Chapter 2 of Badal and Moti Class 3 is a key component of Grade 3 English curriculum for the academic year 2024-2025 in all CBSE schools across the country, as per the NCERT-designed textbook “Santoor.”
All text-based questions, answers, meanings, and word notes for Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Class 3 English curriculum in the academic year of 2024-2025 are presented here, starting from the 2024-2025 session.
Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Class 3 short summary
A boy named Badal lived happily with his mother in a village. One evening, on his way home from school, Badal found a shivering puppy and brought it home. His mother agreed to let the puppy stay, but only if Badal promised to take care of it. They named the puppy Moti, and as time passed, Moti and Badal became best friends, doing everything together. One rainy day, when Badal slipped into a pit on his way home, Moti, along with Badal’s worried mother and neighbors, helped rescue him by barking to alert others to his location.
एक गाँव में बादल नाम का एक लड़का अपनी माँ के साथ ख़ुशी से रहता था। एक शाम, स्कूल से घर जाते समय, बादल को एक कांपता हुआ पिल्ला मिला और वह उसे घर ले आया। उसकी माँ पिल्ले को रहने देने के लिए राजी हो गई, लेकिन केवल तभी जब बादल ने उसकी देखभाल करने का वादा किया। उन्होंने पिल्ले का नाम मोती रखा, और जैसे-जैसे समय बीतता गया, मोती और बादल सबसे अच्छे दोस्त बन गए, और सब कुछ एक साथ करते थे। एक बरसात के दिन, जब बादल घर जाते समय एक गड्ढे में फिसल गया, तो मोती ने, बादल की चिंतित माँ और पड़ोसियों के साथ, दूसरों को उसके स्थान के बारे में सचेत करने के लिए भौंककर उसे बचाने में मदद की।
Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Class 3 Line by line Hindi Meaning
Para 1
There was a boy called Badal.
बादल नाम का एक लड़का था.
He lived with his mother in a village and they were very happy.
वह अपनी माँ के साथ एक गाँव में रहता था और वे बहुत खुश थे।
One evening, when Badal was returning from school, he saw a puppy shivering in the cold.
एक शाम, जब बादल स्कूल से लौट रहा था, तो उसने एक पिल्ला को ठंड में कांपते हुए देखा।
Word Meaning:
happy – खुश – joyful
returning – वापसी – coming back
puppy – कुत्ते का पिल्ला – a young dog
shivering – कांपना – shaking
cold – ठंडा – chill
People also ask
Chapter 5: Talking Toys | |
Chapter 3: Best Friends | Chapter 4: Out in the Garden |
Chapter 1: Colour | Chapter 2: Badal and Moti |
Para 2
Badal brought him home.
बादल उसे घर ले आया।
“Can this puppy stay with us, Maa?” asked Badal.
“क्या यह पिल्ला हमारे साथ रह सकता है, माँ?” बादल ने पूछा.
“Yes beta, but only if you promise to take care of the puppy”, said his mother with a smile.
“हाँ बेटा, लेकिन केवल तभी जब तुम पिल्ले की देखभाल करने का वादा करो”, उसकी माँ ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा।
Badal and his mother named the puppy Moti.
बादल और उसकी माँ ने उस पिल्ले का नाम मोती रखा।
As days went by, Moti grew up and loved Badal.
जैसे-जैसे दिन बीतते गए, मोती बड़ा हुआ और बादल से प्यार करने लगा।
They became best friends.
वे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त बन गए.
They ate and played together.
उन्होंने एक साथ खाना खाया और खेले।
Moti followed Badal wherever he went.
बादल जहां भी जाता मोती उसका पीछा करता।
They played their favourite games together.
उन्होंने अपने पसंदीदा खेल एक साथ खेले।
Word Meaning:
brought – लाया – take or go with
stay – रहना – live
promise – वादा – vow
smile – मुस्कान – laugh
named – नामित – give a name to
grew up – बड़ा हुआ – increase
followed – साथ जाना – to go along with
wherever – जहां कहीं भी – in any place
favorite – पसंदीदा – most-liked
together – एक साथ – jointly
Para 3
One rainy day, while Badal was on his way home from school, he slipped on the muddy lane and fell into a deep pit.
एक बरसात के दिन, जब बादल स्कूल से घर जा रहा था, तो वह कीचड़ भरी गली में फिसल गया और एक गहरे गड्ढे में गिर गया।
He tried hard, but could not come out of the pit.
उसने बहुत कोशिश की, लेकिन गड्ढे से बाहर नहीं आ सका।
Badal’s mother was worried when he did not come home in time.
जब बादल समय पर घर नहीं आया तो उसकी माँ को चिंता हुई।
Moti too was waiting at the gate.
मोती भी द्वार पर प्रतीक्षा कर रहा था।
Badal’s mother gathered the neighbours to help search for him.
बादल की माँ ने उसकी तलाश में मदद करने के लिए पड़ोसियों को इकट्ठा किया।
Moti too accompanied them.
मोती भी उनके साथ गया।
Word Meaning:
slipped – फिसल गया – fallen
muddy – मैला – dirty
fell into – गिर गई – fallen
deep – गहरा – profound
pit – गड्ढा – hole
come out – बाहर आओ – emerge
worried – चिंतित – anxious
waiting – इंतज़ार – expect
gathered – इकट्ठा – assemble
neighbours – पड़ोसियों – a person living near or next door
search for – निम्न को खोजें – look for
accompanied – के साथ – go along with
Para 4
Moti caught Badal’s scent.
मोती ने बादल की गंध पकड़ ली.
He followed the scent and went near the pit and started barking.
वह खुशबू का पीछा करते हुए गड्ढे के पास गया और भौंकने लगा।
This alerted the neighbours who were searching for Badal.
