A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer has been curated for the Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2024. This article includes selected questions from the NCERT, accompanied by corresponding answers, exclusively designed for Class 10 students.
Summary of the story A Question of Trust Class 10
In “A Question of Trust” by Victor Canning, Horace Danby, an accomplished burglar with a penchant for rare books, encounters a woman posing as the wife of a wealthy man. She seeks Danby’s burglary skills to steal a valuable necklace from a safe, manipulating his emotions by fabricating a sentimental story. Unbeknownst to Danby, the house actually belongs to the woman herself. He falls into her trap, attempting the theft as per her instructions, only to be apprehended due to her deceitful ploy. The story delves into themes of deception, irony, and the reversal of roles where the thief becomes the unwitting victim of manipulation.
विक्टर कैनिंग द्वारा लिखित “ए क्वेश्चन ऑफ ट्रस्ट” में होरेस डेंबी, दुर्लभ पुस्तकों के शौकीन एक निपुण चोर का सामना एक महिला से होता है जो खुद को एक अमीर आदमी की पत्नी बताती है। वह एक भावुक कहानी गढ़कर उसकी भावनाओं से छेड़छाड़ करते हुए, एक तिजोरी से एक मूल्यवान हार चुराने के लिए डैनबी के चोरी कौशल की तलाश करती है। डैनबी को यह पता नहीं था कि यह घर वास्तव में महिला का ही है। वह उसके जाल में फंस जाता है, उसके निर्देशों के अनुसार चोरी का प्रयास करता है, लेकिन उसकी धोखेबाज चाल के कारण पकड़ा जाता है। कहानी धोखे, विडंबना और भूमिकाओं के उलट होने के विषयों पर प्रकाश डालती है जहां चोर हेरफेर का अनजाने शिकार बन जाता है।
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Q3 A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer MCQ Extract Based 1
Read the extract carefully and choose the correct option.
(A) How foolish people are when they own valuable things, Horace thought. A magazine article had described this house, giving a plan of all the rooms and a picture of this room. The writer had even mentioned that the painting hid a safe! But Horace found that the flowers were hindering him in his work. He buried his face in his handkerchief. Then he heard a voice say from the doorway, “What is it? A cold or hay fever?” Before he could think, Horace said, “Hay fever,” and found himself sneezing again. The voice went on, “You can cure it with a special treatment, you know, if you find out just what plant gives you the disease. I think you’d better see a doctor, if you’re serious about your work and I heard you from the top of the house just now.”
i According to the extract, Horace was sneezing due to a
a) sudden allergy
b) prior infection
c) long-standing disease
d) nasal pain
Ans: b) prior infection
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ii Which magazine could have published the article mentioned in the given extract?
a) Paws & Claws
b) Outdoors & Landscaping
c) Interiors
d) The Investor
Ans: c) Interiors
iii Choose the image that correctly describes the location of the safe, based on the given extract.
a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)
Ans: c) Option (3)
iv In the line – Before he could think, Horace said, “Hay fever,” –the response was
a) rehearsed.
b) spontaneous and natural.
c) hesitant.
d) rapid and hostile.
Ans: b) spontaneous and natural.
v The line from the extract that can be considered an example of sarcasm is
a) How foolish people are when they own valuable things.
b) Horace found that the flowers were hindering him in his work.
c) You can cure it with a special treatment.
d) I think you’d better see a doctor if you’re serious about your work.
Ans: d) I think you would better see a doctor, if you’re serious about your work.
Q3 A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer MCQ Extract Based 2
Read the extract carefully and choose the correct option.
(B) But he never got the chance to begin his plan. By noon a policeman had arrested him for the jewel robbery at Shotover Grange. His fingerprints, for he had opened the safe without gloves, were all over the room, and no one believed him when he said that the wife of the owner of the house had asked him to open the safe for her. The wife herself, a gray-haired, sharp-tongued woman of sixty, said that the story was nonsense. Horace is now the assistant librarian in the prison. He often thinks of the charming, clever young lady who was in the same profession as he was, and who tricked him. He gets very angry when anyone talks about ‘honour among thieves’.
i The plan devised by Horace was to
a) tell about the safe to owner of the house.
b) blackmail the wife of the owner later.
c) look for another safe for stealing books.
d) tell police the truth before the lady could deceive him.
Ans: c) look for another safe for stealing books.
ii Based on the extract, choose what you think are the main feelings Horace probably has, for the young lady who tricked him, when he thinks about her?
a) anger and blame
b) admiration and respect
c) respect and gratitude
d) anger and vengeance
Ans: b) admiration and respect
iii Choose the option that lists evidence that the police might have used against Horace, to arrest him.
a) Option 1
b) Option 2
c) Option 3
d) Option 4
Ans: d) Option 4
iv Given below are four situations in Mr. Verma’s house. Choose the situation that depicts Mr. Verma being sharp-tongued with his family members.
a) Mr. Verma’s wife shares a life problem with him and he advices her honestly.
b) Mr. Verma’s daughter scores poor marks in his exams and Mr. Verma remains silent.
c) Mr. Verma’s son cooks food for the first time and he is criticized by his father immediately. d) Mr. Verma’s sister buys a new car to surprise him and he is overjoyed with the news.
