मक परिवर्तन में एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है, सांत्वना और प्रेरणा प्रदान करती है।
कंट्रास्ट(Contrast): काले कौवे और सफेद बर्फ के बीच का कंट्रास्ट नकारात्मक और सकारात्मक तत्वों के बीच द्वंद्व को उजागर करता है।
सरल सौंदर्य(Simple Beauty): कविता प्रकृति के कार्यों की सादगी में पाई जाने वाली सुंदरता का जश्न मनाती है, यह दर्शाती है कि कैसे एक छोटी सी घटना गहरा प्रभाव डाल सकती है।
सार्वभौमिक थीम(Universal Theme): यह जीवन की चुनौतियों के बीच अप्रत्याशित खुशी या मुक्ति पाने के सार्वभौमिक विषय की पड़ताल करता है।
संदेश(Message): अंततः, कविता प्रतीत होने वाले तुच्छ क्षणों की परिवर्तनकारी शक्ति पर जोर देती है, जो हमारे आस-पास की सुंदरता के लिए सराहना और हमारे जीवन में सकारात्मक बदलाव की संभावना को प्रोत्साहित करती है।
Theme of the Poem
“Dust of Snow” is a poem by Robert Frost set in a wintry landscape, characterized by snow-covered trees and a serene atmosphere. The poem begins with the poet in a despondent mood, burdened by his thoughts. A crow’s action, shaking snow off a hemlock tree, causes a “dust of snow” to fall on the poet, transforming his mood and lifting his spirits. The crow’s action and snow symbolize a catalyst for positive change, while nature plays a pivotal role in the poet’s emotional transformation. The poem celebrates the beauty of nature’s actions, illustrating how a small event can have a profound impact. The poem explores the universal theme of finding unexpected joy or redemption in life’s challenges. The message is to appreciate the beauty around us and the potential for positive change.
“डस्ट ऑफ स्नो” रॉबर्ट फ्रॉस्ट की एक कविता है जो सर्दियों के परिदृश्य पर आधारित है, जिसमें बर्फ से ढके पेड़ और एक शांत वातावरण है। कविता की शुरुआत कवि की निराशा भरी मनोदशा से होती है, जो अपने विचारों के बोझ से दबा हुआ है। एक कौवे की हरकत से, हेमलॉक पेड़ से बर्फ़ हटती हुई, कवि पर “बर्फ की धूल” गिरती है, जिससे उसका मूड बदल जाता है और उसका उत्साह बढ़ जाता है।
कौवे की क्रिया और बर्फ सकारात्मक परिवर्तन के लिए उत्प्रेरक का प्रतीक है, जबकि प्रकृति कवि के भावनात्मक परिवर्तन में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है। कविता प्रकृति के कार्यों की सुंदरता का जश्न मनाती है, यह दर्शाती है कि कैसे एक छोटी सी घटना गहरा प्रभाव डाल सकती है। कविता जीवन की चुनौतियों में अप्रत्याशित खुशी या मुक्ति पाने के सार्वभौमिक विषय की पड़ताल करती है। संदेश हमारे चारों ओर की सुंदरता और सकारात्मक बदलाव की संभावना की सराहना करना है।
Poetic Devices used in the poem
Imagery: Frost employs vivid imagery to depict the wintry scene and the crow’s action. For instance, the image of the “hemlock tree” covered in snow and the “crow shaking” it vividly paint the scene in the reader’s mind.
Symbolism: The crow and the dusting of snow symbolize more than their literal meanings. The crow’s actions represent an unexpected, transformative event, and the snow symbolizes a positive change in the poet’s mood.
Metaphor: The “dust of snow” functions as a metaphor, signifying a small incident that brings about a significant change in the poet’s emotions. It represents a cleansing or refreshing moment in the midst of darkness or melancholy.
Alliteration: Frost uses alliteration, such as in “crow’s dust of snow,” employing repetitive sounds that create rhythm and musicality, enhancing the poem’s auditory appeal.
Contrast: There’s a contrast between the dark, negative connotations of the crow and the positive, rejuvenating effect of the snow. This dichotomy emphasizes the transformative power of small, unexpected moments.
Personification: While not explicitly used, the crow’s action of “shaking” the snow onto the poet can be seen as a form of personification, attributing human-like agency to the crow’s behavior.
Multiple Choice Questions based on Extract
Extract Based Question 1
Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option.
(A) The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
i.Of the many symbols the hemlock tree represents, choose the one that Frost drew upon in all likelihood, for this poem.
Symbol of
a) longevity.
b) togetherness.
c) healing.
d) protection.
Ans: c) healing.
1) reassured
2) disappointed
3) curious
4) demotivated
5) thankful
6) disheartened
7) impulsive
a) 1, 3 &7
b) 2, 4 & 6
c) 5 & 7
d) 1 & 3
Ans: b) 2, 4 & 6
iii Identify the option that DOES NOT use the word ‘rue’ correctly.
a) The film was a disaster and he rued his decision to act in it.
b) I am sure she rued the day she listened to a fortune-teller.
c) It wasn’t long before I rued my disobedience and my deceit.
d) Others finally rue the one who is dishonest and heartless.
