7 Tips of Good Precis Writing in English for Competitive Exams

7 Tips of Good Precis Writing in English is an essential skill that transcends academic and professional boundaries. Whether you’re a student preparing for exams or a professional aiming to communicate succinctly, mastering the art of precis writing is a valuable asset. In this article, we will delve into 7 Tips of Good Precis Writing that can elevate your precis writing abilities, accompanied by samples, examples, and relevant topics.

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7 Tips of Good Precis Writing

Definition and Purpose

Precis writing involves summarizing a given text while retaining its core meaning and ideas. The primary purpose is to convey information concisely, allowing readers to grasp the essence of the original content without delving into lengthy details.

Importance in Various Fields

From academia to corporate communications, the ability to create precise, informative summaries is highly prized. Mastering this skill enhances one’s communication, critical thinking, and analytical abilities.

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Understanding the Basics of Precis Writing

Key Elements of a Precis

A well-crafted precis typically includes a clear understanding of the main theme, important points, and supporting details. It serves as a condensed version of the original text, maintaining clarity and coherence.

Differentiating Between Summary and Precis

While both involve condensing information, a precis goes beyond summarizing. It requires a deeper understanding of the text, emphasizing the preservation of the author’s tone and style.

Tips for Analyzing the Text

Highlighting Important Information

Effective precis writing starts with a thorough analysis of the text. Highlight key phrases, essential data, and any points that contribute significantly to the author’s argument or narrative.

Identifying the Main Ideas and Supporting Details

Distinguishing between primary ideas and secondary details is crucial. Focus on capturing the essence of the text without getting bogged down by extraneous information.

Developing a Structure for Precis Writing

Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

Structured precis writing mirrors the original composition. Craft a concise introduction, followed by a body that captures the main ideas, and conclude with a summarizing paragraph that encapsulates the essence of the text.

Crafting Concise Sentences and Paragraphs

Precision is paramount. Aim for clarity and brevity in your writing, ensuring each sentence contributes to the overall coherence of the precis.

Utilizing Sample Precis Writing

Analyzing Well-Crafted Precis Examples

Studying successful precis examples provides insights into effective techniques. Examine how skilled writers condense information without losing substance.

Learning From Different Writing Styles

Explore diverse writing styles to broaden your approach. Each author may have a unique way of presenting information succinctly, offering valuable lessons for your own writing journey.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Precis Writing

Overuse of Direct Quotes

While referencing the original text is essential, rely on your words to convey the message. Overusing direct quotes can hinder the flow and cohesiveness of your precis.

Adding Personal Opinions

A precis should be objective and neutral. Avoid injecting personal opinions or biases, maintaining fidelity to the author’s intent.

Selecting Appropriate Topics for Precis Writing

Choosing Diverse Subjects

Practice precis writing on a range of topics. This not only hones your skills but also prepares you for encountering diverse subjects in academic or professional settings.

Tailoring Precis to Specific Fields

Adapt your precis writing style to suit different fields. Whether it’s scientific journals or literary analyses, tailoring your approach enhances your versatility.

Practicing Precis Writing: Step-by-Step Guide

Breaking Down the Process Into Manageable Steps

Embark on the precis writing journey step by step. Begin with shorter texts, gradually tackling more complex materials as your proficiency grows.

Incorporating Feedback for Improvement

Seek feedback from peers or mentors. Constructive criticism helps identify areas for improvement, fostering continuous growth in your precis writing skills.

Enhancing Language Skills for Precis Writing

Expanding Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary amplifies your ability to express ideas concisely. Regularly expose yourself to new words and their contextual usage.

Improving Grammar and Syntax

Ensure your writing is grammatically sound. Clarity in syntax contributes to the overall coherence of your precis.

Real-life Applications of Precis Writing

Professional Settings

In the professional world, precis writing is a valuable skill for crafting executive summaries, reports, and concise emails. It saves time and ensures your message is communicated effectively.

Academic and Competitive Exams

Students often encounter precis writing in exams. Mastering this skill can be a game-changer, allowing you to showcase your understanding of complex topics within specified word limits.

Challenges Faced by Beginners in Precis Writing

Overcoming Initial Difficulties

Starting out may be challenging, but consistent practice is the key to improvement. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

Building Confidence in Precis Writing

Confidence comes with practice. As you tackle various texts, your assurance in condensing information and maintaining clarity will naturally grow.

Comparing Precis Writing Styles

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches

Explore different writing styles, from traditional, formal approaches to more modern, engaging methods. Tailor your approach to suit the context and audience.

Adapting to Different Writing Requirements

Precis writing styles vary based on the requirements of a task. Whether it’s a business proposal or a literary critique, tailor your approach accordingly.

Feedback and Revision Techniques

Seeking Constructive Feedback

Actively seek feedback from peers or mentors. Constructive criticism helps refine your writing, ensuring each precis is an improvement from the last.

Strategies for Effective Revision

Approach revision systematically. Focus on clarity, coherence, and precision. Trim unnecessary words while preserving the core message.

Online Resources for Precis Writing

Websites, Tools, and Tutorials

Numerous online resources provide guidance on precis writing. Explore websites, use tools that analyze your writing, and engage with tutorials to refine your skills.

Incorporating Technology for Improvement

Leverage technology to enhance your precis writing. Tools like grammar checkers and writing analytics can offer valuable insights for improvement.


In conclusion, mastering precis writing is a valuable skill with wide-ranging applications. Whether you’re a student navigating exams or a professional communicating in a fast-paced environment, the ability to distill information concisely sets you apart. Remember, precis writing is a journey of continuous improvement—embrace challenges, seek feedback, and refine your skills over time.

5 Unique FAQs: 7 Tips of Good Precis Writing

  • Q: Can I include my personal opinions in a precis?
    • A: No, a precis should be objective and neutral, reflecting the author’s intent without introducing personal biases.
  • Q: How do I choose topics for practicing precis writing?
    • A: Opt for diverse subjects to enhance versatility. Practice on topics from various fields to refine your skills.
  • Q: Is precis writing only for academic purposes?
    • A: No, it’s a valuable skill in professional settings, aiding in crafting concise reports, summaries, and executive communications.
  • Q: Can I use online tools for precis writing?
    • A: Yes, there are online resources, tools, and tutorials that can aid in refining your precis writing skills.
  • Q: How can I overcome challenges in precis writing as a beginner?
    • A: Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, seek constructive feedback, and practice consistently to build confidence.