All Summer in a Day Class 9 | Exercises Questions Answers

All Summer in a Day Class 9 by Ray Bradbury is included under WBBSE in Bliss: English textbook for Class IX. Exercise Questions Answers of All Sumer in a Day Class 9 have been discussed with Bengali Meaning and extra Questions and Answers. 

About All Summer in a Day Class 9:

All Summer in a Day is an excerpt from science fiction that gives us an imaginary ac- count of life on the planet Venus. This excerpt depicts the way of life on planet Venus and the children living there eagerly waiting for the sun to appear after seven years, but only for an hour.

The author of the text :

Ray Douglas Bradbury (1920-2012)fiction writer of the twentieth century. He wrote science fiction, fantasy, horror as one of the most celebrated American and mystery stories. His most famous stories are Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man and It Came from Outer Space.

Justify the title all summer in a day Class 9:

The title of the text, “all summer in a day” is justified because here in this text we come to know the inhabitants of Venus, can enjoy the summer and sun once in a long seven-year, and that too for an hour only. They have to enjoy summer within a day.

Read: English Textbook [Bliss] solution Class 9 All Chapters

Lesson – 1. Tales of Bhola GrandpaLesson – 7. Tom Loses a Tooth
Lesson – 2. All about a DogLesson – 8. His First Flight
Lesson – 3. AutumnLesson – 9. The North Ship
Lesson – 4. A Day in the ZooLesson – 10. The Price of Bananas
Lesson – 5. All Sumer in a DayLesson – 11. A Shipwrecked Sailor
Lesson – 6. Mild the Mist Upon the HillLesson – 12. Hunting Snake

All Summer in a Day word Notes :

All the important word notes of the text, “All Summer in a Day” have been given below with English and Bengali meanings.

Words Notes :

Gush – rapid flow দ্রুত প্রবাহমান

Showers – frequent spell of rain বৃষ্টির ধারা

Tidal waves – violent upsurge of storm over sea উত্তাল ঢেউ

Crushed – smashed চূর্ণ-বিচূর্ণ করা

Grown Up – become large বড় হয়ে ওঠা

Chattered – talked rapidly কিচিরমিচির করা

Civilization – an advanced stage of human social development সভ্যতা

Peered out – peeped উকি মারা

Recall – remember স্মরণ করা

Stunned – shocked অবাক হয়ে স্তব্ধ হয়ে যাওয়া

Essays – a kind of written composition রচনা

Slacken  – slowing down কমতে থাকা

Eager  – curious আগ্রহী

Echoing  – resounding প্রতিদ্ধনী

Tunnels  – an underground channel সুরঙ্গ

Hurricane  – violent storm over sea এক ধরনের তীব্র সামুদ্রিক ঝড়

Motion – movements গতি প্রকৃতি

Tremor  – quiver কম্পন

Standstill  – stop স্তব্ধ

Stuffed  – filled with something পরিপূর্ণ

Slid  – slipped পিচ্ছল

Flaming – burning জ্বলন্ত

Blazing  – shining brightly উজ্জ্বল বা চকচকে

Spell  – enchantment সম্মোহন

Rushed out  – came out suddenly দ্রুত বেরিয়ে যাওয়া

Called after – speak in a high voice নিচু গলায় কথা বলা

Hide and seek  – a kind of children’s game লুকোচুরি খেলা

Squinted  – looked at something with eyes partly shut আংশিক চোখ বন্ধ করে তাকানো

Savoured  – enjoyed the full taste of something পূর্ণ স্বাদ উপভোগ করা

Midst  – in the middle of মধ্যে

Held out  – stretched out প্রসারিত করা

Palm  – the inner surface of the hand হাতের তালু

Glanced  – a quick look দ্রুত দৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপ

Mist  – water droplets in the atmosphere কুয়াশা

Boom  – a deep loud sound বজ্রের বিকট আওয়াজ

Startled  – surprised চমকে যাওয়া

Flash  – sudden light আলোর ঝলকানি

Pale  – colourless বিবর্ণ

Steadily  – continuously অনবরত

All Summer in a Day Class 9 Textual Exercises Questions Answers :

Exercise from 1 to Exercise 6 of All Summer in a Day class 9 with Questions Answers have been discussed in the following.

Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. Men and women came from the Earth to Venus by

(a) aeroplanes

(b) helicopters

(c) rockets

(d) satellites

2. The children learned that the sun was like a/an

(a) lemon

(b) apple

(c) orange

(d) guava

3. The children had long forgotten the colour of the

(a) Earth

(b) Sun

(c) Venus

(d) Moon

4. When the children felt warm in the sun, they took off their

(a) jackets

(b) sweaters

(c) blazers

(d) coats

5.The children came to know that the sun would come out after

(a) two years

(b) six years

(c) seven years

(d) nine years

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

(a) How did the heavy storms affect the islands of Venus?

Ans : Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands and crushed the forests.

(b) What did the children write about the sun?

Ans : The children wrote short stories, essays, or poems about the sun.

(c) Where did the children play?

Ans : The children played in the echoing tunnels of the underground city.

(d) How did the jungle in Venus’s look?

Ans : The jungle was ever increasing, and it had the colour of rubber, ash and ink.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:

(a) Why were the children eager to see the sun?

Ans : The children were eager to see the sun because they were too young to recall when the sun la came out and how it really was.

(b) What did the children do immediately after the rain stopped?

Ans : Immediately after the rain stopped the silence was immense and the children put their hands to their ears, and they stood apart.

(c) Why do you think that the children were feeling unhappy when it started raining again?

Ans :  The children were feeling unhappy because they would have to wait for a long period of seven years to see the beauty of the sun again.

Exercise 4: Grammar in use:

Read the following sets of sentences:

Set 1:

(a) A cool wind blew around them.

(b) When the sun came out last seven years ago, they were too young.

(c) They took off their jackets and let the sun warm their arms,

Set 2:

(a) A wind that was cool blew around them.

(b) The sun came out last seven years ago and they were too young then.

(c) Taking off their jackets, they let the sun warm their arms.

In Set 1,

sentence (a) is a simple sentence;

simple sentence is one that contains only one Subject and one finite Verb.  

One Subject : A cool

One Finite Verb : blew

sentence (b) is a complex sentence;

complex sentence is one that contains one Principal Clause with one or more Sub-ordinate Clause.

Principal Clause : they were too young.

Sub-ordinate Clause : When the sun came out last seven years ago,

sentence (c) is a compound sentence.

compound sentence is one that contains two or more Principal or Main or Independent or Co-ordinate Clauses joined together by connectives( andbutor thenthereforeelsehowever).

Principal or Main or Independent Co-ordinate Clause(i) : They took off their jackets

Connective : and

Principal or Main or Independent Co-ordinate Clause(ii) : let the sun warm their arms,

When two clauses of same rank joined together with connectives are called Co-ordinate Clause. Co-ordinate Clauses may be either Principal Clauses or Sub-ordinate Clauses.

In Set 2,

sentence (a) is a complex sentence;

Principal Clause : A wind blew around them

Sub-ordinate Clause : that was cool

sentence (b) is a compound sentence;

Principal or Main or Independent Co-ordinate Clause(i) : The sun came out last seven years ago

Connective : and

Principal or Main or Independent Co-ordinate Clause(ii) : they were too young then

sentence (c) is a simple sentence.

One Subject : they

One Finite Verb : let

Note that –

(1) A simple sentence can be converted to a complex sentence by expanding a word or phrase into a subordinate clause nounadjective, or adverb clause).

(2) A simple sentence can be converted to a compound sentence by expanding a word or a phrase into a main clause and the clauses are joined by a coordinating conjunction.

(3) A complex sentence can be converted to a simple sentence by contracting the subordinate clause(noun, adjective, or adverb clause) into words or phrases.

(4) A complex sentence can be converted to a compound sentence by replacing the subordinate clause with a main clause and adding a coordinating conjunction.

(5) A compound sentence can be converted to a simple sentence or to a complex sentence by changing the sentence structure accordingly.

Read more

How to convert Simple to Complex; Complex to compound; Compound to Simple and Vice versa

Exercise 5: Do as directed:

(a) I have a blue pen.(Change into a complex sentence)

Ans : I have a pen which is blue.

(b) Seeing a snake, the boy shouted. (Change into a compound sentence)

Ans : The boy saw the snake and ran away.

(c) I know a man who is very wise.(Change into a simple sentence)

Ans : I know a wise man.

(d) The girl who is dancing on the stage is my sister.(Change into a compound sentence)

Ans : The girl is dancing in the stage, and she is my sister.

