Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 with Examples Answers

Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 with Examples and Answers: This worksheet is designed to help Class 7 students master conjunctions through various worksheets and exercises. Each example is followed by an answer to ensure comprehensive learning. Perfect for exam preparation and reinforcing grammar skills.

A conjunction is a word which is used to join two words, two phrases or two sentences together.

There are three types of conjunctions. 

  • Coordinating Conjunction
  • Subordinating Conjunction
  • Correlative Conjunction

Coordinating Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 with Examples 

1. Coordinating Conjunctions such as and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so join two independent clauses. 

For example,

  • Sally doesn’t eat fruits, nor does she eat salads.
  • I hate to waste fuel, for it is very expensive these days.
  • My pet dog enjoys taking a bath, but he hates going out in the rain.

Subordinating Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 with Examples 

2. Subordinating Conjunctions such as when, who, because, till, since, so that, unless, if join an independent clause with a dependent clause. 

For example,

  • Whenever the door opens, the dog runs outside.
  • When the bell rang, Dhruv ran to answer the door.
  • Do you know the person who came to deliver the parcel?

Correlative Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 with Examples 

3. Correlative Conjunctions such as both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, no sooner…than, whether…or, hardly… when, no sooner … than, are pairs of conjunctions that help to join two balanced clauses, phrases or words.

For example,

  • Both Karan and Cyrus enjoyed the film.
  • Indian food is not only delicious to eat but also beautiful to look at.
  • His grandfather could neither read nor write,
  • No sooner had the rain stopped than I reached home.

Conjunctions Class 7 Worksheet for Practice

The Conjunctions Class 7 Worksheet for Practice offers students a range of exercises to master the use of conjunctions. It’s designed to enhance grammar skills through practical examples and effective learning.

Worksheet 1

A. Join each pair of sentences using the coordinating conjunction given in the brackets.

1. Ants are small. They are strong. (but)

2. We can go to the theatre for a film. We can watch the cricket match at home. (or)

3. Meena wrote a poem on her mother. She did not show it to her. (but)

4. I was unwell. I had to stay home. (so)

5. The thieves broke the locks on the front door. They entered the house easily. (so)

6. Outside, a storm raged. We were safe inside the hotel room. (but)

7. Anu has never learnt how to draw, She can sketch almost anything. (yet)

8. The children wanted to surprise their parents. They hid their gifts under the bed. (so)

9. Jaya can remain indoors. She can take an umbrella and go out. (or)

10. Last night it was really cold. I drank a cup of hot milk and curled up with a book. (so)

11. Dark clouds gathered above the football stadium. There was a heavy downpour. (and)

12. The mission was successful. It took many weeks to complete it. (but)

13.I was sure I was being followed, I turned to see who it was. There was no one behind me. (so, but)

14. I was determined to do well in the examination, I studied very hard. (so)

15. People in the Southern Hemisphere wear shorts and T-shirts on Christmas Day; It is very hot there at that time. (for)

