The questions and answers for Class 10 based on ‘Bholi class 10 question and answer’ have been meticulously compiled for the CBSE Board Exam 2024. All questions, in line with NCERT guidelines, are presented in this article, accompanied by their respective answers for Class 10 students.
Summary of the story, ‘Bholi’ class 10
“Bholi” is a poignant tale by K.A. Abbas that delves into the life of a young girl named Bholi. Born with a speech impediment, Bholi faces a harsh reality filled with ridicule and neglect from her family. Her parents, ashamed of her appearance and speech impediment, treat her poorly, believing her to be a burden. However, her life takes a positive turn when a compassionate teacher arrives at her school.
The teacher, recognizing Bholi’s potential, works patiently with her to build her confidence and self-esteem. Through her guidance, Bholi learns to communicate better and gains the courage to stand up for herself. Her transformation from a timid, self-conscious girl to a confident and assertive individual is remarkable.
As Bholi grows, she defies societal expectations by rejecting a marriage proposal from an elderly man named Bishamber Nath, demonstrating her newfound confidence and self-worth. Her refusal to succumb to societal pressures signifies the power of education and self-belief in challenging age-old norms.
The story beautifully portrays the resilience of the human spirit and highlights the significance of education in empowering individuals to break free from societal constraints and embrace their true worth beyond physical appearances or societal expectations. Bholi’s journey serves as an inspiring testament to the strength found within oneself despite adversities.
“भोली” के.ए. की एक मार्मिक कहानी है। अब्बास जो भोली नाम की एक युवा लड़की के जीवन पर आधारित है। बोलने में बाधा के साथ जन्मी भोली को अपने परिवार से उपहास और उपेक्षा से भरी एक कठोर वास्तविकता का सामना करना पड़ता है। उसके माता-पिता, उसकी शक्ल-सूरत और बोलने में दिक्कत से शर्मिंदा होकर, उसे बोझ मानते हुए उसके साथ बुरा व्यवहार करते हैं। हालाँकि, उसके जीवन में एक सकारात्मक मोड़ तब आता है जब एक दयालु शिक्षक उसके स्कूल में आता है।
शिक्षक, भोली की क्षमता को पहचानते हुए, उसके आत्मविश्वास और आत्म-सम्मान को बढ़ाने के लिए धैर्यपूर्वक उसके साथ काम करते हैं। उनके मार्गदर्शन के माध्यम से, भोली बेहतर संवाद करना सीखती है और खुद के लिए खड़े होने का साहस हासिल करती है। एक डरपोक, संकोची लड़की से एक आत्मविश्वासी और दृढ़ निश्चयी व्यक्ति में उसका परिवर्तन उल्लेखनीय है।
जैसे-जैसे भोली बड़ी होती है, वह अपने नए आत्मविश्वास और आत्म-मूल्य का प्रदर्शन करते हुए, बिशम्बर नाथ नामक एक बुजुर्ग व्यक्ति के विवाह प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार करके सामाजिक अपेक्षाओं को खारिज कर देती है। सामाजिक दबावों के आगे झुकने से इनकार करना सदियों पुराने मानदंडों को चुनौती देने में शिक्षा और आत्म-विश्वास की शक्ति का प्रतीक है।
कहानी मानवीय भावना के लचीलेपन को खूबसूरती से चित्रित करती है और व्यक्तियों को सामाजिक बाधाओं से मुक्त होने और शारीरिक दिखावे या सामाजिक अपेक्षाओं से परे अपने वास्तविक मूल्य को अपनाने के लिए सशक्त बनाने में शिक्षा के महत्व पर प्रकाश डालती है। भोली की यात्रा प्रतिकूलताओं के बावजूद स्वयं के भीतर पाई गई ताकत के लिए एक प्रेरणादायक वसीयतनामा के रूप में कार्य करती है।
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Q3 Bholi class 10 question and answer MCQ Extract Based 1
Read the following extract and choose the correct option.
(A) “Ramlal stood rooted to the ground, his head bowed low with the weight of grief and shame. The flames of the sacred fire slowly died down. Everyone was gone. Ramlal turned to Bholi and said, “But what about you, no one will ever marry you now. What shall we do with you?” And Sulekha said in a voice that was calm and steady. “Don’t you worry, Pitaji! In your old age I will serve you and Mother and I will teach in the same school where I learnt so much. Isn’t that right, Ma’am?” The teacher had all along stood in a corner, watching the drama. “Yes, Bholi, of course,” she replied. And in her smiling eyes was the light of a deep satisfaction that an artist feels when contemplating the completion of her masterpiece.”
i. Ramlal stood rooted to the ground because he
a) was moved by what he heard.
b) was influenced by Bholi’s words
c) was in a state of shock.
d) was in an immovable position.