Ans: c) Mr. Verma’s son cooks food for the first time and he is criticized by his father immediately.
v Honour among thieves is an example of a/n
a) idiom
b) slogan
c) proverb
d) lyric
Ans: a) idiom
Q10 A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer in 20-30 words
i The woman posing as house owner’s wife had laid out a careful plan to dupe Horace Danby. Cite any two instances from the text that suggest the same.
Ans: In “A Question of Trust,” the woman orchestrates a meticulous plan to deceive Horace Danby:
Fabricated Story: She crafts a poignant tale about the necklace in the safe, emphasizing its sentimental value as a war widow’s heirloom, manipulating Danby emotionally to target the safe.
Detailed Instructions: She provides explicit directions, falsely assuring Danby that the safe would be unlocked, controlling his actions for her benefit.
ii In the chapter “A Question of Trust”, Horace Danby’s final arrest was a blessing in disguise. Comment briefly.
Ans: Horace Danby’s ultimate arrest in “A Question of Trust” proved a hidden blessing. It forced introspection, potentially prompting a moral awakening. This pivotal moment disrupted his criminal activities, offering an opportunity to reconsider his choices. The arrest, seemingly unfortunate, might catalyze Danby’s redemption and a chance to rectify his past misdeeds.
iii “Society must be protected from men like you.” Comment on the irony of the given quote.
Ans: The statement “Society must be protected from men like you” in “A Question of Trust” reflects irony. Although uttered to condemn Horace Danby for his burglary, it inadvertently highlights societal flaws. It raises questions about societal structures that might contribute to creating individuals like Danby, spotlighting the systemic issues often overlooked while focusing solely on condemning individuals for their actions.
iv “A Question of Trust” is a story about the robbery of the robber. Expound.
Ans: “A Question of Trust” revolves around the irony of a burglar, Horace Danby, becoming a victim himself. The narrative delves into the burglary of the burglar – Danby falls prey to a scheme devised by a woman who manipulates his expertise for her own gain. The story portrays the unexpected twist of a thief being deceived, reversing the typical roles of perpetrator and victim.
Q11 A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer in 40-50 words
i “How foolish people are when they own valuable things” Does this statement hold true for Horace Danby himself? Support your answer with instances from “A Question of Trust”.
Ans: The statement “How foolish people are when they own valuable things” does apply to Horace Danby in “A Question of Trust.” Danby, an adept burglar, disregards the risk of stealing a valuable necklace, considering it easy prey. His oversight of the owner’s cunning plan reflects his own foolishness regarding the perceived value and ease of stealing the necklace.
ii “The most successful people work smart, not hard” Justify the quote with reference to “A Question of Trust”.
Ans: In “A Question of Trust,” Horace Danby epitomizes working smart rather than hard. Danby, a skilled burglar, meticulously plans his thefts, focusing on strategy and precision rather than physical exertion. His calculated approach, attention to detail, and strategic thinking highlight how effective planning and intelligence are more critical to his success than sheer physical effort.
iii Based on the story, would it be fair to say that deception is a crucial aspect of robbery. Do you agree? Why/why not?
Ans: Yes, deception plays a crucial role in robbery, as portrayed in “A Question of Trust.” The story demonstrates how the success of a robbery often relies on deceiving others – in this case, manipulating Horace Danby’s skills through a deceitful setup. Deception, whether in planning or executing a theft, emerges as a pivotal aspect contributing to the success of such criminal endeavors.
iv Thieves and swindlers have no sense of moral righteousness. Comment with references to instances from “A Question of Trust”.
Ans: In “A Question of Trust,” the cunning manipulation by the woman posing as the house owner’s wife highlights the lack of moral righteousness in thieves and swindlers. She deceives Horace Danby, exploiting his skills for personal gain without concern for the ethical implications. This absence of moral conscience in using deceit to achieve selfish ends underscores the perceived lack of moral righteousness among such individuals.
Q12 A Question of Trust Class 10 Question and Answer in 100-120 words
i Imagine that the young lady thief writes a letter to Horace Danby while he is in prison. Write the letter imaging yourself to be that young lady with respect to the story.
Ans: Dear Horace,
I hope this letter finds you well, albeit in circumstances that are less than desirable. I must admit, our encounter was both unexpected and unfortunate. However, I write not to gloat but to express a peculiar admiration for your skills. Your expertise in your craft is truly commendable.
I hope you understand that our little scheme was nothing personal. It was merely a means to an end. You see, I had my reasons, and the necklace held a significance beyond its material value. Perhaps, in another world, our paths could have crossed under different circumstances.
I wish you well during your time in prison. Consider this a token of acknowledgment for your talent. May you find a new path upon your release, one that doesn’t involve the life of crime.
[The Young Lady]
ii As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the robbery. Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the events of the story “The Question of Trust”. Wednesday, 12 July ’78 9 PM Its D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same time……. (continue)……….
Wednesday, 12 July ’78
9 PM
It’s D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same time. The plan is in motion, and all the pieces are in place. Horace Danby, the expert burglar, believes he’s in control, unaware of the trap I’ve laid out. The necklace in the safe is my key to freedom, my chance to start anew.
Yet, a tinge of apprehension lingers. What if something goes awry? What if Danby sees through the façade? But I’ve rehearsed every detail, perfected every line, and calculated every move. Confidence envelops my doubts.
This night could either be my salvation or my downfall. Regardless, the stakes are high, and I must play my part convincingly. Tomorrow, the game unfolds, and fate decides our destinies.
May luck be on my side.
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