Worksheet 2

B. Correct the use of conjunctions in these sentences.

1. I’ll bat unless you bowl.

2. You can eat your food with a spoon but a fork.

3. Rajesh likes soccer, because Amar likes cricket.

4. Mother wanted to make apple pie unless there were no apples.

5. You can watch television until you can play in the park.

6. It was raining because they played carom.

7. We could not go to the amusement park whereas it was closed.

8. Turn off the stove although the stew boils.

9. The cat is very brave if the dog is not.

10. I did not go swimming whether it was raining.

Worksheet 3

C. Join each pair of sentences using a suitable coordinating conjunction.

1. Hurry up. You’ll miss the train.

2. He is learned. He is experienced.

3. I like milk. I like fruit juice more.

4. I woke up late. I forgot to set my alarm.

5. I stayed up late last night, I am tired today.

6. He has got enough pizza. He’ll not share it.

7. It snowed for three days. T The roads were all blocked.

8. Sahil completed his homework. He put it in his school bag.

9. The gardener mowed the lawn, He earned hundred rupees.

10. Maya doesn’t like leafy vegetables, She doesn’t like salads.

11. My pencil was broken. I borrowed one from my friend.

12. The shoes are old-fashioned, They are very comfortable.

13. She didn’t attend the class. She didn’t take the test either.

14. The train was crowded, Many passengers could not board it.

15. I am sure they can do the job. They don’t seem to be interested in it.

16. Detectives carried out a thorough search. They weren’t able to find anything.

17. You are late, You can attend the programme with the permission of the secretary.

18. Sally had to collect pictures. She had to make a collage for the science project.

Worksheet 4

D. Join each pair of sentences using the conjunction given in the brackets.

1. Now the industries have fewer workers. The machines have replaced men. (because)

2. Everybody was upset. She gave a little laugh, (till)

3. They will have to live in a rented house. They do not have their own house. (since)

4. Don’t eat too much. You’ll be ill. (otherwise)

5. He started late. He finished his work. (though)

6. He is intelligent. His brother is equally intelligent. (as)

7. It was very hot. We had to take shelter under a tree. (so…that)

8. He saw a bus coming. He waved his hand to stop it. (when)

9. I have come. I may help you. (so that)

10. Sheela is tall. Mala is taller. (than)

11. We ran. We wanted to catch the train. (so that)

12. You’ll have to practise regularly. You cannot be a great singer otherwise. (unless)

13. He had been selected for the school team. He was satisfied. (after)

14. He was not well. He didn’t go to the office, (as)

15. It rained very hard. The roads were flooded. (so…that)

Worksheet 5

E. Join each pair of sentences using suitable correlative conjunctions.

1. The test was ………….. very long  ………….. difficult.

2. He is  ………….. Smart  ………….. talented.

3. The hurricane was devastating  ………….. for people   ………….. property,

4.  ………….. had I left the house  ………….. it started to rain.

5.  ………….. had I stepped out of the kitchen  ………….. I started to smell something burning

6. We went to  ………….. the wedding  ………….. the reception afterwards.

7. We can go to  ………….. Italy  ………….. Spain for our holiday.

8. It’s my final offer-you can  ………….. take it  ………….. leave it.

9.  ………….. Prasant  ………….. Shashank must have done this mischief.

10.  ………….. cricket  ………….. football are popular in India.

11.  ………….. Peter  ………….. Andrew has passed the test.

12. He is  ………….. a professional footballer  ………….. a successful businessman.

13.  ………….. you love him  ………….. hate him, you have to admit that he is very popular.

14. I’m totally confused-I don’t know  ………….. he is coming  ………….. going.

15. She  ………….. wrote the screenplay for the film  ………….. acted a role in it.

16. I do not know  ………….. my father is arriving by the 8 o’clock flight  ………….. 9 o’clock flight

Frequently asked questions:

What are the uses of conjunctions? 

Ans: Conjunctions are words that link sentences, phrases, or clauses together, making our writing and speech more cohesive. They help join ideas, show relationships, and ensure smooth transitions between thoughts.

What are the rules of conjunctions? 

Ans: When using conjunctions, make sure to match the right parts of a sentence (like subjects and verbs) and ensure that the ideas being connected are related. Always place conjunctions in the correct part of the sentence to maintain clarity and flow.

How to practice conjunctions? 

Ans: To practice conjunctions, try combining sentences using different conjunctions, work on worksheets, or write short paragraphs linking ideas. Reading books or articles can also help you see how conjunctions are used in context.

Answers of Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7

Check or Correct your Answers of Conjunctions Worksheet for Class 7 to ensure accurate understanding and improve your grammar skills.