Ans: c) was in a state of shock.
CBSE Class 10 English (Literature and Language) Questions Answers pdf 2024
Suggestive Sample Question Answers Papers pdf 2024 for Class X English (First Flight and Footprints without Feet), tailored to the 2023-24 syllabus, serve as essential preparation material for the upcoming CBSE board exam, aiding students in comprehensive understanding and practice.

ii Bholi had refused to get married as
a) her father couldn’t afford the dowry that was demanded
b) the bridegroom had been greedy and was disrespectful
c) the bridegroom had insulted her father
d) her father was getting her married to a man older to her
Ans: b) the bridegroom had been greedy and was disrespectfu
iii Pick the sentence that brings out the meaning of ‘contemplating’ as used in the extract.
a) Contemplating sharing my belongings with someone is definitely tough.
b) She took some time to respond as she was contemplating what to say.
c) I was contemplating my reflection in the mirror and was speechless.
d) She was contemplating though the pages of the document that was with her.
Ans: b) She took some time to respond as she was contemplating what to say.
iv Why did the teacher stand in one corner watching the drama?
a) She was elated to see what was happening.
b) She wanted to see what Bholi would be doing.
c) She didn’t want to interfere in a family matter.
d) She had faith in Bholi standing up for herself.
Ans: d) She had faith in Bholi standing up for herself.
v. Pick the option that includes the correct matches of Column A with Column B.
Column A | Column B |
IV.Bholi | v) independent and confide |
V.Ramlal | vi) burden less and free |
VI.Teacher | vii) sense of contentment and accomplishment |
viii) embarrassed and anxious |
a) I-ii;II-iv; III-iii
b) I-i;II-iv; III-iii
c) I-iii; II-ii; III-i
d) I-iii; II-iii; III-iv
Ans: b) I-i;II-iv; III-iii
Q3 Bholi class 10 question and answer MCQ Extract Based 2
Read the following extract and choose the correct option.
(B) “What’s the matter with you, you fool? Shouted Ramlal. “I am only taking you to school. Then he told his wife, “Let her wear some decent clothes today or else what will the teachers and the other schoolgirls think of us when they see her? New clothes had never been made for Bholi. The old dresses of her sisters were passed on to her. No one cared to mend or wash her clothes. But today she was lucky to receive a clean dress which had shrunk after many washings and no longer fitted Champa. She was even bathed and oil was rubbed into her dry and matted hair. Only then did she believe that she was being taken to a place better than her home! When they reached the school, the children were already in their classrooms.”
i Why did Ramlal call Bholi a fool?
This was because
a) Bholi had become hysterical and was screaming.
b) Bholi shouted in fear and pulled her hand away.
c) Bholi was behaving foolishly and was running away.
d) Bholi had been behaving very strangely with her father.
Ans: b) Bholi shouted in fear and pulled her hand away.
ii Pick the sentence that brings out the meaning of ‘decent’ as used in the extract.
a) He gets a decent amount of salary.
b) One must be decent when having a conversation with strangers.
c) She was dressed in a decent manner for the interview.
d) It was very decent of him to lend me some money
Ans: c) She was dressed in a decent manner for the interview.
iii Pick the option that best describes how Bholi felt at the end of her first day in school.
a) lost and scared
b) calm and peaceful
c) elated and peaceful
d) hopeful and elated
Ans: d) hopeful and elated
iv Why was Bholi’s hair matted?
a) It was entangled and oiled.
b) It was never oiled or combed.
c) It was not combed regularly.
d) It was unkempt and oiled.
Ans: b) It was never oiled or combed.
v What fear did Bholi have when she was told about being taken to school?
a) She thought she was going to be neglected by her parents.
b) She thought her parents were going to get rid of her.
c) She felt that she would be thrown out of the house and sold.
d) She thought her parents were thinking of ways to throw her out.
Ans: c) She felt that she would be thrown out of the house and sold
Q10 Bholi class 10 question and answer in 20-30 words
i Ramlal was worried about Bholi as she didn’t have good looks.
