Class 7 Article Writing Topics with Questions and Answers

Explore diverse and engaging Class 7 article writing topics with questions and answers, tailored for CBSE, DAV, and KVS curricula.

Article writing in Class 7 is vital for improving communication and expressing thoughts clearly. It helps students develop essential skills for both academic scores and personal growth.

Understanding the Basics of Article Writing

It’s vital to understand that article writing is a form of written expression that conveys information, shares opinions, or narrates experiences.

In a Class 7 context, students should recognize the difference between formal and informal articles.

Explaining what an article is

An article is a piece of writing that shares information or expresses ideas on a specific topic. It typically appears in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms and aims to inform, entertain, or persuade readers.

Differentiating between formal and informal articles.

Formal articles are characterized by a professional tone, often used for academic or serious topics. For example, an article on climate change in a scientific journal. 

Informal articles, on the other hand, have a conversational tone and may include personal anecdotes, suitable for blogs or magazines. An informal article about travel experiences would exemplify this style.

Diary Entry for Class 7
Letter Writing for Class 7
Paragraph Writing for Class 7
Story Writing for Class 7
Article Writing for Class 7
Notice Writing for Class 7
Message Writing for Class 7
Speech Writing for Class 7

Structure of Class 7 Article Writing

The following structured approach of article writing ensures clarity and coherence, guiding readers through the article logically and engagingly.

1. Introduction:

a. Hook:

Engage readers with a compelling opening, such as a question, quote, or anecdote.

Example: “Have you ever wondered about the magical world that lies beneath the surface of our oceans?”

b. Thesis Statement:

Clearly state the main point or purpose of the article.

Example: “This article delves into the fascinating biodiversity of marine life and the urgent need for ocean conservation.”

2. Body:

a. Paragraphs:

Organize content into well-structured paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect.

Example: The first paragraph explores the diversity of fish species, the second delves into coral reefs, and the third discusses the impact of human activities.

b. Transitions:

Use transitions for smooth flow between ideas and maintain logical progression.

Example: “Building on the marine life exploration, let’s now shift our focus to the vibrant ecosystems of coral reefs.”

c. Supporting Details:

Provide evidence, examples, or data to support key points.

Example: “Research shows that coral reefs are home to a quarter of all marine species, making them crucial for global biodiversity.”

3. Conclusion:

a. Summary:

Summarize the main points discussed in the body.

Example: “In conclusion, the richness of marine life, especially in coral reefs, highlights the need for collective efforts in preserving our oceans.”

b. Closing Thoughts:

Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action.

Example: “Let’s strive to protect and cherish our oceans, ensuring a sustainable future for the diverse life that depends on them.”

Practical Example of Class 7 Article Writing with Format

The following example of class 7 article writing will demonstrate how an article writing satisfies the above-mentioned structure.

Article: The ill-effects of technological advancement.

1. Introduction:

Have you ever felt a pang of concern amidst the dazzling era of technological marvels? In this exploration, we shine a light on the shadow side, delving into the unanticipated consequences of technological advancement.

a. Hook:

Picture a world where connectivity is at our fingertips, yet genuine human connections wane.

b. Thesis Statement:

This article navigates through the intricate web of the ill effects of technological progress, revealing how our relentless pursuit of innovation can cast a daunting shadow over society.

2. Body:

a. Paragraph :

In dissecting societal impacts, we unveil the erosion of face-to-face interactions, replaced by digital interfaces that sometimes foster social isolation.

Transitioning to economic repercussions, we explore the unsettling rise of job displacement due to automation, coupled with the digital divide that deepens existing inequalities.

Continuing our journey, environmental concerns take center stage, spotlighting the ecological toll of e-waste and the voracious appetite for energy by our sprawling tech infrastructure.

b. Transitions:

Segueing between these facets of impact, the threads connecting each theme are essential to comprehending the holistic nature of technological influence.

c. Supporting Details:

Evidence reveals a nuanced reality: the subtle price paid for the convenience and efficiency brought by our technological leaps.

3. Conclusion:

a. Summary:

In summary, this exploration exposes the multifaceted ill-effects, urging us to scrutinize the price we pay for progress.

b. Closing Thoughts:

As we marvel at the wonders of technology, let’s weave a narrative that embraces innovation responsibly, ensuring a future where progress coexists harmoniously with societal, economic, and environmental well-being.