Answers Set 1:

  1. Ants are small, but they are strong.
  2. We can go to the theatre for a film, or we can watch the cricket match at home.
  3. Meena wrote a poem on her mother, but she did not show it to her.
  4. I was unwell, so I had to stay home.
  5. The thieves broke the locks on the front door, so they entered the house easily.
  6. Outside, a storm raged, but we were safe inside the hotel room.
  7. Anu has never learnt how to draw, yet she can sketch almost anything.
  8. The children wanted to surprise their parents, so they hid their gifts under the bed.
  9. Jaya can remain indoors, or she can take an umbrella and go out.
  10. Last night it was really cold, so I drank a cup of hot milk and curled up with a book.
  11. Dark clouds gathered above the football stadium, and there was a heavy downpour.
  12. The mission was successful, but it took many weeks to complete it.
  13. I was sure I was being followed, so I turned to see who it was, but there was no one behind me.
  14. I was determined to do well in the examination, so I studied very hard.
  15. People in the Southern Hemisphere wear shorts and T-shirts on Christmas Day, for it is very hot there at that time.

Set 2 Answers:

  1. I’ll bat if you bowl.
  2. You can eat your food with a spoon or a fork.
  3. Rajesh likes soccer, while Amar likes cricket.
  4. Mother wanted to make apple pie but there were no apples.
  5. You can watch television or you can play in the park.
  6. It was raining, so they played carom.
  7. We could not go to the amusement park because it was closed.
  8. Turn off the stove when the stew boils.
  9. The cat is very brave although the dog is not.
  10. I did not go swimming because it was raining.

Answers Set 3:

  1. Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.
  2. He is learned, and he is experienced.
  3. I like milk, but I like fruit juice more.
  4. I woke up late, because I forgot to set my alarm.
  5. I stayed up late last night, so I am tired today.
  6. He has got enough pizza, but he’ll not share it.
  7. It snowed for three days, so the roads were all blocked.
  8. Sahil completed his homework, and he put it in his school bag.
  9. The gardener mowed the lawn, and he earned hundred rupees.
  10. Maya doesn’t like leafy vegetables, and she doesn’t like salads.
  11. My pencil was broken, so I borrowed one from my friend.
  12. The shoes are old-fashioned, but they are very comfortable.
  13. She didn’t attend the class, nor did she take the test.
  14. The train was crowded, so many passengers could not board it.
  15. I am sure they can do the job, but they don’t seem to be interested in it.
  16. Detectives carried out a thorough search, but they weren’t able to find anything.
  17. You are late, but you can attend the programme with the permission of the secretary.
  18. Sally had to collect pictures, and she had to make a collage for the science project.

Set 4 Answers:

  1. Now the industries have fewer workers, because machines have replaced men.
  2. Everybody was upset, till she gave a little laugh.
  3. They will have to live in a rented house, since they do not have their own house.
  4. Don’t eat too much, otherwise you’ll be ill.
  5. He started late, though he finished his work.
  6. He is intelligent, as his brother is equally intelligent.
  7. It was very hot, so we had to take shelter under a tree.
  8. He saw a bus coming, so he waved his hand to stop it.
  9. I have come, so that I may help you.
  10. Sheela is tall, but Mala is taller.
  11. We ran, so that we could catch the train.
  12. You’ll have to practice regularly, unless you cannot be a great singer.
  13. He had been selected for the school team, so he was satisfied.
  14. He was not well, so he didn’t go to the office.
  15. It rained very hard, so the roads were flooded.

Set 5 Answers:

  1. The test was both very long and difficult.
  2. He is both smart and talented.
  3. The hurricane was devastating not only for people but also for property.
  4. No sooner had I left the house than it started to rain.
  5. Hardly had I stepped out of the kitchen when I started to smell something burning.
  6. We went to both the wedding and the reception afterwards.
  7. We can go to either Italy or Spain for our holiday.
  8. It’s my final offer—you can either take it or leave it.
  9. Either Prasant or Shashank must have done this mischief.
  10. Both cricket and football are popular in India.
  11. Either Peter or Andrew has passed the test.
  12. He is not only a professional footballer but also a successful businessman.
  13. Whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit that he is very popular.
  14. I’m totally confused—I don’t know whether he is coming or going.
  15. She not only wrote the screenplay for the film but also acted a role in it.
  16. I do not know whether my father is arriving by the 8 o’clock flight or the 9 o’clock flight.