A King’s Tale Class 8 Blossoms Questions Answers

A King’s Tale Class 8 Blossoms is given in lesson 7 and it is a beautiful ancient story. All activity Questions and answers from A King’s Tale are discussed in the following.

Word notes: A King’s Tale Class 8 Blossoms

Part 1

Was ruled – was dedicated শাসিত হতো
Protector one who has the responsibility protecting others রক্ষা কর্তা
Fair- good or gracious or impartial পক্ষপাতহীন
Peace – calmness and quietness শান্তি
Happiness – pleasure আনন্দ
Tending – taking care যত্নসহকারে দেখাশোনা করতে এমন
Flocks- group of pet animals পশুদের দল
Tilling – cultivating চাষ করে
Heir – descendant উত্তরাধিকারী
Royal- of kings রাজকীয়
Throne- chair of royalty রাজ সিংহাসন
Opponents- person with whom one competes শত্রুপক্ষ
Seize – capture দখল করা
Wise – learned জ্ঞানী
Counsellors- jurisprudent উপদেষ্টারা
Prophet – Watson earthing that predicts future ভবিষ্যৎদ্রষ্টা
Magician- one who can perform magical work জাদুঘর
Knight – a man of high social rank who has a duty to fight for his king উচ্চ পদমর্যাদা সম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি বীর যোদ্ধা
Greatly – very much খুবই
Were trusted –were relied upon বিশ্বস্ত ছিল
Royal family- family of king and queen রাজ পরিবার
Trustworthy – reliable বিশ্বাসযোগ্য
Loyal – faithful অনুগত
Subject – citizen প্রজা
Windy – full of rough wind ঝড়ঝঞ্জা পূর্ণ
Midnight -middle of the night মধ্যরাত্রি
Placed- put রেখে দিলেন
Wrapped- covered by জড়ানো
Scarlet- bright red in colour উজ্জ্বল লাল রঙের
Cloak – loose dress covering most parts of the body ঢিলে পোশাক
Bring up -nurture লালন পালন করা
Promised- gave word প্রতিজ্ঞা করলেন
Obey – abide by মান্য করা

Blossoms English Textbook for Class VIII: All Lessons Answers

Lesson 1: The Wind CapLesson 8: The Happy Prince
Lesson 2: Clouds Lesson 9: Summer Fiends
Lesson 3: An April DayLesson 10: Tales of Childhood
Lesson 4: The Great EscapeLesson 11: Midnight Express
Lesson 5: Princes SeptemberLesson 12: Someone
Lesson 6: The SeaLesson 13: The Man Who Planted Trees
Lesson 7: A King’s Tale

Part 2

Had feared – had been afraid of ভয় পেয়েছিলেন
trouble – problem সমস্যা
Broke out- start suddenly শুরু হলো
Passing away- death মৃত্যু
Barons- nobleman সম্ভ্রান্ত ব্যক্তিগণ
Were plotting- were making a will plans ষড়যন্ত্র করছিলেন
Capture- take hold up দখল করা
In the grip of lawlessness -in a state of disorder অরাজকতার শিকার
Regularly- frequently নিয়মিতভাবে
Were robbed- stolen from লুণ্ঠিত হবে
Peasants -small farmers চাষীরা
Was spending- was passing কাটাচ্ছিল
Boyhood- the time in a man’s life when he is a boy বাল্যকাল
Safety – security নিরাপত্তা
Gentle – Sober নম্র ও ভদ্র
Handsome- beautiful to look at সুদর্শন
Was torn – was in a state of conflict ছিন্নভিন্ন হয়েছিল
Bitter- painful বেদনাদায়ক
Rivalry -enmity প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীতা
Prosperity- flourish সমৃদ্ধি
Festivity -celebration উৎসব উদযাপন
Frightened -fearful ভীত
Churchyard – the area around the church গির্জার চত্বর
Magnificent- charming চমৎকার বা জমকালো
Sword -long metal blade তলোয়ার
Was inscribed – words written or curved something খোদিত ছিল
By right of birth – by birthright জন্মগত অধিকার এ
Immediately- then and there তৎক্ষণাৎ
Eager – expectant আগ্রহী
Longed- strongly waste ব্যাকুল ভাবে চেয়েছিল
Jostled- pushed roughly in a crowd ধাক্কাধাক্কি করেছিল
Lift – pick up তুলেছিল
Succeeded – became successful সফল হয়েছিল
Remained – stayed ছিল
Disappointed; upset হতাশা
Demanded- asked for দাবি করেছিল
Bright -shiny উজ্জ্বল
Trial- test পরীক্ষা
Presence- the state of being in a particular place উপস্থিত
Craftsman -artisans কারিগররা
Merchants -businessman ব্যবসায়ীরা
Slender -slim রোগা পাতলা
Hailed – welcomed সম্ভাষণ
Duty – responsibility কর্তব্য
Secure -Make sure সুনিশ্চিত করা
Concerned – worried উদ্বিগ্ন
Ill treat- behave cruelty towards someone খারাপ আচরণ
Humblest- most ordinary অতি সাধারণ
Valley of sweet smelling flowers সুগন্ধি ফুলের উপত্যকা
Edge – boarder প্রান্ত
Approached- neared এগিয়ে এসেছিল
Bracelets- bangles বালা বা অলংকার
Rubies -precious stones of red colour চুনি জাতীয় পাথর
Emeralds – precious stones of bright green colour পান্না জাতীয় পাথর