Choosing Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions and Answers

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 1

1. Indian women are yet to be emancipated despite efforts made by social workers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy. Her liberty and welfare continue to be plagued by endless problems. Society, law, media, and intelligentsia continue to be helpless spectators. Taking ideas from the visual, together with your own ideas, write an article for your school magazine in a minimum of 100-120 words on the topic ’Woman Bears and Others Stare’   


Women Bears and Others Stare

Despite the relentless efforts of trailblazers like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, the emancipation of Indian women remains an unfulfilled promise. Their liberty and well-being are besieged by myriad challenges, with society, law, media, and the intelligentsia often playing the role of helpless spectators.

In a world where progress is lauded, it is disheartening that a significant section of society, our women, continues to struggle for true liberation. The shackles of tradition and patriarchal norms persist, limiting the potential of half our population.

As we reflect on ‘Woman Bears and Others Stare,’ it becomes imperative for us, the youth, to challenge and transform these ingrained perceptions. The school magazine serves as a platform to amplify voices, fostering conversations that propel us toward a society where women are not mere bearers of burdens but architects of their destinies.

Let this article be a call to action, urging us all to break the silence, challenge the norms, and contribute to a future where every woman can live free from the burdens of societal expectations.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 2

2. “Artificial boundaries cannot divide the natural affinity among the people of the world. It is love for humanity which unites us even in our diversity”. Taking hints from the Reader Unit „Unity in Diversity‟, write an article for your school magazine on „We are United‟. (word limit: 120-150 words)


Unity in Diversity

In a world often marked by artificial boundaries, it is crucial to recognize the underlying thread that binds us all—the love for humanity. Inspired by the Reader Unit ‘Unity in Diversity,’ our collective strength emerges not despite our diversity but precisely because of it.

Unity is not about erasing differences but celebrating them. Our school community is a microcosm of this global truth, where students from diverse backgrounds converge to learn, share, and grow. The richness of this tapestry lies in our ability to appreciate the unique hues each individual brings.

“We are United” encapsulates this spirit, echoing the idea that our shared humanity is a force stronger than any divisive boundary. Let the school magazine be a testament to our commitment to fostering understanding, respect, and unity. As we navigate our differences, let the love for humanity be the compass guiding us towards a harmonious and united future.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 3

3. ‘The seed of achievement lies in the human mind’. Taking hints from the Reader Unit ‘Achievers’ write an article based on the topic ‘Women Empowerment’. (word limit 150 words)


Empowering Women: Nurturing the Seeds of Achievement

The saying, ‘The seed of achievement lies in the human mind,’ resonates profoundly in the context of women empowerment. Drawing inspiration from the Reader Unit ‘Achievers,’ let us delve into the crucial topic of empowering women.

In today’s dynamic world, women’s empowerment is not just a phrase; it is a paradigm shift. By dismantling stereotypes and fostering equal opportunities, we nourish the seeds of achievement within the minds of women. Education, economic independence, and societal support become the fertile soil where these seeds sprout and flourish.

As we explore ‘Women Empowerment,’ let it be a call to action. Let us strive to create a world where every woman’s potential is recognized, her aspirations are encouraged, and the seeds of her achievements are nurtured into a thriving garden of empowerment.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 4

4. Not two leaves are alike, yet there is no antagonism between them or between the branches on which they grow’. India is a vast country with diverse cultures, traditions and religions. But there is a strong feeling, a bond that binds together all these diversities and brings about Unity in Diversity. Now write an article on the topic ‘Unity in Diversity’ highlighting the above statement. (150 words).


Unity in Diversity: A Tapestry of Harmony

India, a mosaic of diverse cultures, traditions, and religions, thrives in the beauty of its differences. Like leaves on a tree, each unique, yet harmoniously coexisting, the nation stands as a testament to ‘Unity in Diversity.’

In this vast land, the strength lies not in homogeneity but in the acceptance of dissimilarities. The statement, “Not two leaves are alike, yet there is no antagonism between them,” echoes the essence of India’s unity. Despite myriad backgrounds, a strong bond prevails, fostering mutual respect and understanding.

As we celebrate our differences, let us embrace the beauty of our diverse tapestry. Through acceptance and unity, India stands as a shining example, proving that diversity is not a source of division but a foundation for collective strength and resilience.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 5

5. Success comes to those who will and dare”. In the light of the following statement, write an article stating the importance of positive attitude in life, using your own ideas and taking hints from Unit-3 of Reader ‘Attitude’. 150 words


The Power of Positive Attitude: Will, Dare, Achieve

In the journey of life, the adage “Success comes to those who will and dare” underscores the profound impact of a positive attitude. Drawing inspiration from Unit-3 of the Reader on ‘Attitude,’ it becomes evident that one’s mindset shapes the course of their achievements.