Counter the belief that it’s important for a girl to be good looking and give a reason for the Same.
Ans: Beauty is subjective; it doesn’t define a person’s worth. Intelligence, kindness, and skills are invaluable. Focusing on appearance undermines deeper qualities. Bholi’s worth isn’t measured by looks; her character and abilities matter most.
ii How did you feel when you read about Bholi being ignored and ill-treated by her parents as a child?
Ans: Reading about Bholi’s neglect saddened me deeply. No child deserves mistreatment or neglect. It’s disheartening to witness such unfairness, highlighting the importance of nurturing and caring for every child’s emotional and physical well-being.
iii Do you think Bholi could have confidently refused to marry Bishamber if she weren’t. educated? Give reason/s.
Ans: Education empowers individuals to make informed decisions. Without education, Bholi might lack the confidence or knowledge to refuse societal pressures. Education provides awareness, critical thinking skills, and self-assurance necessary to challenge unjust expectations and make independent choices.
iv Do you think Bholi’s father would have agreed to the match if her mother hadn’t insisted upon it? Why/ Why not?
Ans: It’s uncertain whether Bholi’s father would have agreed without her mother’s insistence. Patriarchal norms often influence decisions, but individual beliefs and circumstances vary. He might have succumbed to societal expectations or held differing views on the marriage proposal.
Q11 Bholi class 10 question and answer in 40-50 words
i Bholl’s parents accepted the match for her though Bishamber Nath was nearly the same age as her father. Bholi also accepted her parents’ decision without voicing her opinion.
a) What does this tell you about the social conditions prevailing in our society?
b) How do you think these problems can be addressed?
Ans: a) This situation highlights societal norms prioritizing parental authority over individual choice, especially for women. It reflects deeply entrenched beliefs about marriage and gender roles, where age disparities and traditional expectations overshadow personal preferences.
b) Addressing these issues requires education, legal reforms safeguarding individual autonomy, and societal shifts promoting equality and empowering individuals to make independent decisions without undue familial pressure.
ii You’ve read the quote: ‘A teacher affects eternity. He can never tell where his influence stops.’
In the context of this statement, comment on the role of Bholi’s teacher in her life.
Ans: Bholi’s teacher played a transformative role in her life. Despite initial setbacks due to Bholi’s speech impediment, the teacher’s patience, guidance, and belief in Bholi’s potential empowered her. This influence went beyond academics, boosting Bholi’s confidence and shaping her self-worth. The teacher’s impact was profound, illustrating how educators can shape a student’s destiny and inspire lifelong change.
iii You and your friend have a conversation about prevalent discrmination between boys and girls, even today. Write the dialogue.
You may begin like this:
Friend: I don’t think discrimination in terms of gender is a thing of the past.
Friend: Hmmm. Yes, I agree, though we are in the 21st century it still continues in a
blatant manner in many parts of the country.
Ans: You: Absolutely, it’s disheartening to see gender bias persisting despite advancements. From unequal pay to societal expectations, the disparities are stark.
Friend: And the worst part is how deeply ingrained it is in some cultures. Girls are still denied education or forced into early marriages.
You: Right, and boys are raised with different standards, perpetuating this cycle. It’s crucial to challenge these norms.
Friend: True, promoting equality in education and opportunities is key. It’s a collective responsibility to dismantle these biases.
You: Exactly, creating awareness and advocating for change can help break these barriers, paving the way for a more equitable future.
iv Which character traits of Bholi have had an everlasting impression on you? Why?
Ans: Bholi’s resilience and inner strength left a lasting impression. Despite facing adversity due to her speech impairment and societal expectations, her determination to learn and her unwavering spirit to stand up for herself showcased remarkable courage. Her perseverance and ability to overcome challenges inspire resilience and instill hope in facing difficulties with grace and determination.
Q12 ABholi class 10 question and answer in 100-120 words
i After reading Bholi’s story you decide to write a blog on the importance of educating the girl child and how it empowers her. Write that blog expressing your views.
Ans: Title: Empowering Through Education: The Girl Child’s Journey
In a world where gender stereotypes and biases persist, Bholi’s story highlights the transformative power of education for girls. Education isn’t merely about textbooks and exams; it’s a catalyst for empowerment, breaking barriers that limit potential.