Part 3

Honest – virtuous সৎ
Fearless – Brave নির্ভীক
Protects – keep safe from danger বিপদ থেকে রক্ষা করা
Possess – get hold of অধিকারে থাকা
Accepted – received গ্রহণ করা
Enchanted – magical জাদু শক্তি সম্পন্ন
Mysterious – strange অদ্ভুত
Magic – enchanted জাদু শক্তি সম্পন্ন
Personal benefit – self interest ব্যক্তিগত সুযোগ-সুবিধা
Declared – announced ঘোষণা করল
Greedy – having selfish desire লোভী
Just – fair ন্যায়
Married – wedded বিবাহ
Richly – gorgeously জাঁকজমকপূর্ণভাবে
Glided- thinly covered with gold সোনা দ্বারা অলংকৃত
Pavillion – large and luxury tent বিশাল তাবু
Painted – coloured চিত্রিত
Carved – cut to produce a design খোদিত

Capable of – having the ability সমর্থ
Famous – well known বিখ্যাত
Gathered – assembled জমায়েত
Devoted – very loyal একনিষ্ঠ
Wicked – evil দুষ্টু
Vows – promises প্রতিজ্ঞা
Undertook – take the responsibility দায়িত্ব নেওয়া
Countless – large number অসংখ্য
Hazardous – risky/ dangerous বিপদজনক
Adventures – daring activities দুঃসাহসিক অভিযান
Goodness – the quality of being good মহত্ব
Spread – extended over ছড়িয়ে পড়েছিল
Ruled – governed শাসন করেছিল
Trusted – reliable বিশ্বস্ত
Had perished – had died মারা গিয়েছিলেন
Command – order আদেশ
Amid – in the midst of মধ্যে
Disappeared – vanished অদৃশ্য
Instructed – giving instruction নির্দেশাবলী
Barge – a boat used for ceremony বজরা/এক ধরনের ছোট নৌকা

A King’s Tale Class 8 Blossoms Activity Answers

Activity 1

1. Peaceful life

2. Members of the royal family

3. Sir Ector

4. Lawlessness

Activity 2

1. VI
2. I
3. IV
4. II
5. V
6. III

Activity 3

Ans: Sir Ector was a subject of the king. He was the most trustworthy knight in the kingdom. Therefore Sir Ulfius and Marlin believed that Sir Ector would bring up the baby with proper care and keep him safe.

Activity 4

1. The barons fought in vain to become the king.

2. On a large stone in a churchyard

3. He was able to lift the sword for the first time.

4. Held a sword that was set with Ruby and emeralds.

Activity 5

1. “whoever pulls out this sword is by right of birth, the king of England” – was written upon the stone on which the sword was fixed.

2. On the bright may of the morning, Arthur who was young and slender lifted the sword quite easily.

3. Arthur needed the new sword because he had lost his royal sword in a battle.

Activity 6

(a) False.
Supporting statement
:- King Arthur could gift peace and prosperity to England

(b) False.
Supporting statement:- on the wedding day, Merlin took him to a richly glided pavilion.

(c) True.
Supporting statement:- in the middle of the room was a huge, round, oak table richly carved capable of sitting 50 people.

Supporting statement
:- the stories of their goodness and their kindness spread throughout the country.

Activity 7

(a) According to Merlin, only an honest and fearless knight who protects the common people can possess the Excalibur

(b) The pavilion was richly glided and printed in crimson and dark blue. The floor was marbled and in the middle of the room there was a huge, round oak table richly carved, capable of sitting 50 people

(c) King Arthur’s devoted knights promised that they would help the helpless, be gentle to the weak and punish the wicked.

(d) King Arthur smiled because he was pleased to know that the Excalibur was returned to its original place.

Activity 8(a)

(a) Which is made of gold
(b) That was stony
(c) Who is very helpful

Activity 8(b)

(a) When it was raining
(b) Which was Brave
(c) As he was not present in the class.

Activity 8(c)

(a) that he will come
(b) That you behave like this
(c) That her child had succeeded

Activity 8(d)

(a) Whom everyone admired – adjective clause
(b) That my uncle will visit me – noun clause
(c) As he was tired – adverbial clause
(d) Where it is always cold – adverbial clause
(e) Which was very beautiful – adjective clause
(f) That he would win an award – noun clause

Activity 9

(a) Protect
(b) Prosperous
(c) Devoted
(d) Perished

Activity 10(a)

Activity 10(b)