(e) I met my friend and told her about an incident. (Change into a simple sentence)

Ans : I met my friend to tell her about an accident.

(f) The sky was overcast but it didn’t rain. (Change into a complex sentence)

Ans : Though the sky was overcast, it didn’t rain.

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Extra Do as directed Questions Answers

Exercise 6: Letter Writing

Write a letter within 100 words to the postmaster of your locality informing him about the loss of an important letter addressed to you and requesting him to help you get it.


The Postmaster

Bagnan Post Office




Sub : Loss of Letter


I would like to inform that the office of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Deptt. of Health, Govt. of West Bengal sent me my pension letter to my address as noted below about twenty days ago. I have come to know of it from the office of CMOH. The letter is very important to me because I will have to proceed with it for my monthly pension.

      I would, therefore, request you earnestly to trace out my letter and deliver it directly to me at the below address.

This is very urgent.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

Nisha Paria

Address :

Nisha Paria

C/O Suresh Paria




All Summer in a Day Class 9 MCQ Questions Answers

Multiple choice Questions ( MCQ) from the text, “All Summer in a Day Class 9” has discussed in the following with answers.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences.

(1) On Venus, thousands upon thousands of days were filled with

(a) mist

(b) rain

(c) fog

(d) heat

(2) Rain falls continuously in Venus for —

(a) ten years

(b) two years

(c) seven years

(d) twelve years

(3) The days in Venus are filled with –

(a) sunshine

(b) gush of water and endless showers

(c) bloody war

(d) quarrel.

(4) Men and women who live in Venus have come from –

(a) Sun

(b) Earth

(c) Mars

(d) Moon.

(5) The children are inside a –

(a) office room

(b) schoolroom

(c) space station

(d) playground,

(6) In the text, we come to know about the schoolroom filled with –

(a) boys

(b) girls

(c) inhabitants of Venus

(d) children.

(7) The children have been compared to –

(a) roses, wild animals

(b) lilies, pets

(c) thorns, devils

(d) leaves, colts,

(8) The children mentioned in the text are –

(a) nine years old

(b) six years old

(c) seven years old

(d) four years old

(9) The children could not recall the sun, when it came out last time, seven years ago, because

(a) they did not see it

(b) they were too young

(c) they were absent then

(d) they were locked in a closet.

(10) The children read in the class about the –

(a) drought

(b) rain

(c) sun

(d) earth.

(11) The children had written small stories, essays or poems, about the –

(a) Earth

(b) Venus

(c) Moon

(d) sun

(12) One of the children in Venus thought that the sun is a –

(a) flower

(b) Square

(c) leaf

(d) bird.

(13) In Venus, the sun appears in the sky for –

(a) four hours

(b) eight hours

(c) twenty-four hours

(d) one hour

(14) To see the sun, the children gathered at the –

(a) narrow back door

(b) space station

(c) great thick windows

(d) cinema hall.

(15) To see the sun, the children were –

(a) inattentive

(b) unwilling

(c) eager

(d) spiteful.

(16) When the sun last came out in Venus, the children were –

(a) seven years old

(b) four years old

(c) two years old

(d) eight years old

(17) The children used to play in the echoing –

(a) rooms

(b) halls

(c) alleys

(d) tunnels.

(18) The children sang of –

(a) north wind and ship

(b) monsoon and clouds

(c) summer and sun

(d) winter and moo

(19) When the rain stopped, it was as if

(a) a hurricane had lost its sound

(b) thousands of bells rang

(c) any war started

(d) the march of troop began

(20) In Venus, the sky on sunshine looks –

(a) violet

(b) clear

(c) sparkling yellow

(d) blazing blue.

(21) Seeing the sun, the children of Venus were –

(a) very happy

(b) gloomy

(c) angry

(d) miserable.

(22) The children came to know that the sun would come out after-

(a) two years

(b) six years

(c) seven years

(d) nine years.

(23)  The children exclaimed that the sun is better than –

(a) moon

(b) lamplights

(c) butterflies

(d) birds

(24) The jungle that covered Venus, had spent seven years without the –

(a) rain

(b) snowfall

(c) sun

(d) wind.

(25)  The colour of the jungle in Venus, is –

(a) colour of rubber, ash and ink

(b) lush green

(b) lush white

(d) yellow.