Ans: d) Others finally rue the one who is dishonest and heartless.
iv Synecdoche is a poetic device that uses a part to represent the whole. E.g. That’s a great set of wheels! (Set of wheels has been used for car.)
Pick an example of synecdoche from the poem.
a) Has given my heart / A change of mood
b) The way a crow/ Shook down on me
c) The dust of snow / From a hemlock tree
d) And saved some part / Of a day I had rued
Ans: a) Has given my heart / A change of mood
v Choose the option showing the reason NOT corresponding with “… a crow / Shook down on me / The dust of snow”.
a) The crow’s landing on the branch of the tree.
b) The shivering of the crow, due to the cold.
c) The readjustment of position of the crow on the branch.
d) The cawing of the crow hidden in the foliage.
Ans: d) The cawing of the crow hidden in the foliage.
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Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions Answers Extract Based 2
Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option.
(B) The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
i. Who shook down the Hemlock tree?
(a) Cuckoo
(b) Crow
(c) Mynah
(d) Parrot
Ans: (i) (b) Crow
(ii) Which tree did the crow snake?
(a) Banyan
(b) Mango
(c) Oak
(d) Hemlock
Ans: (ii) (d) Hemlock
(iii) What fell on the poet?
(a) Dust of tree
(b) Dust of snow
(c) Dust of rain
(d) Dust of crow
Ans: (iii) (b) Dust of snow
(iv) Earlier the poet was in a ……… mood.
(a) happy
(c) gloomy
(b) pleasant
(d) good
Ans: (iv) (c) gloomy
(v) What is the rhyming scheme of the poem?
(a) bbba
(b) abab
(c) aabb
(d) abba
Ans: (v) (b) abab
Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions Answers Extract Based 3
Read the following extracts carefully and choose the correct option.
(C) Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
(i) What was the poet’s mood?
(a) Happy
(b) Sorrowful
(c) Celebratory
(d) Nostalgic
Ans: (i) (b) Sorrowful
(ii) What was the effect of the fall of the dust of snow on the poet?
(a) It changed his mood
(b) Changed his luck
(c) Changed his car
(d) Changed his job
Ans: (ii) (a) It changed his mood
(iii) Under which tree was the poet standing?
(a) Neem
(b) Mango
(c) Hemlock
(d) Banyan
Ans: (iii) (c) Hemlock
(iv) What was saved for the poet?
(a) His whole day
(b) A few days
(c) Some part of the day
(d) The whole week
Ans: (iv) (c) Some part of the day
(v) Which word is the synonym of ‘feel remorse or ‘regret’ as used in the stanza?
(a) Change
(b) Rued
(c) Mood
(d) Saved
Ans: (v) (b) Rued
Q.10 Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions Answer in 20-30 words
10. Answer any two questions in 20-30 words each, from (a) and (b) respectively.
i.Rationalize what you think the poet was probably doing when the dust of snow fell on him?
Ans: In Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow,” the poet is lost in contemplation, burdened by thoughts and concerns. A crow’s sudden movement shook snow from a bough, transforming his mood and revealing the beauty in life’s simplicity. This incident became a pivotal moment, redirecting his focus towards the profound impact of nature’s gentle reminders amidst everyday worries. The interruption shifted his perspective on the beauty of life’s simplicity.
ii What does the presence of a hemlock tree tell you about the setting of the poem?
Ans: In Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow,” a hemlock tree symbolizes a serene yet wintry setting, symbolizing solitude and natural beauty. Hemlock trees thrive in colder climates, indicating a tranquil wooded area. Their evergreen foliage contrasts with the snow, highlighting the winter landscape’s resilience and starkness. This setting enhances the poem’s theme, emphasizing the contrast between the harshness of winter and the transformative power of a simple natural occurrence like snow.
iii The dusting of snow on account of the crow helped make the poet’s day better. How do you think the crow’s droppings might have impacted the poet?
Ans: In Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow,” the crow’s actions, such as shaking snow onto the poet, can lead to a positive shift in the poet’s mood. However, if the crow had dropped its droppings, it could have symbolized negativity or added to the poet’s burden, intensifying his troubles and darkening his day. The uplifting effect of the snow contrasts sharply with the weight of life’s challenges.
iv. What does the poet Robert Frost want to convey through the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
Ans. Through the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ Robert Frost wants to convey a message that even little things can bring huge changes in our lives. An ordinary event also holds a capacity to bring about a major change in our mood. Also, joys and sorrow always go hand in hand and we must never lose hope. In addition, the poet through the poem highlights the healing nature of the natural world.
v. How has the poet observed ‘nature’ in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’? CBSE 2011
Ans. The poet observed that nature has a healing power. Robert Frost is a nature lover. The crow and the hemlock tree are associated with bad omens or death and fear. But, Frost has presented them very beautifully. They bring cheer to him and are a source of joy. Through his he that conveys poem, everything around us in nature is beautiful.