इससे पड़ोसी सतर्क हो गए जो बादल की तलाश कर रहे थे।
They used a rope to pull Badal out of the pit.
उन्होंने बादल को गड्ढे से बाहर निकालने के लिए रस्सी का इस्तेमाल किया।
Everyone was relieved.
सभी को राहत मिली.
Badal hugged and thanked Moti.
बादल ने मोती को गले लगाया और धन्यवाद दिया
Word Meaning:
caught – पकड़ा गया – seize
scent – महक – perfume
barking – भौंकना – cry of a dog
alerted – सतर्क कर दिया – warned
rope – रस्सी – cord
relieved – चिंतामुक्त- pleased
hugged – गले लगाया – embrace
thanked – धन्यवाद – express gratude to
Chapter 2 Badal and Moti Class 3 Textual Questions Answers
Let us think
A. Answer the following.
1. What did Badal come across by the side of the road?
Ans: Badal came across a puppy shivering in the cold by the side of the road.
2. What did Badal and his mother name the puppy?
Ans: Badal and his mother named the puppy ‘Moti’.
3. What did Badal fall into?
Ans: Badal fell into a deep pit.
4. How did Moti find Badal?
Ans: Moti caught Badal’s scent. Following the scent, Moti went near the pit and started barking. In this way, Moti found Badal.
5. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false.
a) Badal lived with his grandmother. (F )
b) Moti grew up and loved Badal. (T )
c) Badal’s mother was worried when he did not come home in time. (T )
d) Moti caught Badal’s photo. (F )
e) Badal hugged his puppy Moti and thanked him. ( T)
B. Think and discuss in pairs.
1. Do you remember when you fell down last time? How did you fall? Who picked you up? Share your experiences.
Ans: Yes, I remember when I fell last time. On my way to school, I slipped and fell into a roadside ditch. My friend who was going to school with me picked me up. When I fell I was very scared and got mud all over me and I cried a lot.
2. Do you have a pet? Do you know someone who has a pet?
Ans: Yes, I have a pet dog named Pulu. And yes, my neighbor has a pet cat named Bhulu.
3. If you were allowed to keep any animal as a pet, which animal would you choose? Why?
Ans: If I could pick any pet, I’d choose a dog. Dogs are loyal, friendly, and lovable spending time with people. They make us happy and keep us active, which is why they’re great pets for anyone.
Let us learn
A. Look at the following words from the lesson.
lived loved shared gathered thanked |
Notice that all these words end with ‘ed’. All these actions have already happened.
Add ‘ed’ and write:
walk + ed = walked
play + ed = played
talk + ed = talked
ask + ed = asked
touch + ed = touched
B. Match the words to make pairs. Colour each pair with the same colour. Two have been done for you.

Let us listen
A. Your teacher will read out the story of Badal and Moti once again to you. Now read the following sentences and number them in the sequence of the story.
The first sentence has been marked for you.
One rainy day, he slipped and fell into a deep pit. (3)
Badal and his mother named the puppy Moti. (2 )
Badal hugged Moti. (6 )
Badal came across a puppy by the side of the road. ( 1 )
Moti accompanied Badal’s mother to search for him. ( 4)
Moti followed Badal’s scent and went near the pit and started barking. (5 )
Let us speak
A. Talk in pairs about what you do every day:
1. Before you come to the school;
2. During the school hours;
3. After going back home.
B. You may use the following clues.
Every day I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then I brush my teeth and go to the bathroom. After that, I take a shower and dress up for school. I have breakfast and I walk or take the bus to school..
During school hours, I attend classes, participate in various activities, interact with my classmates, and listen to the teacher’s instructions. I also have lunch and sometimes play during recess.
After going back home, I usually have a snack and relax for a while. Then, I do my homework, study for upcoming tests, and complete any assignments. Later, I have dinner with my family, watch TV, or read a book before going to bed.
Let us write
A. Look at the pictures. They show a story of two friends: a pigeon and an ant. But the pictures are jumbled up. Number them to get the correct order to make a story.

B. Now fill in the blanks using the words in the box to complete the story.
Leaf, flew, branch, climbed, fell, stream, hunter
A dove was resting on a BRANCH of a tree near a STREAM. An ant FELL into the stream and cried for help. The dove dropped a LEAF into the stream. The ant CLIMBED on the leaf and landed safely. Another day the ant saw a HUNTER aiming at the dove. She quickly climbed up and bit the hunter’s hand. The dove FLEW away unhurt.
[See the textbook Page no 21]
C. Look at these sentences from the lesson.
“Can this puppy stay with us, Maa?” “Yes beta, but only if you promise to take care of the puppy.” Add a ? or a . to the following:
1. The sun rises in the east.
2. What is your name?
3. I like to eat mangoes.
4. May I borrow your English textbook?
5. Brinda and Namrata are good friends.
6. Whose shoes are these?
C. Complete the following conversation between two children.
[See the textbook Page no 23]
Girl: Namaste! I am Anandi. What is your name?
Boy: Namaste! I am Riju
Girl: I live in Dehradun. Where do you live?
Boy: I live in Noida.
Girl: I go to ABC Primary School.
Boy: Yes, I study in that school too!
Girl: Which class are you in?
Boy: I am in class III. Which class are you in?
Girl: I am in class IV
Boy: Nice meeting you! See you in school tomorrow.
Let us do
A. Look at the picture below. It shows three children playing. Would you like to add anything to this picture? Use your crayons or colour pencils to add to the picture.
[See the textbook Page no 24]
Ans: Yes, I shall add a colorful kite soaring high in the sky above the children, with vibrant tails streaming behind it. The children’s laughter fills the air as they chase after the kite, their faces flushed with excitement.