A positive attitude serves as a catalyst for success. It propels individuals to confront challenges with resilience and approach opportunities with enthusiasm. It is the driving force behind the determination to ‘will and dare.’

In Unit-3, we learn that attitudes are not just feelings; they are choices. Choosing positivity opens doors to possibilities, fosters creativity, and attracts success. A positive mindset not only influences personal accomplishments but also radiates, inspiring others in the journey towards triumph.

As we navigate life’s complexities, let us acknowledge the transformative power of a positive attitude – a key that unlocks the doors to a future where willpower and daring endeavors converge, paving the way for unparalleled success.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 6

6. Given the present scenario of nuclear family system, dual- incomes and preoccupied parents, grandparents can be the perfect role models, caregivers and nurturers .They not only provide intergenerational learning opportunities but also facilitate balanced upbringing of their grandchildren. Taking ideas from the unit – ‘Relationships’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Role of Grandparents in our life’. You are Ishan/Ishaani . 150 words


The Guiding Light: Role of Grandparents in Our Lives

In today’s dynamic family landscape, with nuclear setups and bustling dual-incomes, grandparents emerge as invaluable pillars of support. As Ishan/Ishaani, I reflect on the unit ‘Relationships’ and share thoughts on the profound role of grandparents in our lives.

Grandparents embody a wealth of experience, serving as not just caregivers but crucial role models. Their presence introduces intergenerational learning opportunities, fostering a deep connection to our roots. Amidst the whirlwind of modern life, they provide stability, love, and timeless wisdom.

In the nurturing haven of their care, balanced upbringing flourishes. Grandparents impart traditional values, creating a harmonious blend with contemporary ideals. As recipients of their unconditional love, we, the grandchildren, are not just beneficiaries but torchbearers of a legacy enriched by the indelible imprint of our grandparents. Let us celebrate and cherish these remarkable individuals who stand as beacons of guidance in our evolving journey of life.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 7

7. One cannot control what happens to him but one can control one’s attitude towards what happens to him. Positive thinking teamed with diligence and determination can help us overcome any obstacle in life. Taking ideas from the unit ‘Attitude’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic- ‘Positive attitude is the key to success’. 150 words.


Positive Attitude: The Gateway to Success

In the intricate tapestry of life, the ability to shape one’s destiny often lies in the hands of a positive attitude. Drawing inspiration from the unit ‘Attitude,’ this article delves into the transformative power of positivity and its integral role in achieving success.

Life is unpredictable, filled with challenges beyond our control. However, our response to these challenges is entirely within our grasp. By cultivating a positive mindset, coupled with diligence and determination, we unlock the potential to overcome any obstacle.

Unit ‘Attitude’ teaches us that positive thinking is not merely a disposition; it is a strategy. It enables us to navigate setbacks with resilience, turn adversity into opportunity, and propel ourselves towards success. As students, let us embrace the philosophy that a positive attitude is not just a choice; it is the key that unlocks the doors to a future brimming with accomplishments and triumphs.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 8

8. People live for themselves. Their dominant impulse is to secure their own comfort and happiness. But true happiness lies in making others happy. It all depends on the attitude we adopt towards people or situations. Positive attitude helps us see the situation in new light, making it easier to handle. Taking ideas from the unit – “Attitude” of “My English Reader” write an article on the topic- “Importance of Positive Attitude” . Word Limit: 150 words


Embracing Joy: The Importance of Positive Attitude

In the pursuit of happiness, the unit “Attitude” from “My English Reader” illuminates a profound truth – genuine joy lies in making others happy. While our innate impulse may lean towards securing personal comfort, the key to true happiness unfolds in the way we approach people and situations.

A positive attitude acts as a transformative lens, offering a new perspective on life’s challenges. By adopting a positive outlook, we navigate difficulties with resilience and openness. The unit underscores that happiness is not merely an individual pursuit but a shared journey influenced by the attitude we choose.