Q11 Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions Answer in 40-50 words
11. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions, in about 40-50 words.
i ‘Dust of Snow’ is one of Frost’s most loved poems. Elaborate why you think this is so.
Ans: “Dust of Snow” by Robert Frost is a powerful poem that evokes profound emotions through the simple yet transformative moments of snow shaking by a crow. The poem’s relatability lies in its universal theme of unexpected, simple occurrences that can shift moods. Frost’s skillful use of nature imagery creates vivid scenes, inviting readers to find solace in the natural world and cherish the idea of beauty amidst life’s challenges.
ii The poem evokes a sense of black and white. Justify.
Ans: Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow” uses black and white imagery to symbolize life’s contrasts. The crow’s dark figure contrasts with the snow’s light, creating a visual duality. The poem’s simplicity and concise nature reflect a dichotomy between positivity and negativity, with the poet’s dark mood transformed into a bright, uplifting mood after snowfall. The interplay of opposing elements enhances the poem’s depth and portrays life’s complexities.
iii The crow and hemlock are usually used as negative references in literature. How is this different in this poem?
Ans: In Robert Frost’s “Dust of Snow,” the crow and hemlock, often associated with negativity, are transformed into agents of unexpected positive change. The crow’s action disrupts the poet’s mood, leading to a transformative moment. The hemlock, associated with solitude, becomes part of the serene wintry setting, enhancing the poem’s serene backdrop. Frost subverts their negative symbolism, showcasing the potential for redemption and beauty in elements traditionally perceived as dark or melancholic.
iv. “And saved some part of a day, I had rued.” Explain.
Ans. The poet was feeling depressed and hopeless. So, he was not in a good mood. He was passing by a hemlock tree when suddenly a crow shook dust of snow on him. This small and simple incident changed his mood. He realised that if he had not gone through such an incident, he would have regretted on spending his whole day in sad and depressed mood.
v. What difference do you find between Robert Frost and other nature poets?
Ans. All other nature poets are known for describing the well-known beautiful things. They have described the nightingale, the cuckoo, the snow-covered mountains etc. But, Robert Frost has described a crow and a hemlock tree. In addition, poets make selection from natural things, but Frost feels that every object in nature is beautiful. Such a unique thought makes him different from other poets
Dust of Snow Class 10 Questions Answer in 100-120 words
Q12 Answer in 100-120 words (beyond text and across texts)
i As a crow you feel highly injured by the incorrect perception humans have about your species. Imagine yourself to be a crow and write your opinion about this prejudice. Make a case for breaking stereotypes.
Ans: The crow expresses disappointment in the common misconception and prejudice against their species, often associated with negativity and darkness in cultures and literature. Robert Frost’s poem “Dust of Snow” challenges this stereotype, highlighting that the act of shaking snow is an incidental occurrence.
Crows are intelligent, adaptable, and crucial in ecosystem maintenance, scavenging and controlling pests. They are social creatures with problem-solving and empathy, yet their positive attributes are often overshadowed by unfounded beliefs.
Breaking stereotypes about crows requires understanding our ecological importance and cognitive abilities. Just as Frost’s poem disrupted negative stereotypes by portraying crows as catalysts for positive change, humans should reassess their perceptions by embracing diversity, acknowledging the significance of each species, and recognizing our positive contributions.
Ans: Dear Teen Talk readers,
In a world where challenges often overshadow moments of brightness, I find solace in the belief that “every cloud has a silver lining.” Reflecting on a personal encounter with a crow and a dusting of snow, I am reminded of this timeless adage.
The crow’s seemingly mundane action of shaking snow upon me unexpectedly transformed my day. It was a simple reminder that amidst life’s trials, there’s potential for positivity. Just as the darkest clouds can hold a glimmer of light, our toughest moments often contain hidden opportunities or lessons waiting to be discovered.
It’s crucial, especially in your teenage years, to hold onto this perspective. Challenges may appear daunting, but within them lies the chance for growth, resilience, and unexpected joys. Embrace adversity, for it may hold the key to your personal development and future successes. Keep seeking the silver linings; they’re often where we least expect them.
Warm regards,
Robert Frost
iii. Small things in life make significant changes in our life. Elaborate with reference to the poem ‘Dust of Snow’, CBSE 2014
Ans. It is truly said that little things in life can make huge changes in our life. Even the small incidents can have a huge impact in our lives. The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ beautifully states this fact. In the poem, the poet’s mood is transformed because of a small event. While he was passing by the hemlock tree, the dust of snow falls on him. Such an insignificant event changes his sad and depressed mood into a joyous one.
Just like the simple movement of the crow, the simple things that we do for others can make all the difference. Our random acts of kindness can brighten a person’s day and sometimes change their future. Just like the poet, who had wasted some part of day in his sorrows, is enlightened by the event, we can also make our as well as others life happier. Noticing and appreciating the things of less importance can cause us to have a spirit that is willing to change and therefore succeed.
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