(26) The children lay out laughing on –

(a) the floor

(b) the jungle leaves

(c) jungle trees

(d) jungle mattress.

(27) The children played hide and seek in the –

(a) tunnels

(b) jungle

(c) classroom

(d) park.

(28) Most of the children squinted at the sun –

(a) until their teacher rebuked them

(b) until tears ran down their faces

(c) until night fell

(d) until the lightning started.

(29) As the sun rises, it brings –

(a) gloominess in Venus

(b) happiness in Venus

(c) sorrow in Venus

(d) famine in Venus.

(31) After sunrise the children did not stop –

(a) playing

(b) singing

(c) dancing

(d) running

(32) In the centre of the girl’s opened palm there was

(a) a single, large raindrop

(b) a feather

(c) a ball

(d) a pencil.

(33) After an hour the sun faded behind, –

(a) a cloud of mist

(b) the Mars

(c) the mountains

(d) moon beam.

(34) The people of Venus live at –

(a) underground houses

(b) bank of river

(c) tree house

(d) fields.

(35) Until it was raining hard, the children stood at –

(a) the doorway

(b) the yard

(c) space station

(d) the field.

(36) As the rain started again the children looked out of the window with –

(a) hopeful faces

(b) happy faces

(c) despaired faces

(d) pale faces.

Extra Questions all summer in a day Class 9

Extra Questions Answers with different types from “all summer in a day class 9 ” has been given with answers in the following.

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

(1) It had been raining for seven years.

(2) Heavy storms caused tidal waves to come over the islands.

(3) The title of the story is “All Summer in A Day” because the warmth of the sun could be felt only for a few hours on a day and the day also witnessed the disappearance of the sun for an uncertain period of time.

(4) The civilization was set up in a raining world.

(5) The children in the schoolroom chattered and pressed to each other like so many roses.

(6) To look at the hidden sun, the children, gathered at the window.

(7) The children not only breathed the fresh air, but they also listened to the silence which held them in a blessed sound of no sound.

(8) Suddenly the children stopped running as they found a girl among them was wailing.

(9) Few cold drops of rain fell on the noses, cheeks and mouths of the children.

(10) The sudden boom of thunder and lightning led to the darkening of the sky in the midnight in a flash.

(11) The children closed the doors and listened to the gigantic sound of the rain falling everywhere.

(12) Tears ran down the faces of the children because they squinted at the sun.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences / phrases / words in support of your answer.

(1) The children were the inhabitants of the earth. – False

Supporting Statement : Their parents came from earth and set up a civilization in Venus.

(2) The inhabitants set up a civilization in a sunny world.  False

Supporting Statement : They set up a civilization in this raining world.

(3) The children delivered elaborate speeches on the sun.  False

Supporting Statement : They had written small stories, essays and poems about it.

(4)  The children learned that the sun looked like a lemon. – True

Supporting Statement : They learned how like a lemon it was and how hot.

(5)  The children wanted their teacher to witness the moment the sun would come out. – True

Supporting Statement : “She must hurry or she’ll miss it.”

(6) The children put their hands to their ears because there was a huge chaos.  False

Supporting Statement : The silence was so immense that they felt as if their ears have been stuffed.

(7) The sun was looking bright. – True

Supporting Statement : It was the colour of flaming bronze and it was very large.

(8) The children were happy to see the sun. – True

Supporting Statement : The children, released from their spell, rushed out, yelling, into the summertime.

(9) The jungle looked shrunken in the absence of rain. – True

Supporting Statement : It was the colour of rubber, ash and ink.

(10) The girl rejoiced to see the drop of rain on her palm.   False

Supporting Statement : The girl began to cry.

(11) The children were not scared of the boom of thunder.  False

Supporting Statement : They tumbled upon each other an ran.

(12) It took a long time for the sky to turn dark.  False

Supporting Statement : The sky darkened into midnight in flash.

(13) The children were not happy to see the rain. – True

Supporting Statement : With pale faces they looked out of the window.

(14) The children were ten years old.  False

Supporting Statement : The children were all nine years old.

D. Answer the following questions :

(1) How was the silence like when rain stopped?

Ans : The silence was immense, and it made one feel like the ears have been stuffed.

(2) From where did the inhabitants of Venus come and how ?

Ans : The inhabitants of Venus came by rockets from the Earth.