As we absorb the lessons from “Attitude,” let us internalize the essence of positivity. By radiating optimism, we not only enhance our own well-being but contribute to a harmonious and joyous world, where the importance of a positive attitude transcends personal contentment to become a beacon of shared happiness.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 9

9. We all commit mistakes. But with great losses we learn the greatest lessons. As we all learn from them , they hold a special significance for us. Taking ideas from the unit “ People at Work” of “My English Reader” , write an article on the topic-“ Mistakes are a Stepping Stone to Learning Process” . Word Limit: 150 words.


Mistakes: A Stepping Stone to Learning Process

In the journey of life, mistakes stand as markers of our growth, embodying invaluable lessons. Drawing inspiration from the unit “People at Work” in “My English Reader,” this article reflects on the profound concept that mistakes are not failures but crucial stepping stones in our learning process.

We are all fallible, prone to errors, yet these missteps hold a special significance. Great losses often accompany mistakes, but within them, the seeds of our greatest lessons are sown. The unit emphasizes that the wisdom gained from these experiences shapes us, fostering resilience and adaptability.

As we navigate the intricate dynamics of work and life, let us reframe our perception of mistakes. Rather than viewing them as setbacks, let us recognize them as indispensable components of our learning journey. Embracing the lessons embedded within our mistakes propels us towards continual growth, transforming challenges into opportunities for personal and professional development.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 10

10. India is inhabited by people who believe in different religion, follow different traditions and have their individual beliefs and lifestyle. Despite these dissimilarities, people live in a peaceful coexistence. Taking ideas from the unit ‘Unity in Diversity’ and using your own ideas write an article for your school magazine on the topic ‘Varied People, Varied Cultures, but One Humanity’. You are Bimal/Bhumi. 50 words.


Varied People, Varied Cultures, but One Humanity

As Bimal/Bhumi, I marvel at India’s rich tapestry woven with threads of diverse religions, traditions, and lifestyles. In the unit ‘Unity in Diversity,’ we discover the essence of our nation’s unique strength – the ability to live in peaceful coexistence despite our dissimilarities.

Our collective journey transcends individual beliefs, harmonizing into a melody of unity. In every corner, varied people paint a canvas of cultures, forming the vibrant mosaic of our shared heritage. Each tradition and belief, a brushstroke, contributes to the masterpiece called India.

It is in this diversity that we find the true beauty of our humanity. Embracing differences, we foster understanding, appreciation, and a shared sense of belonging. In the kaleidoscope of our nation, let the motto be ‘Varied People, Varied Cultures, but One Humanity,’ an anthem of unity echoing through the pages of our school magazine.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 11

11. All men by nature are equal and are made of the same earth and by the same creator. It is only the humans, who have created the distinction on the basis of caste , color, culture etc. Taking ideas from the unit “ Unity in Diversity” and using your own ideas, 200 words.


Harmony Beyond Labels: Unity in Diversity

In the unit “Unity in Diversity,” the profound truth emerges that all humanity shares a common origin – made of the same earth, by the same creator. Yet, the intricate web of human society has woven distinctions based on caste, color, and culture.

In the symphony of life, diversity is the melody that gives richness to our existence. However, it is disheartening to witness the divisive lines drawn by humans themselves. The unit echoes the essence that, beneath the superficial differences, we are united by our shared humanity.

Embracing unity does not mean erasing diversity; it means celebrating it. Our differences should be threads that weave a vibrant tapestry, not barriers that divide. It is time to transcend the shackles of artificial distinctions and recognize the beauty that emerges when we truly accept and appreciate each other’s uniqueness.

As we navigate the unit’s teachings, let us pledge to dismantle the walls of prejudice and foster a world where the unity in our diversity is not just a philosophical ideal but a lived reality. Only then can humanity truly embody the equality ingrained in our shared existence.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 12

12. Artificial boundaries cannot divide the natural affinity among people of the world. It is the love for humanity amongst Indians which unites us even in our diversity.”Taking ideas from the unit “ Unity in Diversity “ and using your own ideas write an article on the topic “ Varied People, Varied Cultures But One Humanity “ in 120 to 150 words. You are Sneha / Rohit. 200 words


No Men Are Foreign

As Nimish/Nimisha, I reflect on the profound truth encapsulated in the phrase “No Men are Foreign.” In a world plagued by artificial boundaries, this sentiment underscores the innate unity shared by all. The unit “Unity in Diversity” echoes the idea that, despite diverse cultures and backgrounds, the love for humanity unites us, transcending borders.

Borders may exist on maps, but they should not dictate our hearts. The interconnectedness of our global family overrides any divisions created by man. Embracing this philosophy fosters compassion, understanding, and a shared responsibility towards our common home—Earth.