Empowering the girl child through education is pivotal. It equips them with knowledge, confidence, and critical thinking skills, enabling them to challenge societal norms and pursue their aspirations. Education unlocks doors to independence, providing opportunities for growth and self-reliance.
When we educate a girl, we uplift communities. Educated girls become empowered women who contribute significantly to society, driving progress and advocating for change. They are agents of transformation, breaking the cycle of inequality and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable world. Let’s champion education for every girl, fostering a future where their potential knows no bounds.
ii Imagine you are Bholi and you have been invited by a girl’s secondary school in another
village to address a group of students about being independent, fearless and breaking stereotypes. Write that speech.
Ans: Dear Respected Students,
I am deeply honored to address such bright minds today. I stand before you as someone who has learned the power of resilience and the value of breaking stereotypes.
Being independent and fearless isn’t always easy, especially when society imposes limitations based on gender or circumstances. But let me tell you, it’s possible. Embrace education, knowledge, and your unique abilities. Believe in yourself, even when others doubt you.
Breaking stereotypes requires courage. It’s about challenging norms that confine our potential. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do based on your gender or background.
Be bold, pursue your dreams, and never shy away from opportunities. Remember, being independent means relying on your strengths and capabilities. Together, let’s break barriers and create a world where every girl’s potential shines brightly.
Thank you.
Extra Bholi class 10 question and answer in 30 – 40 words
What is the theme of Bholi?
Ans: The theme of “Bholi” revolves around societal perceptions and prejudices based on physical appearance, the transformative power of education in overcoming societal norms, and the empowerment of individuals to challenge stereotypes and assert their true worth.
Who was Bholi Class 10?
Ans: Bholi in Class 10 was the protagonist of K.A. Abbas’s story “Bholi.” She was a young girl born with a speech impairment, facing ridicule and neglect from her family. Through education and resilience, she overcame societal prejudices and embraced her worth beyond appearances.
Who is the main character of Bholi?
Ans: The main character of “Bholi” is Bholi herself. She is a young girl born with a speech impairment, navigating societal ridicule and family neglect. Her transformative journey showcases resilience, empowerment, and self-discovery beyond societal expectations.
Why Bholi is called Sulekha in the end?
Ans: In the end of the story “Bholi,” she is referred to as Sulekha, which means “beautiful” or “well-spoken.” This change in name reflects her transformation from a timid girl with a speech impairment to a confident and eloquent individual.
What is the real name of Bholi?
Ans: Bholi’s real name is never explicitly mentioned in the story. The name “Bholi” is a nickname given to her, which means “simple” or “innocent” in Hindi. Her birth name remains undisclosed throughout the narrative.
Why did Bholi reject the marriage?
Ans: In the story “Bholi,” the protagonist’s birth or real name is not explicitly mentioned. The character is primarily known and referred to as “Bholi” throughout the narrative, and her original name is not disclosed.
Who was Bholi going to marry?
Ans: Bholi was going to marry an elderly man named Bishamber Nath in the story. He proposed to marry her despite the significant age gap, as per the societal customs prevailing at that time.
What two actions did Bholi take?
Ans: Bholi took two significant actions in the story: she defied societal norms by rejecting the proposal to marry an elderly man named Bishamber Nath, and she stood up for herself by asserting her independence and worth despite her speech impedimen
What filled Bholi with New Hope?
Ans: Bholi’s teacher filled her with new hope. Through patience, encouragement, and guidance, the teacher helped Bholi gain confidence, improve her communication skills, and inspired her to believe in herself despite her speech impairment, instilling a sense of hope and self-worth within her.
Why was she called Bholi?
Ans: In the story, Bholi was called “Bholi,” which means “simple” or “innocent” in Hindi, due to her perceived innocence and simplicity by those around her. The name reflects the way people viewed her because of her speech impairment and timid demeanor.
Who changed the life of Bholi?
Ans: Bholi’s life was changed by her compassionate teacher who supported her, built her confidence, and helped her overcome her speech impediment. The teacher’s encouragement and guidance transformed Bholi’s life, empowering her to embrace her true potential.
What did Bholi see in her school?
Ans: Bholi witnessed a turning point in her life at school. It was there she encountered a compassionate teacher who saw beyond her speech impairment, instilling hope, encouragement, and guidance that ultimately transformed her confidence and outlook on life.
What is the meaning of Bholi?
Ans: “Bholi” in Hindi means “simple” or “innocent.” It conveys the notion of someone who is perceived as naive, gentle, or straightforward, often used to describe individuals with a kind and unassuming nature.