(3) Who set up a civilization in Venus?

Ans : The men and women who came from earth and set up a civilization in Venus.

(4) What were all of the children waiting for as they stood around the classroom window ?

Ans : All of the children were waiting around the classroom to see the sun

(5) How old were the children mentioned in the text ?

Ans : The children, mentioned in the above text were all nine years old.

(6) Why were the children not able to recall anything about the sun?

Ans : The children were unable to recall anything about the sun, because they were too young when the Sun came out for the last time.

(7) How long does the sun stay in the sky of Venus?

Ans : The sun stays only for one hours in the sky of Venus.

(8) What did the children forget about the sun?

Ans : The children had forgotten the colour and the heat of the sun.

(9) What did the children learn about the sun?

Ans : In their class, the children learned that the shape of the sun is like lemon and that it is very hot.

(10) Why did the children feel that their ears have been blocked?

Ans : The silence was so immense that the children felt as if their eyes have got blocked.

(11) How did the children react when the sun came out ?

Ans : As soon as the sun came out, the children ran out from their underground houses. They ran and ran shouting, playing games, laughing, and enjoying the summertime. They felt the warm sun, breathe the fresh air, felt the silence, and savoured everything.

(12) What is the effect of continuous rainfall on the jungle of Venus?

Ans : The jungle of Venus spent years without the sun. It grew and never stopped growing.

(13) Why did the girl wail on seeing a raindrop ?

Ans : In Venus, the sun rises once in seven years and that is also for one hour only. On the day of sunrise, the children were happy and enjoying their good fortune. Suddenly a girl saw a raindrop which means that it would start raining soon. So, she wailed.

(14) What did the children do hear the wail of the girl ?

Ans : Hearing the wail of the girl, other children slowly gathered round her and looked at her open palm.

(15) How did the return of the rain change the mood of the children ?

Ans : As the return of the rain, the children grew gloomy. They went back to their underground house. Their smile had vanished.

(16) Why were the children of Venus overjoyed to see the sun ?

Ans : The children of Venus can enjoy the sun once in long seven years for a brief period. Sunrise is a la event in Venus. So, the children were overjoyed to see the sun.

(17) How do most of the children feel about the rainy weather of Venus?

Ans : As the rain falls continuously, the children of Venus are forced to live in underground houses and to play in the echoing tunnels of underground city. The rainfall makes them gloomy and sad and eagerly wait or the next sunrise.

(18) How is the colour and size of the rising sun in the sky of Venus?

Ans : The sun was the colour of flaming bronze, and it was very large.

(19) Which song  did the children in Venus’s sing ?

Ans : The children of Venus sang the songs of summer and the sun.

(20) What did the sky look like when the sun came out ?

Ans : As the sun came out, the sky around it was blazing blue.

(21) How long will it be before they see the sun again?

Ans : The people of Venus would be able to see the sun again, after seven years.

(22) What did the teacher tell her students ?

Ans : The teacher warned the children not to go far as they only have an hour.

(23) Why were the children turning up their faces to the sky ?

Ans : The children turned up their faces to the sky to feel the warm sun on their cheeks.

(24)  How long did the children stare at the sun?

Ans :  The children stared at the sun until tears ran down their cheeks.

(25)   With whom were the children compared, as they enjoyed the sunlight

Ans :  The children who were enjoying the sunlight, were compared with wild animals who have escaped from their caves.

(26)   Quote a line to show that the children of Venus like the sunlight.

Ans :  Seeing the sunlight the children exclaimed with joy, “Oh, it’s better than lamplights, isn’t it?

(27)   What did the children see at the opened palm of the girl ?

Ans :  The other children saw a single large raindrop in the centre of the girl’s opened palm.

(28)   Why did the children tumble upon each other?

Ans :  The children tumbled upon each other as a boom of thunder startled them.

(29)   Where did the children stand until it was raining hard?

Ans :  The children stood at the doorway to the underground houses until it was raining hard.

(30)   What did the children hear after closing doors of their houses ?

Ans :  The children heard the gigantic sound of the rain falling everywhere after closing the doors.

(31)   How long did the children enjoy the sun before it started raining again?

Ans :  The children could enjoy the sun only for one hour, before it started raining again.

(32)   What happened to the sky when lightning struck?

Ans :  As the lightning struck the sky darkened into a midnight in a flash.