In realizing that no men are foreign, we pave the way for a world where empathy knows no boundaries. It is a call to recognize our universal humanity and work collectively towards a harmonious coexistence, free from the shackles of artificial divisions. Let us champion the notion that, ultimately, we are all fellow inhabitants of this vast and interconnected planet, each deserving of respect, understanding, and shared love.

Class 7 Article Writing Topics Questions 13

13. Earth has enough for man’s need but not for man’s greed. Human beings are causing great damage to the surroundings by indulging in economically unsound activities as they are blinded by greed for money. As a result our future generation will have to survive on artificial resources of environment. Taking hints from the unit “ The Future World” and using your own ideas write an article on the topic “Use of Artificial Resources in Future” in 120 to 150 words. You are Vaibhav/ Vanya. 200 words


The Peril of Artificial Resources: A Call for Responsible Stewardship

As Vaibhav/Vanya, I ponder the ominous trajectory of our environmental choices. In the unit “The Future World,” the warning resonates – “Earth has enough for man’s need but not for man’s greed.” The insatiable desire for wealth has propelled humanity into economically unsound activities, wreaking havoc on our surroundings.

The consequences of this greed are stark. Our reckless exploitation of natural resources is pushing us towards a future heavily reliant on artificial alternatives. The unit prompts us to contemplate the impending reality where our descendants may have to subsist on manufactured substitutes for the once-abundant gifts of nature.

It is a clarion call for change. To secure a sustainable future, we must recalibrate our relationship with the environment. By adopting eco-friendly practices, sustainable development, and responsible resource management, we can mitigate the damage and pave the way for a future where artificial resources play a supplementary, not a substitutive, role. Let us, as stewards of this planet, embrace a conscientious approach, ensuring a legacy of balance and abundance for generations to come.

Simple Tips for Class 7 Article Writing

1. Enhancing Vocabulary

a. Tips on Expanding Vocabulary:

Immerse yourself in reading diverse genres and listen actively to various forms of communication, absorbing new words effortlessly into your vocabulary.

b. Examples for Class 7 Level:

Explore words like “meticulous,” “perplex,” and “adorn” to elevate your language skills. These words strike a balance between challenge and accessibility for Class 7 students, fostering gradual vocabulary enrichment.

2. Using Literary Devices

a. Introducing Literary Devices:

Dive into the world of expression by incorporating simple literary devices like similes and metaphors, adding vividness and depth to your language.

b. Examples of Usage:

Simile: Her laughter was as melodious as a songbird in the morning.

Metaphor: Time is a relentless river, sweeping us along in its unyielding current.

3. Editing and Proofreading

a. Significance of Revising:

Revising content is crucial for clarity; it helps ensure that ideas flow seamlessly, enhancing the overall coherence of your writing.

b. Proofreading Techniques:

When proofreading, read your work aloud to catch both grammatical errors and evaluate the rhythm and flow of your sentences. Additionally, take breaks between writing and proofreading to approach your work with fresh eyes, improving your ability to spot mistakes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

By avoiding the following common mistakes, Class 7 students can enhance the clarity, coherence, and overall quality of their article writing.

1. Grammatical Errors:

Incorrect: “He don’t understand the concept.”

Correct: “He doesn’t understand the concept.”

2. Incorrect Punctuation:

Incorrect: “The cat is cute, and playful ; the dog is lazy.”

Correct: “The cat is cute and playful; the dog is lazy.”

3. Word Repetition:

Incorrect: “The book was interesting. I found it interesting.”

Correct: “The book was fascinating. I found it captivating.”

4. Vague Language:

Incorrect: “She had a lot of stuff.”

Correct: “She had a multitude of belongings.”

5. Inconsistent Tense:

Incorrect: “She is reading a book, and yesterday, she watched a movie.”

Correct: “She is reading a book, and yesterday, she watched a movie.”

6. Sentence Fragments:

Incorrect: “Despite the rain. We had a great time.”

Correct: “Despite the rain, we had a great time.”

7. Overuse of Passive Voice:

Incorrect: “The cake was eaten by him.”

Correct: “He ate the cake.”

8. Lack of Clarity:

Incorrect: “The event was nice.”

Correct: “The event was enjoyable with lively performances and engaging activities.”


To wrap up our talk about Class 7 Article Writing, just remember: getting good at telling stories takes practice. Each topic is a chance to get better at writing and express yourself more clearly.