Why did Bholi at first agree?
Ans: Bholi initially agreed to the marriage proposal due to societal pressures and her family’s expectations. She felt compelled to comply with their wishes despite her reservations, influenced by the cultural norms and her lack of confidence to assert her own desires.
Does Bholi enjoy her first day?
Ans: No, Bholi doesn’t enjoy her first day at school. She faces ridicule and teasing from her classmates due to her speech impairment, which makes her feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, contributing to her unpleasant experience on her initial day at school.
Why was Bholi lucky that day?
Ans: Bholi was considered lucky that day because a teacher was appointed at her school. This teacher, despite initial setbacks due to Bholi’s speech impairment, eventually played a pivotal role in her life by supporting and guiding her, leading to a transformation in her confidence and self-worth.
How did Bholi behave at her marriage?
Ans: At her marriage, Bholi behaved assertively and courageously. She rejected the marriage proposal from Bishamber Nath, displaying her newfound confidence and determination to stand up for herself, despite societal expectations and pressures imposed upon her.
Why did Bholi talk so little?
Ans: Bholi talked very little due to a speech impediment she had since birth. This condition made her self-conscious and hesitant to communicate openly, resulting in her speaking less in social situations.
Why was Bholi crying?
Ans: Bholi cried due to the mistreatment and ridicule she faced from her family and society because of her appearance and speech impairment. The constant humiliation and neglect deeply affected her, causing emotional distress and sorrow.
Why was Bholi ignored by her parents?
Ans: Bholi was ignored by her parents due to her physical appearance and speech impairment. Her parents felt ashamed of her condition, considering her a burden and treating her with neglect because of societal prejudices and their own misconceptions about beauty and normalcy.
What did Bholi’s father do?
Ans: Bholi’s father neglected and mistreated her due to her physical appearance and speech impairment. He was ashamed of her condition and contributed to her emotional distress by ignoring her and showing disdain towards her.
How was Bholi’s teacher?
Ans: Bholi’s teacher was compassionate and understanding. Despite initial challenges due to Bholi’s speech impediment, the teacher showed patience, encouragement, and support. The teacher believed in Bholi’s potential, guiding her to gain confidence and overcome her struggles, ultimately transforming her life positively.
Why do Bholi’s parents accept?
Ans: Bholi’s parents accept the proposal for her marriage to Bishamber Nath due to societal norms and pressures. They see it as an opportunity to relieve themselves of the burden they perceive Bholi to be, aligning with traditional customs rather than considering her wishes or well-being.
Why did Bholi not go to school?
Ans: Bholi did not go to school initially due to her parents’ neglect and lack of support. Their shame regarding her appearance and speech impairment kept her from receiving an education until a teacher arrived at the school, offering her the opportunity to learn and grow.
Did Bholi enjoy her first at school?
Ans: No, Bholi did not enjoy her first day at school. She faced ridicule and mockery from her classmates because of her speech impairment, which made her feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, leading to an unpleasant experience on her initial day at school.
How does Bholi become a masterpiece?
Ans: Bholi becomes a masterpiece through her transformation, overcoming societal prejudices and gaining confidence. With the guidance of her teacher, she learns to embrace herself beyond her speech impairment, blossoming into a confident and assertive individual, showcasing the beauty of resilience and self-acceptance.
Who was Bishamber Nath?
Ans: Bishamber Nath was an elderly man who proposed to marry Bholi in the story. Despite the significant age difference, it was a societal norm for such proposals to take place, but Bholi ultimately refused the proposal, showcasing her newfound confidence and assertiveness
What are the qualities of Bholi?
Ans: Bholi exhibits resilience, determination, and courage despite facing ridicule and neglect. She shows growth in confidence, assertiveness, and self-worth, learning to stand up for herself and challenging societal norms, highlighting her inner strength and perseverance.
Why was Ramlal worried about Bholi?
Ans: Ramlal was worried about Bholi because she lacked conventional beauty due to her speech impairment and physical appearance. He feared for her future, believing that her lack of attractiveness might affect her chances of marriage and societal acceptance.
How old was Bishamber Nath?
Ans: Bishamber Nath was significantly older than Bholi’s age; however, his exact age is not explicitly mentioned in the story. He was portrayed as an elderly man, significantly older than Bholi or her father, creating a noticeable age gap.
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